cosmic love [sd]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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dawn grandier
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @cadis
cadis von klaussner
cosmic love [sd]
POSTED ON Feb 17, 2020 20:31:14 GMT
cadis von klaussner Avatar


❝he's the famous coordinator 'twilight', dawn grandier!❞

whispers and murmurs plagued the contest hall as dawn grandier, a well-known coordinator, sat within the same hall as those prospering to become the next top coordinator. it was unexpected that someone of his reputation would be in a public setting, led alone in something as silly as a 'speed dating' event. but here he was in the flesh, sitting across a familiar face hidden, too, within a disguise.

gallade remained by his trainer's side. unfazed by the eyes that lingered upon the group. a half eaten strawberry shortcake sat in front of dawn who, knowingly, held an infatuated gaze upon . "i couldn't believe it when i heard about what you did, schwartz." to denounce the league before the very council themselves? how apostatic. "you're practically on the verge of becoming a martyr, aren't you worried they might see you as a threat? gee, i may get in trouble for even talking to you. maybe i shouldn't have brought you here..." dawn's facial expression could be seen turning into a contemplative shape.

notes: i posted, pog.


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Balder Schwartz
cosmic love [sd]
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2020 4:17:30 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #ffffff; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #DBDCE6;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightimage"]background: url(''); height: 200px; background-position: center; background-size: cover; overflow: hidden;[/newclass]

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i've been trying to believe[break]
so i'm calling on angels

0000 words
Good lord, this place sure was filled. It seems like a lot of people were trying to get a quick date and find their match. But who would think that, among those individuals, a wanted man was hiding? Balder had decided to join the festivities, to get a change of pace. But of course, he couldn't show up as the regular man. No, he needed to be a new person.[break][break]

And thus, he adorned the blonde wig. Thankfully, with the traditions of Alola, the man had learned how to do relatively decent make up, so he was able to cover some facial traits that would give him away and became like a certain gym leader that had now vanished. With added blue contact lenses. And luckily for the man, no one seemed to recognize him.[break][break]

Well, everyone but Dawn, who found him due to some twist of fate and had helped him attend. A beer in hand, Balder took a sip before deciding to answer the man's interrogation. "It had to be done. I couldn't suffer Abbiati's hypocrisy any longer. I'd prefer being a martyr instead of a dumb hypocrite. And a man like me, not being in their sight? I'm already a threat."[break][break]

The now blond man took another sip of his beer. "Also, don't call me by my last name here. Good chances we might raise some suspicions. Feel free to call me... Hmmm... Well, why not Dusk." Says the man, slightly amused as he decided to tease his date by choosing a nickname that corresponds to him. "If nobody knows, you won't be in trouble. Your career as a coordinator will remain intact, I promise you. Anyways, enough about my "exploits", tell me about yourself. What became of you since that attack on the mutant ursaring?"


i hope they're watching over me
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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dawn grandier
rocket boss
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @cadis
cadis von klaussner
cosmic love [sd]
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2020 4:33:24 GMT
cadis von klaussner Avatar


"dusk..." a finger snap and enthusiastic response, "i like it!" a chuckle escaped him upon understanding the pun in his alias. "well, i went back to working as cait's one and only gym trainer. i do a lot of errands for her, but it's all going to amount to experience by the end of it." a jovial tune. it was kind of dusk to worry about the lives of others when he had a lot going on himself.

"i don't know though, you just can't live like this. being a fugitive doesn't sound like the best life to live. i can't imagine living such a life," and then he spoke of olivia's hypocrisy, "and about that, why not just try talking to her? has she truly lost your trust? what of dahlia?" dawn questioned.

notes: i posted, pog.


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Balder Schwartz
cosmic love [sd]
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2020 4:42:46 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #ffffff; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #DBDCE6;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightimage"]background: url(''); height: 200px; background-position: center; background-size: cover; overflow: hidden;[/newclass]

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@ tags

i've been trying to believe[break]
so i'm calling on angels

0000 words
"Dusk" smile as Dawn declared he liked the name. He then listened to the man's word. Cait's gym trainer... Maybe he was out on an errand when Balder had gone to the gym to do a battle with the avatar of time? "And a good experience too. Cait's a good person and working with her is bound to allow you to experience lots of things."[break][break]

And then, the coordinator delved into a darker subject. As he was listening to his date, Dusk finished his beer and dropped it at the corner of the table, his smile almost gone. "Well, a fugitive's life is not THAT bad. You get to sleep under the stars and enjoy quite a nice view. Cleanse yourself in the rivers of Hoenn and be one with nature itself. It's an experience to say the least. But the comfort of a home... That's hard to beat."[break][break]

Quickly afterwards, the hardest question came: Why not talk to Olivia? At that point, Dusk's smile was gone. "And go back to her, a tail between my leg like a lap dog? Hell no. She betrayed my trust, my image of her. I thought she was a friend, that she cared for others, but it was a lie. Someone that cares for others wouldn't casually throw a bomb to somebody else and then order them to do her dirty work. Wouldn't use people's loss as a stunt to promote her own agenda... And the Commissioner... Well I don't know her. Never really met her and discussed. So trying to meet with her, especially in her circumstances? Bad idea."


i hope they're watching over me
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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dawn grandier
rocket boss
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @cadis
cadis von klaussner
cosmic love [sd]
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2020 4:50:33 GMT
cadis von klaussner Avatar


how sad, such a predicament to be in. "well, being a hero is never easy i presume. it's admirable that you've stuck to the path you're own. i was told that someone can take everything from you, but as long as you stick to your guns you'll regain everything." dawn could do nothing more than offer sympathy and understanding. "if you feel that the system is broken, shouldn't you do something to change it? i've never met olivia personally, but you don't seem like the kind of man to lie." a palm was placed atop of the table as he lightly tapped his index finger upon it.

"dusk, if i may be so blunt, you have the power of light to guide you." dawn was speaking of solgaleo, "aren't you psychically linked to it. can't you ask the creature for guidance?"

notes: i posted, pog.


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Balder Schwartz
cosmic love [sd]
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2020 5:04:23 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #ffffff; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #DBDCE6;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkisavelightimage"]background: url(''); height: 200px; background-position: center; background-size: cover; overflow: hidden;[/newclass]

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@ tags

i've been trying to believe[break]
so i'm calling on angels

0000 words

"A hero heh... I'm far from that. I'm just a man who was granted power, who's trying to do his best in this world and help others. And retrieve what I've lost." His gaze became sad for a fraction of second, before going back to normal was he looked at Dawn again, listening to what he was saying.[break][break]

Change the system? Was that even possible at this point? Before Dusk could reply, however, Dawn moved onto the point that his power was that of the Light, to which he was physically linked to its envoy. The suggestion was a sound one, that's for sure. Yet, Dusk shook his head, a faint smile upon his face. "It's true that I bear the power of the sun, of light itself. But asking Leo for guidance would be an insult to him, and to what I am."[break][break]

"Some would call me stubborn for that, and I'd agree to some extent. I am prideful. And at the same time, I believe that he chose me for a reason, because I am able to do my best and help others. If I were to ask for his guidance when all seems bleak... I feel like that would erase the reason he bestowed his powers to me. Thus, I move forward, fighting adversity and rising up to the challenge. Helping others as best as possible."[break][break]

Dusk raised his hand, ordering another beer. Soon after, the sun's avatar was drinking once more. "As for changing the system... It's sad to say, but it would need to be destroyed to begin with. To be built from the ground up to ensure that all traces of corruption or selfishness are erased from it. And that, sadly, is not something easy to do."


i hope they're watching over me
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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dawn grandier
rocket boss
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @cadis
cadis von klaussner
cosmic love [sd]
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2020 5:15:04 GMT
cadis von klaussner Avatar


"that's simply your pride speaking. the sun chose you because he of how kind you are dusk, not because of something as dumb as 'strength' or 'pride'. is the pokemon not your friend? what are friends for if not to be their to uplift you?" a slight head tilted as a small, soft smile was offered. "you may find out there's more to that power of yours then meets the eye, hehe." and then he brought up the idea of how complex it would be to tear the system down.

"alone, yes, but if you were to gather numbers..." an index finger would come to be brought to the side of dawn's temple. tapping his head light, he'd say, "we're only as strong as we are united. you have infinite amounts of resources right under your nose, if you just opened your mind you'll find the answer. do you follow, ex-leader?" a small hint was given, vague, but a hint. "you have allies all around you, you just have to be willing to take a stand. you have to be the voice that disrupts this corrupt system, like me..."

notes: i posted, pog.


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Balder Schwartz
cosmic love [sd]
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2020 5:39:42 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar

[newclass=".punkisavelight"]background: #ffffff; width: 450px; margin: auto; border-right: 40px solid #DBDCE6;[/newclass]

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@ tags

i've been trying to believe[break]
so i'm calling on angels

0000 words

The pokemon was his friend... The man had a point. Denying the help of his allies, his friends, that would be another form of insult. And go against the values of his home region too. Had his pride truly blinded him so much, with all the events that had happened recently? And more to his power then meets the eye? "Wait, that sounds like you know more about my powers then myself..."[break][break]

Suddenly, the conversation took a different turn. As Dawn tapped his temple lightly, he proceeded to mention that with numbers, resources to which Dusk was overlooked, he could do it. He only needed to open his mind to it. And the focus on Ex-Leader... Dusk's eyes seemed to wander into his mind, slowly connecting some dots.[break][break]

Gather the other gym leaders. A Rebellion. And then Dawn suggested to be the voice that disrupts the corrupt system, like he was... Dusk's eyes lit up as he stared at the man before him. "Wait, Dawn, are you..." Before he could finish his sentence, however, a loud gong resonated in the hall. The speed dating round was over. "God damn it, at the interesting part too... Look, Dawn, thanks for bringing me here. I'm starting to see things a bit more clearly now. Here." Dusk grabbed Dawn's hand quickly, dropping a piece of paper and a communication device into the hand. "Feel free to contact me when you want to continue this conversation. And thanks for the chat." If only to tease him, Dusk dropped a gentle kiss on the man's cheek before moving to the other round of this Speed Dating.


i hope they're watching over me
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki