Rugrats [Mission]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Adam Shepard DOLLARS
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Adam Shepard
Rugrats [Mission]
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2019 15:52:38 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
Adam had unfortunately and much to the protest of the individual involved left his most wonderful and splendid Monferno at a daycare to watch over some little shit of a dragon to make sure the damn thing didn’t blow the place up or something.

To say the least, Sun was not very pleased with this development at all. The Pokémon was much too old for this shit but he was promised some tasty treats if he stayed and did his job so he was okay with it….for now. He’d much rather be out there training with that holier than thou Lucario.

The Monferno side-eyed the Deino he was charged with making sure didn’t terrorize the place. ”Alright listen here you little dynamo of terror.” Sun pointed a finger at the Deino, already sort of done with this.

”Don’t do anything stupid that’ll get us in trouble alright? The smoother things go the better it’ll be for the both of us ya hear!” The monkey then made his way and climbed up on top of some furniture, fully intending on taking a nap. ”Aight now have fun with the other babies here or whatever, don’t bother me I’m taking a nap.” What a nice guy.

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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
396 posts
Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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Noelle Lane
Rugrats [Mission]
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2019 7:44:42 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
To say Nero was 'mad' would be an under statement. Nero was pissed. She - that stupid, dumb 'priestess' had left him here. Why would he want to play with any of the dimwitted, weak stupid pokemon that frequented here? She wanted him to 'play nice'? Fine - sure. When she came back to this whole damned building on fire, he'd make her regret leaving him. I-It wasn't as though he had separation issues or anything. It wasn't even as though he was concerned for his dimwitted trainer. He just wanted to make her miserable.

Her and this stupid monkey.

He wasn't a baby, he didn't need someone to look after him. He was a dragon - proud and born in the Dragon Den or...something like that. And the fact that this dumb fire-type was talking down to him...The deino's head whipped upwards to stare at sun with a scathing look, his ivories revealing themselves in a snarl. However...Nero quickly realized that the sooner he got the dumb ape off his tail, the quicker he could begin terrorizing the locale in attempt to let out some frustration and 'play nice' with the others. And so, surprisingly, Nero sat right on down, waiting until the monferno had climbed atop his perch. He waited until Sun's eyes were closed...and the, he was off.

In a matter of minutes, he was already causing chaos. he had a foot placed upon a slightly bruised looking azuril's head, sneering as it cried and pleaded for him to stop as he squished and squeezed it. "Make me then," the dark dragon taunted before kicking the round blue pokemon away with a loud laugh. Now this? This was fun! "You're so weak, it's pathetic! Come on, let's play!"

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senior ranger
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
Adam Shepard DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dynamo
Adam Shepard
Rugrats [Mission]
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2019 18:42:51 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
Sun’s nap was interrupted and there was a list of things that the monkey would generally be okay being woken by. The smell of delicious food, the rise of the morning sun, but what wasn’t on that list was the sounds of crying.

His eyes shot open and the monkey quickly jumped up on his feet, looking around to find the culprit. That’s when it dawned on him that he left that crazy little bastard of a Deino alone and heaven knows what kind of chaos and mayhem that little shit was getting into. Speaking of which, Sun spotted the dragon doing exactly what Sun told him not to do.

”This little shit.” The fire monkey growled as he jumped from furniture piece to furniture piece before dropping down behind the dragon. ”You want someone to make you stop huh?” Sun cracked his knuckles as he stared down at Nero, killer intent in his eyes.

Sun absolutely hate the hell out of people who bullied those weaker than them. Not because of some self-righteous sense of justice or anything but because typically those who acted that way were weak shits themselves and couldn’t really back up their shit-talking and he hated hypocrites.

”It’s fun to kick around weaker shits than you huh? That sorta shit fun to you?” In between sentences huffs of flames would leave his mouth in anger. ”And didn’t I tell you not do anything stupid that’ll get us in trouble?! You think our trainers won’t give us shit for the stunts you’re pulling huh?! HUH?! If you cause trouble then I’ll get in trouble and I ain’t getting in trouble because you’re an asshole. So I’m going to give you one chance to change my mind on kicking your ass and shoving you in a corner.” Sun wasn’t bluffing. He doubted he’d get into that much trouble beating some sense into this overgrown lizard seeing as there was proof of his asshole behavior.

