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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Sept 8, 2020 9:56:40 GMT
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they sicken of the calm

those who knew the storm

This is the normal narrative.[break]

"Sails away, captain."[break][break]

The calm before the storm.


some ooc notes can go here!


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POSTED ON Sept 9, 2020 23:27:32 GMT
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i have a need of crueler waves
they sicken of the calm, who knew the storm
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC. This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.
@tagsomeone ● notes here ● word count

i have a need of crueler waves
they sicken of the calm, who knew the storm
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by Cicero, written in 45 BC.

This book is a treatise on the theory of ethics, very popular during the Renaissance. The first line of Lorem Ipsum, "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet..", comes from a line in section 1.10.32.

The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested. Sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 from "de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum" by Cicero are also reproduced in their exact original form, accompanied by English versions from the 1914 translation by H. Rackham.

"Aliquam sit amet sodales risus. Aliquam a luctus velit."

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam sed turpis at nibh sodales tempus sed eu libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer pretium elementum nisi eget laoreet. Etiam feugiat nisl nec aliquam finibus. Nullam pellentesque neque orci, ac scelerisque sem imperdiet vel.

Donec ac tellus luctus, semper velit vel, viverra augue. In hendrerit quam eget lacus finibus, eu euismod tellus dapibus. Donec consectetur elit eget pretium ullamcorper.

"Aliquam sit amet sodales risus. Aliquam a luctus velit."

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam sed turpis at nibh sodales tempus sed eu libero.


@tagsomeone ● notes here ● word count
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dross, captain
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how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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POSTED ON Nov 17, 2020 13:18:58 GMT
skyler dross Avatar








i looked back once, and all i saw was his face smiling - the needle crying. walking out of his room with mirrors, afraid i heard him scream, "you'll never get away!" cold and shaking, i crawled down alleys to try and scrape away the tracks that marked me. slammed my face into walls of concrete. i stared - amazed - at the words written on the wall: don't ever trust, don't ever trust the needle. it lies. don't ever trust, don't ever trust the needle when it cries, cries your name. don't ever trust, don't ever trust the needle. it lies. don't ever trust, don't ever trust the needle when it cries, cries your name.



















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dross, captain
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how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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POSTED ON Nov 27, 2020 20:09:52 GMT
skyler dross Avatar


Skyler Dross



[/PTab={ }]

Skyler Dross has always loved the sea. Fiercely independent and reckless to a fault, most of her life is spent out on the ocean as a diver and a treasure hunter. More recently she has become a ship captain and sometimes serves as navigator to underwater expeditions. Her anchor is Lilycove, although you'll seldom find her there. She is also, like any good sailor, deeply superstitious.


Skyler likes people well enough, but then forgets to spend time with them, the ocean's call eventually leading her away from shore. Despite that, Skyler is a cheerful, impetuous sort that will heedlessly throw herself into whatever chaotic adventure she has set her eyes on in the moment. She likes challenges, drinking and throwing a punch or two.  


A sort of rivalry would definitely shake Skyler out of her usual routine. Skyler is very competitive when she feels like she has something to lose, so a fellow treasure hunter would be ideal, though not necessarily the only option. And of course, anyone who messes with her loved ones, but that's a given. 


Skyler isn't interested in romance; she runs from it actually. That doesn't mean it won't happen, but she mostly goes for flings and hook ups. She's actively flirty.

[/PTab={ }]

[attr="class","people-name"]Angelo Vestri two peas in a pod


[attr="class","people-name"]Laurence Anderson BFF & drinking buddy


[attr="class","people-name"]Celeste Abbiati badass ocean ladies


[attr="class","people-name"]Kazimir Wynter close friend & muscle buddy


[attr="class","people-name"]Razz Kingsman close friend 


[/PTab={ }]

Skyler is the captain of the ship known as Sotally Tober, given to her by the League for her services in the war. Due to the flooding in Lilycove, Skyler now lives in the ship, having converted a small part of it into an apartment of sorts. [break][break]

Terrified of them. Will run away screaming or most likely attempt to punch them.

  • She needs buddies who'll be able to take a punch or two; someone who she can train with.
  • A rival. Will probably have to be a treasure hunter

[/PTab={ }]
[/PTabbedContent={--accentRGB: 120, 190, 211; border: 1px solid #3a3a3a; }]


Alecto Rowe



[/PTab={ }]

Alecto is the owner of the Hoothoot's Reading Nook Cryptic Cove, a small bookstore in one of the peaceful streets of Verdanturf. Originally from Johto, she came to Hoenn for her studies in mythology, which she later abandoned to commit to her true passion: the void. Or, more accurately, to the study of various phenomena linked to paranormal activity. She's a scholar at heart, a devout researcher of the strange and the arcane. There's a powerful thirst for knowledge in her; she will do anything to pierce the veil and peer at the truths of the world. She's a cultist basically. Also, she will totally yeet herself into the void.


Alecto is an introverted woman and will gladly pour over her research for days on end without any sort of company. Over the years, Alecto has been subjected to a fair amount of scoff and derision, mostly due to her field of study. Due to that, and to the fact that she finds talking to people hard, Alecto can come across as cold and aloof, even dismissive at times. Still, earn her affection and you'll find yourself in her house at 3am eating doughnuts and roasting people over the internet.


Pretty much anyone who ridicules her studies. Those will be met with a frigid dismissal. Worse yet, anyone who gets in the way of her research. Those will be sacrificed to the void. She values knowledge, even when it isn't something she'd be interested in. Burn a book and she'll do some ritual to burn you down. Also, she can be somewhat of a judgemental asshole when it comes to people in general.


Yes, hello, are you the void?

[/PTab={ }]

[attr="class","people-name"]Jaspar DuvalBFF


[/PTab={ }]

Ghost lovers & scholars / Alecto finds ghost types endlessly fascinating, and would love to talk to someone about some of her theories. Or really just have anyone who will listen other than her good buddy Jaspar. Other cultists welcome <3 [break][break]
Scholarly rivals / Exactly what it says; someone who challenges her, belittles her work and makes her generally pissed off. Or, really any scholar/scientist who thinks her research is a joke. fite me
[/PTab={ }]
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dross, captain
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how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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POSTED ON Dec 31, 2020 0:36:10 GMT
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7:45 PM


who knows


hello testin'

testin' again


what TF is going on

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_____ COLOR THE +
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POSTED ON Jan 13, 2021 19:50:33 GMT
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sit amet urna dignissim, suscipit enim ut, egestas lectus. Quisque condimentum quis turpis sed luctus.

"Nunc feugiat auctor odio vel porttitor."

Sed vulputate erat eu lorem gravida pretium. Sed commodo elit sapien, vel fermentum urna pretium non.

"Aenean nec varius nisl." Praesent at mi consequat, viverra eros mollis, consectetur lorem. "Aliquam erat volutpat."

Pellentesque id blandit ligula. Nulla sed pellentesque nunc, a iaculis tellus. Aenean in ante nec lectus eleifend maximus. Nulla interdum ipsum quis libero volutpat elementum.

Maecenas a turpis vel enim finibus imperdiet non id neque. In commodo vestibulum ligula eget porta.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sit amet urna dignissim, suscipit enim ut, egestas lectus. Quisque condimentum quis turpis sed luctus.

"Nunc feugiat auctor odio vel porttitor."

Sed vulputate erat eu lorem gravida pretium. Sed commodo elit sapien, vel fermentum urna pretium non.

"Aenean nec varius nisl." Praesent at mi consequat, viverra eros mollis, consectetur lorem. "Aliquam erat volutpat."

Pellentesque id blandit ligula. Nulla sed pellentesque nunc, a iaculis tellus. Aenean in ante nec lectus eleifend maximus. Nulla interdum ipsum quis libero volutpat elementum.

Maecenas a turpis vel enim finibus imperdiet non id neque. In commodo vestibulum ligula eget porta.

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POSTED ON Mar 8, 2021 16:07:39 GMT
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 main team

 ship crew

the armada



 for trade



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POSTED ON Mar 31, 2021 19:50:51 GMT
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Looming over most other boats in the Lilycove docks, the former war ship known as the
Sotally Tober bobs gently in calm ocean waters. Sails furled and tucked away, at first sight it seems as if the ship doesn't see much use - certainly not as a war ship. Any sailor worth their salt, however, would notice the painstakingly polished hull glinting under the Hoennian sun. It quickly becomes obvious that this ship is well-loved and well cared for.

If one were to ask, the local fishermen would be happy to tell of one
Captain Skyler Dross. 'A local,' they would agree, nodding their heads, 'took to the sea as a wee child and never really left.' Laughter would then bubble forth as several voices joined in. 'Also good for a drink or two!' 'Or three!' 


Looming over most other boats in the Lilycove docks, the former war ship known as the Sotally Tober bobs gently in calm ocean waters. Sails furled and tucked away, at first sight it seems as if the ship doesn't see much use - certainly not as a war ship. Any sailor worth their salt, however, would notice the painstakingly polished hull glinting under the Hoennian sun. It quickly becomes obvious that this ship is well-loved and well cared for.

If one were to ask, the local fishermen would be happy to tell of one
Captain Skyler Dross. 'A local,' they would agree, nodding their heads, 'took to the sea as a wee child and never really left.' Laughter would then bubble forth as several voices joined in. 'Also good for a drink or two!' 'Or three!' 


This was utter madness.

The world tilts on its axis, moonlit edges of silver blurring into a haze as Captain Dross frantically jumps away from a blast of pink hued energy. An explosion shakes the ground where she'd been not a second before, prompting a string of foul curses from the sailor. It doesn't help that the following shockwave threatens to burst her eardrums.

She'd just been getting a couple of drinks to unwind from a hard and frustrating day of treasure hunting when... honestly, she isn't quite sure how she'd gotten here in the first place, memories drowning in a swirl of god-awful tequila. But here she is - along with two groups of territorial, bloodthirsty wild pokemon.

So, of course, Skyler Dross feels like she's right in her element. Her steps are silent as she moves along the foliage, silver eyes reflecting a stray beam of moonlight as she catches sight of a nearby ball of fluff.

Revenge is nigh.


The world tilts on its axis, moonlit edges of silver blurring into a haze as Captain Dross frantically jumps away from a blast of energy. An explosion shakes the ground where she'd been not a second before, prompting a string of foul curses from the sailor. It doesn't help that the following shockwave threatens to burst her eardrums.

She'd just been getting a couple of drinks to unwind from a hard and frustrating day of treasure hunting when... honestly, she isn't quite sure how she'd gotten here in the first place, memories drowning in a swirl of god-awful tequila. But here she is - along with two groups of territorial, bloodthirsty wild pokemon.

So, of course, Skyler Dross feels like she's right in her element. Her steps are silent as she moves along the foliage, silver eyes reflecting a stray beam of moonlight as she catches sight of a nearby ball of fluff.


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POSTED ON Jun 25, 2021 10:57:53 GMT
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“sorry about drowning,” you say. you chose where to eat and, while your girlfriend seems fine and is acting like a good sport, you feel sorry. the food is good, so fresh, but the drowning. your girlfriend grows increasingly pale. the blood vessels burst in your eyes.

“i love you,” you say. it hurts, what you’re doing. your girlfriend’s hair dances around her. a crab comes along and pinches her elbow.

“hey,” she says to the crab.

you thought that meeting here would make it easier for your parents to come out and join you. you want them to meet this person. it’s still too far for your parents, though, and they’re not here, and you realize how hard it is to maintain close ties with family when you and your partner were born in different places. such vastly different places.

“i love you, too,” your girlfriend says, and then her heart stops and she floats away from you. a current catches her. a whale bumps into her, but she continues on. soon after, your heart also stops and into the current you go. and then you and she are dead in the same current. and going home.
- skyler did this
- skyler did that
[attr="class","bycrane"]made by crane

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POSTED ON Aug 11, 2021 22:16:18 GMT
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Skyler Dross




Age / 22-years old [break]
Occupation / ship captain & treasure hunter [break]
Sexuality / bisexual [break]
Hometown / Lilycove [break]
Bold. Brash. Confident. Fierce. Skyler Dross has always loved the sea. Fiercely independent and reckless to a fault, most of her life is spent out on the ocean as a diver and a treasure hunter. She became the captain to a war ship renamed the Sotally Tober (which is also where she lives rn) following the Three Day War, given to her by the League for services rendered in the Lilycove warfront. Sometimes she serves as navigator to underwater expeditions, although most of her income is due to her work as a diver/treasure hunter. Her anchor is Lilycove, although you'll seldom find her there. She is also, like any good sailor, deeply superstitious. More recently, she's become avatar to the ocean legendary, KYOGRE.



Likes / Skyler likes people well enough, but then forgets to spend time with them, the ocean's call eventually leading her away from shore. Despite that, Skyler is a cheerful, impetuous sort that will heedlessly throw herself into whatever chaotic adventure she has set her eyes on in the moment. She likes challenges, drinking and throwing a punch or two. She also has an unhealthy relationship with danger and is a trouble magnet.
Dislikes / Skyler can lose herself to the thrill of pitting herself against someone else, often stepping over limits and boundaries if only to show that she can (even if she really can't). She's also proud, very greedy, stubborn to a fault, forceful, and honestly a bit of an idiot. While she doesn't take much stock in things such as the greater good, woe be to whoever hurts those she keeps close.
Loves / Captain Dross is married. ♥

[/PTab={ }]



  • having just become kyogre's avatar, skyler's mastery over her newfound powers leaves something to be desired, if bursting the sotally tober's pipes is any indication. she isn't looking for a mentor (she's trying to keep the avatar thing hush hush), but maybe some advice would be appreciated - league or rocket
  • given sootopolis' new leadership, skyler would like to make sure business continues as per usual, since she haunts the nearby waters (which she totally sees as HER territory) - rocket
  • no, really, she's a mess with her powers. someone please find her sleeping at the bottom of the docks - underwater - cradling a tequila bottle.
  • people to friendly (and not so friendly) punch.
  • she always appreciates new drinking buddies.
  • idk i'm open to any and all ideas

[/PTab={ }]



  • Angelo Vestri - beloved
  • Laurence Anderson - bff and drinking buddy
  • Razz Kingsman - close friend & little bro
  • Celeste Abbiati - badass ocean ladies
  • Kazimir Wynter - close friend & muscle buddy
  • Oscar Clayton - close friend and best drinking buddy
  • Kyle Lopez - friend & ren-faire buddy
  • Lulu Flint - ???


