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waking the king [m]
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2023 8:45:55 GMT
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"...alright you better not be by the door."

The front door to Dewford's Gym Leader is suddenly thrown off its hinges as a mass of muscle barrels right through the door and flies over the threshold and lands with a thud on the floor coughing. "Alright...I'll pay for that, but we got bigger...issues..." As he gets to his hands and knees he looks around and only sees one person in the room, and they weren't who he was looking for. "Uh...where's Navy?"

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Kazimir Wynter
red riot [flashback][m]
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2023 3:34:42 GMT
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"Now finish it!"

A young boy, barely a man, punches the air as his Riolu rushes at the Machoke and dodges its Low Kick and scratches across its face with a Metal Claw that leaves red marks that leak as it falls onto its back and doesn't get back up. A mix of cheers and jeers fill the warehouse as a young Kazimir jumps up pumping up his arms as his Riolu does the same waving its arms around as it jumps up towards Kaz who catches it in his arms. "That's the way to do it Skywalker!"

"Check this kid out! These little puppies are killing it today" One of the older men give the boy a noogie with their meaty fist. The other trainer however on the other side didn't seem to share the same sentiment as he returned his Machoke to its ball, "And I'm going to kill him!"

He raised his fist and took a swing at Kazimir who was a second too late in reacting and his head was spinning as he nearly fell to the ground. Catching himself he wiped his nose on his arm leaving a red smear on his face as his Riolu went on a barking rage in his arm at the man that hit its Trainer. "Oh yeah? You got any more 'mon for us to tackle? Or how about me and you go a round." His proclamation got the crowd around them to laugh and cheer.

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Kazimir Wynter
mushrana buffet [m]
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2023 3:04:44 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

A small section of the woods had been cordoned off to act as a small campsite and one of the few people first in line to take advantage of it was Kazimir. It had been a good long while since he camped out under the stars and he needed a good way to decompress with all that's been happening as of late. As he had his fun the sun began to set over the whole forest and he knew he needed to forage for a few things before turning in for the night. The first were small things to start a fire with, twigs and pinecones, maybe some dried leaves, anything that will hold a flame to keep him warm.

However he exhausted himself turning over every nook and cranny to find the right ones and was now slumping against a tree trying to let his sore body take a breather. Soon he slowly slipped into the realm of sleep as his clutch on a makeshift scarecrow loosened up and the doll fell to pieces. Surely a quick nap wouldn't hurt right?

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kalediscope eye [m]
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2023 3:02:08 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Normally Kaz just took Ranger jobs as they came his way but when he heard that they were looking for help with work at Meteor Falls he leapt at the chance to go. It had been a long while since he came to his old stomping grounds, nostalgia for them was at an all time high. Over time the place had undergone changes yet there were still pockets of places left untouched that he recognized. He was pretty much dragging by the arm as they made their way through the inside.

"And that waterfall always has a bunch of Wishiwashi trying to climb it. You stare at it long enough and you'll see them school up and try to make it to the top." Sure enough while they were far from it little specks of fish could be seen jumping from the basin up the waterfall.

"Plus this place makes one heck of a campsite. The ambiance is incredible." The sound of rushing water and roaring Pokemon was like music to his ears. Honestly maybe once this job was done he would come out here and spend a few nights. Speaking of which...

" was the job here again?" He might have gotten too into reliving memories to actually remember why he was here.


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starry knight [DDD]
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2023 6:04:50 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The bulky man drifted off into sleep in the hammock as the cool beach air lulled him to sleep. For a while he's been having some nice dreams lately so falling asleep wasn't really a worry. What was a worry was what was written on the notebook in his hand as it slowly slipped out of his fingers and plopped onto the white sands, the writing made out to be some sort of list.







Blue eyes fluttered open to the sight of not a sunny day but a cloudy evening where white particles were falling onto his face. Instead of a soft hammock he was lying on soft snow. Sitting up he could see that he was in a snowy forest and not the beach anymore. With a heavy crunch of the snow he got to his feet and began to walk forward with no rhyme or reason. If he just kept walking then he was bound to find something.

Then there it was; a ticket booth. Approaching it he found a Totodile sitting inside tapping away at a keyboard as the board behind him was lit up. He recognized the set up, a movie theater booth. On the board was only one title showing today.


"Hey, one ticket please?" He didn't even take out any money and already the Totodile gave him a salute and printed him a ticket. As he turned to leave the little croc stopped him with a cry. Turning around he saw a tray with a jug of steaming hot chocolate and malasadas shoved from under the window. So it was dinner and a show. "Sweet. Thanks."

There was a tilled path that he followed to a row of theater chairs in front of a large mountain face. Taking a seat he placed the tray on the fold out table on the side and let his body recline into the back as he nibbled on one of his deserts. There was no time wasted as the whole lighting around him somehow got darker as a light was shone from a tree and onto the mountainside as the count down started.




Who are you?

A question framed in nothing but a black screen and white letters. It cut to a familiar scene that made people familiar with Kaz. Pokkenger holding up one of the previous Champions during an attack on Slateport as he catches her from a nasty fall. Then another, Pokkenger climbing a tree to help a Litten down from a tree. Then another, Pokkenger wrestling with Rocket members as a group of baby Pokemon run from the scene out of an open cage. Finally, Kazimir drop kicking a Rocket Grunt as they approach an Urshifu who's down on their knee and tired.

Are you a hero?

Why do you risk your life?

Another black screen with words asking a question. Now it flashes to a scene of Kazimir standing between a large Haxorus and , the world around them looks medevil in setting and their attire matches to boot. Her in a regal gown and a crown atop her head while he sports glistening armor and a sword and shield in hand as he pushes back against the dragon's strike. "Run your highness! I won't allow this beast to claim you! On my honor!"

The scene changes as the blade is thrust right into the dragon's throat.

A dark city is alight as fire and smoke pours out of a building. A fire truck raises its ladder up to a window and the garbed firefighter breaks through the window and hops inside. "Anyone in here?!" Shouts the familiar voice as blue eyes scan through the smoke. That's when they see it, the sight of someone's leg sticking out. Running over they see the sight of clinging onto and grab the both of them to lift them to their feet and lead them to the ladder where others are ready to take them.

There's a cry as a Purugly scrambles toward you jumping into your arms and in one motion you toss it towards the retreating ladder and into the girl's arms as the building falls on top of you.

What are you?

Another question. The next cut is one that fills the stomach with disgust. The scene is one of a battlefield as men and women of blue skin pour out of holes that crack the sky as they descend with their teeth bared. Next is a solitary beach where a lone man well built is doing push ups against the back drop of the setting sun, suddenly he lifts one of his arms behind him and continues on with just one hand. Another scene, this one of a typical battle between trainers and their Pokemon as a Lucario dashes past its opponent on the ginger giant's orders. Final scene, Kazimir stands before an old man in a dojo with sweat dripping off their bodies as the younger man does his best to dodge the sensei's strikes.

Are you a warrior?

Why do you hunger for blood?

The same white words fade into a dark alley where two costumes individuals trade blows with one another. Pieces of their suits litter the ground underneath them as each blow to the other breaks of another piece. It isn't until a knife finds an opening in one of the suits that the fighting pauses like a still frame. Slowly the masks of both fall apart revealing the glare of as he looks down at Kazimir's face. Blood drips from his mouth holding back the growl he so wants to let out, yet he'll never express those feelings as he falls forward onto his side in silence.

The scene changes as soon as a dark pool starts to spread from the body.

The roar of the crowds go wild as Kazimir Wynter and lock arms in this Championship Title match. Sweat drips down each man's body trailing around the bruises they gave to one another. The hold doesn't break until Kazimir knees his opponent in the stomach and he bends over. Noah finds his head under Kaz's arm as he pulls him up into a vertical suplex and slams him onto the mat leaving him prone. Kaz is quick to go for the pin fall and hook his leg up as the crowd counts with the ref as they reach three.

