new horizons

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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He + Him
October 31st
Fallarbor Town
6'2'' height
6'2'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
15 posts
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TAG WITH @koji
new horizons
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2024 9:38:06 GMT

While not exactly an incredible amount of progress down the mountain had been made, progress in all its forms could be significant enough as to not be upsetting. The rumbling of an empty stomach over the course of the past hour might seem disagreeable, but Koji was yet to be hungry enough to have become delusional enough to argue with his own bodies outcry. His fingers coiled around the stem of a tall bush, his point of steadiness as he skirted down a medium sized bank of dirt and slipped into an open plot of land.

His hand relented over the bush, feet firmly flat on solid ground. His attention was quickly pulled in a direction by snarling noises; some Mightyena that were perusing around a spot, play-fighting. Though something about them felt familiar. Call it a gut feeling. ”Hey..! he calls, slow in his approach. Multiple heads turned to him and barked, though he was too hungry to infer whether the barks meant anything. ”Do I… know you?” another round of barks, followed by all of the canines turning on a dime and rushing off through the brush of the Falls wasteland.

Canines were always pretty good at finding things, food in particular. Pulling up his pants just a bit, Koji ran behind the pack to see where they might lead him.

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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
87 height
87 height
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TAG WITH @ettie
new horizons
POSTED ON Jul 7, 2024 20:56:18 GMT
Ettie Avatar
It was an odd group, to be sure - a couple of Mightyena and a Poochyena on their own wasn't out there, but the presence of a rather distinctive shiny Manectric and shiny Midnight Lycanroc threw a wrench in just how ordinary the group was.

The Manectric - Duchess - perked up as a familiar voice called to the group. Her tail wagged at the sight of Koji, and she'd bark to him before leading the group off. This way, friend! This way!

The Lycanroc - Ebon - glances back every so often as the group moves. Though he is not as familiar with Koji, he trusts in the rest of the pack's intuition here, and makes occasional stops to ensure that Koji can keep up.

Up a well-traveled path, one patterned with pawprints layered upon pawprints of varying sizes, and the rare hoofprints and shoeprints. Along a cliffside, where a small group of Honchkrow and Corviknights roost on the ridges above - watching...

... All to a large clearing in front of a den, one nestled into a nook in the cliffside, the entrance of said den covered by a heavy fur curtain to keep out the elements. In this clearing, more of the pack is present, canids of every shape and size just about. Some familiar, some not.

But most notable among the familiar, is a young girl. Pale skin, pale hair, bright red eyes - giggling and laughing with glee as she playwrestles with a Smeargle. Occasionally, her teeth snap at the air like a playing dog's would, and she yips and barks amidst her laughter; echoing the Smeargle's own joyful sounds.

However, it doesn't take long for her to realize they have a visitor. Ettie blinks, as she notices Koji out of the corner of her eye - and disengaging from her playbuddy, she rolls over into a seated criss-cross position. "Oh, hello!" Ettie chirps, clearly happy to see a familiar sight. "Friend! How-is?"

It'd been awhile, but Ettie still recognized Koji; and any friend was welcome here.
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played by


He + Him
October 31st
Fallarbor Town
6'2'' height
6'2'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
15 posts
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TAG WITH @koji
new horizons
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2024 9:00:48 GMT

It was peculiar to be outside in the great expanse of the world, and within a great litany of thousands on top of thousands (if not millions) of Pokemon to encounter any in the wild and feel a familiarity about. But that’s what was happening here, or at least that’s what Koji’s gut feeling had been telling him. As he made his way through the desert-tundra in pursuit of his guides, he did think about what someone might say. A ranger warning him about the dangers posed should you follow a Pokemon in the wild, about how dangerous it is just to stray from the outlined path. Good lessons. But lessons that Koji had personally never taken too much notice of, for better or for worse.

He was being led up the garden path! Or rather the cliff path. Perhaps that was the moment he should have bailed but didn’t. These dogs seemingly had limitless stamina and were used to traversing the terrain without issue. Koji too was acclimatised within reason, but he lacked the same endless stamina. The higher they got and the further along the path they got, the more tiredness hit until Koji was walking the path rather than running or jogging. Just about keeping one of the canines in his line of sight to tell him the way forward.

By the time he reached the apex he was shattered, wanting to collapse into a ball and rest. He paid little mind to his surroundings, the collection of Pokemon that featured in the space. Maybe under other circumstances he would have some coherent thoughts but how now he would settle for a shrug and thinking Yeah, this seems normal.

Then a voice called above the barks and Koji lifted his gaze to find Ettie. Maybe he should’ve known sooner. ”Hey… Ettie. his words tiring. ”I’m… a bit tired after that trek… how’s things?

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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
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TAG WITH @ettie
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POSTED ON Jul 10, 2024 3:25:43 GMT
Ettie Avatar
Ettie giggles softly, nodding understandingly. Yeah, the trek through their territory was tough sometimes, especially for people not used to hiking. "Sit! Rest! Safe with pack." She directs Koji, gesturing to invite him to sit with her. He could just take it easy, here - he was a welcome visitor!

As far as how she's been, though... Truth was that there's been a lot that'd gone on, since the two last met. Though, a good bit of it were things that Ettie was not the most comfortable disclosing. Instead, she'd simply smile, mentioning "Good! New packmates! Lots prey 'n lots berries in territory!" It was the time of year where food was becoming plentiful, a prime time for her to replenish the preserved food stocks.

As the two spoke though, there were those who were plenty happy to see Koji. A trio of Yamper would run up, tails a-wagging; two were particularly enthusiastic, one of them even attempting to climb up into his lap! A familiar Lucario - Anat - would also come to sit with the two humans, giving him a smile and nod in greeting.

Ettie giggles at this, and smiles to Koji. "How Koji-pack?" She asks; wondering about his own pokemon.
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played by


He + Him
October 31st
Fallarbor Town
6'2'' height
6'2'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
15 posts
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TAG WITH @koji
new horizons
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2024 8:50:46 GMT

He walks forward and, perhaps in another timeline the scene set out ahead of him was a cause for caution. But any barks or yelps that came from the larger crowd were for encouragement rather than intimidation, it would be rude not to accept the invitation to sit. Koji flops into a seated position, legs laid out in front of him and his arms straight out behind to support him sitting.

”Nice!” he returns. ”I noticed a few new faces among the old guard, your packs really gotten big.” that would be when the Yampers came, attempting to climb into his lap. Koji happily assisted the small dog in the effort and promptly giving all the desired cuddles and attention that were wanted. ”Sorry friend, I don’t have any berries right now.”

”It’s tripled in size.” from the one to three. Suddenly Ikki (Tyranitar) weren’t so lonely – not tthat Koji had checked-in with him yet to see if the growing pack was something he wanted. ”Made a new friend just before coming here, actually. You want to meet him?”

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played by


15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
87 height
87 height
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TAG WITH @ettie
new horizons
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2024 8:09:37 GMT
Ettie Avatar
Lack of berries was not a problem for the cuddly Yamper, who was simply happy to have close contact with a friend. She melted into the touches, her tiny tail a-wagging with simple joy.

However, one of the Yampers seemed to be in a more exciteable mood - gently nipping, and trying to pull at Koji's sleeve to invite him to play!

Ettie, noting this, would be happy to play interference. "Friend tired, let rest." She gently chided with a giggle, reaching out to scritch one of the Yampers - before suggesting "Play with brother?"

Which did the trick - the playful Yamper would turn towards the calmer one, play-bowing to him instead. The calmer Yamper would accept the invitation, their attentions redirected to one another as they played together.

Which allowed for Ettie and Koji to continue speaking to one another; and as he mentioned new packmates, the wildchild's eyes lit up. "Yes! Wanna see! New friends good!" She chirped, wiggling in place eagerly, body language that was similar to how a dog with a too-short tail might wiggle. "Who is?"
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played by


He + Him
October 31st
Fallarbor Town
6'2'' height
6'2'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
15 posts
part of
TAG WITH @koji
new horizons
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2024 8:36:40 GMT

Even as the one Yamper took so much attention, it weren’t enough to distract him from the other that pulled on the sleeve of his jacket. Gently, Koji pulled his arm back and attempted to bring the Yamper closer for its own additional cuddles with its friend… brother/sister/whatever. ”It’s alright, come, this is different play.” but it hopped his arm and ran off anyway. No bother.

Reaching to his belt, Koji unclipped the third ball and held it out straight. He tapped on the middle circle and a red light flashed from the ball, taking on the form of a small, scaly dragon that was a mix of yellow, grey and black – with red piercing eyes as it stood on all fours like many of Ettie’s pack did. It was his newly acquired Jangmo-o; Shin.

The small dragon yelped out a roar that would some day become fierce before approaching Ettie with a small yelp as greeting.

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played by


15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
87 height
87 height
650 posts
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TAG WITH @ettie
new horizons
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2024 6:17:58 GMT
Ettie Avatar
The Jangmo-o was a fascinating sight, Ettie visibly perking up as Shin came out. Smiling bright, she'd make a happy "Yip!" of her own in greeting! New friends was always great, and the wildchild's reception was warm as can be!

Ettie gets up - at least partly - and goes into a playbow before the Jangmo-o. She makes playful and welcoming canine noises - little sharp huffs and faux-sneezes - and bounces and wiggles in place, every bit the body language of a friendly and enthusiastic pup! "Friend! Hello! We play?"

It seemed the new pokemon had drawn the attention of a few other pack members as well, curious gazes glancing on over. Even the cuddly Yamper - still in Koji's lap - blinked a bit, as she looked to the dragon. How would Shin react to Ettie's attempts at friendship?
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