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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Aug 21, 2020 14:47:48 GMT
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A sailing team had gone out a few days ago and never made it back home. At first, people fell back on the idea of the water’s just being rough and maybe they had just ended up in some other docking in some other city.

But after a while, people began to worry, and thus a rescue team was made to go out and find those missing sailors.

Their best bet is to check the last place their GPS trackers located them at and check the surrounding area as there were a few small islands about.

Hoenn’s waters had become more dangerous as of late with the influx of pirates which only added to the myriad of possibilities when it came to unfortunate circumstances out at sea.

Hopefully, it was nothing more than a case of getting lost at sea and not a pirate issue, Samuel at this point has had his fill of dealing with pirates.

Funny considering his career choice but that his past dealings normally have a lot more control than this.

Luckily he had managed to be paired up with someone who was an experienced seafarer and not just some random trainer or ranger they happened to slap on a boat.

It was part of the reason why he was so lax, simply watching as his Dragonite flies next to the boat like a wingull glides on the wind, as he rested his arms on the railing.

Their voyage had just begun so they still had a way to go, but still every now and then Samuel checked their GPS tracker to see if how much further they actually had.

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POSTED ON Aug 21, 2020 16:19:53 GMT
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Skyler remembered with startling clarity the storm that had hit the eastern coastline of Hoenn a couple of days ago. The sky had grown dark with threat and the waters had gone an ominous dark gray, chopping waves lapping hungrily at her boat.

She'd turned back immediately, seeking safe harbour in Lilycove.

Unfortunately it seemed not everyone had managed to escape the tempest. A part of Skyler hoped that the sailing team had somehow gotten to a safe location - a cove or a cave or some sort of grotto. Another part of her envisioned the worst case scenario - and for a brief moment her hand fiddled with the beaded necklace at her throat.

The captain cleared her throat to dispel her morose thoughts, looking back at the only other person on her boat. "Wind bothering you?" She had to speak loudly in order to make herself heard. The boat's engine purred under her feet and she couldn't help the wild grin that bloomed over her lips as her speedboat nearly flew over the waves. 

Now that she had a speedboat, she might as well use it to its fullest, right

Despite the serious nature of their mission, Skyler had to admit that she was kind of having fun. Being out on the ocean always had that effect on her and it showed. She was, quite literally, in her element.

It also made her chatty.

"Do you do these types of ocean-related missions often?" He seemed pretty comfortable in a boat, she'd give him that, but one could never tell.

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POSTED ON Aug 21, 2020 17:39:38 GMT
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He looked away from his dragon and over to the Captain of their vessel, shaking his head in response. ”I’m fine.” It was going to take a lot more than this to really faze him.

And that a lot more could be coming up soon from the looks of it. And it seemed his Dragonite was a bit concerned about it as well from the look the dragon was giving him.

”Go ahead.” It wasn’t like the dragon really needed to be giving an order to do this but hearing it from Sam just meant the two were on the same page.

The dragon took off, flapping his wings rapidly to ascend to a higher altitude and to pick up speed. If anything serious was heading their way the Dragonite would spot it first from up there. ”Yeah I guess.” He said, answering her question as he walked closer to where Skyler was.

”I’ve basically lived on the sea for many years so this is like clockwork at this point. You’re quite experienced I can tell but done many rescue missions?”

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POSTED ON Aug 21, 2020 18:36:14 GMT
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Skyler watched as the Dragonite flew upwards, becoming a pale orange dot in the bright blue summer sky. It made sense to send out a sentry of sorts, she thought, her mind flashing to the pirates she'd encountered in the last few months and the heaps of trouble she could've dodged.

Damn pirates.

She let her eyes cross the ocean waters, noting the glinting scales off to the side. Melusine was having the time of her life keeping up with the boat, which was no small feat, even for water types. The Primarina would surface once in a while, letting out a small trill before diving into the depths again. 'So far so good', she thought.

The man approached her and she shifted a little to the side so that he could join her at the helm of the boat if he so wished. His next words, however, made her eyes widen and she turned her head briefly to look at him. "You've lived on the sea? Pacifidlog? That's the only place I can think of where you live on the sea." Her speech gained momentum as she spoke, betraying her excitement. "I'm going to live there one day." There was no hesitation as Skyler said this, as if it were not a possibility, but a certainty.