As he's declared the new Champion he plants a foot on Noah's chest and raises his arms for the crowd as they stomp and cheer. Draped over one of his arms is a golden belt, a symbol of his accomplishment for his dedication of proving he was the best in combat.

Do you fight for others?

Do you fight for yourself?

Which is it?

Three questions flash on the screen and the audience sinks into its chair. "I uh... I don't..."

You protect because your compelled to fight.

You fight because your ordered to protect.

You are nothing more than a bEaST.

Three responses that get a small chuckle out of the audience. They couldn't deny that it was that simple. "Alright, got me there. Guess I'm just some guard dog."

The screen starts to glitch, static erupts on all edges as white noise fills his ears. Still he can hear the next words clearly from the film.

"But I don't wear a leash...

I'm just a good dog...

Who's claws have yet been unsheathed..."



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Kazimir Wynter
starfall [dw]
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2023 0:17:00 GMT
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He daydreams about seeing his name up in a Hall of Fame as a champion of Hoenn. That was the good stuff right there. Way more potent than the wine as he poured himself more, this time actually filling the glass. "Does got a nice ring yeah. I can dig it."

A roar echoes out as a charizard flies overhead and sees the little Smeargle down below and sees an easy meal. Unfortunately for it a small little rock stops it in its place with psychic power before slamming it into the ground. Its then that a pokeball is hurled from Kaz's pocket right on top of the lizard as its sucked up into a prison that rocks back and forth.

He sips while the man recalls his own past and goes into a bit further detail than Kaz. As he feels the man against his back he straighten his own to give him a comfortable seat. He had to wonder just how profitable a tattoo parlor could be around here but that was a little out of his wheel house. Still he listened and had to let his thoughts gather when he mentioned that their pasts might be similar in a bigger picture sort of way.

"Hm...might be more on the mark than ya think." he sips. "Actually not from this region myself. Family lives out in Galar but when news about all the troubles happening here I high tailed it here to help. Folks used to call me a nosy little puppy. You have any luck with your business since coming here?" While their reasons for coming here may be different this place was a magnet for change both big and small. Something had to happen to one looking for it at some point no?


[catching charizard!]

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Kazimir Wynter
A Night at the Movies [M]
POSTED ON Oct 17, 2023 22:39:05 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"I actually jumped out of my seat a few times. Honestly not a bad flick." Kaz answered as his mind went back to the ending scene of all the animatronics being turned into scarecrows. He should get something like that for his place for some good decoration. That or dress up as one.

When he was asked by to come along he was all too excited to go. It had been a while since he's been to the movies with people so it felt like a golden opportunity. It was too bad that the whole theater seemed to be pretty empty once they were inside. That atmosphere was more dreary than the actual movie. Still with how late it was it was probably just everyone heading home as soon as they could once the other stuff was done showing. At least they're were still a few other people with them as they all walked.

"Think i'll come back and see it again. Anyone up for a second viewing this week? Cause I think Storm-huh?" He looked back and notice something wasn't right. He was almost sure that his Ninetails had been following right behind all of them. Was it back in the theater? The fox was pretty into the movie as it sat in the row above everyone last he checked. Although right before the lights came on he was sure its eyes were glowing a cursed blue.

"Hey did anyone see where my Nine-" Kaz barely finished his sentence when the lights in the hallway started to flicker. Suddenly as the lights blinked so did a figure at the end of the hallway covered in nothing but shadows yet in the faint light left to them they could make out one detail.

It looked oddly Ursarang shaped.


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Kazimir Wynter
SKY: kaz vs marcus [rt]
POSTED ON Oct 17, 2023 21:45:48 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As the boulder slams into the Celesteela's arm a few specks of dust and dirt land on the ace trainer's head. Blue eyes quickly scan the airspace and it doesn't take them long to focus on a small speck. As it comes into view the ginger couldn't help but stifle a chuckle and a grin, "Brave little fella ain'tcha?"

All it takes is a nod from him to get his Minior jetting off right towards the Baltoy. As it gets closer it's whole body begins to sparkle and in the next instant flash like a dazzling gleam that envelopes the sky as the little meteor flickers like a strobe light.

