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Kazimir Wynter
SECRET: kaz & kyle
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2023 16:02:20 GMT
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The grunt's eyes go wide as he quickly brings his hand up to his forehead nearly slapping himself with it as he salutes. "Sir! So sorry sir! Was not expecting you to show up today sir!"

Kaz lets out a quiet sigh before raising an eyebrow at the champ and wondering how he pulled that off. What did someone around here look just like him? Judging from reactions they must be some kind of big shot. "Yeah and I'm his escort. I was just taking him too...the lab. To look at some results." It was better to be as vague as possible since they didn't know what they could even find down here.

"Oh-oh then you'd want the next hallway. That's to the cafeteria." He pointed to the next door over which Kaz gladly walked over to to hold the door open for Kyle. "Right right, they outta label these things better y'know." Missing the large bold "K" on above the door Kaz shuffled both him and Kyle into the hall as the grunt went back into his room and sigh of relief was let out by both them and Kazimir.

As they walked down the hall there was one question that was eating away at Kaz, "So who was he talking about?"


MP: 10 [post]

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newtype // e4
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2023 22:27:51 GMT
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"Just being Champion level would probably be fine enough honestly." If recognition alone was all that he was after that was. Yet he knew that settling wasn't like him. Not now anyway. "But I like making splashes and big waves. Doing that might just give the kick in the rear that the region probably needs. Plus..."

He trailed off knowing what he would say but was hesitant to say it. "It makes sense, the people all look up to the top Champ and the spotlights on them. That's just a benefit if we boil it down to basics. That's why I'm aiming for it, so all eyes are on me. The regular folks, other trainers, even our own guys 'specially in the council, and even in Rocket. I want them to know that someone they can put their faith in is also someone they don't want to mess with."

Now he was grinning, "And if I can be a bit more personal...knowing there's someone up on top just urges me on. Like I gotta climb up there to meet with them at least before throwing down. To me being top champ is more than just a title but absolute proof that me and my Pokemon buddies busted our asses to prove that we're number one." He was leaning in now, that grin evolving into a smile and his eyes full of hunger as he tried to imagine the battle between him and .


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Kazimir Wynter
SMOG: Kaz & Nikita
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2023 22:09:38 GMT
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The graveyard dog surprised many as it popped out of a portal and managed to catch the staff of the iron knight right out of its hands. The sound of crunching metal was heard and the clank of two pieces of steel laid at the feet of the dog. Death did indeed came for every living thing it seemed, even if said living thing was some mechanical monster.

With their enemy disarmed it was the perfect chance to get themselves out of here so Kazimir reached down for a ball and threw it at the knight. "Shadow Claw!" Out of the capsule rushes out a Ceruledge that draws its blade as a ghostly aura surrounds it and it slices across the Iron Valiant's body. There was a beat before the iron paradox fell to its knees and toppled over, its body slowly rolling in half before fading away into the same mist that surrounded them to disappear into the mist of time.

"Alright. Now I think we can go. Shall we?". The Ceruledge swiped at the mist creeping in towards the group once more signaling that it was probably time to leave. If they stayed any longer they might tire themselves out faster than they can make it back home. With a hop Kazimir jumped to his feet and return to his dash towards the exit.

MP: 310 [post + win + complete]

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Kazimir Wynter
SHORE: Fern vs Kaz
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2023 22:39:12 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

It was time to change up his approach to these fights.

So Pokkenger decided to take a splash in the water (or sand) in this case as a large Tyrantum was stomping along the shore. Rocket grunts did their best to quell it but with one swipe of its dragon tail it knocked both trainer and Pokemon alike in one fell swoop. Some merely ran at the sight of it charging right at them as it roared. Mixed in with the roar was a lot of cheering as a masked vigilante was holding onto the back of the large dinosaur.

"That's right get outta here! Unless ya want to become a snack for my buddy here!" He was probably going to draw lots of attention to himself but that was the plan. The more of Rocket that he could take out in one go the faster this whole fight could end. Simple logic.

