i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the stray
thirty three
xxx, orre
bar owner/keep
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Laurence Anderson
131 height
131 height
Hold on don't look back, you know we're better, better than that
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evan fader DOLLARS
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evan fader
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2019 6:22:49 GMT
evan fader Avatar

Evan almost laughs at the demands they are presented with, of course it would go a route like this. He's not surprised in the slightest, he saw this kind of thing coming. There was no way it would be as easy as just hopping in an elevator.

"I guess this is what I get for stay quiet and getting distracted huh?" he comments to himself more than anyone else, not that anyone else is likely to be listening as the chaos is about to ensue and he knows it. It's in human nature to panic and scramble just as fast as the heat bellow them rises to turn the floor of the elevator into a molten mess, shoes and flesh capable of being seered by it alike. Evan takes a deep breath and hopes without reason that at least half of them can keep their cool.

"The way I see it we have two choices, either blindly obey without thinking again and risk faltering or do what we should have done before. Stick together, find a way to get us all up there and don't fall apart at the seams instead of cutting people loose and sacrificing them for what might as well be nothing." the man reaches for his wrist strap with a warm determination. "I can't make the rest of your choices for you but regardless of what you do I'm not sacrificing anyone else for this. Not when I can't see it actually wanting this after telling us to stick together in the last round of this. I don't believe that's what we need to be doing right now."

First is the Mimikyu, then the musharna. A second later he adds his cottonee as an extra measure against what's likely to come. Even if his elevator by some miracle listens the rest likely won't and the sheer numbers inside the Nerd elevator makes it full of undeterminable variable that he can't rely on to make anything other than a chaotic mess. Largely because he cannot rely on humanity to do anything but make a chaotic mess of itself.

"Vince, Meg, make a barrier around our chains. Bumble fill the area with stun spores, as much as you can. I can't stop any one else in this place from making their decisions, we can't counton them not attacking us but maybe we can at least mitigate the damages that come you way and still make it somehow." it doesn't matter that the fire beneath their feet threatens to engulf them at any moment because he has to believe they can make it happen one way or another.

Besides, if they don't they all go down regardless don't they? Evan Fader is not one to go down doing anything less than fighting.

His pokemon are removed from the elevator and he grits his teeth, he has a hard time seeing that as anything but a bad thing but he believes in them, trusts that they can make this work one way or another. They've always done it before, his team has never let him down when it really counted. The Musharna is fast at work, coating the chains attached to the jock elevator in psychic energy, his mimikyu using copycat to make a secondary layer over them in the hopes of ensuring that even if someone gets through they are going to have to fight for it. The cottonee floats nearby them, stun spores drifting from its body and filling the area around the elevator as full as it can with stun spores.

They will not fall easy.

>Getting this out of the way, will make full post later.
>Believes they have two options, blindly obey and lose people or ignore it and find a way to all make it
>Doesn't have the heart to blindly sacrifice people anywa
>Called for his mimikyu, musharna and cottonee
>Musharna uses psychic to make a barrier around the [jock chains] to ward off attacks
>Mimikyu uses copycat to create a second layer of psychic energy around the [jock chains]
>Cottonee spreads stun spores around the jock elevator to try and interfere with attackers


[newclass=.evantalk b]color: #7d6484;[/newclass]
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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Oct 22, 2019 6:58:15 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]The elevator climbs with a slow drawl that allows the occupants to read each message that passes by as they continue their ascent. In some regards, Fernando has been correct but the emphasis on the togetherness is something he overlooked. Still, to have the influence or power to force everyone to abide with his own idea proves impossible with so many people, many of which he's unfamiliar with. The authority he has within his own dream world is subjective to his psyche and he has little faith in being able to manipulate what he doesn't understand.

The other factor at play is that he can tamper with his own innate abilities. A balled up fist and gritted teeth force his pulse to quicken, thumping within his right arm as he tries to tap into his own avatar blessings. He hasn't tampered with it often but @noblesse's reference to Tapu Fini's ability to communicate with the dead has proven to have some validity to the claim. Unable to pinpoint who or how long he can reach out to them, he's felt the spirits of random deceased people tethered to him over time.

He's going out on a limb, literally, but Fernando takes the moment to try and see if there are any willing to reach out to him. Previous inhabitants, others subjected to the same trial, anything his mind can come up with to provide more context to the nature of their obstacle.

— attempts to use avatar powers to ask for aide from any willing spirits.

[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
596 height
596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2019 6:58:30 GMT
cait alfric Avatar

cait had made an oath - and she had every intention of fulfilling the promise that she had made. the young woman weighed what little options she had left as everyone considered what had to be done. she'd stare into the confines of the 'nerd' elevator, the faces contained within  belonging to individuals whom she adored. 


her legendary counterpart mused in silence, the pokemon detecting the severity of the situation. 

'it's for the best, isn't it?'

the fae was silent, but an acceptance passed between them without the need for words. they understood - for the needs of the many outweighed the needs of the few. 

'i made a promise,' she thought. 'i made a promise.' 

there was an intensity to her gaze, her expression contorting as her lips curled. cait's breathing grew increasingly harsh, the swell of emotions rising in a thick and potent wave. celebi experienced the hopelessness and the desperation that swelled within her depths - as well as the desire to protect what their human perceived as the 'hope of hoenn'. she'd calm after a moment and fall utterly silent, forced to accept her circumstances and the inevitability of their deaths. 

, , and

'i can't let them die.' 

her god manifested before jock's elevator and at their side was venusaur and gardevoir - their pokeball's release mechanism triggered by the legend. all three moved to assault jock's chains, their actions precise and purposeful. 

"we're all going to fall," cait announced, loudly and clearly. "
for the good of the region."

she faced her fellows, her gaze flitting across their faces as she hoped that they would perhaps understand her choice. 

'forgive me. but we'll all meet arceus tonight. and if i'm thrown in the pits with the likes of giratina - then so be it.' 

i'm sorry," she said. "but i won't let them die.

celebi's eyes narrowed as leaf storm manifested, the attack directed at 's comrades. cait reached for her back pocket as they mounted their attack, the movement barely warranting attention until she revealed a small pocket knife. the item a relatively harmless one until it was embedded into an unlucky someone's jugular. she lunged upon whoever was nearest, her eyes wide and crazed as she sought to deliver her fellow jock's souls to arceus with her own two hands. 

- cait commands celebi, venusaur and gardevoir to attack the jock's chain. 

- celebi turns against 's pokemon in an attempt to weaken their defenses. 

- cait attacks whoever the heck is the closest with a pocket knife. 

- we all dyin' today, hoes ! 

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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
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Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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Emma Wolfe
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2019 14:18:05 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar


The fear-smell in the cramped elevator is potent, choking. It swells between comrades, between strangers, threatening to consume. She continues to lean against the side of the cab, to listen to the creaking noise of the chains pulling them higher and higher. [break][break]

She had been moving along without purpose, without drive. Merely following like a puppy, unsure of what was to come next. This was all some sort of illusion, some sort of dream, she had to be sure of it. It felt so real and yet.. so blindingly cliche and niche.[break][break]

The vast majority of the group had filed into the 'nerd' elevator, with only the smallest handful pursuing the one that had been labelled 'virgin'. [break][break]

And yet, it had now become abundantly clear that they all should have chosen one elevator entirely, that this was a mistake and they're all fools - including herself.[break][break]

The writing on the wall spells out their face, and that sinking feeling falls into the pit of her stomach. She can feel someone move next to her, some green-haired nymph who has grown exceedingly more anxious and on edge. [break][break]

Emma is well aware of her next intent, she's been trained to look for the subtleties of an individual, the tells of their attack. She's crazed, she's dangerous, but more importantly, she's scared.[break][break]

She blinks as the woman verbally announces her intent, her one hand slipping behind her and into her pocket. The assassin tenses, having the slightest inkling she might know what's coming. Cait releases several of her Pokemon and she can feel the chains groan and swing under the assault. Thanks to Evan's defenses, the attacks are muted, but still.[break][break]

Emma is the one closest to Cait at the time, and as the green-haired woman whirls on her, pocket-knife in hand, Emma's own hand rises to meet the small blade, forcing herself to allow the woman to stab through her open hand. [break][break]

Pain lances up her arm but she appears unaffected, twisting her grip to grab onto Cait's slender fingers and rip the knife from her hand. Blood drips down her arm onto the floor but she remains unamused.[break][break]

"Well, well, aren't you the little hero?" [break][break]

