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Kazimir Wynter
knight of the night [gym]
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2023 15:56:47 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Tales of his life? Where does he even begin? If he made a list of the things he's done and seen he could probably fill his own little book full of short stories of a brave soul fighting against monsters. Hold on...

"You want stories? How about one where I traveled to a beautiful utopia by the sea. Waters so blue they shine like sapphires when the light hits. Caverns full of crystals that could paint a hundred rainbows if you could gather them all. It was a place that felt so alive even when it was untouched by man and beast." He's embellishing it a little, but not even a phantom minstrel needed to know about the horror that was the Ultra Sea. Besides all the best stories had a little bit of flowery prose to them didn't they?

"I went there to slay a beast. Yet this beast stood like any other man there was, but their flesh. Oh did their flesh look anything but." The alien form of flashes in his mind. He might not remember the face but he couldn't forget the feeling of fear going toe to toe with that thing. "This creature found me before I could find it and decided to try and make a meal out of me. I would have lost a leg to its stomach if my own skills and luck didn't save me. Even with all my strength I could not vanquish this creature as it managed to escape my grasp, but make no mistake one day I will go back there and take its head. I'll stake my life on it."

He finished his story with a flex of his arm to show that he would indeed keep his promise if he ever saw it again. Or so he wanted the bard to believe it to add a bit of flair to the story. "Now how about some give and take? I share a story of mine how about you share one of...this land. I'm the adventurer type so visiting new lands is always thrilling for me as well as their history."

[kaz shares his time in ultra deep sea]
[kaz asks for a tale from this land]

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Finnegan's Plotter
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2023 8:08:23 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

So the two of them probably have different views on what discipline means to the other but they do both know the value of some good old hard work. So they probably have a budding yet begrudging friendship at the very start. Kaz would definitely approach his school for instruction and desire to learn out of curiosity (that and he used to fight using honedge as his blade but that was a while ago. he's afraid he's too rusty to pick it back up) and after being impressed by his skill might hang around just to keep learning more and more. Given both Kaz's resolve and devil may care attitude he could probably be a bit of a conflicting friendship for Finn on the small scale if that sounds good to you.
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Kazimir Wynter
starfall [dw]
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2023 8:01:40 GMT
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"I'd pick a scenic spot than somewhere in the city if you want my opinion." It still had a few questions how a tattoo parlor out in the sticks got decent business. Then again he wasn't a business man so what did he know. He just knew that sitting here was slowly becoming one of the finer things in life.

The question that was asked of him did sort of shake it up.

He felt his face get a little hot and looked down at his glass. Still had some left in it. So it wasn't the drink making him feel all warm and fuzzy now. " Yeah." He lets out a deep breath and looks up into the stars above them. "Only had a few flings in the past but nothing ever stuck. I don't even give it much thought." Did that make him look pathetic? "Why ya ask?"


[skipping spawns]

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Kazimir Wynter
mushrana buffet [m]
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2023 4:52:45 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

His mind dived deeper and deeper into a sea of dreams it finally settled on a destination.

Wooden walls erect all around as one by one decor and people begin to dot the landscape transforming this world into something familiar. A dojo. In the middle are two men fighting with one another. and . One gets the upper hand of another and Kazimir finds himself on his back coughing as the air escapes his lungs. "Dammnit...lost again..." He's helped up to his feet by the alolan man and from behind him he feels a hearty slap on the back as his Urshifu comes up behind him with a wet towel. "Thanks buddy."

The pair walk to the side to join their fellow students and their Pokemon watching another pair go at it. Wiping away the sweat with his gi the man leans back and braces himself with his hands as he spectates. "Swear I almost had him. Always one move that trips me over."

"Ur Ur." The bear doesn't even look at it him as it gives its words of advice.

"Yeah yeah just means we gotta go back to square one. Sometimes I hate how right you are." Kaz doesn't see the Urshifu smugly grin with their back towards their trainer as the next round starts.

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
SUPPLY: kaz & nomi
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2023 4:50:40 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Yeah makes sense." If even one group could find a single weak point to use to their advantage then all the better. He'd be modest enough to admit tactics wasn't a strong suit of his. That's for the brainiacs and the people who know what their doing.

