Illogical [DW][O]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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I may be on the side of the angels, but do not think for a SECOND that I am one of them.
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Nikita Sokolov
Illogical [DW][O]
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 1:44:07 GMT
Nikita Sokolov Avatar

The high of meeting Dorian Westcliff had yet to fade. Staring that man in the eyes filled him with a fire he had not felt in ages. It also reminded him of his team’s weaknesses. A simple flamethrower was enough to cripple his most stalwart companion. Steel types—like the Rocket plasma bug—were also difficult to combat. Fortunately, his newest companion offered a chance to practice with both.

The difficulty? Getting the damnable beast to listen. Nikita was not a forceful man where Pokemon were concerned. He despised people on principle. Therefore, he saw no reason to force people into his presence. It just brewed resentment and laid the cobbles for betrayal. Many of his Pokemon were of the logical sort. They could be bartered and negotiated with.

This creature seemed determined that blood was the only accepted currency.

At that moment, Nikita and the raptor circled one another. Cold, icy eyes met that of the raptor evenly. “I do not mean you any harm.” It snarled back at him—a truly feral noise. “It is the researchers who forbade you from going home.” With all the dangers in those tunnels, they had no intention of reviving another one. “Your tantrums just makes things harder.” There’s a click in the beast’s throat as the typical steam is replaced by smoke.

A Flamethrower shoots out between them. “Winters!” The ghost dog steps forward with eyes of violet. With a gagging noise, the fiery breath is stymied. This is the third attack he’s disabled. “Must you make this so difficult?”

NOTE: Fighting / Steel


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