Skyler squinted her eyes at the horizon, but could see nothing out of the ordinary. She trusted either the Dragonite or her Primarina would warn them if they spotted something. 

"I've done a few. I've had to deal with a few pirates. Annoying bastards." There were other words she'd use to describe them, but they were far less polite. "I've rescued a few people from drowning, but that's it." Mostly due to said people's stupidity, but still. 

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POSTED ON Aug 21, 2020 19:26:39 GMT
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Samuel was honestly surprised by her response to his reply. There weren’t many people, if any, that would say something like they wanted to live in Pacifidlog of all places. Most people either didn’t even know where it was or that it even existed or, the idea of living in a town on the sea sounded terrible.

But to find someone who was thrilled about the idea of it actually was a bit heartwarming if Samuel was being honest. It was nice to meet someone who actually appreciated his home as much as he did.

”Right on the money!” He exclaimed, her excitement and energy was contagious.

”Don’t meet many people who’d want to live there. You’ve got good taste but have you been there before?” It was very much a different experience once you’ve actually gotten there but Sam had a feeling that this wouldn’t phase her much. He had a feeling that the two of them were going to get along quite well.

He’d join her at the helm, keeping himself to the side as to rest his body up against it and still give her space to steer and not be bothered by his presence.

Given the current state of things, he shouldn’t be surprised that she’s tangoed with pirates but it seemed more like an annoyance than an actual threat. She’d fit right in at Pacifidlog Town at this rate.

”So this won’t be that different for you then.” Good, this should make things a lot easier.

”And I’ll agree with you there. Pirates sure are an annoying bunch but I don’t know that freedom to do as you please and live out on the open waters without having to worry about any sort of authority but your own sounds kind of nice. Minus the whole robbing people stuff.”

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POSTED ON Aug 21, 2020 20:53:08 GMT
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Skyler's speech grew livelier as she spoke, her naturally sunny disposition feeding on her excitement. "Pah! What do other people know?" She made a vague gesture with her arms. "I wouldn't consider myself a proper sailor without going to Pacifidlog at least once. I usually go there when I can, to relax. This one time," the woman lowered her voice and playfully leaned in Samuel's direction as if telling a secret, "I forgot to moor my boat properly and fell asleep in it. I woke up halfway to Slateport!" She let out a snort. There was an ever so slight blush on her cheeks and her eyes brightened considerably to a molten silver.

She would've done it a second time too, if not for 's timely rescue, no matter how unorthodox. The crux of the matter was that Pacifidlog had this... energy, so to speak, that called to Skyler. It was the first place she'd ever found where she felt like she really belonged. Speaking of.
"I take it you still live there - has Pacifidlog always been your home?" And do you know any houses for sale? She kept her mouth shut on that last one. 'One thing at a time, Skyler, calm down.'

This Samuel guy was turning out to be a fascinating character. Skyler usually kept to herself due to her job taking up most - if not all - of her time, but... Well, she ought to meet more people if they were like this guy. She had a feeling, however, that most people weren't.

"I hope not," Skyler told him, thinking back on the missions she'd done. "Missions aside, my actual job forces me to keep sharp and prepared for emergencies - of sorts."

Her eyebrows went up at his assessment of pirates and their freedom, but she didn't argue back immediately. Instead she hmm'ed and nodded her head. "I kinda get it. The ocean," and at this she opened her arms wide, "means freedom for me. Maybe that's why I've always been drawn to it. My job as a diver and as a treasure hunter has no schedules, no annoying bosses, no routine. It's just me and the sea and whatever I can unearth from it, if I'm brave enough."

She threw her head back and laughed, the lighthearted sound contrasting with the intensity of her former words. "I wouldn't trade this for anything, despite the risks." She was reminded of the myriad of scars she bore on her skin, but couldn't bring herself to regret a single one of them.

"What about you, Samuel?"

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● notes: i'm assuming they already knew each other's names lol

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POSTED ON Aug 22, 2020 15:44:49 GMT
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When she leaned in so did he, smiling brightly when she told her story about a boating mishap. ”Lucky you ended up near Slateport and didn’t wash up in another region!” He laughed, her story reminding him of all the times he’s made blunders in the past like that.

Like the time when he was a boy it was his job to hitch a group of water Pokémon they were using to pull their boat along and he botched it so when the Pokémon took off they didn’t.

And they had spent the last couple of days previously capturing them; he got into a lot of trouble for that one.

”Nowadays I live in Slateport.” He explained though the reasoning behind that he couldn’t really share.

”Still have a home there, though. But haven’t been back in a while-which isn’t really unusual. Family and I spent a lot of time out on the seagoing to different places around the globe so not being home for long periods of time is nothing new.” Samuel says this knowing that there was a possibility that at this point his home really wasn’t there anymore, or other people were living in it.

It was nice to meet a kindred spirit even if they departed quite a bit when it came to the side of the law they sat on. He probably would’ve ended up a lot more like her if he had stayed in Hoenn longer but hindsight won’t change anything.

”At this point, I think it’s too ingrained into me to do anything else.” He shrugged.

”And I don’t think I’d trade it for anything either.” Saying that however made him think of something that had been bothering him recently made rub his neck.

”Kind of wish things was a bit more exciting nowadays though. Do mostly simple cargo jobs. I used to globetrot and explore mysteries on both land and sea. Now I feel like an old man!”

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POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 11:26:26 GMT
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Skyler snorted at his quip about her ending up in another region. That would've been an adventure for sure.
"Another region? That'd be something. I've never really left Hoenn myself. I guess I got too busy exploring the ocean and just... stayed. I'm a hoennian through and through." She shrugged, seemingly unbothered by the notion.

She couldn't help the slightly disappointed expression that flashed on her face when he said he lived in Slateport. If he'd still lived in Pacifidlog, Skyler could imagine herself going there more often, if only to have someone else who shared her passion to talk with. Slateport, though, was a bit far away.
"Pity you don't live there anymore," she sighed. Then she looked at him with a wry grin. "I don't suppose you know if they have any houses for sale in Pacifidlog." She was clearly joking. Well, mostly.

"You travel with your family? Are all of them sea people?" The notion left Skyler slightly discombobulated, as if she couldn't imagine a whole group of people working as she did, especially a family. "And you travel around the globe too? That's... that sounds like a dream, if I'm being honest." There was a strange pang in her chest that momentarily dimmed her usually sunny disposition. "Both my parents are historians, so they don't really get - this." She used her arms to motion at the boat and at the ocean surrounding them.

Skyler brightened immediately at Samuel's words that he also wouldn't trade this for anything else.
"You're a good sort, Samuel," she told him, sending him a brilliant smile over her shoulder. Anyone who liked the ocean was a good sort in her book anyway.

Her eyebrows went up at his old man comment.
"You don't look very old." He was definitely older than her, but he definitely wasn't old. "Missing the adrenaline?" The question was followed by a mischievous grin and a flash of some unknown emotion in her eyes. "Sometimes I go treasure hunting. The whole business is very hush hush, because my clients have competition. For me, that competition means other treasure hunters - and they can be vicious. A couple of months ago I nearly got stabbed by a harpoon." She still had the scar to prove it.

There was a small pause and she looked at him from the corner of her eyes.
"I could use some help sometimes. We can share the profits."

Then her grin widened and there was no mistaking the challenge in her voice. "If you're feeling up to it, old man."

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POSTED ON Aug 25, 2020 8:16:04 GMT
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”You know you’re missing out. You should really get out there one day and see what the world has for you to experience. There’s nothing like it, trust me.” It was true that Samuel loved his home of Hoenn but being able to see all those different places around the world was an experience he would always treasure.

The next words she said got a visible reaction out of him, adjusting his weight against the railing and a raised brow and smile.

”Slateport’s more convenient for what I do nowadays.” He began, taking a quick pause to then tilt his head to the side a bit.

”Who knows they might. Honestly, you could park your boat near the town and if you stick around long enough they’d probably consider you part of the family!” A half-joke met with a half-joke. When the topic of the family came up Samuel looked out to the sea, not really wanting to talk much about it but he was careful to not show it on his face.

Though her comment about historians had him turn back with a smile.