Had she been able to pry the knife from Cait's hands, she'll hold it securely in her own fist, narrowing her eyes at the woman.[break][break]

Although, despite her own desire to survive this horrible hellhole, Emma could see the reasoning behind Cait's choice. There were far more people to save in the other elevator than to warrant trying to save themselves. It made sense, despite how horrific it was.[break][break]

There's a glint in her eye, as if, perhaps, she's prepared to follow in Cait's footsteps.[break][break]

> observes the hysteria rising between her cabin mates[break]
> reads the sign saying they've gotta choose which two elevators die[break]
> catches onto cait's desperate attempt to murder everyone in their elevator[break]
> makes the attempt to have cait stab her instead of murder someone innocent[break][break]




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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2019 15:48:06 GMT
Deleted Avatar
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Let's face it,

Your replacement is

All the hopes and the dreams

You took right out of me

I've outgrown your

All of your silly little things

Outgrown those silly little games


Well, we're in deep shit. Morgan thought to himself, as he slowly scratched his head. He had been in so many life-or-death situations that at this point he was immune to the idea of losing everything. But one thing was for sure, he didn't want to go by fire, not a pretty way to die. But he did not expect a crazy bitch to actually attempt to kill everyone in this elevator. She might have a savior complex, but Morgan sure didn't like the idea of having to die from the hands of a someone on his own team. [break][break]

Luckily, however, despite whatever power she had managed to perform, Cait Alfric's usage of her Pokemon lead her straight into the unfortunate clutches of Cottonee's Stun Spore, which had been sprinkled lovingly by 's Pokemon, thus it would likely paralyze her Pokemon and significantly limit their movement.[break][break]

Normally, he would not have had any time to respond, but fortunately for him, Cait had given ample time by providing a speech about protecting the larger majority of the region. "Gamakichi, Shadow Sneak." He commanded, as his Greninja flitted in and out of existence, warping a shadow and slinking to attach itself to Celebi's own and attempting to sucker-punch it to stop it from performing Leaf Storm, materializing into a fully Dark Type Pokemon due to its Protean ability, paralyzing itself in the process. But that was fine, he just didn't like the stupid idea of his own elevator people cutting down the chains.[break][break]

"Listen to me." Morgan said, as Cait attempted to kill whoever was closest to them. The chaos in this elevator was pointless. "The entire point of this exercise is to not heed ill truths. The ill truth right now is that we're all going to die if we don't try to kill the other two elevators." Morgan shrugged, "But the point of this entire exercise is to not heed ill truths. If you follow it's instructions, you might actually fail the test. If you don't, you might also fail the test." [break][break]

Morgan paused. Ultimately it was just a bet, but in both scenarios it was a better option to just not fight. "I think it's a better bet to not do anything and hope that the others do the same. I'd rather not have us sacrifice our dignity if these is our supposed last moments. Let the other people decide." Morgan could not really believe the words coming from his mouth, "Your virtues tested until you have something to lose. I think this is kind of the point of the test." [break][break]

Morgan eyed the rest of them, having already accepted what he was going to do, he had other plans for his last few moments. His eyes wandered over to , and , "Hey, since this is literally the end of the road for us, wanna make out before we burn to pieces?" He said, forcing a smile and wagging an eyebrow. [break][break]

+ Morgan's Greninja uses Shadow Sneak with priority to attempt to sucker punch Celebi before it uses Leaf Storm.[break]
+ Morgan suggests that the three elevators are a test of their morals and the best option is to not do anything.[break]
+ He then suggests that he, , and should make out before they burn to death[break][break]



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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2019 15:50:24 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar
The moment the door closes, he can’t help but feel that that bothering instinct, the thing that was niggling him since earlier, was trying to warn him of something. No sooner had the elevators started to move did he notice that there was writing appearing on the wall—and boy, they were all fucked.

Oh, fucking shit, was all he had time to think of before the sound of rattling chains became even louder. Then everything practically went to all fucking shit.

When everyone goes hitting into each other, he braces himself against the wall, grunting as he gets pinned to the wall for a few moments. Asides from recognizing Thomas, he picks up on the fact that Morgan and Cait is in the same elevator as he is, but there’s no more time to think as the walls fall away, before he looks up. Wait, where the fuck did the elevator hatch go?

Seeing that Thomas was down an arm at the moment, he tries to bang on where he surmises the ‘ceiling’ of the elevator would be, before meeting an invisible barrier that was too hot to the touch, quickly withdrawing his hands away. He could feel the heat searing up from the floor as well, and looking down, there was an infernal heat racing up towards them.

What the fuck?

Looking over to see one of their companions send out a Musharna and that not-Pika lookalike (Mimikyu) and take a defensive stand—at least there was someone who was thinking rationally! Just as he was about to say his thanks to the one who’d decided to take care of defending their elevator, all hell breaks loose in the small space as… Cait, of all people, suddenly say something.

And then, that’s where everything breaks apart.

He notices that there are Pokémon outside, and knowing that the three that were defending outside were going to be overwhelmed by a Venusaur, a Gardevoir, and—wait—what was that?! He barely had time to blink at it when he saw the knife in her hands.

Had she gone mad?!

“What the fuck are you doing?!” Lars barks at Cait. “You’re going to kill us all! And for what?!” he adds.

Never had he felt this silent rage bubbling up inside him. It was like—even if they hadn’t spoken much, for a Gym Leader to actually swing into madness, to do this—it was unprecedented.

There was a clear look of betrayal on his features as his stare hardened into a glare of disapproval. And after you tried to help Thomas too. Guess we’re on our own now… he thinks, before looking at the one-eyed, and now one-armed, Gym Leader.

“We’re on our own, Thomas. If she wants us to die, then I’m going to do the opposite, he says to the Verdanturf Gym Leader. He hoped the other would understand what he wanted to emphasize. That if they were going to die, he was not going to allow it. Even if it meant sacrificing everyone else for them to survive.

He then whistled loudly, an attempt to restore order in the elevator.

“If you all want to fucking die, fine, do whatever, but you’re not going to drag everyone else down with you,” he begins, his voice hardened at the blatant display that he’d witnessed. “If any of you can move, or get out of this space, or try to shatter the invisible barrier, then I welcome you try. Because we split up, we made a mistake, we’re going to pay for this, and someone here clearly thinks that us dying is going to save the rest of them. I beg to differ. We should have stayed together. But no matter, he growls, and for a few moments his expression hardens.

He had mere seconds to decide.

Quickly pulling out a Safari Ball, a Love Ball and a Heavy Ball he pops them to full size. He’s surprised to see that Gareth, Nami, and Ro have materialized outside the barrier, but no matter. At least they were there. What was even more surprising was that the Gallade was floating, while he knew the Altaria could fly, and the Metagross could hover by himself just fine.

“Nami, Moonblast that elevator’s chains!” He says, pointing to the one that had the most people. Hopefully they didn’t hold grudges with what he was about to do. If she wanted to die, well, he was going to fuck up that plan. As best as he could, anyway. “Gareth, if her attack doesn’t connect, Psycho Cut the chains of that one!” he continues, his voice cold.

He now had Ro left to direct.

Even if he didn’t want to do this, so early, he knew he had to. Looking at the accessory on his left hand, he then takes a deep breath, pressing the rainbow-colored rock and encasing his Metagross in that strange light he’d seen exactly once before.

As the light explodes, his form-changed Metagross flexes his many arms outside their elevator.

“Ro! We attack later. For now, use your Telekinesis and hold us up!” he adds, feeling that heady rush of energy. The evolved Metagross lets out a grating noise, before expelling a powerful blast of Telekinetic energy, an attempt to slow the descent of the elevator that they were in.

• Lars, why didn’t you trust your instinct?! Now everyone in the jock elevator is fucked
• He’s just appalled at what did. Betrayal!
• Motions to that he’s going to do something. He’s welcome to join him or not.
• Either way, he whistles loudly to try and bring back order in the elevator.
• Selects Gallade, Altaria, and Metagross.
• Instructs Altaria to use Moonblast on the [nerd elevator]’s chains, and if that doesn’t connect, Psycho Cut follows up, another attempt to sever the [nerd elevator] chains
• It’s too early, but out comes Ro. Metagross mega-evolves into Mega Metagross!
• Mega-Metagross then uses Telekinesis in an attempt to stop their elevator from falling into the hellfire beneath!

Telekinesis: 1 / 3
Mega Evolved Turns: 1 / 3


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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2019 17:10:37 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
kyle was starting to adapt to the situation as time went on. he grows more relaxed, inhibitions getting released, as he is sent to a high stakes, life-or-death situation that his body thrills for. he sees familiar faces, though the one that strikes him the most is one of the gym leaders.


he comes to support the single legged gym leader, offering his shoulder at him when pokemon start to get transported back to their balls once they enter the elevator. although he can support his weight, his rather normal height compared to balder's towering stature makes it awkward for , or so kyle assumes. he just hopes someone else takes over for him.

another armless person ( ) enters his peripheral. he starts to look around the room. "does anyone have anything for first aid?" he asks. he doesn't know anything about medicine, so he wasn't sure if whatever they used to stop the bleeding was enough for first aid.

words would then appear before him, describing the situation they were put in. the elevator starts to get unstable, and they were left with a dilemma they are to work with. with one hand trying to support balder, he rummages his holster for the rest of the pokemon that was brought with him.

"let's see what else i got..."

he rummages through the rest of his pokeballs, finding only one of the OU pokemon for his own personal tier list in his possession. he let's out of one, releasing his espeon, which immediately is transported outside of the elevator. he is left confused for a moment, believing it to be a dud, and releasing another one, this time, his turtonator. only then does he realize where they went. he turns his head up

"turtonator, protect. espeon, pull us up. psychic."

the turtonator helps with the defense alongside the pokemon @bryony brought. behind him was his psychic pokemon, attempting to lighten the load of the mechanisms. perhaps more people can be saved if they just lift one of the elevators up forcefully while the chains yank one up naturally.

"yeah, that'll help, i think." he didn't think.

  • sees balder. supports him when his pokemon disappeared when he entered the elevator
  • sees blake. asks people if they have anything to help with injuries.
  • releases both espeon and turtonator.
  • turtonator used protect to block attacks.
  • espeon used psychic to pull the nerd elevator up


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Enma, Homura
may 27
Ecruteak City
we can fall
to hell together
92 height
92 height
Tell me what exactly are you thinking, right now - Do you still love me? Or is it that you hate me?
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TAG WITH @ayame
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2019 0:05:41 GMT

This was ridiculous. 

She wasn't going to sacrifice others and blindly listen to what is being told; she wasn't a brute. Hence why she was slightly disappointed with 's actions to blindly heed the words scribbled against the walls. even so, she wasn't scared. while she should have been fearing for her life, the smile barely left her lips as she was gauging the situation. Rather than attacking the chains, couldn't they be doing something about the fire underneath them? 

She thinks. If anyone could use rain dance, it could stop the fire from spreading up, while also cooling down the metal, wouldn't it? 

"You're being unreasonable." she sneers, for the first time, as the empty eyes cast their glare towards the gym leader. her immediate response was to throw out a pokeball, sending out a ribombee into the chaos outside of the elevator. Thankfully, was able to stop the woman from attacking anyone else in their shaft, yet that doesn't mute the muddled opinion she most definitely has now (ayame will remember this). 

She listens to the panic and the distaste, but that doesn't stop her from leaning against a wall of the elevator. "Rather than cut the chains loose-" she starts, pointing upwards at where their chain should have been "there'd be no difference, even if we cut the chains. They aren't being held by the same thing." Rather than cutting off dead weight, it was still their weight to carry. With that in mind--

"Shouldn't we accept our weight, and do what we can to carry on with it regardless? We should be helping each other, instead of turning and trying to kill!" and for the first time, she raises her voice. The otherwise calm tone takes on a venomous bite. "Don't be so fucking selfish! If you want to die in the fires, by all means, throw yourself overboard!" she continues "don't drag us down with you, and don't make our decisions for us!" 

She was infuriated. too many times had she been told, time and time again, to obey and listen. 

She was tired. 

"raiton!" she throws out the pokeball of a tiny her rotom. The plasma pokemon flickers in the dark, snickering with the same smile on its face-- 

Until it hears its trainer's irritated voice. 

"Posses our elevator! If you can do it, zip us upwards!" the rotom agrees, and zips towards the transportation appliance with the intent to fuse with it. she doesn't dare send out her bug pokemon, with the fire growing warmer by the moment. "As for the rest of you--" she turns, facing the rest of the people in the jock elevator. "I'm not about to kill anyone or die. If you can, use your pokemon to speed it up! I don't care whatever else you do, but we don't even know what'll happen if we do let the other two elevators fall!"  

- Ayame's really, really mad at
- she's just really tired now
- sends out rotom to try and possess the jock elevator
- if successful, rotom will personally carry the elevator upwards as quickly as it can.
- suggests to , , , , , and to stop attacking the other elevators and focus on lifting their own up


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dawn grandier
rocket boss
219 height
219 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @cadis
cadis von klaussner
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2019 5:44:14 GMT
cadis von klaussner Avatar


❝oh my, how amusing. what will the outcome be...?❞

a small chuckle was had. cadis covered the smile he'd been wearing for sometime. it was amusing to watch the chaos unfold.

it was just like he told , "emotions truly are a humans greatest strength, but also a farcical weakness." reaching into his trench coat, cadis, lazily, flicked three capsules before him. "out," cadis commanded. infernape, gardevoir, and starmie stood before their group. "gardevoir, DISABLE the metagross." the metagross's attempt to utilize TELEKINESIS was shutdown by gardevoir. his next order was given toward infernape. "infernape, 'ASSIST' the espeon in pulling our cage upward with PSYCHIC." infernape would then follow up with an ASSIST ( PSYCHIC ) and aided 's espeon in moving their cage.

"starmie, shine a SPOTLIGHT onto their chain." starmie's jewel had shone brightly. a light was cast upon the JOCK'S CHAIN, making their cage the center of attention. folding his arms, the smile he once worn was no more. a menacing frown had been adorn. an irritable, hollow gaze thrown toward and company. "there was a chance for cooperation, but it's clear to me that you've all proven yourselves to be nothing more than dead weight." he wanted to go on a spiel about how had they simply took a moment to analyze their situation and breathe, there was a glint of hope that they could all survive this.

sadly, that wasn't the case. those who lack any form of loyalty were unfit to stand upon the same surface as him. "kindly do us a favor and save what little face you have left," he was speaking toward , "and have some form of honor and die for us, you scum." alas, the good had to suffer with the bad. but should any attempt, by the nerds, be made to save them. cadis wouldn't argue against their decision. had those of the virgin class attempted to assist the jock's and their disharmony? they, too, would be seen as dead weight by cadis.

"should you virgins get any ideas..." he was speaking toward , , and @n0ble , "...i'd like to suggest rethinking them. it's clear they've no intention of working together with us, so it's best we simply let them fall. after all, should you choose to save them, who's to say that they won't do this again? will you take responsibility for their actions?" a cold stare given, whether they chose to answer or not, he'd simply continue on with speech, "of course, i'm just one person and i can't enforce my opinion onto any of you. but i'd greatly appreciate the courtesy that either of you will get in our way, we've wounded people who need immediate tending to. we have no time for devilry."


- infernape, gardevoir, and starmie were called.
- gardevoir used disable upon the mega metagross's telekinesis as punishment for behavior.
- infernape used assist ( psychic ) to help espeon lift the nerds cage.
- starmie used spotlight upon the jock's chain--again--as punishment and due to the fact they're all acting like clowns.

- cadis goes on a spiel about how he doesn't have time for this, lars ( and company ) being foolish, selfish, and irrational. warns the virgin group to basically not act like the jocks and actually cooperate. get in their way and he won't hesitate to cut them up.

- cadis is leaving the whole "cut the chains" stuff to the rest of the group. have at them.

- SPOTLIGHT is in effect for 1 TURN.

note, don't forget evan double barriered the chain! o7



[newclass=.merrkI] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrkI b] color: #a695ca; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrktagI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrktagI a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrkpokesI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merrkpokesI img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 23, 2019 7:54:39 GMT
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Derek did well not to give into rash impulses, thinking rationally about how this unknown entity wanted the trainers to thin themselves out to one elevator of people. If it had the power to wipe them all out, then why didn't it just do that? What was the point of stringing them along? Once again, it seemed like they were being used for a means of cruel entertainment...

Regardless, some began to make an attempt on the others, while one sought to lecture Derek's group with something of a warning. Of course, they probably saw the Jocks as the biggest threat, and once it was just the Nerds and Virgins left, it'd be easy to exploit their advantage in numbers to ensure their surival...

“I don't take responsibility for anyone's actions but my pokemon and my own.” Making eye contact with Cadis, Derek admittedly wanted to issue them a warning as well. But seeing as he was probably about to die soon, it didn't seem like a worthy way to spend his last moments.

As he looked out at both of the other parties, Derek knew he could never decide between them. While one hosted more life than the other two, both of the other elevators had somebody he knew inside them. The only sacrifice he was willing to make was his own, even if it meant he'd never get to see his family again; to tell them about everything he'd done since arriving in Hoenn.

Releasing the Feraligatr and his Garchomp, who'd still been in their mega-evolution, Derek did his best to fight back both tears and sobs as he went through with his final wish in life. It wasn't expected, but they were separated by some manner of invisible wall. So instead of being able to hug to pet them one last time, Derek just had to make peace with the idea that they might get to go out battling!

“Rorschach... Kseniya...” Pointing down, the two of them would immediately become acquainted with the Primal Groudon and the scourge of flame that Derek was most concerned with. “The messages said to cut loose two of the elevators, or we all go down. Our's has the least people in here, so naturally...” Getting choked up as he tried to instill confidence in them, the trainer shook his head before swiping away the tear starting to roll down his cheek. He could barely make out their expressions through the watery haze, but it was obvious they didn't feel much different.

“I... I really don't want to burn to death.” More tears followed his plea, knowing that the fall wouldn't finish before the fire swallowed their elevator whole. Him and the others, as well as Micah who'd been inside with him... There was nowhere to escape, thanks to the invisible wall. It must have been the pokemon behind all this ensuring that none of them could escape the fate they chose for themselves. “But if you can make it out, please... Help whoever is left. Don't leave them to die. That's all I ask...”

While he thought they understood the meaning of this farewell, Derek felt a knot in his throat and stomach as the two pokemon looked to one another and nodded. The Feraligatr pointed his open maw down towards the Primal Groudon, releasing it's Hydro Pump to try and create an opening, however big or small it may prove to be. Willing to take her chances bearing the flame, Derek's Mega-Garchomp would make an exceptionally swift descent through any afforded opening using dragon rush, trying to force her way down the thing's throat and out the other side with her scythes-for-arms...

'No, why...?!' Derek thinks to himself, realizing that his pokemon almost certainly won't survive the plunge. While part of him wants to scream out for Kseniya to stop, the youth's naive hope for survival makes him want to consider the possibility. But even with such a noble sacrifice, they would still have to be cut loose for the others to be spared, right? The best he could hope for was avoiding death by fire...

But if that were the case, Derek could die happy with the smile now coming to his face upon realizing that it would mean he and his pokemon had defeated the Primal Groudon in battle! None of the other gym leaders would have that on their headstones...


tl;dr derek doesn't attack any chains

- releases mega-garchomp & feraligatr

- feraligatr uses hydro pump @ groudon

- mega-garchomp uses dragon rush @ groudon

- trying to avoid death by fire?

- maybe feraligatr (and garchomp) get to go on? :shrug:

ooc: yikes, yolo & yeet [attr="class","merktagI"]@event

[newclass=.merkI] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkI b] color: #DEA02C; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merktagI a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.merkpokesI img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 23, 2019 19:04:10 GMT
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As the events unfolded before them, Blake and the rest of the elevator's contents examined and investigated their situation. Just like the riddle before their decent, the rocket already had an idea what they were in for. As the invisible boxes danced and dangled around each other, the crews inside were thrown around ever so slightly thanks to the sudden forces of impact. A hellish pokemon below and a single chain above established the environment in which Blake was forced to work with.


To many, acting as quickly as possible was the only necessary action. Whoever cut the chains first, won. Unfortunately, the trainers restricted to each box wouldn't let their lives go so easily. Blake already read this after the riddle. The next course of action was obvious which meant that the real answer wouldn't be. If he wanted to unravel what he needed to do next, Blake would need to ignore all distractions. This included 's assistance. A quick view of his bandaged stump revealed a bloodied bottom that dripped onto the invisible box's floor. Like Kyle, Blake quickly erased the thought from his mind and progressed with the next step of his plan.


With his only fingers wrapped around Golispod's ball, Blake took one last glimpse before stuffing it back in his pocket with the rest of his partners. Using the back of the elevator's wall as leverage, the rocket maneuvered through his remaining comrades and summoned three of them, one after another; sableye, aegislash and chandelure. Like the other pokemon, these three creatures were summoned outside of the box instead of the interior. "Protect the chain." Blake ordered the sableye personally. "You two attack the chain." The posessed object-themed pokemon spun at their order and took off towards their destinations while the goblin giggled and climbed to a place above the nerd-labeled elevator.


