Ascending Sign

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Admin Fox
May 9th
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howard slayte
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POSTED ON Aug 3, 2024 7:37:23 GMT
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He had forgotten about Freya's book. That was his bad, it was entirely on him. He had made a promise to come and grab it when the opportunity arose, but between Thundurus turning Lilycove into a walking disaster den, getting hired at Gideon's museum, dealing with a Toxic Chain crisis, and getting thrown into prison for the abhorrent crime of being too damn important, Howard's plate had been pretty loaded.

That, and Ever Grande scared him. It was the heart of the enemy, even if Howard had few issues with the League besides the questionable choices made by their upper brass. He had come here on a few occasions, mostly for archaeological expos, talks, and to inspect Calyrex and its Dyna Tree for Team Rocket.

For the most part, it was to watch the council yap.

Arceus above, he hated politicians. Maybe he could be one when the war was over or something.

"Not to worry." Howard beamed as he wandered past the receptionist of the League's HQ. "I've got a visitor's pass."

By the time she had called security to tackle the Rocket Admin to the ground, Howard was barely a few steps from the Ascendant's office.

"You don't get it! She has my book!" He pointed at the door as he was dragged to his feet. "C'mon, let me see her!"

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the ascendant
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freya morningstar
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POSTED ON Aug 3, 2024 16:45:08 GMT
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the book has 's signature. she'd remembered it, somehow, while in her hotel room, reheating alolan style chicken leftovers for eva. it hadn't been forgotten before, but after prismatic penitentiary, after eva wouldn't wake up, she'd tucked it away and tried not to think about it. 

now, it's in the storeroom of the draciary, a hop-skip away from where she currently sits in her council office at hq. the whites of her eyes are lined with red. a cold cup of coffee rests near her wrist. fingers tap away at keys. 

supply routes need looking over. weather reports, including fluctuations from primal energies, are delivered by the hour so she can fine-tune their deployment strategy. when she realizes she's been staring at the same paragraph for three minutes, she forces herself to lean back in her chair and rub her eyes. 

naturally, she startles at the commotion just outside her door.

by the time he's drawn up to his feet, the councilwoman's door has opened, and freya is there in the threshold. "you can let him go," she says to security, who share a look before promptly releasing howard and leaving. 

freya raises a brow. "did i not tell you i have open office hours? on tuesdays." it's wednesday.
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
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howard slayte
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POSTED ON Aug 4, 2024 9:24:12 GMT
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"My tenure as a teacher taught me that students will come knocking in the eleventh hour, no matter when you schedule office hours."

From down below, the archaeologist looks remarkably pitiful. A streak of white hair is conveniently tucked under a cowboy hat, hiding Howard's delightful adventure with from the world. A sheepish chuckle implies delinquency. The receipt for three cups of ramen jutting out of his pocket insinuates poverty.

Both are true, despite Admin Fox's finger being on the pulse of every sector of Rocket's underground economy. It was a paradox that baffled every one of his colleagues. That was good, it kept Howard's foes guessing. It kept him guessing, and that was the greatest trick of all.

"Besides, I work Tuesday. I would've used some PTO, but I'm saving it all so I can binge Brycen-Man Four on cable."

It begot belief, how stingy he was.

"Am I interrupting government secrets? I can come back later if it's inconvenient." His voice and expression made it clear that he'd sit out on the steps of the building for a month if she said it wasn't a good time. "But it was a really long journey, so..."

His eye widened, pleading.

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the ascendant
November 03
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freya morningstar
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POSTED ON Aug 6, 2024 5:02:21 GMT
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"well, i'm no teacher," she says, though her mouth quirks. that's not entirely true anymore. she teaches draconic every week alongside their sparring lessons. and delta now too, much to the enjoyment of the girl's favorite raging bolt, and much to the chagrin of .

even he's picked up a few words now.

she looks back at her office.

