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Sea: Mirabella & Kazimir[RT]
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2023 6:55:25 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Yeah fair enough I guess." He or what was left of his small team weren't in any more danger so that was a bonus at best. Guess he had to consider it lucky this one Rocket was only looking to cripple their naval team and not actually build a body count. Watching her fly off he returned his Mimikyu who was busy trying to jump to join the lady and her Milcry back into his ball and look over the railing.

Still no sign of the Tangela.

With a heavy sigh he gestured his Braviary who nuzzled against the mask of the hero as he climbed on board. "Let's go see if we can find more overboards. And another ship to take them back home on." Just cause the battle was lost didn't mean the war was.


MP: 510 [post + battle complete + draw outcome + shore mission]
MP Total: 820

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Kazimir Wynter
knight of the night [gym]
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2023 6:30:48 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

The large man scratched the side of his face as it started to tint a little bit red. While this was all just some illusion receiving compliments from it still felt nice. At least it reminded him that he was still a strong fighter at the very least. He might go down as some villain even in this story but he was going to at least go down swinging once he say that Royal again. "Aw, I'm just me. And hey don't count yourself out man, you got some serious muscle on ya. Just work on it and being tough will come naturally. Trust me. And thanks for the warning." Even if they never saw each other again he wanted to leave the Fighter with a bit of reassurance for himself.

Soon he was back on the road again making his way deeper into the forest until he came across a familiar scene. Another bridge. There were differences however with the biggest one being the city within his vision. That and the other strange fae that was playing a lute and called out to him. "Uh..." He wasn't on a time limit was he? Plus so far every bit of pausing gave him some clue on how to deal with the guy he was chasing so what could one more talk hurt? "Yeah sure thing bud. Anything I can help you with?"


[kaz stays for a chat!]

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starfall [dw]
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2023 6:17:44 GMT
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"Kazimir Wynter. Call me Kaz for short." Would it be considered that this was a case of the opposite being true? "Aspiring Champ-to-be once I get through the Elite Four. Will be kinda weird fighting a few of my old co-workers though. If you knew anything about them they don't pull punches. Which is kinda what I'm hoping for." A smile quickly forms as he's talking and he couldn't help but let out a chuckle. "Also do a bit of Ranger work, helping people is my passion." Would it be considered a half-truth if he withheld just how much he helps people?

"What bout you Mr. Wine Night? Ya look like the total opposite of the world 'simple' if ya don't mind me saying." Not many people he knew would enjoy drinking under the stars while drawing. Guy was giving off some vibes that caught Kaz on its hook and he wasn't fighting back.

Down below a Magby decided to try and play roughly with the Minior trying to catch it by jumping after it. The little rock could only endure so much before it turned around and with a dazzling gleam blinded the little baby Pokemon making it fall on its bottom and get teary eyed. Seeing it happen out of the corner of his eye the scene tugged at Kaz's heartstrings a little bit so he tossed a ball over to the little red tyke to put it in a nice comfortable space as it disappeared into the ball.


[catching magby!]

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Kazimir Wynter
beneath the mask
POSTED ON Oct 11, 2023 4:59:19 GMT
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Hell yeah I'd almost say they were two sides of the same coin. I honestly feel sorry for Thomas trying his best to make Kazimir a better strategist but hey results are results ain't they? Still Kaz would love to learn what he can from the guy cause sometimes reckless abandon can only go so far and work so many times that the results start to suffer. Guy just can't help himself with the confidence that things will work out, specially with Thomas by his side.

While he may not have agreed with what he did as the Wraith fully he won't really hold it against him as of late (Resurfaced Treasures is really making the fighting ugly) so if he ever needs a helping hand with jobs to help fix his image he can count on Kaz as well to lend a helping hand. Having the endorsement of Pokkenger will probably go a long way some time in the future :shrug:

They def need to do some training stuff here and there to build up each others skills and rapport. After all just cause they were both former elite four doesn't mean they can just slouch on that. Them Megalopolans ain't gonna kick their butts back into the wormholes by themselves.
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Kazimir Wynter
SKY: bryan vs kaz
POSTED ON Oct 9, 2023 16:05:12 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"And away you go!" The Braviary loosened its grip on the grunt as they were sent screaming into the ocean from a five foot drop. As the bird rose up to a higher altitude to meet more Rockets a costumed hero pointed at the group moving his finger in a wide circular motion, "Any more of you want to go for a swim? Be my guest fellas!"

There was a slight beat of hesitation from the group before one riding a Fearrow charged ahead. The Braviary just squawked at the challenger before batting its wings as it rose over the other bird and slammed it down with an air slash sending both it and its rider down into the waters.