For him his forte was battling anything and everything. That even included the monsters that crawled out of the mist. "Damnit. That's bad news. Igknight." Few words were shared with the Ceruledge as it stood behind them with its back towards the duo, Kaz did the same and the two of them sandwiched Nomi between them as mist started to roll in. "We're about to get company, keep close miss."

A wall in front of them explodes as a Sandy Shocks waltzes in in a mix of dust and mist and as soon as it sets its eyes on the group of cave explorers it stamps its feet on the ground. Power of the earth erupts into pillars around them almost forcing them to squeeze together Igknight charges his blades with the limited solar power that exists in the cave.


MP: 20 [post + spawn paradox mon]
MP Total: 110

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
SKY: Kaz vs Hitoshi [rt]
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2023 11:35:20 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Look out for the sheriff down there. Heard he likes to pretend to be a scarecrow scaring kids!" Or beat them senseless in a test meant to prepare them for what was out here. Although was one person riding atop a plane and the other atop an interdenominational beast really considered normal around here?

Well normal in...y'know what what even kind of normal was normal around this messed up region.

"But I'm gonna need ya to land buddy! These skies ain't too friendly lately!" Case in point was the hunt for Rocket he was on. Once he finds any he'd be ready to knock them down into the blue sea for a nice dip and a chance to cool off.

mp: 10 [post]
mp total: 70

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
SKY: bryan vs kaz
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2023 11:34:29 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar


Seeing the "beast" get slapped by his own Pokemon earned him a chuckle. It also earned a bit of insult to injury. "What's the matter 'Wolf' having trouble controlling the pack?" It gave the hero a bit of confidence that could be used as a weapon, "Guess I don't have to worry about Rocket getting what they want with skills like that on their side."

The waves of air might have cut the witch's as she wasn't expecting her dance partner to be quick on her feet. Still like her trainer she laughed even through the pain of injury and her sunday best being ruined. "Mystical Fire!" Taking in both her trainer's order and a deep breath the ghost let out a stream of flames that almost seemed to dance in the air as it chased after the bat.


MP: 10 [post]
MP Total: 80

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
waking the king [m]
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2023 8:47:36 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

With each step the girl took towards him Kazimir shrunk back and with each word she said he winced. If there was any more the guilt that was building up inside might actually tear him in two. "Oh you thin that's bad? I think he's gonna hang me after today. Unless I...challenge him to a duel...and shoot him."

He shook his head to jumble his thoughts back into place, "Wait wait wait, focus, whole town is in danger. So again,"

He got up and dusted the glass and dust off of him and walked out the door to the street, "Where the heck is Navy cause I could use his help to deal with that!" He gestured to the large mass of leathery skin curled up in the middle of an intersection. It shifted and from the mass came up the head of Tyrantrum that let out a yawn before returning to its original sleeping position.

"We got six hundred pounds of ancient murder machine out here who'll take out at least a whole city block if we're not careful.

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Kazimir Wynter
SEA: Xenon and Kazimir
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2023 9:27:14 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The Buzzwole finds himself slammed into the deck from a lithe cockroach and as it reached up to grab at it it soon started to circle around it and strike at its knees. With each strike the large red buff bug was struggling to keep himself standing straight. In fact it got him to fall and lean on one of his fists. It kept its eyes(?) on the other Ultra Beast and pushed off of its fist and swung its fists around in a tornado of punches with its darkest lariat.

From the ocean rose out a crimson Garydos with Kazimir riding on top of it shaking the water out of his hair as he looked down. When he locked eyes with a mix of emotions welled up inside of him. "Small world innit, to think we'd meet again at sea! Must be destiny that we're meant to be!" If his words wouldn't cut her then the scale shot that shot out of the dragon's mouth would as it showered her and her Gengar with scales.

MP: 10 [post + participation]

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
Shore: Kaz & Kouji [RT]
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2023 9:26:14 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Being huge did have its advantages. The other disadvantages was that they were a bigger target so attacking the limbs was easier. Case in point was when his arm was pulled and his elbow was at Kouji's mercy. Crap. He let himself get got.

