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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Aug 22, 2020 20:45:16 GMT
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When Oscar learned his third gym specialized in ghost types, his heart immediately sank. God-damn ghost types; he din't mind owning them but fighting them was always a bitch and a half. Yet Oscar would not falter, he was half way to his goal so he had no choice but to push forward. Plus the leader was now Katherine, an acquaintance from Rocket. He doubt she would go easy on him, but it was nice to face someone he already knew for a change.

When he entered the gym, Oscar immediately flinched from visual overload. There were so many mirrors! How could anyone concentrate with all these mirrors around. Oscar gingerly stepped forward, trying not to be too dazed by all these reflections staring back at him. He made his way to the reception desk, signing up for the challenge with his alias Samuel Osmin. This was all going fine, until a Gastly floated out of a mirror and gave Oscar a scare. He was so surprised he nearly fell over himself, which the gastly found very amusing as he floated back into the mirror. Oscar slammed the sign up clipboard back onto the desk. "Fucking ghost types."

As Oscar entered the arena, he groaned with irritation. The whole battlefield was a giant mirror, because of course it was. As Oscar stepped to the arena, he pulled out a pokeball to release his chosen champion for this fight. Out came his Tyranitar, Pain, whose weight caused the mirror floor beneath him to creak. Pain stepped forward, each step vibrating the mirror. Oscar folded his arms, not know what to expect from this battle.

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Katherine Fairburne
Foolish Mortals [GYM]
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2020 22:03:58 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar
I want you to know
I'm a mirrorball I'll show you every version of yourself
tonight ❥
The mirrors are reinforced well enough to remain intact despite the Tyranitar's weight. However, scratches were a bitch to deal with. Too often did they happen to stay despite the best efforts of her gym's staff.

"Oscar." A smile crosses the gym leader's lips, "It's good to see you. You seem well." As well as an undercover rocket member could look, really. As long as he wasn't missing an arm or a leg, he was good in her book.

The Pokeball of her chosen partner is brought forth by a floating Castform. Atmos carries the device on top of his head, and as soon as it's delivered, he moves to hide behind Katherine's back. It seemed like he was a shy one. The ghost-type that escapes out of the Pokeball, however, is anything but.

Spook, despite her small size, stared ahead at the Tyranitar without a hint of fear apparent across her expression. In fact, there is no emotion in the face of the Mimikyu. Only a blank stare of those beady, dark eyes. It makes no sound, and it doesn't attempt to move.

"The first move is yours. Make it count."

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POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 4:43:48 GMT
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As the mimikyu appeared on the battlefield, Pain snorted. Was that it? His power was wasted on this puny looking rag doll. While Pain underestimated his opponent, Oscar had the opposite reaction. His expression grew dire as his foe entered, how could he be so short sighted? Of course she would use a fairy type to counter his dark type, shit now he had a disadvantage. 

He wasn't going to panic though, in fact he soon displayed more resolve. If he could conquer an enemy this powerful, that would prove even further that he was worthy of becoming a Beast. Oscar was given the generous gift of attacking first, and he knew not to waste it. Mimikyu usually could tank the first attack that hits it, so he had to make sure his first attack hit.

Oscar threw out his hand and spoke to his Tyranitar, "Don't you dare think this will be easy, stay focused and don't get cocky!" Pain looked surprised at the implication that this small fry could be a threat, but he decided to trust his trainer and not be foolhardy. Oscar continued, "Likewise, don't let it underestimate you. Earthquake!"

Pain roared as an aura draped over his body, the entirety of his weight shifting toward the ground. An immense shock wave rippled across the mirror, which surprisingly withstood the attack. Fuck was this mirror made of diamond? Nevertheless the shock wave continued, its incredible strength being felt as the room violently shook. Its power, range, and speed made it a perfect opener for what was surely to be an intense fight.

Tyranitar used Earthquake

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Katherine Fairburne
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POSTED ON Aug 23, 2020 18:32:47 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar
I want you to know
I'm a mirrorball I'll show you every version of yourself
tonight ❥
Oscar's disadvantage has yet to fully reveal itself.

The typing of the Mimikyu gave it an edge in battle but there was more to the pokemon that made it such a formidable fighter. Its ability gave it plenty of leeway regardless of the opponent it was matched against.

"Spook, move."

The arena begins to quake and tremble as a shockwave emits from the core of the Tyranitar. It ripples across the many mirrors, eventually connecting with the Mimikyu. It knocks her DISGUISE off, but no damage harms the pokemon or deters it from reaching the Tyranitar. In fact, it seems like the move had done nothing to stop it from advancing.

The ghost-type's tail begins to glow with a spectral, violet hue before Katherine declares their move.

"WOOD HAMMER. Aim for his feet, Spook. Knock it down!"

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POSTED ON Aug 24, 2020 22:08:34 GMT
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Oscar watched as the Mimikyu's disguise faltered and smirked. Good, now he can focus on actually doing damage. However since the disguise took the brunt of the attack, the mimikyu was free to surge forward toward Pain. Oscar waited for the right moment, but was caught off guard by Katherine's order.

Wood hammer? This little fucker had wood hammer? Shit fuck damn it! Oscar had to react fast or Pain was about to be in a world of--uh pain. "Earthquake hurry!" Still in the same stance as before, Pain easily shifted his weight once more causing yet another shock wave. The mirror vibrated a bit harder this time, apparently not used to this much pressure being applied to it so frequently. 

Oscar winced, he wasn't sure this gambit would pay off. In his mind either end to this scenario worked in his favor: either the mimikyu can't shift its momentum enough to dodge the earthquake in time or it jumps over the earthquake to deliver the attack on an area other than Pain's legs. All that mattered to Oscar was keeping Pain from falling over, with his weight it would take ages for him to get up.

Pain used Earthquake again.

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Katherine Fairburne
Foolish Mortals [GYM]
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2020 22:20:30 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar
I want you to know
I'm a mirrorball I'll show you every version of yourself
tonight ❥
Will Mimikyu jump to avoid the second earthquake or will she endure the damage in order to follow the original plan?

It turns out, neither is the answer. She doesn't jump, but instead, the strength of the WOOD HAMMER and the energy that shrouds it allows the ghost-type to use it as a launchpad of sorts. It presses against the mirrored floor, launching Spook into air with even more speed than before.

The shockwave is evaded with grace, and the attack lands as originally intended. Oscar's idea pays off, however, since Mimikyu is incapable of targetting the Tyranitar's legs when it pulls off such a maneuver.

However, at such a close proximity? It's barely necessary. A PLAY ROUGH follows the WOOD HAMMER, and smoke plagues the arena to obscure Mimikyu's location. It jumps here, and then there, and then elsewhere, all while exchanging blows with the large beast.

"You know, a broken mirror means seven years of bad luck." Katherine truly hoped that a third EARTHQUAKE won't come so soon. She had plenty of bad luck already.

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POSTED ON Aug 25, 2020 14:16:27 GMT
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Oscar's gambit paid off, but in the worst way possible. The nimble mimikyu launched over the shock wave to deliver a hit, and was now preparing to Play Rough with Pain. Pain towered over the smoke cloud, and his expression was clearly panicked. Oscar winced, "Remember your training Pain! What do we do with fear?"

Pain focused on his time with his master as a pupitar. Early on Oscar taught him that the fear of loss was the number one instigator of defeat. Most had to discipline themselves to overcome their fears, while Pain was born with his own defence mechanism. Pain's expression hardened as dark energy crackled off his body. As mimikyu bounced off him after a successful hit, he roared and released a wave of negative thoughts made physical (Dark Pulse).

The dark pulse dispersed the smoke, and hopefully sent the mimikyu flying. It wouldn't be super effective, but at least Pain would have some space. As the attack ended, Pain began to heave. He had sustained quite a bit of damage, however a look of determination remained on his face. He let out a roar of challenge, indicating he had no intention of giving up. Even with the odds stacked against him. 

Oscar was proud of his Tyranitar. He felt guilty for bringing him into a fight this rough but he was glad that he took the challenge with stride. Oscar had little doubt that this would be a losing battle, but just like Pain he was not going to give up. The both of them were in it until the bitter end.

Tyranitar used Dark Pulse.

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Katherine Fairburne
Foolish Mortals [GYM]
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2020 13:21:48 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar
I want you to know
I'm a mirrorball I'll show you every version of yourself
tonight ❥
The DARK PULSE serves Oscar's goals as intended.

The smoke provided by the Mimikyu's play-time is dispersed easily, and the successful hit launches the ghost-type further away. The damage the pokemon sustains fails to change its creepy expression. Spook's thousand-yard stare is one of a kind, the type to send a shiver traveling up one's spine. It is eerie in all the ways ghost-types often were.

"Don't give them a moment to breathe, Spook."

Having others operate under a time limit means that mistakes are more prone to occur. Pokemon battles were similar to chess in that sense, the less time you give your opponent to think, the better become your odds. Stress simply gets to people, Katherine had grown to learn.

And so has Spook, who was now sending their SHADOW SNEAKING down on the mirror floor. And thanks to this peculiar battle arena, it appears to approach from multiple directions.

The gym leader watches with anticipation, eager to see how Oscar will choose to react.

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POSTED ON Aug 27, 2020 16:19:05 GMT
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Shadows began to spread across the mirror, a sight that did nothing to dampen Oscar's resolve. If focused upon though, Pain would surely panic. Luckily he had his master there to calm him. Oscar spoke quickly, "Keep your eyes on the target." Pain reluctantly did so, twitching as shadows crept into his peripherals. His heightened emotions had an unforeseen side effect, a sandstorm began to kick up across the arena. If anything, this would work in his favor (Sand Stream).

As Oscar watched shadows cover the mirror, he got a devious idea. It might result in Pain recieving the hit from Shadow Sneak, in fact it was very likely. Pain didn't have a lot of vitality to throw around, but Oscar was certain he could take a ghost attack. It would probably be the only one he could tank but with both victory and defeat so close there wasn't much of a choice. "Storm gambit two."

Pain understood, it was a basic strategy Oscar had taught him during training. As the shadows closed in, Pain roared directly at his foe. This was to keep the mimikyu's attention as a massive lightning bolt descended from overhead to swiftly strike its position (Thunder). Thanks to the shadows covering the mirrors and the sudden sand storm, it would likely be harder for the mimikyu to notice. Plus if it did notice and decide the dodge, it would break its shadow and spare Pain from Shadow Sneak. This was how it played out in Oscar's head, he'd have to wait and see what would actually happen.

Tyranitar used Thunder
Tyranitar's sand stream ability activated, creating a sand storm.

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Katherine Fairburne
Foolish Mortals [GYM]
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2020 20:38:41 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar
I want you to know
I'm a mirrorball I'll show you every version of yourself
tonight ❥
Mimikyu's strike comes with a cost

Lightning courses through the air and rips through the wispy threads of shadow, illuminating the arena well enough for Katherine to take note of the growing SANDSTORM. They exchange a blow for a blow, but it's evident that Spook's health hadn't been drained as much as that of his rival.

A command is not necessary for the ghost-type to know that her pressure must be maintained, Katherine's words echo within the mind of the pokemon - they won't be spared a moment to breathe. Her approach begins with a series of skips and leaps across the battlefield, with the sole intent of bursting another smokescreen once the distance between the Tyranitar and herself is closed.

A second PLAY ROUGH comes into play, the Mimikyu insistent on showing her opponent a good time. Katherine, of course, lifts a hand to shield her eyes from the rampaging storm. Her vision is blocked when the pokemon engage in more close-ranged combat.

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POSTED ON Aug 28, 2020 14:21:24 GMT
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Oscar had no time to be happy about the successful hit, especially with Pain taking a slash from the mimikyu's shadow. Oscar spoke flatly, "It's coming, be ready." Pain winced as it recovered from the shadow's attack, heaving as it focused its negative emotions into dark energy that crackled across his hide.

Oscar lost track of the mimikyu in the sand storm, however Pain's eyes were naturally accustomed to these conditions. He managed to keep his sight on it as it bobbed toward him. Oscar decided to trust Pain, and instead turned his focus to Katherine.

"Katherine!" Oscar yelled over the storm, intending to communicate with the gym leader on the other side of the arena. His tone was firm, yet playful enough to show he was enjoying this challenge. "Don't you dare think we're gonna buckle under pressure! We've trained too long, we aren't folding until we have nothing left!" Oscar probably would have gone on, but the sudden appearance of smoke turned his attention back on the battle. "Now!"

Pain's reaction time was faster than his master's, as soon as the smoke appeared he had unleashed the dark energy he built up (Dark Pulse). Just like before, the smoke dissipated against the force of the dark power, and hopefully tossed away the mimikyu as well. He wasn't eager to let it get close again, not when he was at the edge of his limits. Oscar cheered at the attack, "Hell yeah, learn and adapt baby!"

Yet as the attack ended, he noted how tired Pain looked. How much longer could they keep this up? Oof, got really close to being doubtful there. As long as Pain was conscious, they had a chance to win. However time was running out, so Oscar resolved to push this battle into the end game.

Tyranitar used Dark Pulse

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Katherine Fairburne
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POSTED ON Aug 29, 2020 0:53:02 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar
I want you to know
I'm a mirrorball I'll show you every version of yourself
tonight ❥
There's an attempt to respond to Oscar's words by the gym leader, but her mouth remains open for only a moment before sand reaches it. Ugh. There was too much of it to see, and now, it made it impossible for her to speak. She wasn't a big fan of the Tyranitar's ability, it seemed.

Much like before, the beam of dark energy pulses through the smoke and the fury of the sands - however, Mimikyu is prepared for the impact this time around. Spook braces herself in anticipation of the DARK PULSE and continues her approach, albeit slower than before.

Until she breaks off in a dash, finally reaching her rival as was intended before.

Smoke no longer shrouded the ghost-type, but there was no need for it. The PLAY ROUGH is executed all the same. She jumps here and there, exchanging more blows and hits with each of her leaps.

She finally made it here again— and there's no way she'll let him go as easily as before.

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POSTED ON Aug 29, 2020 4:45:10 GMT
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Oscar gasped, the dark pulse dispersed the smoke but the mimikyu continued forward. Pain was dumbfounded at the little beings strength, but its desperation to reach him shall bring consequences for both parties. Pain was now desperate to win, he had survived for so long to lose now would be tragic. Yet as the mimikyu dove in, he knew not what to do.

Pain decided to act himself, not waiting for instructions from his master. The mimikyu once again gave a series of hits, each more devastating than the last. Pain reached his breaking point as he tried to create the right timing, and then he jumped. His first movement in the entire battle, and it took every ounce of energy he had remaining. He waited for when the mimikyu was supposed to strike before making his leap, his plan being to land on his opponent. It wasn't a large leap mind you, just high enough to get the mimikyu's lower body under his weight should his plan succeed.

Even if he didn't land on the mimikyu, Pain's landing left quite an impact. The slam released one last round of Earthquake, releasing an enormous shock wave that kicked up sand and debris as it spread across the arena. Oscar could not believe his eyes, he for sure never taught him that. Yet the spectacle would have a heavy cost, as Pain would soon collapse under his own weight and fall to the floor.

Pain lay for a moment, Oscar worrying that he exerted himself into fainting. Yet Pain moved, very slowly struggling to get up. He got as far as his hands and knees, but could not lift any further. Pain let out a cry of anguish, his energy was spent. Oscar stared out onto the arena, searching frantically for the mimikyu. If it was still conscious, this fight was over.

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Katherine Fairburne
Foolish Mortals [GYM]
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2020 23:32:12 GMT
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The Tyranitar manages to land on a part of Mimikyu's rag, however, it means little in the grand scheme of things. The ghost-type's body remained hidden beneath the rag it often wore. And while it does manage to upset the little creature, it fails to push her over the edge and end the battle as planned.
The EARTHQUAKE is not one Spook is capable of dodging, not with the weight of the large pokemon that kept them pinned in place. She can only brace herself for the impact of the attack and hope for the best— which happened...
To work?
With the last fumes in her tank, the small ghost-type remained standing even as the titan collapsed and fell down. Conscious still, it was evident that the battle was over and a victor had emerged.
The last shockwave had sent dust and sand everywhere, including the gym leader's eyes. It forces Katherine to stand still and wait for a while before closing the distance between herself and Oscar, "Not a bad show, Oscar. Your Tyranitar didn't disappoint me." A soft smile graced the woman's lips before she kneeled to free her partner's tail from underneath the fallen dark-type.
"My only advice for you would be... To focus more on the fight and help your partner when necessary. Part of the training you are expected to give them is, well, freedom."
There weren't a lot of orders and commands coming from Katherine's side of the arena, after all. And of course, there was a reason for that. "Their instincts often happen to tell them more than we can. We're expected to guide them, I know, but knowing when to let go is just as important."
Retrieving Spook's Pokeball, Katherine recalled them so they can rest now.
"Oh, and this is yours." The badge is tossed for the man to catch or drop. She didn't particularly care about throwing it well, "You've earned it."

notes: ---

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POSTED ON Aug 30, 2020 3:01:56 GMT
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It was all over, and Oscar couldn't help but sigh. He didn't look bummed, just a tad disappointed. Pain had really tried his best, but it just wasn't enough. Nevertheless Oscar was proud, and as the storm died down he approached the tyranitar. He placed a hand on his hide, "You're fine Pain, calm yourself." Pain groaned, allowing himself to slide onto his stomach and pass out. 

Oscar's gaze turned from Pain to Katherine, who gracefully approached over the sand covered mirror. As she freed her Mimikyu, Oscar felt compelled to return Pain to his pokeball. He probably should have done that sooner, but at least the mimikyu was free. Oscar was actually kind of worried Pain had crushed it too hard, but it seemed to be fine. 

Katherine offered words of comfort and the valuable advice. It was similar advice he had heard from Gavin, one of the Rocket Underbosses. Pokemon had natural instincts that aided them greatly in combat, but Oscar had trouble trusting their judgement. However, Pain's instincts nearly brought them an underdog victory so maybe this was something to consider.

Oscar gave Katherine a bow of respect, "I will remember this for next ti-" He was cut off as she threw something to him. He fumbled the small object but managed to catch it. He opened his hand to look, and widened his eyes at the sight of his very own Clairvoyance Badge. Oscar looked to Katherine, and then back to the badge, and then back and forth once more. His eyes swelled with tears, he couldn't believe it. He clutched the badge, biting back his emotions with a smile. 

"Thank you. I promise I won't let you down." His voice was choked, she probably had no idea what this meant to him. Oscar chuckled, his expression a rare display of joy. Only one left now, he was so close...