”Sort of I guess, my dad more so than my mom, he was also born and raised in Pacifidlog.” And boy if you asked some of the townsfolk there they’d wish Samuel’s father hadn’t been.

”I’m somewhat of a historian myself; specialize in mythology and ancient studies.” Going any further on that would probably be boring so he stopped there.

”The feeling’s mutual. Not a lot of people I can get along with this well, especially when it comes to the sea.” It was also true that there was a strong possibility that even with this shared interest they would’ve have synced so well but Samuel was glad it turned out otherwise.

Many people get thrown off when it comes to his age. They look at his face and think he’s young but then look at his hair and believe that there’s either something wrong with his hair, or that he dyed it, or he was sickly. Regardless that conversation was never fun to have but he was glad most people nowadays didn’t think much of it.

”This old man would probably show you up.” He teased.

”I’d be more than happy to help you out sometimes. It sounds like it would end up being a lot of fun.” And as he said that he noticed something odd going on with his Dragonite. It was circling around something and once Sam checked his tracker it was obvious what it was.

”I think our sailors are there.” He said, pointing toward his Dragonite who was circling over a land mass.

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POSTED ON Aug 25, 2020 21:56:35 GMT
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The thought of sailing away from Hoenn had crossed her mind a couple of times. The journey could (would) be harrowing given that she'd be alone out on the open seas, facing all sorts of dangers, natural and otherwise. Still, she had to admit that the idea sent a thrill of excitement up her spine.

She didn't notice the vagueness surrounding Samuel's comment about his current occupation, and his next words made a delighted peal of laughter escape her throat.
"Thanks for the advice, I'll be sure to try it next time I go to Pacifidlog." Her smile was playful and she wiggled her eyebrows at him. "Maybe in a few years I'll have a houseboat there. I'll just cover it with that strange hay you use for a roof and no one will know." If her boat wasn't her life, she'd give the whole harebrained scheme a go, just to see what would happen.

Honestly, she'd probably grow bored within a week.

"You're an historian too?"
The tone of disbelief could've been considered insulting, but there was a genuine look of surprise splashed on her face. "That explains the traveling and the exploring. I remember my parents dragging me to see ruins and museums. They usually lost sight of me after the first five minutes though. I was, err... a wild child." She wasn't a child anymore, but the same wildness lingered at the edges of her smiles.

A strange expression crossed her face at Samuel's words, but her eyes visibly softened.
"Us seafarers gotta stick together, ey?" 

His following words made Skyler snort. "You? Show me up? Hah! As if." She was about to say something else when Samuel turned his attention to the sky. Ah, right, the sailors.

The islet Dragonite was circling over grew bigger as they approached. The waters quickly became shallow, so Skyler had to cut off the engine and let them drift for a little while, maneuvering as best she could between rocky outcroppings. They passed the remains of what had once been a sailing boat, its mast broken in several pieces. It... it looked like a wreck.
"Shit. This isn't good," Skyler muttered, trying to get a better look at the inside of the boat.

"I don't think I see anyone."

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POSTED ON Aug 27, 2020 0:20:56 GMT
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Samuel had moved to the edge of the boat, gripping the railing and leaning outward as they approached in a futile attempt to get a better look. His Dragonite had come to them, hovering over the wreckage of the boat that belonged to their missing sailors.

It was probably a good thing that they didn’t find anyone here; Samuel figured if they did they would probably have been dead.

”I don’t see anyone either. They probably took refuge on land.” Samuel responded, taking one last look at the wreckage before turning his gaze to his Dragonite.

”Galleon go ahead of us and keep searching.” The dragon would be able to scan the area much faster than they would be able to.

”You have much medical experience? Just like rather basic first aid? Nothing too serious.” He’d ask.

”We should be ready for the possibility that someone’s hurt and will need some medical attention and for us to book it back to the mainland. Do you have anything on board we could use?” But hopefully it didn’t come to that. That wreckage looked pretty bad which was why he was worried.

And seeing how this group had been gone for some time if one of them was hurt and they didn’t have any first aid they’d be in pretty bad shape.

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POSTED ON Aug 28, 2020 16:08:02 GMT
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There was a definite sigh of relief coming from Skyler when they didn't find any survivors close to the boat. Given the time that had passed between the sailors' disappearance and their mission, the likelihood that they'd find living people in there would be... exactly none. Skyler wasn't sure she was ready to deal with that yet.

Samuel made a good point.
"I have a first aid kit inside the boat. I know how to use it, but anything past that isn't my area of expertise." She rubbed the back of her neck, looking worried. "We'll have to call for backup in case there's someone really hurt. Your Galleon could probably fly someone back to the hospital. I also have a Salamence on hand." 

Leaving the wreck behind, the sailor approached the sandy banks of the tiny island, throwing out the anchor with a grunt of effort when she saw that they were reaching the shallows. "We should probably go on foot from here." They were still a good fifty feet from the beach, but when Skyler jumped into the water, it didn't go past her waist.

The island itself seemed to be a combination of rocky outcroppings, sandy dunes and - was that a grotto, close to the water?

And were those voices? Screaming voices?

Skyler's head snapped to Samuel's, eyes locking with his. She reached for her waist and a Kabutops emerged from one of her pokéballs, silent as death. 

Then she was moving, footsteps silent in the sand as she plastered herself to the rocky walls. She did her best to steady her pounding heart as she took a deep breath and  peeked into the entrance to the grotto.

A strange choked sound left her throat and she backed away a couple of steps, eyes wide.
"I-I think we'd best give them some... err... privacy."

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POSTED ON Aug 28, 2020 18:06:06 GMT
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”Alright good and hopefully it’s nothing worse than scrapes and bruises but if it comes to it then don’t worry. I’ll be able to handle it.” And while he might know more about medical operations it wouldn’t matter if the equipment they had wasn’t going to help which was likely given the situation at hand.

”Right.” He replied as he hopped out of the boat and into the shallow water. In any other circumstance, Samuel might’ve taken a moment to take in the sights as the island did seem like it could be a pretty one but alas that wasn’t what they were here for.

Galleon seemed to be hovering over a grotto which had caught Samuel’s attention before the screaming voices did but much like Skyler once he heard them he took off towards the source of the voices.

She had reached it first and thus Samuel waited a bit behind her as she took a look.

”What is it?” He’d ask, tilting his head to the side and raising a brow at the sight of the look on her face.

”Privacy?” Samuel then went to take a look for himself and any worry or stress he might have carried was washed away. He stepped away from the entrance, shaking his head.

”Right yeah let’s give them some privacy for a bit. Then let’s get them back home.” He couldn’t believe it.

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POSTED ON Aug 28, 2020 19:22:47 GMT
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Skyler let Samuel take a look himself because she didn't think he'd believe her if she just told him. That, and she wanted to make sure she'd seen... what she'd seen. The image was burned into her mind now, and the harder she tried not to think of it, the more it showed up in her mind until her cheeks were flaming.

She took some more steps away, just so the sounds didn't... didn't distract her. Good grief. She leaned against the rock and covered her face with her hands, hoping to also cover the embarrassing warmth that was spreading over her cheeks.

Although this was definitely better than finding injured people, nothing had quite prepared her for this sort of situation. "Do we just... wait?" Was there even a protocol for these kinds of things? "Has this happened to you before?" He certainly seemed like he had more missions under his belt than her, so it was possible - though not likely - that he'd encountered situations like this one before. Skyler hoped he had, mostly because she was at a loss on what to do.

Kabutops was still by her side, looking altogether too serious for this situation. 

"That gives a whole new meaning to the sentence 'make the best out of a bad situation', eh?" she muttered, an amused snort escaping her. 

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POSTED ON Aug 28, 2020 20:03:01 GMT
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There was a brief moment where the man was mad that they had spent all this time rushing to find these people and there was this worry and then they find them like this. However that anger turned into laughter and the ridiculousness of it all.

His laughter died down as Skyler, who was doing her own coming to terms with the situation, had spoke to him.

”I’ve unfortunately walked into people in “compromising” situations like this before, yeah.” He said in between laughs and as he whipped a tear from his eye.

”I figure we can give them a bit before we break up the party.” And as he said that his Dragonite had landed next to him.

”Galleon give them about five minutes and then we’ll go in there and drag them out.” He laughed again but this time it was quick.

”This job didn’t end up going the way you probably expected, huh?”

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