He had a few choices here and most of them probably involved him losing that elbow. "All right, all right. I'll...take some nuts instead!" His hand moved away from Kouji's ribs and shot right into his family's jewels. It was a risk but drastic times called for drastic measures. He was definitely probably going to lose that elbow though.



MP: 10 [post in RT Mission]
MP Total: 255 MP

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
SECRET: kaz & kyle
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2023 9:25:27 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"I'm hurt you think I'm not always winging it."

That was how the best plans came to fruition.

"I'll be honest usually things go to shi-"


Both ends of the hall filled up with Grunts holding up Pokeballs, knives, and even on with a frying pan. Among them was the two that the two dog boys had knocked out leaving them with nothing but their briefs. "YOU BETTER SAY YOUR PRAYERS YOU PUNKS!" They started approaching and Kaz just cracked his knuckles. His dog growled and their hackles were raised.

"Ah there it is! So how many you think you can take? I can handle like, four at a time."


MP: 10 [post]

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
SKY: Kaz vs Hitoshi [rt]
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2023 20:56:33 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

A roaring engine echoed through the sky and a massive shape pierced through cloud after cloud. On top of it stood a costumed individual wearing emerald armor moving his body with the sway of the rocket as it soared through the air. Celesteela alone was able to conquer the skies if the Pokkenger needed them to, its size alone was enough to give it an edge as it towered over anything that they came across. That alone didn't even speak of the power that it had, while it was in no form able to destroy the region like its other cousins from a war long past the fact their engines could take out their surrounding was nothing to sneeze at.

Luckily the Pokkenger was able to take care of this one after it was left in his care by a friend. In hindsight it was probably obvious that a person from alola would teach this beast about surfing through the wind and water. "Looks like clear skies for now-hm?"

A plane was coming up above them, and old fashioned one from the looks of it though the Pokkenger was no expert on planes. Maybe if he had along with him he could ask. Tapping his foot against the Ultra Beast's neck it rose right next to the plane giving its pilot a winning smile and tilting one of its arms in a greeting. Meanwhile Pokkenger just had his arms crossed, "Lovely weather we're having huh?!"

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2023 8:31:29 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As is freed Kazimir stands under him with large arms held out to hopefully catch him as or help him get back on his own two feet if possible. "Better late than never eh?" The ex-e4 apologetically chuckles as he and his Urshifu follow the rest of the group as they make their way out. He does his best to step over the fallen anchors that dot their path not wanting to risk being dragged behind.

Quickly does the light at the end of the tunnel grow even brighter that they spill out into a small campfire. On it is a sight that's both new and old to Kazimir. Eaten flesh. That fact will never not get under his skin.

His anger is only quelled when he notices the cages and one SPENCER MODELL within them and without a moment's hesitation, "Get them outta there Domon! And stand back folks!" The bear just grunts and leaps at the cages with his fists curled as he roars. A wicked blow tries to break off the bars of the cage with each punch to make sure that their prisoners can be out of this hell.

As he watches his partner get to work his mind wanders to the Megalopolans; they were complete bastards for doing this. Kidnapping more people and using them for food. Worse still was that they were still doing it just so they could have some road trip snacks for their trip home!

Wait...trip home?

He suddenly recalls the words shared between and one of the Megalopolans. They wanted to go home. They just wanted out of here. Yet they were using poor innocents to keep themselves feed for the trip. It wasn't ok. He knew it wasn't ok. He knew they didn't need to do this. He's seen it before.

So why do all this? Why? He just wants to save the people they kidnapped, but did that mean he could maybe help the megalopolans if they ultimately wanted to leave this place?


    - we kinda saved !
    - holy crap grilled arm!
    - tries opens the cages with urshifu's wicked blow
    - kaz remembers 's words and Xanthos (where is he now spiral is he ok. is he eating his yogurt)
    - kaz...feels sorry for the megalopolans?
    - like he's developing some kind of sympathy for even his enemies

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2023 5:51:22 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing