[M][C/Ghost] Draconic Dominance

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Day Dreamer
He his him, Day Dreamer
twenty eight
October 22
Golden Rod
Pokemon Ranger
Elite Ranger (OOC)
6"00 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ghost fireheart
[M][C/Ghost] Draconic Dominance
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2024 7:46:10 GMT
ghost fireheart Avatar
Ghost had his work cut out for him now with two down he had one more alpha to go. But where could this one be. As he took out his ear plugs he did not need them any more. Uta was far away after all but she will be back soon. Kodak The Pichu she was feeling a lot better but she could be better. But the misson was far from over. "Now then I need to know where I could find the last dragon pokemon at?" Just as he said that he would hear noise coming from the upper levels of the cave.

Could this be the big break he was looking for? A smile would come over his face as he started to make his way up there. It would take a moment but the walk would start. However Ghost could ear extra foot steps as he looked around he saw nobody. So he kept walking and then there was them extra foot steps again. This time he rushed to turn around only to see a hole dug into the ground. His face turned pale as he realiz what was about to happen. Soon from behind him Xeno would stick his head out from underground and then point Ghost.

As soon as he tuned around the Gible would just up and bit him on the head in a comedy way as Ghost would yeah out "XENOOOOO!!!" The Gible would soon jump down and dig another hole to run away. It'd crazy but Ghost own Dragon type must have follow him here.

Moments earlier at the start of the cave.

Xeno would watch as Ghost would go inside the cave. He would see that Uta was inside of Gjost backpack but he couldn't tell what she was doing. As he looked over he would see Josh. Looking at the pokemon ranger for a clear 10 minutes. He would dig a hole and sneaked up on Josh. Just as he did that he would get behind Josh and then bite him on the leg in a comedy fashion(albeit Josh can dodge or knock Xeno away ) Soon the Gible would dig another hole and disappeared. It would be as if the dragon type was a wild pokemon. But in reality this is where Xeno comes to hang put.

Xeno will deliver good comedy lol
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
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"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
[M][C/Ghost] Draconic Dominance
POSTED ON Aug 13, 2024 2:11:20 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
As Ghost stared at Josh for a long time, the Sylveon-mounted Champion would approach him. "You stuck on this last one?" he asked, figuring locating the Druddigon storm leader might be a bit of a challenge. They were typically located deeper in caves like this one; he might need to go beneath the surface level to find them.

"Use your resources. The information's there. You just have to find it." While the examination prohibited the Elite from giving Ghost any direct advice. there was nothing stopping him from reminding him where he could find the information he needed. "If it's not in one--OWWW!!" he wailed as Xeno's teeth barely pierced the Gym Leader's right leg, the rider instinctively kicking the Gible away. He knew the dragon-type species well, and knew their bite force was much worse than that. Was this truly a wild Pokémon?

{PC: 9}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Pinky         Sylveon        Good
Swift         Raikou         Good
Raikou        Raging Bolt    Good
Kovu          Pyroar         Good
Simba         Pyroar         Good
Aslan         Pyroar**       Good

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played by


Day Dreamer
He his him, Day Dreamer
twenty eight
October 22
Golden Rod
Pokemon Ranger
Elite Ranger (OOC)
6"00 height
6"00 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
322 posts
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TAG WITH @ghostx
ghost fireheart
[M][C/Ghost] Draconic Dominance
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2024 15:59:30 GMT
ghost fireheart Avatar
Ghost would look on as he made it to the top of the cave. Realizing the noise he heard was no more than other Pokemon that was not even dragon types. Then he started to think and think is what he did. The sun was on the verge of setting and this Pokemon was not the one to take winter lightly.

This alone gave Ghost an idea. "We are up high it gets pretty hot up here but at night it's the complete opposite. Which means we need to go down deep into the cave and on that note to the back of it. The dragon type known as Druddigon is fearless yet it hates the coldwhich means it becomes motionless if hit by the cold. Nothing Jet can't handle now then off to the deep end we go." 

Soon he would head down to the bottom of the cave. As he looked on he would be in a happy mood. As he looked up he could have sworn he heard Josh but it could have been his imagination. Meanwhile between while Xeno would be trailing Ghost as he had his own plans. The poor Gible was just asking for trouble. 


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
[M][C/Ghost] Draconic Dominance
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2024 23:50:28 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Liking Ghost's thinking, Josh and Pinky tailed him into the depths of Meteor Falls, where the Druddigon storm would likely be sleeping. The species indeed shut down at night: information he assumed Ghost got by going on RangerNet and searching for articles on Druddigon. The only sign that he was being followed was a tiny squeal from Pinky, the Sylveon ferrying Josh at a distance from his friend.

