Weyrwatch | semi-canon 5th Pass Pern, 18+

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Weyrwatch | semi-canon 5th Pass Pern, 18+
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2020 1:23:17 GMT
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A long war-torn Interval has left the Pernese bitterly divided—yet if they are to survive the Fifth Pass, they must unite once more. To this end, three weyrs have made a pact to keep the peace: this is the Weyrwatch.

We feature a traditional Pern setting with the five canon colours only (plus white dragonkin) and no sexuality-based Impressions. Change is sweeping through weyr and hold alike with the return of women greenriders (and soon, blueriders and brownriders). Weyrwatch is an LGBTQ+ friendly environment, and LGBTQ+ characters are always welcome. Our first hatching is taking place this October, including a queen egg—now is a perfect time to get some candidates ready!

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it's a long life full of long nights