"yes, actually, but believe it or not, those can wait." the readings will change in another hour anyway and she'll need to revert her changes. her field ops will blow up her email, but that's what is for now. 

poor girl.

"walk with me. i don't have the book here." her eyes sparkle. "it's at the league draciary."
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
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howard slayte
Ascending Sign
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2024 21:01:12 GMT
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As a self-respecting citizen, Howard didn't know his way around the League's headquarters. He had no doubt that there was some rough schematic in some musty file room in Sootopolis or Rocket's submarine, but that was it. As he wasn't a politician, the archaeologist tended to avoid Ever Grande like the plague beyond the occasional expo.

Or to give the Dyna Tree a peek on 's behalf. It was a very nice tree, after all.

"The draciary? Please tell me the dragons don't eat books." Freya's stockpile of dragons was famous. If the admin saw her on the battlefield, he'd run away screaming. "You sure it's okay for me to go in there?"

His voice became a conspiratorial whisper, his wide eyes reflecting her sparkle.

"What if they eat me?"

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the ascendant
November 03
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freya morningstar
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POSTED ON Aug 12, 2024 2:52:50 GMT
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"no, they eat hundreds of pounds of meat and fish," she says with a smile, though she's sure some of the juveniles would chew on books if left to their own devices. howard needn't fret though. she's smart enough not to put a library right next to the dragon dens. 

a stone walkway leads them through the eastern side of ever grande. 

"don't worry. i won't let them." her tone is still light, almost playful, but within her jests is truth - they could, and would, should she command it so.

amiable silence wraps around them because she is not one for small talk. her steps are brisk, innately going through the motions of the persistent anxiety that snaps at her heels every day. she doesn't notice it anymore; most people walk quickly, and with purpose, around league hq these days. 

there is little idle chatter, few people on the streets, and fewer conversations that are filled with idle pleasantries. 

when they reach the mouth of the main cave, she does not pause. the air is humid, albeit cool, and very quickly, as they leave ever grande proper completely behind, the sounds of dragons are unearthed. just ahead, high-pitched squeaks make freya tilt her head. 

"prismari," she coos and, coaxed at the sound of her mistress, the noibat flutters down from its perch to alight on her shoulder. he tries to lean over and nibble on howard's hat.

and then, as they step out from the shadows, they are greeted with the rolling manmade landscape crawling with well over two hundred dragons. staff hands look up at her entrance; some of them wave cheerily, others keep their heads down, too focused on keeping fingers intact while they feed or tend to some of the residents. 

above, flyers drift in and out of dens.

"i thought you might appreciate seeing it in full. you know, with your interest in the book and all," she admits, somewhat sheepishly. 
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
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5'9 (with hat) height
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howard slayte
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POSTED ON Aug 12, 2024 21:26:21 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
Damn. Howard technically counted as 'hundreds of pounds of meat and fish' if you put enough Howards on a scale. He made a point to not mention that to Freya, lest she consider testing that theory.

Poverty-stricken archaeologists tasted terrible, allegedly. Too gamey and too gritty from all the time spent trudging around in dirt and sand. Very terrible for dragons, even if sand was good for polishing scales.


The draciary is a paradise for beasts of myth and yore, and it's hard to not fill with respect and admiration for the woman who turned it into reality. They are, by virtues of their existence, enemies. On the field of battle, they will hack at one another with fang and tooth and claw until one falls and is buried under the sands of epochs.

This is no battlefield, though, and Admin Fox has no personal issue with Councilwoman Morningstar.

"Incredible!" Howard's eye sparkled as more Noibats accumulated on his hat, even as he casually swatted Freya's entourage of bat-dragons away. "Can't believe my tax dollars are going towards this."

It's a minor annoyance in his heart, but it doesn't matter much in the heat of this moment. Her sheepishness amused him. No dragon had the right to act as a sheep.

"There's nothing wrong with being proud of what drives you. If I had the funds, I'd have a preserve for fossils not like this." He exhaled through his teeth as a dragon flew overhead. "How'd you make... all of this?"

He gestured broadly at everything.

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the ascendant
November 03
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freya morningstar
Ascending Sign
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2024 22:09:21 GMT
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"you forget where i come from," she says with a lilt. her father's previous editions of dragonology discussed his hands-on experience and the workings of their own established draciary. granted, there's a chance he hadn't read anything before her own publication, which is supplemental at best. 

" built it, actually, to nurse rayquaza back to health before meteno." and how long it's been since then. "but when rayquaza no longer needed it, and with my dragons displaced, well, we called it serendipity. i'd helped my theodore manage the estate in the past so it took little convincing when i had the numbers ready. it helped that we'd worked as contractors for the league before. and now? they're still technically mine, but they're leased out to the rangers and military.

"they're given purpose."
 instead of languishing in the waters outside pacifidlog or stuffed in pokeballs where their talons might dull and their spirits might flicker to mere embers. but it's not home. and that much is plain by the slightly pained look on her face, the way she turns her shoulder to brush away from the conversation. 

"have you considered research grants? i think i may have mentioned him before, but might be interesting in patronizing."
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
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5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
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POSTED ON Aug 13, 2024 5:04:58 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
He had owned a few copies of her father's book, before selling them during his darkest eras of financial woe. To sell pieces of history was a shameful thing, but it had been required for Howard's survival.

He had read them, but the contents eluded him. Perhaps it was a guilty conscious refusing to allow him to remember the pearls of knowledge held within dusty tomes he had sold for material gain. Maybe it was a response to committing a sin of academia. Maybe it was connected to his inability to recall the Devourer's name.

The cost of wisdom and knowledge sat heavy on the archaeologist's shoulders.

It's a shame that I never got to see Rayquaza here. I always wondered if the sketches and murals were accurate." He confessed, though his expression darkened slightly at the mention of Remiel. "I work with him at the museum in Slateport. I'd rather not shift our relationship beyond that."

A deep breath followed as he turned to face the councilwoman. His pupil was a slit, despite his soft features.

"Is Remiel a good man, Freya? As good as the tabloids say?"

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the ascendant
November 03
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freya morningstar
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POSTED ON Aug 16, 2024 1:31:30 GMT
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"mm, well, they rarely come down from the ozone layer now," she says. her eyes betray the false apology, but she skirts her gaze elsewhere, able to with as much movement teeming around them. they feel them, even now - soft embers under their skin. and they could sink themselves into the fire, read the pulse of energy through her veins, but the secret is still draped around her like a cloak.

and besides, she knows what she'll hear.

"i'm not sure," she says, drawn from her thoughts, tilting her chin down from where she'd been gazing at the top of the dome.

"i'm starting to think there are no good men. just people who make bad decisions." she sighs. "but i think he's tried to atone, to distance himself from admin fox. i don't think he's the same man." with surety, she adds, "people can change."
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
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howard slayte
Ascending Sign
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2024 6:18:56 GMT
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People can change. The archaeologist does not disagree, so he murmurs an agreement. Certain people are afforded that luxury. Remiel Calcifet is one of them. He was afforded the luxury to choose, and he still elected to join Team Rocket out of ego.

Fuck him. Fuck him for leaving Howard behind to pick up the pieces of his tattered ideals.

"That's good." The admin silently seethed as he smiled, before forcefully tamping down the part of Rocket that wants to scream that Remiel Calcifet is being lauded. The archaeologist takes hold, and the smile remained genuine. "There have been very few people in history that I would deem as wholly good. It's easier to believe that records of evil deeds were lost or purged. History is written by the victor, after all."

When this war ended, the victors would defile the losers and piss on what remained. There would be no absolute truth. It would be lost, lest he preserve it.

This woman will make for an interesting piece.

Human nature is evil, but we are made better by our failures and by our successes. We made this place. This city. This region. It's ours. We are builders."

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the ascendant
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freya morningstar
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POSTED ON Aug 21, 2024 3:54:08 GMT
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she shrugs at his blasé response. remiel has been a kind man to her and has done her more favors than he's needed to. his work in the amnesty program is commendable and from what he's seen of his actions, he has tried to atone. she can't say for certain how she feels about his relationship to zekrom, but the fact that he'd let the league detain them for any amount of time is evidence for his allegiance. 

still, she wouldn't call him friend. those are far and few between, reserved only for her closest confidants. but they don't dwell on him anyway. 

"i don't know that i've met anyone who is wholly good, but...i also don't know that human nature is evil." she looks down at her hands, thinking of how they'd pressed against ana's that fateful day on her cramped balcony. 

"we have an incredible capacity for cruelty, yes, but i think whether or not we wield it comes from circumstance. that's partly why i do what i do." their meandering takes them to a small office tucked away from the dens, beside some tack and other supplies.

she rummages around in a desk overflowing with paperwork and ahas when she finds it. 

"i'm trying to build a better league. and anyway, here it is, signed by myself and our lovely professor."
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
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howard slayte
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POSTED ON Aug 21, 2024 8:44:56 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
A better League cannot exist while Rocket exists. A capacity for cruelty must be utilized by one side to crush the other. To excise that aspect of the League is to accept that Rocket will continuously display the capacity to do worse things.

If that happens, they will win the war. It was a future Howard would rather avoid. Rocket would lose, because the League would act as every power in history did when it risked losing its throne. It would fight harder. It would fight with complete disregard for human life. It would win.


"Every person wields it, if you push their back to the wall. It's whether you agonize on the action afterwards that proves your character, methinks. I had a professor who felt bad about giving me a C. That's how I knew he was the evilest man in Hoenn."

He smiled wryly, before his eye sparkled at the prospect of recovering his book. Eight months. He would've waited a decade to get his hands on a signed copy.

"This is lovely, Freya. Thank you. And how is our lovely professor?"

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the ascendant
November 03
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freya morningstar
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POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 2:43:11 GMT
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we need our city back, but i won't have it in ruins.

how the lies tasted so sweet upon her tongue. the truth lay in her sentiment - she wants her home, her people, delivered whole, and they cannot help the leviathan that is inexplicably drawn to the crater, but war cannot be made without casualty. 

but deep in her bones she feels time march around in its ouroboros circle, each step another one towards doom. peacemaker, too sickly, too drained to carry on. and now they've chosen a warmonger. 

a storm-bringer.

"i've heard that before," she says, reminiscent of soft eyes, promises that she isn't a terrible person because when her hand is forced, at least she has the audacity to agonize over the faux decision. 

a muscle in her cheek flicks at his question. her condition is one of the league's most well-kept secrets. and with anyone else, perhaps she could have continued on with the cold shoulder, but a little bit of anguish swims in her expression before she can catch herself. 

smiling widely, "she's good. busy, like the rest of us. not enough time for a face-to-face unfortunately, but she sends her regards."
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
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howard slayte
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POSTED ON Aug 23, 2024 8:31:31 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
Hoenn had lost their Peacekeeper to the call of duty. When had that woman died? When she dawned the cloak of divinity? When she marched to face the weight of the world alone with everyone denying her purpose as meaningless drivel? When the dust had settled, she had been tucked aside after shouldering the legacy of the Draconids.

The weight of divinity was not meant for mortals. Their power came from elsewhere.

had not failed Rayquaza. Rayquaza had failed Eva Morales.

"Aw, that's too bad." He seemed genuinely disappointed for a moment as he regarded her compendium. His eye flicked up to the councilwoman and caught the ghost of anguish before it slipped away. "Then I accept them! Please give her mine."

Yet Howard could not help but suspect that something was amiss with the one who shouldered the weight of Hoenn's draconic decree.

Now there was no Peacemaker. There was only one who kept the peace through slaughter.

"And I offer you mine as well, of course." Howard flipped through the compendium before coming to the page on Applins. "It looks like you need them."

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