Finding the Druddigon would be only half the task; once he found them, how would he neutralize them? There were many methods, but some were preferred over others. He was so close to the promotion he wanted. Ghost just needed to remember his fundamentals... and why he was a Ranger.

{PC: 10}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Pinky         Sylveon        Good
Swift         Raikou         Good
Raikou        Raging Bolt    Good
Kovu          Pyroar         Good
Simba         Pyroar         Good
Aslan         Pyroar**       Good

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played by


Day Dreamer
He his him, Day Dreamer
twenty eight
October 22
Golden Rod
Pokemon Ranger
Elite Ranger (OOC)
6"00 height
6"00 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
322 posts
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TAG WITH @ghostx
ghost fireheart
[M][C/Ghost] Draconic Dominance
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2024 14:21:46 GMT
ghost fireheart Avatar
The Druddigon was a bunch that many couldn't stand up to. Although they are new to this Dragon game they are some of the most dangerous pokemon to come around. But right now that was sleeping and he needed to find a way to get them out of the cave and not just that but back to thier area. You see the Dragon pokemon do not belong here as the Druddigon came here for some odd reason. As a matter of fact this game was starting to get serious. Because Dragons were so terrortorial it was crazy. "Truly Kodak I can use Jet to send a Blizzard right at them. It would game over. But they will still be stuck here. We need to find a way to get them out of the cave which is only right up ahead.

However Kodak would point at something and Ghost would look over to see what she was seeing. It was none other then Xeno and he was up to no good. As Ghost was trying his best not to yell but he was calling the gible over. But all the small Dragon type could do is watch the sleeping Druddigon. Slowly but surely he would walk up to the sleeping Druddigon the biggest one there. Soon he would go by its tail and he would bite it.

This would indeed cause the dragon pokemon to roar and by then Ghost made it down then and grabbed his Gible. He would then look on at him as he took off running with Xebo right behind him. Thanks to his crazy Dragon Pokemon they was now being chased by the Druddigon. However this just might work to Ghost favor as he saw the light at the end of the tunnel literally this rocked.

Xeno bites the leader of the Druddigon Tail.

Assuming their giving chase the trio of Ghost Pichu and Xeno make a break for it.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,920 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
[M][C/Ghost] Draconic Dominance
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2024 22:46:33 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh loved what he saw; while the fairy-type did inflict some harm upon the Druddigon, it was largely superficial. Xeno was leading the Druddigon pack outside, too. It would lead them to the outside of the mountain, perhaps to a home that was less dangerous than in the middle of Hoenn's second most travelled cavern thoroughfare.

Once Xeno was able to lead the unruly dragons outside, Josh pushed Pinky to a gallop and approached Ghost, reining the fairy-type to a stop near him. "You've come such a long way as a Ranger. Congratulations on completing the mission by yourself, and with minimal harm to the Pokémon, too. Once we get back to Fallarbor HQ, let's get us our checks. Need a ride back?" he asked, offering Aslan, his Shiny Pyroar, if Ghost needed.

Regardless of how they were getting back to town, he would give the green-haired Ranger one more piece of good news. "I'm going to be sending an email to about getting you promoted to Senior Ranger. I'll vouch for you every step of the way." Meteor Falls was once again a safe highway to travel between Fallarbor and Rustboro.

{PC: 11}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Pinky         Sylveon        Good
Swift         Raikou         Good
Raikou        Raging Bolt    Good
Kovu          Pyroar         Good
Simba         Pyroar         Good
Aslan         Pyroar**       Good

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played by


Day Dreamer
He his him, Day Dreamer
twenty eight
October 22
Golden Rod
Pokemon Ranger
Elite Ranger (OOC)
6"00 height
6"00 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
322 posts
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TAG WITH @ghostx
ghost fireheart
[M][C/Ghost] Draconic Dominance
POSTED ON Sept 2, 2024 12:08:14 GMT
ghost fireheart Avatar
Following Xeno out of the cave Ghost would be all smiles. As his small Drgaon type basically fixed the problem and it was a shock. "I wish I could say I planned that one. But Xeno that's all on you my dear friend." Just as he said that the rest of his pokemon would come out of the cave. It seems he build a near ultimate team. Thanking hus grass and fairy type he would return them to thier pokeballs. As he looked at them he would say,"yeah you too did that and I thank you both."

Soon he would see Josh and his dear friend was impressed with his testimony to level up. Ghost would look on and then say, "Yeah I made this team to counter most things except worse things and prepare for the best of them. I'm just gald I could make it out of this. But I'm just one step closer to becoming an elite Ranger." Ghost would start to laugh as Kodak The Pichu follow with one of her own. "But I do thank you for putting me up for the promotion it does mean alot to me."

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
[M][C/Ghost] Draconic Dominance
POSTED ON Sept 4, 2024 1:26:18 GMT
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