MP: 10 [post]

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Kazimir Wynter
SUPPLY: kaz & nomi
POSTED ON Oct 17, 2023 21:45:12 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Me? I here." It wasn't a total lie. "I just have to keep people away from here while work gets done. Though I guess since your here...that...means."

Shit what did it mean?

Was there a memo that he had forgotten about this place being investigated? Cause if so...then why did they just send over one person? "I'm here to escort you in. Its dangerous with all that inter dream mist and all that." There was no way this was all just a misunderstanding right? Either way it was probably better to just let it play out. His Ceruledge slowly returned itself to its Trainer's edge as they walked as a group deeper into the cave.

"So is it really just you they sent? Kind of thought there would be a whole team y'know?"


MP: 10 [post in RT Mission]
MP Total: 90

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SEA: Xenon and Kazimir
POSTED ON Oct 17, 2023 21:44:22 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Static comes in through the radio.

"This is the Little Shellos! We have an intruder on our-" The transmission was cut off and replaced by the sound of an explosion as one of the ships began to sink. From the smoke shot out a red blur that hopped onto the deck of the nearest one causing its crew to come out and face the threat to them. Standing before them was a large red muscular creature who flexed its large arms before slamming a dynamic punch right into the ground breaking through the deck and shaking the crew off their feet.

The creature only looked at the Rocket members as half of them fled and the other half were readying Pokeballs. The large bug seemed to only laugh as it lifted its head and mimiced the motion of someone laughing. Just what was this creature?

MP: 60 [post + participation]

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Oct 17, 2023 8:44:58 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The further in they went the more the walls closed in all around them. Even good ol' Jolly Roger seemed to be getting a sense of claustrophobia as the turtle looked side to side as they inched closer to him. With enough pressure behind it he could probably flush out this entire tunnel if there weren't already people inside.

As they walked Kazimir couldn't help but scratch at his leg as trudge through the water. The cold was making the small hairs on his leg stand up and scratching them gave him a bit of relaxation. It was only when something else touched his leg that he kicked his leg out to make a splash and reveal the chain that had rested along his leg.

Ghostly anchors made themselves known from the depths of the water as they tried to constrict everyone in the group. Kaz turned to his Blastoise who was trying to shake off his restraints and opened his mouth to issue an order that could save them. Then he saw just how big the turtle was compared to this cave. Making him move around too much was bound to get someone hurt so...

"Get back here! Go Domon!" Kaz shouted as he quickly returned his turtle to a red light and sent out his bearish partner who did his best to take steps to avoid the chains. "Domon help us out here! Make sure they don't get anyone else dragged under! I'll handle myself." The Urshifu took a second to glare at his Trainer before nodding and running off. It was easier said than done as Kaz was slowly being made into some kind of damp scarecrow while pulling the anchor shots off of him.

As the bear ran he saw being grabbed and flattening his hand aimed an aerial ace at the Dhelmise trying to reach for him again to cut them down and keep him safe.


    - blastoise is now claustrophobic?
    - oh shit ghost anchors nooooo davey jones
    - returns blastoise let's swap with urshifu
    - kaz gets grabbed?!
    - urshifu uses aerial ace to protect...!

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Kazimir Wynter
SKY: bryan vs kaz
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2023 16:04:27 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The roar of the Hyper Beam reaches them before the actual blast. The Braviary then screams as it flaps its wings and brings itself upright to stop itself as the beam flies right in front of them. If the blast or even the heat of it wasn't going to throw Pokkenger off then it would be the fact that his Braviary was about to throw him off.

"By all means let's dance then. Taking out a foul beast is part of my job." Words were all he had in the face of the intimidation coming off this man and his Garydos. It felt vaguely familiar the more he looked at his face. His Braviary pulled back as he took out a ball and sent out a Mismagius who levitated through the air with ease. "Besides your face kinda ticks me off, Shoot him down Goodwitch!"

The ghostly witch let out a cackle as it aimed a shadow ball at the flying serpent and its trainer while it was still recovering from using up its energy.


MP: 60 [post]
MP Total: 70

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