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POSTED ON Sept 2, 2021 15:30:38 GMT
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@ tags

i've been trying to believe[break]
so i'm calling on angels

0000 words


i hope they're watching over me
[attr=class,punkisavelightcredit]template by punki
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POSTED ON Nov 10, 2021 18:35:23 GMT
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⚬ drizzle[break]
origin pulse, water spout, aqua ring, sheer cold, earthquake, thunder, block



main team






ship crew






the armada













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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
what is code
POSTED ON Jan 4, 2022 18:38:52 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
The world tilts on its axis, moonlit edges of silver blurring into a haze as Captain Dross frantically jumps away from a blast of energy. An explosion shakes the ground where she'd been not a second before, prompting a string of foul curses from the sailor. It doesn't help that the following shockwave threatens to burst her eardrums.

She'd just been getting a couple of drinks to unwind from a hard and frustrating day of treasure hunting when... honestly, she isn't quite sure how she'd gotten here in the first place, memories drowning in a swirl of god-awful tequila. But here she is - along with two groups of territorial, bloodthirsty wild pokemon.

So, of course, Skyler Dross feels like she's right in her element. Her steps are silent as she moves along the foliage, silver eyes reflecting a stray beam of moonlight as she catches sight of a nearby ball of fluff.


The world tilts on its axis, moonlit edges of silver blurring into a haze as Captain Dross frantically jumps away from a blast of energy. An explosion shakes the ground where she'd been not a second before, prompting a string of foul curses from the sailor. It doesn't help that the following shockwave threatens to burst her eardrums.

She'd just been getting a couple of drinks to unwind from a hard and frustrating day of treasure hunting when... honestly, she isn't quite sure how she'd gotten here in the first place, memories drowning in a swirl of god-awful tequila. But here she is - along with two groups of territorial, bloodthirsty wild pokemon.

So, of course, Skyler Dross feels like she's right in her element. Her steps are silent as she moves along the foliage, silver eyes reflecting a stray beam of moonlight as she catches sight of a nearby ball of fluff.


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played by


dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
what is code
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2022 9:04:31 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]N A U T I C A




Nautica is a family-owned maritime salvaging and exploration company based in Lilycove that provides additional marine and coastal services with a unique combination of experts and vessels.
Operating mostly in the Hoenn region and surrounding international waters, Nautica’s fleet currently consists of one seaplane under the command of Captain , one cabin cruiser “The Dorado” and one warship “The Sotally Tober” under the command of Captain .
Being a contract-based company, Nautica reserves the right to accept or refuse requests on a job-by-job basis regardless of reason. While on the job, Nautica reserves the right to make judgement calls and be in charge of the operations they are hired for.


Nautica offers a wealth of services to both organisations and individuals.
  • Transportation of people and goods
  • Navigating, charting and exploring locations
  • Security services
  • Cargo recovery and salvaging
  • Search and rescue
  • Smuggling and treasure hunting*
  • Odd jobs that require a seaplane, a ship and respective captains

[break][break]* these are usually cash-in-hand, off-the-books jobs due to their possibly illegal nature


  • respond to a distress call from a ship/plane/person lost at sea/stranded.
  • stop a smuggling operation, look for anything of value, inspect some ruins, assess its safety for future construction, look for the location of a plane crash, etc.
  • ensure the protection of cargo and supplies from port to port, accompany ships to their destination ensuring their safe arrival, provide transportation and aid on expeditions (example: scientist on a research expedition)
These are some plot hooks for threads that can be done with Nautica (Angelo, Skyler or both). Pre-existing standard Hoenn missions can also be reflavored into Nautica-related jobs.


 The Nautica office is located on the Lilycove Docks, close to the famous Lilycove fishmarket, on the bottom floor of an old brick warehouse building that has seen better days. An industrial-looking sliding door leads to an open, messy office space, while on the fence outside there is a rusty sign proclaiming ‘Beware of the cat’. At the back of the office there is a small loading bay to drop off and pick up cargo.
The office is closed to walk-ins and serves only as a meeting location for potential clients. Jobs are requested by email and over the phone, which are then filtered and either refused or approved case-by-case by Skyler and Angelo.

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played by


dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
what is code
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2022 10:28:03 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
bla bla bla
bla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla bla
"blaaabla bla!"
bla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla blabla bla bla


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