Spawning a diamond-shaped shield of energy, the gremlin-like pokemon used the move Detect to protect the chain from any future attacks. While both the possessed sword and light fixture remained close to each other while they traveled to their locations, they split upon reaching the jock elevator. The aeglislash spun back and forward like a pendulum before finally coming down with a Sacred Sword attack on the jock-attached chain. Winding up like a laser cannon, the chandelure opted to use the top of its head to fire off a blast of Overheat following the sword's attack. This wasn't exactly what Blake had planned, but he followed 's idea anyway.


Tilting his head back, the muscles in the trainer's neck carried his eyes towards the darkness above them. "Lend me your strength, and I'll offer you my help!" Blake's offer cut through the sounds around him and also through the elevator walls. This was to the one they saw in the paintings. The one that stopped the rings and the zombies from before. Blake entrusted the survival of both him and his pokemon to this being. In his mind, Darkrai's help was the only way out of this scenario.








blake ignored 's help. called out sableye, aegislash and chandelure. sableye used detect to protect nerd chain. aegislash used sacred sword on jock chain. chandelure used overheat on jock chain. blake then calls on darkrai for help.


[newclass=.blakepost]padding:20px;background-color:#333;border:1px solid #444;width:250px;text-align:justify;font-size:10px;font-family:Muli;color:#888;text-transform:lowercase;letter-spacing:.5px;[/newclass]
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A Blue Person

he, him, they
June 12
The Last Dragon Rider
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Morgan Drake DOLLARS
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Morgan Drake
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2019 15:28:39 GMT
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The entire ordeal was a clusterfuck. a real large clusterfuck. Morgan watched as almost everyone started attacking the chains of each others elevators. I mean they were required to sacrifice two elevators in order to save one, and the most logical thing to do would be too allow the elevator that contained the most individuals to succeed. Those in the jock and virgin elevators would of died honourable and noble deaths and yet they try to refute the inevitable. Humans at nature are selfish creatures so it really is not surprising that this is going on.

Seeing that it was a miniture war zone within the elevator shaft, morgan decided it'd be better for him to participate in order to solidify the survival of the 'nerd' elevator. Calling out 3 of his pokemon, salamence, dragonite and blaziken, Morgan added to the efforts in the time limited fight for survival. Morgan listened to the words of and whitnesses one of the 'virgin' members decided against in attacking their elevator, which in hind site was a smart move. Seeing this and assuming the other two of 'virgin' would follow suit, the blonde lad focused his efforts on the 'jock' elevator.

"Vy and Aegir use hyper beam on the elevator chain furthest away. Shiv, do the same thing and copy with mirror move." With the instructions set out to his pokemon loud and clear, Morgan watched the emerald and golden dragons in addition to his karate chicken all fire of large beams of energy towards the 'jock' elevator.

Salamence used Hyper Beam
Dragonite used Hyper Beam
Blaziken used Mirror Move
Blaziken used Hyper Beam

Morgan targets 'jock' elevator


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Oct 25, 2019 1:51:36 GMT
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a spirit

communes with you!




FERNANDO ASSUMES this is a dream, and yet he calls upon the spirits. is this spirit even a true spectre? a lavender mist forms and within it, a spirit speaks:[break][break]

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Luke / Boomer
Twenty Nine
October 21
Lacunosa Town
Head Scientist
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Lucas Lane DOLLARS
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Lucas Lane
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2019 2:12:12 GMT
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The other elevators were as empty as a beggar's pockets compared to the nerd elevator. And as if that wasn't enough to sway his mind, two known avatars were on board as well.

"Win, no matter the cost." Victini's words rang in his ears. It was given as part of a speech to raise morale in the face of adversity. But for the scientist, it would be more than a speech. It would be the words he'd live by.

With a tap of a button, Lucas' pokemon emerge. "Badb protect the chains. Eros and Osiris get the chains."

Aegislash used King's Shield on the nerd chain!
Lycanrock used Stone Edge on the virgin chain!
Dusknoir used lightning punch high up the jock chain!


The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
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