Now it was only a matter of waiting for more and more of them to take up the bait.


10 mp: post
50 mp: participation

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Kazimir Wynter
SECRET: kaz & kyle
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2023 21:19:04 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Kaz gives a thumbs up as he and his Lycanroc lead the group into the building. First was a hallway with various doors on each side as they passed by, a pattern formed with doors switching between name plates and windows into other hallways. Their current corridor almost went on a bit too long for reason until his Lycanroc stopped at one with a window leading into another hallway. It was as good as any lead so taking the door handle Kaz slowly opened it up.

"Hey you two!"

Kaz froze and craned his head and from behind them stood a man coming out of the door opposite of their chosen door. He looked grizzled, old with a scruffy beard and mustache that took up his entire lower jaw yet his posture was firm as he jabbed a finger at the pair. "What the hell do you two think you're doing out here!? Ya bottom ringers shoulda been down below an hour ago! So what gives?!"

The largest of the two disguised men stayed quiet as he glanced over to Kyle. He pleaded to the champ with his eyes. One simple thing. One thing to save the both of them from getting found out so quickly.

You got anything?


MP: 10 [post]

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Kazimir Wynter
shades of ultra blue [m]
POSTED ON Oct 13, 2023 23:02:05 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

A small raft bounced against the waves and the steel ladder next to it as two men had made their way up into the old facility. A hatch opened up and out came Kazimir who scanned the room before pulling himself up and and quietly making his way to the only door in the room and crack it open to peek inside. The small creak that it gave off shot a bullet full of anxiety into his chest as he hoped it wouldn't attract the prey that the two of them were hunting for. Megalopolans.

While some were more cooperative when they resurface it was the ones that weren't that were a problem. Attacking people and Pokemon alike meant that they needed to be dealt with and so when one case was called in two individuals who were well versed in dealing with them were called in. Both men were veterans of the invasion these people pulled and even Kaz had some experience dealing with them before that, so dealing with them was in their wheel house.

"Coast is clear. Don't see even a hair of them, might be hiding outside or deeper in." Pulling out his phone he goes over the evidence he had of proof that they were here. Flipping through items he reached a video of an aerial view of the place where a pair of megalopolan uniforms that they normally wore were seen wandering about up top before the camera feed was interrupted by a purple blur. "Still they probably have some patrols down here, we doing this quietly or going with a bang Tom? I prefer the bang."


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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Oct 13, 2023 16:45:02 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar



EXPEDITION #: first time for both the bois!
SELECTED PROMPT #s: 03, 07, 12, 13
Mint has;
-mega evolution
-paradox mons

Kazimir has;
-mega evolution
-paradox mons
-mythical mons
-ultra burst (urshifu)
-"og" faller (aqua assembly "gift")
-king of fighters/z-pose power
-previous zygarde cell host
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
SMOG: Kaz & Nikita
POSTED ON Oct 13, 2023 14:13:50 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The exit in fact was guarded as a single Iron Valiant stood between the two and their freedom.

Like its name implied it bravely stood up to them drawing its blade and pointing it at their direction as they ran. "Maybe we just run past it if we're quick enough!" Kazimir had had enough battling these Pokemon for one day. Unfortunately the robotic knight would give him no rest nor no quarter as it rushed at them swiping at Kaz with a Psycho Cut that he barely managed to see coming and side step as the blade cut into his shirt as he fell onto his butt.

Suddenly the beast twirled on its heel to swing its blade at Nikita with a Night Slash. Kazimir saw his chance and swung his leg at the metal leg of the Iron Valiant. Hitting steel sent a shock through his leg but his muscles were able to knock the Pokemon off balance hopefully giving Nikita a better chance at dodging its swipe or retaliating. Or even getting out of here first as the metal knight fell to its knees and glared back at Kaz who just gave it a grin in response.