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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
396 posts
Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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Noelle Lane
Rugrats [Mission]
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2019 3:45:51 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
Did it suddenly get hotter in here? The air in the room seemed to grow tense as the deino turned his attention away from his latest victim. Staring over his shoulder at the monferno who'd roused awake from his nap, nero only sneered. the azuril let out a little cry as the dragon's foot only pressed harder into it. it was almost a bit disappointing that it didn't squeak like one of those squeaky toy. "all i'm doing is playing around," nero huffed, even if a snarl rumbled in his throat. he finally left the tiny water-type alone as he fully turned to glower at sun.

"fun? yeah. i'm having a blast," he challenged, taking a step closer until their foreheads were basically pressed against one another. hidden eyes stared at sun without a lick of fear. why would he? he was a dragon! powerful and strong! who did he have to fear? no one! "you wanna play too, little monkey?"

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senior ranger
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105 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
Adam Shepard DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dynamo
Adam Shepard
Rugrats [Mission]
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2019 16:58:40 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
That klutz of a trainer this Deino had must be as bad at training her Pokémon as she is at finding her way around because this little shit is a terrible living being. Whatever she was doing she had to change things up because if he continued to be like this she’d run into a hell of a lot more problems than she was having now.

Speaking of which, Sun wondered how this woman was even able to handle such a terrible bastard like this. Did she have another Pokémon that was watching over Nero to make sure he didn’t cause any trouble? She had to.

And with the Deino’s last comment the straw and finally broken the Camerupts back. Sun said nothing and instead hit the dragon with one hell of a Mach Punch. ”Alright then, lizard.” Sun began walking toward the Deino after the attack.

”Let’s play!” He growled. At this point the Monferno didn’t care too much about getting into trouble, someone had to teach this baby dragon a lesson.

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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
150 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
396 posts
Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noelle
Noelle Lane
Rugrats [Mission]
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2019 3:26:22 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
The other daycare pokemon stood far away from the two as they faced each other, a fight mere seconds from breaking out...To be fair though, most of the smaller pokemon definitely rooted for the fiery monkey. The sudden blur of a quick punch being thrown against his cheek made a low snarl of anger and pain erupt from the dragon's throat. Practically shaking in anger that this stupid fire type had actually managed to land a hit on him...or, more importantly, that it hurt utterly infuriated the deino.

Uncaring of their surroundings nor if any other drew too close, a sudden veil of bright blue energy surrounded him, the mystical aura changing shape into that of a dragon. with an unrestrained roar, he charged forward to ram his hefty body into the monferno; dragon rush. Still inexperienced despite having great raw power, his movements were a bit...clumsy. That didn't exactly stop him though, even if a desk or two got in the way of is grandiose charge.

if he shut this damned monkey up for good, that'd only prove his point, right? 
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played by


senior ranger
105 height
105 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
Adam Shepard DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dynamo
Adam Shepard
Rugrats [Mission]
POSTED ON Jul 16, 2019 18:26:06 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
Sun couldn’t help but think to himself how good it felt to sock that dragon right in his dumb face. But maybe he had gone too far? Sure he wanted to teach the damn asshole a lesson but he didn’t want to beat the dragon senseless.

That would probably get him into a hell of a lot of trouble with his own trainer and that dumb girl this dragon belonged to, just thinking about her again made Sun groan thinking that she should train her Pokémon better. If she had they wouldn’t be in this situation and Sun could still be taking a nice and well-deserved nap.

But the dragon got back up and looked understandably pissed. The look on his face made Sun smirk, the monkey had done some physical and emotional damage. Probably hurt the Deino’s pride, it was talking a lot of shit not too long ago. But this dragon was a baby and needed to understand how to stay in his own lane, it wasn’t messing with Sun.

At least that’s what the fire monkey was thinking until the damn dragon started to charge at him. ”Oh shit!” Sun used his natural acrobatic abilities along with the actual move in an attempt to get out of the way.

His aim was for a nearby shelf behind the Deino and while he made it, he didn’t do so unscathed. The charge still managed to get his left side and as such his landing was shit and he barely managed to pull himself up. Sun was surprised, that attack was strong as hell, he wouldn't be able to take one of those head-on and shrug it off. If the dragon was better with it then Sun would be in a whole hell of a lot of trouble.

”Alright, let’s end this right the fuck now.” He leaped at the Deino, in an attempt to use Close Combat on the Dragon to wrap this up. Sun’s movement was slower and more sluggish thanks to taking some of that earlier attack from the Deino.

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played by


Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
150 height
150 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
396 posts
Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noelle
Noelle Lane
Rugrats [Mission]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2019 22:24:47 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
without ramming into a target, alongside his own poor eyesight, nero ran straight into the wall, putting a sizable dent and crack in it. head spinning slightly, he whirled, looking eagerly for the monferno in sheer rage. huffing loudly, he stepped forward, his teeth becoming far longer and jagged, as they became encased in a white glow. preparing to use bite, his attack was halted when he was met with a punch to the face. followed by another. and then another.

perhaps a more experienced pokemon would've tried to catch the fist within his strengthened jaws using bite, but, the pokemon was young and foolish, and without the guidance of his trainer. and so, he took the close combat head on...and what a bad idea that was. a cry of pain erupted from the dragon's throat as he was sent rolling backwards, hitting the wall with a thump. he tried to stand - or, more like he wanted to, but, couldn't. everything hurt. growling softly at his inability to fight any longer, he had no choice but to accept defeat.

...which pissed him off.

a lot.

to the point where soft sniffles could be heard from the deino. underneath that thick mane of black fur that covered his eyes, there was a definite stream of tears. lo and behold, the 'savage dragon' was bawling his eyes out. "stupid, STUPID monkey," the deino sobbed, teeth gritting as he shuddered. he was upset. highly, highly upset.
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played by


senior ranger
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105 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
209 posts
Adam Shepard DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dynamo
Adam Shepard
Rugrats [Mission]
POSTED ON Aug 15, 2019 14:39:43 GMT
Adam Shepard Avatar
Seeing the little Deino in such a sorry state almost made Sun feel bad, the key word there being “almost” and seeing how the dragon was being a terror not too long ago prevented the monkey from having any serious sympathy for the dragon. ”Yeah, yeah let it all out.” The fire monkey shrugged. ”Maybe next time you’ll think twice about bullying people smaller and weaker than you.” He scolded.

”Put that energy into something more productive like training to get stronger or something. No one likes a terrorizing asshole of a bully and especially ones that can’t back their shit talk up.” This was all good and great but they were going to get their asses beat when their trainers came back.

Maybe the dragon would get babied but Sun knew for a fact that once his trainer came back oh there was going to be hell to pay. Okay, he was over-exaggerating a little bit but only a little bit. Sun would keep his eye on the Deino for the rest of the time they were subjected to this daycare. What a fucking day.

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played by


Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
150 height
150 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
396 posts
Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noelle
Noelle Lane
Rugrats [Mission]
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2019 5:56:15 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
even though his eyes were covered in a thick, dark mane of fur, nero's head lifted up to stare at the fire monkey in a scathing glare. his snout creased slightly, showing off sharp teeth in a challenging snarl. "when i get stronger, i'll make you regret ever challenging me, monkey." and he meant it. when he finally became a hydreigon with enough power to challenge even his peers in the dragon den, this stupid monkey would be the first to get a taste of his newfound strength. he'd make sure of it.

and maybe if he wanted to get stronger, he'd have to accept that woman's, his trainer's, help. maybe. just, maybe. 

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Rugrats [Mission]
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2019 2:12:07 GMT
[attr="class","reward"]mission complete!
[attr="class","reward2"]you two receive the following: 50 poke
your participating pokemon evolve
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