Its attention then switched to one riding atop a Skarmory and scratched at it with a crush claw that the metal bird tried to fight off with its own talons. Unfortunately for it Pokkenger was ready to hold onto his steed, the Skarmory's rider wasn't and soon found themselves sliding off the bird and grabbing onto its legs pulling it down with them into the drink. Watching them fall like that just made the hero shrug as he returned his attention to the group while wiping the non-existent nose on his mask.

"Well that's two down already. Anyone else fancy a swim?"


MP: 60 [post + rt battle]
MP Total: 60

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Kazimir Wynter
processed shop
POSTED ON Oct 9, 2023 15:08:39 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar


welcome to the poké mart!

1X tm (noivern/noibat learns flamethrower) (60 PD)


1X type 1 evo (noibat -> noivern)


do come again!

60 PD
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2023 21:08:06 GMT
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"aroo aroo aroo awoooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!"

The sound of howling echoed through the pass as Kaz stood among the pack of Lycanroc as they sang their song to the beauty that was the full moon. His own Lycanroc joining him alongside his brothers and sisters before the whole pack with Kaz included took off to run down the pass. The wind blew through his hair and beat against his bare chest as he pushed his legs to keep up with the lupines. Tonight he was one of them, tonight he was free, tonight was the night he would let his inner beast run wild. It was also tonight that he would try and catch one of them as he slowly took out a ball and caught the attention of a few of the wolves as he tossed the ball.

Natural instincts took over as a few of them chased after it with tails wagging and tongues lolling out with excitement in their eyes.


swarm time!!!!

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Kazimir Wynter
beneath the mask
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2023 20:52:38 GMT
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Age / 23-years old [break]
Occupation / ranger/vigilante [break]
Sexuality / bisexual [break]
App / Here [break]
a vigilante that does what he can to help people in need where ever they may be. he's a spirited man who recklessly jumps into the thick of things despite them being way out of his own league. be it bravery or idiocy he isn't just going to sit around and do nothing when shit's going down. despite all the warnings saying he shouldn't anyway. he like to think himself as a reliable kind of guy that would do anything for his friends and prove people wrong when they try to rub him the wrong way after all.
while he's a guy with a big heart he doesn't understand a whole lot of the nuances of the world. because of this he tends to take the simplest path to himself and that might not always gel with people who understand putting pressure on things isn't always the best approach. this has caused him his own fair share of trouble yet he manages to get back up when it knocks him down. its an almost admirable trait if he wasn't the cause of himself getting knocked down in the first place.



Friends / inital meetings with kaz are pretty fun and lighthearted. he gets along well with a lot of personalities although he has a habit of maybe coming on too strong and being a bit too comfortable with people he's just met. it really means that he likes to give people he meets a lot of trust until they prove otherwise, and when they don't then that's when they find out they have a good friend or ally in him for the long haul.
Foes / being a superhero does put him at odds with a lot of people mainly rocket but he also has himself butting heads with league over some of their own way of doing things. honestly criminals in general will earn his wrath as he will crack down on crime and skulls. on the more street level of things he's a little competitive at times so taking him on in a contest is a surefire way to earn him as a rival no matter what the outcome as long as they make him sweat.
Flings / with a big heart giving out love is pretty easy, its settling on a person that doesn't really cross his mind until he realizes that they share the same feelings for him as he does for them. he's a little dense in that department to be honest. still when he finds the one he's pretty much there for them one hundred percent. of course its finding that someone to give his heart for as it'll take a bit of prodding out of him to get the hint. dude's big of heart but not big of sense.

[/PTab={ }]

/ currently taking the gym challenge and has managed to earn enough badges to allow him to challenge the elite four before heading for the champion throne. may or may not be plotting to turn pokkenger into the champion in order to give hope to the region in the form of a symbol.
/ takes on pro wrestling as a moonlighting job alongside his hero work and training journey under the name incinemask after taking over for the previous one. aims to also earn a championship title some time down the line and would love to make a career out of it really.
/ when he's looking for a bit more thrill in his life he'll frequent underground fight rings in order to test both his own strength and the strength of his pokemon. after all going all out is the best way to test the limits one puts on themselves and a good way to break them according to him.
/ his urshifu has earned the title of king of fighters making him one of the only of his kind to be able to utilize ultra burst allowing him to switch stances when in a pinch. this makes the urshifu always looking for opponents to test himself against and kaz is always eager to play along with it as the thrill of a good battle isn't just limited to his partner pokemon.
/ works as a back up member for team aqua after getting his identity leaked to the commissioner. while his role on the team may seem minor compared to others in the group he's still always ready to toss in his opinion during meetings or extend a hand to helping on missions should the need arise.
/ does work with the rangers to help keep the peace around the region in a more direct way even if his involvement is very minimal right now. using the skills he's picked up as his masked persona does have its advantages as it lets him deal with jobs that involve aggressive pokemon and help subdue them in several ways.
/ as pokkenger he goes around infiltrating and busting different operations whenever he can to put a stop to Rocket's hold whenever he can. this probably puts him on notice with some people within the group so it and might make him an annoyance to some if he steps onto their turf to cause trouble.
/ one of the first to come into contact with megalopolans and ultra space giving him some sort of veteran status when exploring their lands. while he used to hate them for the disturbing actions he witnessed in ultra space and in the 3-day war after meeting the refugee xanthos he's reconsidering his hate for them and wonder if more just want to go home thanks to their resurfacing.

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Kazimir Wynter
Sea: Mirabella & Kazimir[RT]
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2023 6:11:30 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Seeing his beloved approach him the Mimikyu's heart was soaring! He hopped up right up to her and was ready to give her a large hug when a blinding light suddenly flashed before his eyes. The light burned and the little ghost let out a scream as he covered his eyes to keep them safe. Luckily for him his disguise kept him safe from any serious damage even if he wasn't going to see properly for a while.

On the other hand as the Braviary managed to strike down his foe he watched as it unleashed a flurry of leaf storm to the boat below and he squawked to let them down below to warn them as he dived down after them. Kaz managed to hear him and saw the leaves coming down and run out of the way of the oncoming attack. His Tangela wasn't so lucky as it tripped over its own feet as the leafs cut into its body leaving cuts into the vines all around it. Then came the flames from the charcadet that gathered around the grass type and set it ablaze with burn. The little grass type let out a scream as it got to its feet and started to run in circles as its body was on flames before it suddenly tripped once again and fell between the railings of the boat and disappeared into the sea, never to be seen again.

The Braviary made its way down to Kazimir's side and sharpened his claws with a hone claws ready for one last fight. Things weren't looking good for them however, especially with the Mimikyu running around with its eyes full of bright light. "Guess ya really got lucky on us. So what now?"


MP: 220 [post + pokemon death + ko enemy pokemon]
MP Total: 310

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Kazimir Wynter
SEA: kaz & amor
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2023 18:09:07 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As the next opponent came out Shogun the Golisopod extended out his hand as water formed into a katana thanks to his liquidation and prepped himself for the next attack. The Swampert charged forward with an arm drawn and the Golisopod did the same with his blade at the ready. He would never see if the swing that he took at the Swampert as the hammer arm struck him square right in the face and there was a loud crunch as the bug reeled backwards and fell into the water. His body lay still as red started to seep into the water around him and Kaz could tell that returning him to his ball would do very little.

There was nothing left to return to it.

Taking out another ball he opened it up to release his Samurott, its black shell glimmering in the sunlight as it let out a roar at the Swampert and pointed its horn at it with heavy swings in a show of intimidation as it felt its blood boil thanks to the sword dance it did. In its eyes were a hunger for revenge for its fallen comrade.


- golisopod uses liquidation!
- takes the hammer arm, critical hit tho...'
- golisopod is dead!
- sends out hisuian samurott!
- samurott uses sword dance!

MP: 210 [post in RT Mission + Pokemon death]
MP Total: 410

[newclass=.pokkenger] [/newclass]
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Kazimir Wynter
SMOG: Kaz & Nikita
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2023 13:39:43 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As the Scream Tail was tossed aside it managed to quickly roll back onto its feet only to be met with an angry Wigglytuff looking for a fight. Meeting its primal scream with its own the primal Jigglypuff look-a-like charged forward. Within a few steps it started to skip and twirl its body with each step until it became a spinning gyro ball looking to slam into the Wigglytuff.

On the other end the Lanturn and the Iron Hand's combined efforts managed to thin out the mist surrounding them to the point that it was like looking through a thin curtain as the world around them started to become more and more visible. Kazimir rubbed both of his shoulders to keep himself warm as the temperature began to noticeably drop around them. Looking around he noticed the two puffball Pokemon still going at it and saw that the primal Jigglypuff didn't seem to fade alongside the mist. "Looks like these strange Pokemon just use the mist to show up, but we gotta get rid of them ourselves. Bad enough they swarm us."

Suddenly the Iron Hands stopped its fanning as it looked at the ground as its senses were detecting something that seemed to be under their feet. Its gaze followed some sort of trail only it could see and it lead towards the young Lanturn. Suddenly the robotic sumo rushed forward at the lantern fish using both of its large hands to shove it out of the way as the ground under the both of them erupted as a large green beast dug its way up. What came out looked similar to a Tyrannitar but like the Iron Hands was more machine than beast as it used its tail to swat the sumo wrestler and as it rolled along the ground the light in its eyes went out as unconsciousness took it out of the fight.

"Oh great, now another one decided to show up right as we were finishing up!" Whined the large man as Kaz returned his Pokemon and searched his belt for a replacement."

MP: 60 [post + ko own pokemon]


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Kazimir Wynter
SMOG: kaz & razz
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2023 13:00:36 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar


A laugh echoes out from within the mist as a shadow starts to form within and only darkens the closer it comes toward Razz. It morphs into a tall form as the details of it come into view once the mist surrounding it slowly pulls back like a curtain. Standing before the Ranger was a red Gyarados with scars running across its body, its skin masking the bits of red that are splashed against its scales. Standing on top of that was...

"Ah Kingsman! Decided to join me in the latest conquest?!" It was Kazimir, or rather it looked like and even sounded like Kazimir. The amphibious appendages along his body said otherwise and yet would they seem familiar? As if some might recall this Kaz as some kind of ruler of some distant land? "I would greatly appreciate the assistance," Kazimir continued, "There are so many of these flies running about that I'm actually breaking a sweat. Now come along, perhaps we can make this island the first part of a new conquest!"

With that declaration he gave the Ranger a smile and an extended hand as his Gyarados lowered its head to put him down to Razz's level.


mp: 10 [post]
Mp total: 80

[newclass=.pokkenger] [/newclass]
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Kazimir Wynter
SECRET: kaz & kyle
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2023 5:01:56 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Now he knows Kyle is a champ for a reason, his skill was still always talk of the town, but seeing him in action kind of felt...different. It didn't feel like he was watching Kyle Lopez the champion of Hoenn. This felt much more intense than he would have thought. Was it intense though or was just Kaz feeling intimidated.

These were question for later.

"Well...we could. Oooooor," He looks between the two guards and themselves before kneeling down and spreading his hands around one of the knocked out guards as if he's measuring him. "Perfect."

Then he starts to strip him.

It doesn't take long until he's dressed up like a Rocket Grunt himself. Disregard the fact the uniform he sports is clearly being stretched to all hell by his bulging muscles. If he so much as flexed they look like they would tear right in half. "What's more fun than sneaking and having some spy time? Guess that mask is gonna actually be handy for ya." Nearly waltzing up to the door he cracked it open to take a peek inside, "Think we're at least in the clear here though. Take your time."


MP: 10 [post]

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played by


Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
SEA: kaz & amor
POSTED ON Oct 6, 2023 16:53:27 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

So Rocket were a necessary evil was it? "You can't really believe that." People seeking Rocket because the League failed him he could understand. Sometimes a person has no other place to turn to. The rest who joined up because it let them get away with their criminal activities and the like? That he couldn't abide by.

As the two monsters wrestled with one another Kaiju found the teeth of his foe sink back into him once again as he felt the sharp jaws sink into his side. The gator let out a roar of defiance that quickly quieted down as the world around him went dark and his body went limp. The loss of blood was great but somehow the gator was still alive by the tiniest measure only proven by the low growls he was letting out. As kazimir reached out for the ball to recall him one of the other balls on his belt started to shake and popped open on its own. From within his Golisopod made its return to the battlefield making a beeline for the fossil and letting its frost breath spread all around as it aimed to get right in the Dracovish's face.

As the body of the feraligatr was back in its ball Kaz looked down at it and gripped it tightly. His pokemon were giving their all for this fight because they trusted and believed in him. "But still...I'll change it. Even if by the tiniest scrap I'll change things."


- kaiju faints!
- golisopod returns to the field!
- uses frost breath on dracovish!

MP: 10 [post in RT Mission]
MP Total: 200

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played by


Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
part of
TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
SECRET: kaz & yuina
POSTED ON Oct 6, 2023 0:01:33 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

He helped her to her feet and for a second it seemed like she could at least stand on her own two feet. With all the blood that was splashed all over her leg it seemed like a piggyback ride might have been in need. Instead it only looked to be much worse as she stopped dead in her tracks. She wasn't looking too hot either.

"Don't tell me." He held her close to him to keep her propped up as he placed a hand on her forehead and looked at her leg. Sure enough her forehead was warming up. She was hit by a Seviper so that could only mean one thing, and so they needed to get out of here asap. "Von Strangle! Get us outta here!" The large muscle bug snapped its head back towards Kazimir and practically lunged at him, scooping both him and Yuina into its arms and using his mighty wings to fly them out of there.

Kaz led them to a hospital to take care of the poison running through Yuina's systems. While he was able to help her the both of them had missed the deadline for their next assigned meet up and so the higher ups considered their job a failure despite the circumstances. Couldn't win them all supposedly.


MP: 410 [post in RT Mission + Mission completion + Mission "loss"]

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