MP: 10 [post]

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Oct 13, 2023 12:48:20 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The giga drain hardly did much to slow down the little shadow's charge as it pushed on through. The fist was faster than the captains reaction and he soon felt a chill spread throughout his chest in a flash as he was suddenly sent flying backwards, a lot of force behind something so small. Luckily Kazimir was there to catch his Pokemon and see it completely knocked out as he returned it to its ball never breaking eye contact with the masked man and his Marshadow. "Well...guess I'm a bit outta my league here."

Feeling his Z-Move become weaker clued him in that this guy wasn't normal. Most likely an Avatar though he's never known one that could suck out energy like that. If that was the case then it must have been a stroke of bad luck that he came here tonight. As he placed his Pokeball back onto his belt he quickly reached for another item and threw down a trio of small pellets that erupted into a wall of smoke as he made a mad dash for the exit. There was always no shame in making tactical retreats.


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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
SUPPLY: kaz & nomi
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2023 6:35:16 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The little letter vanished in the blink of an eye and both Ceruledge and Kazimir both blinked as they exchanged glances between one another. Normally a Pokemon wouldn't runaway like that instantly if it came up to them. The optimistic reason was that it was just playing with them but that soon proved to not be the case as Kaz felt his shoulder suddenly burn as a beam grazed against it.

"What the heck?!" The ghostly knight used an ally switch to quickly swap places with Kazimir to put himself between the Unown and his trainer. It gives Kaz a bit of time to catch his breath and clutch his arm as the stinging sensation continues alongside the burn. Slowly he moves away from the two Pokemon to avoid anymore crossfire when he hears something.

A noise coming from the cave that he was protecting.

As fast as his legs can carry him he races over to its mouth only to be greeted by the sight of a woman with a bunch of equipment sprawled all over the floor. She definitely wasn't supposed to be there. "Hey! What are ya doing down there!" he shouts as he makes his way towards her only to bend down and offer a hand, "You ok?"


MP: 10 [post in RT Mission]
MP Total: 80

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2023 5:39:32 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

For a second Kaz lost his footing.

Something was wrong. The energy that usually flowed through his body felt dull and it was reflected in the Z-move. The blooms ceased to grow and soon exploded into small bursts of petals that pop into small sparks that filled the room. As if someone had lit fireworks inside of the usual explosion of light he was used too.

As the fireworks went off his Roserade wasted no time in using this chance to catch their foe off guard even while his trainer was also caught in confusion. Aiming one of its bulbs at the Marshadow it launched a giga drain at it to sap some of its strength to try and replenish its own.


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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Oct 12, 2023 4:33:55 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As his teeth sink into the purple meat(?) his mouth and nostrils are greeted with a smelly aroma and Kaz starts to gag. His whole throat feels like its about to lose a lot more than the lunch he had today but falling from the jellyfish's grip manages to keep his food down as he watches the rest of the people gathered launch their assault. He keeps himself down low to the ground as attacks and even coins go flying everywhere as he hears one of the Megalopolans say something.

They wanted to go home.

Well he wished they would go home too but he didn't think the ones that did show up would want to be leaving. He was sure they had a deal with Rocket or something. These were thoughts that needed a bit more time to reflect on as his stomach churned again as he crawled along the floor. Once things calmed down he used one of the megalopolan workbenches to help keep himself steady as he pulled himself up to his feet. As he took in heavy breaths to ease his body he saw all the coins that had found their way to the bench's surface and took a few into his hand to run a finger over them. Looked real enough so he might as well keep some for pocket change, and as he did he unearthed one of the shiny machines that these other worldly visitors worked on.

" it...your bill for your meal." The analogy might have not been accurate but whatever, taking one of them with him would probably piss off one of them at the very least. That was some payback for trying to turn him into food again.

As he watched everyone get their bearings he walked over to to observe the Ursaluna who seemed to reciprocate some affection to him for saving it. "Damn man, you outta be a Pokemon whisperer with how ya did that." Maybe there was merit to owning a whole farm full of Audinos. Giving him a thumbs up he sees the two paths laid out before them all and thinks to himself.

However his Ninetails gives him pause as it nudges him while walking with a slight limp. A sprain from being dropped by their captives most likely. "Alright, take a breather. We're gonna need firepower here." Opening up another ball came out his Blastoise who stretched every limb out of his shell. "If anyone's heading down to get a dip in the water just stay behind Jolly here, he's wide enough to cover a few of us!"

The Blastoise let out a prideful snort from its nostrils as the pair slowly entered the watery path and Kaz kept his chin up to keep his mouth clear of any bad water as his Blastoise lead him down the path.


    * he's feeling the effects of eating toxic chain
    * megalopolans phone home???
    * pockets a few coins and even a shiny machine (maybe?) cause money is money gimmie that cash
    * gives a thumbs up to and goes down path 1
    * swaps out ninetails with blastoise to act as a meat shield in the water.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
SMOG: kaz & razz
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2023 16:39:40 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Why isn't it obvious?" His arms spread out as far as they can reach as the king lets out another hearty laugh, "This entire region of course! We just can't let some fertile land like this go to waste now can we? Strange powers are in abundance here and taking them for ourselves will ensure our kingdom's might! We just need to get rid of the vermin that dot this land. Lucky for us they're willing to kill each other for us but..."

As he trails off there's shuffling in the sand as a young man wearing a ranger uniform is shoved between the king and Razz. Behind him are a pair of Iron Bundles keeping their circular tanks pointed and ready at the Ranger as tears well up in his bruised eyes and looks up at Razz, a plea for help written plainly on his face.

"There's still a whole lot of them. Luckily these strange creatures I found are more than willing to help us with a little bit of convincing. Now be a good man and help clean up this rabble. After decimating some already my dear friend and I need a spot of rest to keep up the strength. Wars aren't won on tired men now aren't they?"


mp: 10 [post]
Mp total: 90

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Nov. 25
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Kazimir Wynter
SMOG: Kaz & Nikita
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2023 15:48:52 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Don't gotta tell me twice!" As a sumo wrestler was swapped for a tree Kazimir followed Nikita towards the exit and kept looking over his shoulder to see the Iron Thorns making its way towards them. For being a big hunk of steel it did seem pretty large so he expected the thing to be moving slowly but it was actually keeping decent pace with them. That might be one of the worst things about these Paradoxes was that they were just relentless. "Kick into high gear! I'll slow it down! C'mon Wickerman!" Turning on a dime he and the Trevanant he brought with him were face to face with the large creature as Kaz folded his arms together.

At the same moment the Scream Tail was relishing in managing to literally steam roll over the Wigglytuff as its spinning came to a stop. For once in its short existence it felt an ounce of pride within itself and puffed up its own body to look more swollen with pride. Too bad its decedents were probably known for being nothing but hot air. It had taken its eyes of Nikita's Wigglytuff as it threw itself against the puffball and sent it flying and screaming.

"Let our power blossom in this dreamy garden, bloom doom!" Striking his z-pose Kaz's body let off a glow that surged right into his wicked tree as its roots dug into the ground and flowers of all colors began to sprout up underneath them and the charging Iron Thorns. It still didn't stop its charge even as the flowers erupted into explosions of light, instead it only charged forward with high horsepower right into the Trevanant. The poor woodland ghost was pushed right underneath it and the weight of its feet coming down on it splintered it and the remains were burned with the eruption of light. Its rumbling drowning out the sound of the Scream Tail as it was hurled into the light screaming its last breath as it faded away like the mist surrounding them.

Once it faded the two Paradoxes as well as Kaz's Trevanant were no where to be seen but specks of ash on the ground. Kaz was left speechless as he gritted his teeth. Another Pokemon gone just like that in this war. One that only wanted to prove its usefulness to its trainer. "Ya did good buddy...sorry." An apology was all he could leave his friend now as he jogged back to meet up with the other man.

"Took care of them...but at a big cost. These things just take even when beating them back huh," His voice was sullen yet he still tried to keep a brave face but its strength was waning as he looked around and noticed something, "Hey, didn't you have two other Pokemon with you?"

MP: 220 [post + z-move + pokemon death]

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The Shula Region
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Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing