i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @niklaus
Niklaus Lagusa
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2018 0:34:54 GMT
Niklaus Lagusa Avatar

[attr="class","freiwantttop1"]- □ x



nameniklaus lagusa
alignmentchaotic neutral
zodiac signleo

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER FACTION league

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER RANK head scientist

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]FACE CLAIM gilgamesh from fate franchise

[attr="class","freiwantttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER




exuberant, many have heard rumors of the league's "happy-go-lucky" head scientist: professor niklaus lagusa, also referred to as simply klaus. professor klaus is the son of michelangelo lagusa (father) and genevieve lagusa (mother) who were both, before their disappearance, well-recognized and highly praised archaeologists. their unexpected departure made headline news throughout the hoenn region. their deaths were discovered during an exploration upon receiving a distress call; the location of where exactly remains unknown. tragic, truly, for there were never any bodies recovered, setting aside the assistance and other coworkers that worked under his parents who, too, lost their lives. the details aren't fully known, but niklaus believes that they're alive. [break][break]

raised by his grandmother. he was brought up in a loving home, though not just by his grandmother but his grandpa, too, who is no longer alive. his grandfather was quite the bad influence upon young niklaus. he takes after more of him then his grandmother. his grandfather had an exuberant personality, which transitioned over to niklaus, who was still all but impressionable. his grandfather, before his passing, was also the head scientist of the league. he died of natural causes, but taught niklaus everything he needed to know on pokemon and the mysteries surrounding them.[break][break]

it wasn't his choice to teach the young adolescent. if we're being honest, his grandfather never wanted him to get in this line of work. his grandfather, in all honesty, hated pokemon. but he would never project such energy outwardly, but more or so held it internally. pokemon were nothing but sentient weapons just waiting to be used against human kind. there were good people, bad, and those just filled with just pure evil. he was afraid of them, the evil known as team rocket, and was sure that they had something to do with the death of his grandchild's parents.

nonetheless, during the time he had left. he poured his heart, soul, and remaining life toward teaching his grandchild all he needed to know. but it wasn't until, one day, he saw something strange about the now older, more teenage youth niklaus. he couldn't put his finger on it, but as he stumbled upon his child writing in a notebook--niklaus quickly closed it, greeting his grandfather with a smile. though, he wasn't sure if it'd been his imagination, but he could've sworn that he felt a dark, sinister gaze from his grandchild--eyes that saw him as not an ally nor family, but an enemy. perhaps it was merely his imagination, right?[break][break]

during his teenage years, niklaus began to travel the hoenn region for a bit. on his travels he was building a name for himself. aiding people in trouble, healing their pokemon and nursing them back to health, discovering a new interesting fact involving pokemon and theorizing the potential bond between a trainer and their pokemon. it wasn't until he returned, after submitting a report on this theory to the league, that he returned to his father with many stories about his travel. among that story one thing stood out, the possibility of transcending the final stage of one's evolution stage. [break][break]

it saddened his grandfather when he heard such a theory that, was perhaps, a fact. he was truly like his father and mother--very smart, free-thinking, and ambitious. his father and mother, too, theorized this but had yet to discover the truth behind such power. during his jovial rambling, niklaus, without thinking, stated that such a theory was perhaps the reason why his mother and father were killed. it surprised his grandfather that he said such a thing, that this was the reason that they were killed--did he not believe that they were alive? oh niklaus, you poor thing. you allowed yourself to dissuade that child-like heart the belief his parents were still alive.[break][break]

in the end, his grandfather died a sad man--regretting that he couldn't mend the still broken heart of his grandchild. on the outside he may be bubbly, adventurous, jovial, and exuberant, but deep down? he was nothing more then someone embedded with hidden wrath, depression, confusion, and desensitization from the world around him. encasing his glass heart within a black cage. his grandfather, upon his deathbed, hoped that he would not turn out to be like his he, his parents, nor team rocket. his grandfather hopes that he can learn from those he interact, that he can come to discover new friends, and find pokemon, unlike he, to just more then weaponry and not hate them for something his kind, humans, tainted.[break][break]

as the newly, officially, appointed head scientist of the league: your grandfather wishes you the best of luck.


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it's a long life full of long nights