gold lamé [o]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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gold lamé [o]
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2020 2:15:40 GMT
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sequins dotted the dark, shadowy bodies slithering around underneath the sparkle they wore to show they were here for a good time — to DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY. the tantric thump of bass at heart attack speed drove the movement like a hot school of fish. he had his back turned to the neon ocean. bottles glittered behind the modern minimalist bar where every shelf was top shelf. a fake-breasted mixologist flashed a man-eating smile. show her the money.

he sipped his gin, set it back down, and spun an olive on a pick across the pelvis of the glass. most probably wouldn’t have pegged him a club-goer, perhaps envisioning his bar visits to be at mahogony and gold embellished establishments billowing with the smoke of thousand dollar cigars, but nights in bustling clubs had been a guilty pleausre of his during the short time he’d spent in hoenn. he enjoyed how casually erotic the dancing was. not to mention, he was disgustingly rich and always had been, and he’d been invited to lots of parties, and lots of orgies. he was comfortable. this was his respite. out of the head, into the body.

he turned in his swiveling silver stool and cast out a leisurely traveling gaze. he wouldn’t dance yet. he liked to watch. he enjoyed witnessing the phenomenon of energy between two strangers, over and over, colors and teeth and pheromones. perhaps he was voyeuristic. he savored everything and everyone around him for the moment. he would have his taste. he was just casing the joint.

♥ open to all

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Kazimir Wynter
gold lamé [o]
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2020 18:07:35 GMT
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people say that kaz looks like he frequents the club scene and he didn't know why. was it his looks? his flirtatious nature sometimes? he didn't consider himself that good of a dancer but maybe his body knew more than he did. whatever the reason he was starting to thing he should probably hit it up a little more cause he was having a blast!
he danced with the crowd and with one hot guy who was a centimetre too close to actually grinding up against kaz's body but the blonde was a bit too wrapped up in the fun to even notice (not that he would mind) and once they were a hair away from touching he suddenly spun away out of the crowd and found himself almost falling onto a seat next to very pretty looking dude while still giggling as the alcohol in his system was starting to loose him up a bit. "having a good time bud? ya should get up on that dance floor, its fucking wild!"

[attr="class","notes"]notes: let's dance boys

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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gold lamé [o]
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2020 18:52:51 GMT
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bud. maddonis hated the word bud. it was reminiscent of cheap beer in alluminum cans and SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS. the deeper blonde wasn’t bad on the eyes, though, so maddonis tolerated him as he sat precariously on the neighboring stool.

maddonis wasn’t great at projecting his voice. it was the single drawback of clubbing, at least until he was dancing close enough to someone to whisper in their ear. he leaned in towards the man, knowing he’d not hear him otherwise. he didn’t get invasively close, though. just a turning of the body, the smallest lean in, craning the head up and looking from under his eyelashes with all the coolness of an expensive escort. “i’m not ready to dance, yet.”

maddonis would be rushed by no man nor creature. a finger inconspicuously caressed the stem of his glass, a sort of fidget he’d started to develop. he took a sip of gin. “how about you go, and i’ll watch you?” his eyes were smug.

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Kazimir Wynter
gold lamé [o]
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2020 0:03:05 GMT
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kaz's body stood up straight as the other man leaned in and said he'd watch kaz dance instead of actually participate. a shade of pink spread all over the blonde's face as he let out another giggle and rubbed the back of his head. "awww i ain't that much of a dancer....buuuuuut i guess since ya insist." he wasn't the type of man to just leave someone hanging when they had a request of him after all.
so hopping down from his seat he entered the dance floor once more, standing just on its edge so the crowd was his backdrop and he was front and center for Maddonis to watch him in full view as he started to sway his hips to the beat of the music. as it kicked up so did his arms as they were raised up above him, showing off the biceps and triceps that he had worked hard on. finally came the rolling of his stomach as he moved his body like he was a limber caterpie for all to see. in fact he was actually turning a few heads already.
he ended it with a striking pose, one that was somewhat familiar to the people of galar where he hailed but it did look even better when combined with a dance. already he was heaving as his chest bounced up and down as he smiled at the other pale man, "well? that get ya into the dancing spirit?"

[attr="class","notes"]notes: let's dance boys

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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gold lamé [o]
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2020 1:09:42 GMT
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oh, how he loved to see people blush. it tickled him, to have that control over someone, making them feel hot to their head, catching them off-guard. blushing was an exposure of vulnerability, and maddonis saw it as a door opening.

the muscled stranger obliged him, and maddonis watched, nothing but a small smirk to reveal an ounce of his utter delight. the man slithered with the rest of the snakes, like an offering of sex to some hedonistic lord. like an offering to him. this was his show. his blue eyes locked on girating hips that eventually moved closer to him again.

maddonis met his eyes, and a hand came up to the man’s face, and he noted how young it was. two manicured fingers stroked along his jawline briefly, a bold move, but one that maddonis had a tendency of getting away with. he ignored his request to dance again. not yet. “sit with me. LET ME BUY YOU A DRINK.” it wasn’t demanding, however, there was a dominant streak thinly veiled by his silky, unassuming voice. “you can show me those hips again after. maybe i'll join you.” bedroom   eyes didn't waver.


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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
gold lamé [o]
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2020 1:50:55 GMT
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"well dancing does work up a sweat." there was something about the guy's tone that sort of made kazimir feel a little bit...submissive. perhaps it really was just the fatigue he was giving himself. or maybe it was the promise of "seeing his hips again" that got him a little bit excited, either way he did as he was told and pulled up a seat next to the pale man with a smile still plastered on his face.
"uh get me something a little on the soft side. I think i ain't used to drinking a whole lot haha." he had already had a few drinks already and he was still aware of the dangers of over indulging in it. of course this guy was just so inviting that letting down his guard a bit wouldn't be so bad wouldn't it? "name's kaz by the way. you come here often?" a classic and cliche line but an effective one for starting some small talk. while kaz might not be laying out any bait he hoped the guy would at least take it.

[attr="class","notes"]notes: let's dance boys

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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gold lamé [o]
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2020 2:33:27 GMT
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he was rough around the edges. while that kind of thing normally annoyed maddonis, there were certain situations in which it was redeemable quality. a hot respite. a different, sweatier perspective.

maddonis made eyes with the bartender. her name was lisa. she was likable and attractive. she came over, and he asked her to surprise him, something with a nice and expensive artisanal rum, something soft as kaz had put it.

“thanks, love.”

the glass held sugar and spice and the TASTE OF exotic FRUIT. he handed it over. “it’s nice to meet you kaz.” and he purposefully didn’t reciprocate the introduction. he had his reasons, but mostly it was just so much more fun being mysterious in this environment. he waited to see if the alcohol would move kaz’s attention elsewhere. then, a clichhé.

“i wouldn’t say often, no.” a breath of silence in a booming room, and he just stared.

“how old are you? you look like a puppy.” maddonis was only twenty-seven himself, but that didn’t stop him from acting condescending at any given opportunity. he sipped his gin.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
gold lamé [o]
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2020 4:24:34 GMT
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as he was handed the drink he held a nervous smile when he was asked what his age was. talk about a personal question! especially considering he had just gotten the go ahead to actually come into this club. "well, i'm actually twenty one now if you can believe it. yeah yeah i probably still act like a puppy, i kinda get that a few times." the nervous chuckle escape his lips and was quickly shut up as he brought the drink to his lips. all it took was one sip before he almost jumped out of his seat and spit it out but still managed to swallow his sip and placed the glass back onto the counter.
"oh man, that's sweet! didn't...didn't think it would be that strong." he wiped the back of his hand against his lips as if trying to wipe away the flavor that was still there even if it didn't work. it was only until he caught sight of maddonis out of the corner of his eye and realized just how dumb he must have looked and quickly readjusted his posture. "uh...i don't drink....much." as if that wasn't the understatement of the century.
"its still...a nice drink. just think i gotta...take small sips." he demonstrated by taking a quick sip of the drink once again and slowly sloshed it around in his mouth before swallowing to let the flavor set in. "you get a lot of drinks like this? cause man...i didn't think you could get something like this here."

[attr="class","notes"]notes: let's dance boys

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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gold lamé [o]
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2020 4:44:44 GMT
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‘if you can believe it.’ adorable. maddonis beamed at him.

“don’t ever be fooled by a sweet drink.” he advised, watching him sputter, remembering younger years. maybe he preferred something a little less bachelorette party? straight gin, apart from its delicate floral notes, was a very acquired taste and very much on the far side of the spectrum opposite of frilly cocktails. he held out his sophisticated looking cocktail glass. “here, try mine.”

and then, about the drink order, “you’re in a fancy club. order fancy drinks. why not?” he leaned back again on the bar, lounging, but not taking his eyes away from his company. “so what do you do with your time, when you’re not here showing off?” now he was the one asking cliche questions.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
gold lamé [o]
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2020 16:56:28 GMT
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he took a sip of maddonis' drink and while it had no flavor to it except for a bitter feeling to it it was much more easier to swallow. he did feel a little embarrassed that he couldn't hold down his fruity drink when maddaonis said that when at a fancy bar, one should order fancy drinks. there was something about that logic that kazimir sort of agreed with, might as well try a bar's specialties at least once right? still maybe he was still too new to actually drinking these kind of things so it would be a while before he could fully enjoy it. "guess i'll just stick with or something."
luckily his embarrassment wouldn't last long when the question about what he does in his time other than going to clubs was spent on. "oh well i'm a pokemon trainer most of the time." he reached down into his pockets and pulled out a small red and white capsule before shoving it back into his pocket. "other than that well..." there was something else but that was a *secret* that he knew he shouldn't go about babbling about due to showing it off to a lot others, but there was something else that he was getting into...
"i'm kinda trying to break into stuff like pro wrestling. a friend of mine got me interested in it so i'm doing a few fights here and there. i think i can make it pretty far though, i put in enough work." with that he took his arm and actually flexed his arm to make his bicep and tricep bulge. "what about you, what do you do?"

[attr="class","notes"]notes: let's dance boys

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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gold lamé [o]
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2020 21:01:34 GMT
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his blue eyes sparkled as he watched the boy sip gin for what he assumed to be the first time. he seemed to like it more than the fruity concoction, and maddonis highly approved of that preference. he stifled the urge to wrinkle his nose at the mention of beer. how could that possibly be the choice out of the three?

his smile persisted. he was patient and fully engaged. he looked down as the boy flashed a pokeball, and briefly felt the urge to show his behind the flap of his jacket, but decided better of it. he was only training pokemon for the sake of using them to progress in rocket, and impressing a boy at the bar didn’t warrant flaunting his servants. still, his interest was piqued. they would be revisiting this topic.

“oh, wrestling?” he went up to feel the flexing muscles in front of him with one hand, more to entertain kaz than anything, and maybe to see if he could bring out his delicious bashfullness again. “the kind with costumes?” although he’d never wear one himself, maddonis did love a good and well thought out costume.

when asked about his own occupation, maddonis didn’t lie, but also chose not to tell the whole truth — not unlike kaz. “i’m a jeweler.” he started, a couple of rings sparkling on his knuckles as he finished his gin from the glass. “i own glosse jewelers. there’s one just down the street from here, actually.” if kaz was well-traveled, he might have known that these storefronts were everywhere, even outside of hoenn. not to mention, the glosse name was a prominently wealthy one for more than one reason.

maddonis set the glass on the bar and slid gracefully from his seat. he was ready to dance, now. he eyed kaz’ fruity beverage. it was expensive, but money was no issue. “leave it if you like.” with that, he took a step towards the dancefloor and held out a smooth hand, offering it to kaz as though beckoning him.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
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Kazimir Wynter
gold lamé [o]
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2020 21:52:35 GMT
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"yeah with the costumes. they're kind of the one of the best parts about that." he already had his own idea for a costume, now it was just a matter of getting it actually made. it was much more of a physical job then what maddonis revealed. as he stared at the jewelry on his hand kazimir thought about the image of the guy working on the most fanciest of rings and neckales. kazimir wasn't that too big on the stuff but he suppoed it was a noble profession in some area. "oh, well that's a pretty fancy job. guess you get to work with a lot of shiny gems huh?"
his non question was put on hold as he was invited to dance monce more, this time with maddonis leading them. as he almost jumpe dout of his chair he danced along with the beat of the music as it kicked up. as they did he unknowing got closer and closer to maddonis, almost as if their bodies would touch if moving any further.

[attr="class","notes"]notes: let's dance boys

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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gold lamé [o]
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2020 0:00:08 GMT
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“i’d love to see it.” a lie, because what he really preferred was to never see this man again, in the end. it was an occasional treat, these types of things. he didn’t have a terrible sweet tooth.

he smiled at the mention of gemstones. he was not a craftsman, although he had employed several. “i get to sell a lot of them.” although their beauty was not lost on him, certainly, and he did enjoy having them pass through his hands. staring at shiny things was a favorite pasttime of his.

they got up to dance. maddonis had always liked music. granted, he had a penchant for classical, but there was something alluringly carnal about the incessant, heavy drive of the bass. soundwaves breathed down his whole body, melting the ice, transforming him into liquid. his hips slaved themselves to a sawtoothed synthesizer that became the air around them. he could feel the warmth of liquor, the freedom of wordlessness.

while kaz jumped in, maddonis settled into it more gradually. he was graceful. as they faced one another, he drew closer, hands came slowly down to kaz’s hips. they levitated there, occasionally brushing the skin under the man’s undulating movements. maddonis stared into his eyes daringly, the distance between their heads closed to nearly nothing before he spun around him to the other side, teasingly.

i had saint jhn's roses (imanbek remix) on writing this.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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6 ft 3 in height
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Kazimir Wynter
gold lamé [o]
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2020 16:27:29 GMT
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kazimir himself wasn't a master of dance but he liked to think he was decent enough for a guy his size. he didn't really pay any mind to maddonis moving his hands close to his hips but he was aware of how close they're eyes were to one another. he swore he could get lose in the pale man's eyes for a good while before he suddenly vanished from his sight and went around kazimir.
kazimir did his best to twirl around to face him once again as his hips began to sway side to side in larger movements while his arms and hands were held close to his body. "y'know your pretty good." this time it was kazimir's turn to turn and sidestep to the guy's flank. "bet you could get a lot of people's eyes with those moves." compared to the blonde's big movements it was less a compliment and more of a fact as a few people shot glances at them before returning to their own dancing.

[attr="class","notes"]notes: let's dance boys

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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gold lamé [o]
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2020 21:53:12 GMT
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maddonis was delighted that kazimir kept up, although not surprised after having watched him for a bit beforehand. not wanting to battle the music with his softer voice, maddonis only smiled, a knowingness touching the corners of his lips. he had been told before that he was in tune with his body. he’d always loved music; loved to dance. and he did like to show off, sometimes — it was just in his nature.

he got closer again, if only so he could be heard. “i’m glad to have yours.” he smirked, raising a finger and running it down the boy’s jaw lightly before spinning again. this could go on for a while, and not go anywhere, and he’d be satisfied. the bass surged. the crowd moved in ripples across a neon ocean, and the night stretched on forever.

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