i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the volatile
August 15th
groudon avatar
tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
850 posts
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TAG WITH @bailey
Bailey Cooper
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2020 2:52:09 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar
[newclass=.bailey-contain]--bailey-accent:#D1A05B; --bailey-img:url("");[/newclass]


[attr="class","bailey-ly-1"]i'm throwing



She opened her flask, letting gin run over the shaved ice like a syrup to color its surface.[break][break]

Bailey Cooper took the first sip, tasting only what had melted and the alcohol that greeted it. It was a way to dull the senses, in the same way that someone would cup a hand to a flame to displace the air around it.[break][break]

Deprive certain senses of oxygen for long enough, and she was sure she'd find herself at the wake's edge—puking.[break][break]

The Elite Four member told herself to not let that happen again.[break][break]

Still, gin tasted sweet and the flavoring of the swablu even sweeter. So saccharin, it lingered on the tongue with its juniper like a mash that her teeth could not scrape off.[break][break]

“how long can you go!” someone chanted, lowering the stick as the game of limbo began.[break][break]

Yeah... how low could she go? Her eyes swept slow to the scene.[break][break]

Her sundress was tied at her waist, just to keep it out of the way as she took her turn at the descending bar; swimsuit still dry.[break][break]

Gravity had an odd sway, but she felt that it would be possible to walk even with this impairment.[break][break]


@ the minigame


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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
518 posts
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TAG WITH @dominic
dominic sinclair
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2020 4:05:16 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar
 "no... not my bahama mama and alolan sunset..." dominic says with weak despair, though his resistance at trying to pry the cocktail out of his hands is minimal. he doesn't notice take a sip of his bahama mama - not that it particularly mattered either way. dominic surrenders the drink to the kid with a sigh, but doesn't remove his arms around the shoulders of his two companions.

"bye," dominic drawls as and both disappear into the crowd. he waves with the hand marcel had managed to successfully free, though there's something derisive about the half-hearted gesture when paired with his sneer. "you're welcome," dominic drops his voice to add, murmuring into the side of marcel's head.

his sense of victory is short-lived because two things happen in quick succession.

decides to assault him, probably in some karmic gesture for all the unattended cocktails he has managed to... acquire? he feels a hand near the shell of his ear and pulls away violently and with his whole body. dominic stumbles back, snarling, like a growlithe pup that got sprayed with a spray bottle. at least and are free of his embrace, albeit only for now. "the fuck is wrong with you?"

dominic is still glaring at when he hears an icy voice draw close, and he turns his head to watch begin her questioning of and . when attention is redirected to him, dominic beams at both men and gives them an exaggerated wink. "it was all me," dominic confirms. "conrad is our designated driver and- oh what's that?"

dominic's gaze shifts behind as he pretends to notice the limbo game for the first time. he's not a good actor at the best of times, and his surprised tone falls flat. regardless, dominic side-steps the head scientist and begins to make his slow but otherwise remarkably steady escape.

nearer to the game, dominic pauses because he feels like he recognises the woman attempting it, and the association stirs something seething in the pit of his stomach. he knows he'll get CAUGHT STARING but he halts sharply, sand from the momentum of doing so rendered airborne and directly at .

"you," he hisses as everyone around them begins to cheer.

beach party.....

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Rocket Daddy
he / him / his
thirty eight
october 29
Hammerlocke, Galar
History repeats itself—first as a tragedy, then as a farce
789 posts
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TAG WITH @valerio
Valerio Dachev
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2020 4:42:13 GMT
Valerio Dachev Avatar

“Manofsteal’s really hard and cold as ice, eh?” Vanessa’s arms crossed as she watched went up all on his own and returned to with a sheepish display of affection.

She went closer to the couple, not minding being a third-wheeler between the two lovebirds. Vanessa went on their backS and put her arms on each of their shoulders. She effortlessly said in a voice that would be more familiar to Gavin and Emma, “At least I’m glad my make up’s working.”

Vanessa wanted the same drink as the two of them so when a passing man had the swablu drink, she immediately charmed her way to steal it from him. The concoction tasted like fruit but Vanessa preferred more alcohol in it. She returned to both of them, the despised gladsss of drink still on her hand.

“So is this the date where you finally say ‘yes’ to this ball of goof?” The lady-in-drag asked Emma, her loud sipping drowned at the noise of their surroundings as she waited for her response.

notes: bingo prompt [2/4]; sorry valerio’s really... like that sksksks
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2020 5:09:14 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar


As he straightens creases in his shorts to get hidden grains of sand, Gavin looks up with arched brows.[break][break]

"Just didn't need the help."[break][break]

Perhaps it was because he was injured, but he felt more inclined than ever to be self-sufficient. He's not miffed by the offer, doesn't seem bothered by the strange woman at all until she decides to step around behind them and get touchy.[break][break]

Tactile only with his closest friends and, of course, with Emma, Gavin ducks the contact.[break][break]

"Think you've had a bit too much to drink, miss — Valerio?"[break][break]

Even Gavin's shocked at the shift in pitch, back down toward that of the man he knew. The back of his neck prickles with the realization, remembering their ascent through the tower's challenges. That Valerio had taken an interest in him had never bothered Gavin until he found himself in a relationship and having to explain that, don't worry, his friend was just like that.[break][break]

The insinuation of a proposal elicits a blank stare.[break][break]

"You say that as if you're aware of other 'dates'," he remarks, wry. "We're here to have fun, like everyone else."

[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...

[attr="class","tag"] [attr="class","tag"]

template by kay

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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
1,571 posts
Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @wolfe
Emma Wolfe
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2020 5:31:34 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar


Emma observes the interaction with quiet indifference. Her attention steals away to the crowd as more and more people arrive to try the limbo. There's cheering, excitement, drinks being spilled in the sand. And then Gavin is back at her side and a warm kiss pressed to her cheek. The doting motion elicits a surprised blink from her - his boldness in public surprising.[break][break]

But it's the involvement of the woman who pursues them both that drives a wedge in Emma's enjoyment of the event.[break][break]

Vanessa wraps her arms around the two of them and Emma tenses immediately, disgruntled, quietly furious.[break][break]

She reacts as if she's been shot, recoiling from the touch and separating herself from Vanessa and Gavin both. Her expression is even but she carries herself differently, less relaxed and easygoing, as she had before. The grip she has on her own drink - the other having been retrieved by Gavin already - is tight enough it might break.[break][break]

Vanessa continues to gush over the two of them, insinuating a deeper relationship than Emma is prepared for. She makes an effort to brush off her shoulder and abandon her drink.[break][break]

"Always a pleasure, Valerio."[break][break]

Her expression says otherwise, however.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...

[attr="class","tag"] [attr="class","tag"]

template by kay

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september 20
Fashion Designer
rising star
born into this dying world, its time is up
329 posts
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TAG WITH @daphne
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2020 7:08:07 GMT
lord knows that she felt uncomfortable.

solely because she didn't know how she should have dressed. it was a beach party, so.. it was natural to go in a swimsuit, right? gods, she hasn't done anything like this in who knows how long, but she also knows that if she doesn't do anything, then she probably never would. one look around tells her that everyone was having their fun, though, and she was happy to see that the people present were enjoying themselves.

she doesn't even know where to start.

it seemed like there was a crowd gathered, watching a number of people try and attempt at the limbo. though she'd have liked to try it out for herself, the thought of embarrassing herself in front of others was reason enough to forego the idea. she wasn't about to make a fool of herself, even when she could tell that the people around them were all having a pretty good time.

it.. wouldn't hurt to watch, right?

that's when the woman tries to pry her way through the crowd, hoping to get a better look at what was going on. unfortunately, she was so fixated on what was happening around her, that she was blind to what was happening in front of her. so when she tries to move, she finds herself bumping into someone on her way.

"a-ah, i'm terribly sorry. it's a bit crowded.."

@anyone, daphne's bumped into someone in the crowd watching the limbo
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Rocket Daddy
he / him / his
thirty eight
october 29
Hammerlocke, Galar
History repeats itself—first as a tragedy, then as a farce
789 posts
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TAG WITH @valerio
Valerio Dachev
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2020 8:25:02 GMT
Valerio Dachev Avatar

“There’s hardly any alcohol in it!” Vanessa commented, giving up the glass of swablu and tossing it into the sand. “Might as well make my own mix of drinks.”

The two quickly moved away from her as soon as her arms attempted to wrap and up. Still, pleasantries were offered and the pair recognized Valerio amidst her transformation, “And call me Miss Vaness Agapov!” The lady posed with her arms on her waist and her head partially tilted up—like in a magazine. “I have an image to uphold.”

Vanessa could already tell by the looks of Emma’s face, even when calm, that she was annoyed. It was the way she looked at Jonathan, Valerio’s identity in the tower, when he called Gavin ‘honey’ and asked if they were a couple.

“You never know if somebody’s watching,” she offered Gavin, even if it was just a joke. “But you know I don’t have time for that. I’m busy with my personal endeavors,” she turned to look at Emma. “I’m on my way to claim that ‘beast’ title. I was even hoping you’d teach me a thing or two,” another joke.

notes: ...
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the volatile
August 15th
groudon avatar
tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
850 posts
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TAG WITH @bailey
Bailey Cooper
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2020 8:27:27 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar
[newclass=.bailey-contain]--bailey-accent:#D1A05B; --bailey-img:url("");[/newclass]


[attr="class","bailey-ly-1"]i'm throwing



Music rumbled, letting its aftershocks tingle down her spine; amplified as her body bent to dip beneath the bar.[break][break]

Lower, lower, but she would shuffle beneath it. Balancing her shaved ice in a free hand, she laughed with the onlookers as they cheered on the contestants. Some recognized her, though she was indifferent to their attention as she took a heavy sip.[break][break]

Fuzzy in mind and in body, she could feel a gleeful smile rise to her features.[break][break]

It felt good to detach. It felt good to rip her sporadic mind from its stem and shut it off. Who gave a shit about Ultra Beasts? Who gave a shit about almost dying on countless occasion?[break][break]

Not her. Not right now.[break][break]

Old bombardments of trauma washed away as she shuffled back in line, waiting on the last round of limbo. Humming along with the tune, she failed to see as he navigated through the crowd.[break][break]

She only noticed his arrival when a cloud of sand suddenly filtered into her face, causing her to cough and sputter as she managed to shuffle fully out from beneath the bar.[break][break]

Her eyes opened in time to catch his guttural growl.[break][break]

“Uhhhhh,” and memories filtered of their battle in the park, from which she had ran away after her pokemon had assaulted him. “Hi?”[break][break]

Bailey Cooper was not fond of being held accountable for her own actions.[break][break]

She aligned herself straight, but not before her hand dug into the sand and deployed it in his general direction. “Bye!” and back into the crowd she went, cackling as she almost choked on her sloshing, half-melted ice drink.[break][break]

This was her big brain moment.

@ the party


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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2020 17:43:24 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Somehow, Lars had a feeling some of the drinks were going to be… inevitably spiked. He could tell that some of the other partygoers were already adding their own special ‘brews’ to the available drinks—he would, too, if only he could actually make beer taste good with something sweet.

Honestly it tasted really strange so… there was that.

Either way, another round of drinks was going around and he quickly grabbed the blue one, aptly named a Swablu Shaved Ice and did a double-take. Now this one he could definitely sink his teeth into, in more ways than one.

It didn’t take too long before he spotted the Commissioner take the stage—it was like nothing had happened. His mind flashed back to that time he had helped get her out from an ‘abandoned warehouse’ back then, and…

Never mind that.

Shaking his head slightly to rid himself of the bad mental image that was starting to swirl around inside it, he then wandered around, wondering where his boyfriend was. Surely he wouldn’t miss this for anything in the world, right? Especially with the mention of an open bar…

Chuckling softly, he finished off the shaved ice and wandered over to where the limbo bars have been set up. Okay, how low could he really go? That… remained to be seen.

mostly mehehehe

taking the lower roll!

+50 medals, +1 type-1 evo

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played by


he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
518 posts
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TAG WITH @dominic
dominic sinclair
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2020 17:51:58 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar
 dominic watches the woman raise her arm, following the gesture with narrowed eyes. he already knows where this is going even before the sand hits him in the face and frankly the fact that he kind of expects it and still gets a mouthful of gritty dirt aggravates him more.

the man recoils as if physically struck, spitting and rubbing at his eyes, but the combination of his rage and blood alcohol level sees dominic recover quickly. the real damage was inflicted to his ego, not to his body.

straightening, dominic watches as the woman attempts to weave into the mass of bodies prompting him to reach for his keys. the keys chirp at him and the keyhole on the lock keychain twists into a smile. dominic smiles back and then hurls the klefki at the retreating woman.

"not so fast!" he yells as pink chains try to wrap around her legs in a gentle, but firm, FAIRY LOCK.

failing that, the klefki will flit around her face attempting to batter at her with its collection of keys. dominic always taught his pokemon to go for the eyes or the throat, and this boy was no exception.

it feels like a hush falls around him, and dominic catches only one person speak in a whisper-that-isn't-quite-a-whisper.

"is that ?"

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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
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Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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Ruby Walker
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2020 18:05:51 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

Conrad. A decent name as any, albeit not one she's actually heard in person before. However, before she can reply Ruby's attention is locked onto the speech that Dahlia began. Seeing her was a stark reminder of the pain that she herself had gone through during the New Years' attack on Slateport, but seeing her standing there, alive and well, was still a bit shocking.

She spoke about the New Years' attack and the invasion, the statements causing a small bundle of nerves to form. There they were, hosting the pokeathlon to help those affected by the tragedy. It was right then and there that Ruby decided that she was going to compete. She had to. There was no way she could even think of refusing. She was their Saint, was she not? It was more than just some title... It was a responsibility too.

And then Remiel spoke, and her curious expression only grew. Prince? She went through the tower challenge with a prince from home? Instinctively, she glanced down at her Kubfu's Pokeball within her purse. Suits her for not paying attention to any of the royal lines. Regardless, her smile slowly began to grow as he mentioned repairing the Littleroot Theatre. It was a very nice touch from home... She hoped those guards were okay. She never had the time to talk to them afterward and it wasn't until afterward that she learned one never made it. But... at least some made it.

Before Ruby could allow herself to focus on her traumas, Thea seemingly was walking away as her... friends? seemed to be quite busy amongst themselves. Going back to their normal spot, and oh man. Oscar's little sandcastle was a proper fortress at this point and she couldn't help but smile softly at the sight. Turning to Thea, Ruby spoke with a soft voice. "Hey! Umm, I think I'm going to participate in the limbo too, but I have someone else I need to talk to! I'll be back as soon as I can Miss Rhodes."

Squeezing her hand once more, Ruby slowly slipped away to quickly try her hand at the limbo. Hopefully, her short height would help.

Swablu Shaved Ice, Disadvantage.


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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2020 19:06:03 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
he takes the glass with both of his hands and takes a moment to test the taste of the drink. it's much more tolerable than tequila for sure, but the disgust in alcohol is still present in his expression.

he looks up to when she comes in. he beams as well with 's explanation, looking pretty smug for himself. "yeah, i gotta big responsibility!" he says, forgetting the premise of it.

dominic distracts him when he leaves, eyes watching him go terrorize someone else. his attention goes back to and to , before he looks back to eva. she's the one he's directly working for lately, so he supposed it's only normal that she gets the final say.

"do i need to go now?"

priam takes another sip of the drink. despite having less alcohol content than his previous drink, he still has to force himself to swallow. even then, there's a dissatisfied look on his face.

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2020 19:37:42 GMT
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Kaida roared in triumph (more like a little shriek) as she passed the limbo, bouncing away from the bar with Bragi in tow, soaking in all the cheering. Silk sheepishly raised his head out of the sand, greeted by a fond pat on the head. It's not like he messed anything up, now did he? [break][break]

Kaida lingered just a little longer, just long enough to see some kind of altercation happen between a man and woman ( and ) and her lips curled as she shrunk away. Couldn't she have peace just once? Her agitation became obvious as she shuffled away, just enough to draw her Pokemon's attention, and then her Seviper hissed in pure irritation as the Fairy Lock launched. Fairy! Now, the Seviper did not conclude this was the very same fairy that had caused Kaida harm, but she did immediately have a low opinion. Plus, Kaida looked like she really didn't like this fight happening, so she hissed a spiteful message to Silk the Sandaconda. Just trip the man up. We hate that fairy. [break][break]

Kaida didn't know who this "Bailey Cooper" was, but she wasn't exactly thrilled to see the two of them causing chaos, and thus did not stop Silk in any way. The Sandaconda raced underground and, feigning ignorance, whipped his tail up at , hoping to trip the man up or toss another irritating burst of sand at him. Whatever happened, Kaida grabbed Bragi and clicked her tongue to tell her Pokemon to run away. If Silk failed in making the man lose the woman, she didn't want to stick around. [break][break]

Instead, her and her Pokemon retreated towards . The sight instantly brightened her face, and she bounced over, still overly sugarcoated. "Did you see? I did it, and some couldn't!" She didn't mention the fight going on, nor Silk's own interference. It was nothing. She was here to have fun.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Summer party! (4/4) Have received 1x Type 1 Evo and 100 Honor Badges!


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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2020 20:27:48 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
"yeah, i'm still fine, still fine! i can still walk with my two legs, right?"

his resistance to alcohol is low, and has been aware of that for the longest time. what he had said makes sense and that it's simply not an excuse since if he's too drunk, kyle would most likely just use noah as a support.

he was on his way to the waters when he hears the announcement. instead of going for it, however, kyle's attention is taken by the game instead. he tugs noah towards it and forces them to participate.

as he finishes his turn, he walks away from the line with swablu shaved ice on hand while still staring at noah trying the challenge himself. eventually, tipsy kyle bumps into . she apologizes, but kyle's certain he was at fault as well.

instead of clearing it up, the familiarity of her face gets him to bring it up instead of the little accident. "oh, i know you!" he doesn't have the mental acuity to recall a name in his current state unfortunately.


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january 1
mistralton, unova
battle academy teacher
kris flynn-edwards
60 height
60 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
264 posts
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TAG WITH @thea
Alethea Ivanova
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2020 2:57:11 GMT
Alethea Ivanova Avatar


Thea's smile is warm as she reunites with . She can't help but look past him to the magnificent sand castle he's built. It quite honestly looked like a beautifully constructed seashore house.[break][break]

But he's quickly approaching her with the intent to take the drink she'd brought. He brushes past her as well with a promise to return and she chuckles, dipping her head in acknowledgement.[break][break]

"Nothing will be amiss when you come back, you have my word."[break][break]

With a wink that he may or may not have seen, Thea glances back to see that Ruby has said her temporary goodbyes as well. It seems everyone is interested in pursuing the limbo. She herself had not been confident in her abilities and had passed on the opportunity. [break][break]

She offers the girl a wave following the gentle squeeze of her hand before making herself comfortable on the blanket under the umbrella.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing