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POSTED ON Feb 27, 2021 19:13:27 GMT
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It took some time, and a couple of shots of some ridiculously strong alcoholic drink she wasn't even bothering to taste, for Skyler to absorb the information and let it settle in. So for a small length of time she simply let Alexei's words wash over her, letting out noncommittal hums to show him she was listening.

When she opened her mouth to talk she found that her tongue was swirling strangely in her mouth, feeling clumsy and discoordinated. Silver eyes blinked in confusion, suspicion rising in their silvery depths as she made an attempt at trying to count the exact number of shots she'd consumed ever since the badge. By the way things were starting to look strangely blurry around the edges of her vision, more than she'd expected for sure.

One (two?) of the bottles was empty.

"Can gym leaders even do that? Not be gym leaders outside their gym?" It was one of those positions that carried a certain amount of responsibility with it and thus something that Skyler had never considered being a part of. She liked her freedom, or what she understood as freedom, way too much to link herself to any organization, be it governmental or otherwise. "Aren't you the types that are always working?" She really wasn't one to talk.

The badge was still, somehow, in her hands. Skyler promptly pinned it to her t-shirt, the gleaming colors catching her attention for a minute. "I think it goes with my eyes." Humor was laced in her words, eyes crinkling at the corners as she grinned at .

"It means a lot... especially since we were together on the same battlefield. Fighting the same battle." A hand was slammed down on Alexei's shoulders, a drunken grin curling Skyler's lips. "But maybe we'll stick to being drinking buddies instead? I like battling as much as the next person, but maybe not in a war."

The way her words sounded slightly slurred gave away Skyler's state. More than that, the uncertain wobble in her step as she made her way to the kitchen. Nearly colliding with the kitchen counter. Oh boy.

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POSTED ON Mar 9, 2021 17:52:48 GMT
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“I don’t like waiving my title around. I prefer to keep things simple, to be honest,” he remarked as he poured himself another shot before knocking it back down in one.

“Hell, we can challenge other gyms if we want to, not as a gym leader but to see if we actually know how to battle—fast fact: I do better when the challenges aren’t the usual ‘send your Pokémon out and beat each other up until one remains standing’,” he added with a chuckle as he poured one more shot and let the liquid sit in the glass for a few moments.

“We work, yes, but cut us some slack we’re also human,” he chuckled as he swirled the contents of the glass around before knocking its contents back as well.

Another shot poured for himself, yet this time he left the glass on the table.

“To drinking, and living,” he nodded as he watched her go over to the kitchen area—and very nearly collided with the counter.

“You’re lookin’ a little unsteady on the feet, there.”

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POSTED ON Mar 10, 2021 22:35:47 GMT
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In the end, Skyler did not collide with the countertop, though it was a close call when she turned on the ball of her feet and misjudged her sense of balance, hand reaching out to steady herself before she fell ass over tea kettle. One of her pans fell noisily to the kitchen floor, swiftly followed by a bout of foul cursing any sailor would be proud of. "'m good!" Came the immediately response, carried over in slightly slurred speech.

A couple of minutes later, a head of chaotic blonde curls popped out of the kitchen's doorway along with a bucket of... popcorn? For some unexplainable reason there were some in Skyler's hair, though the sailor herself seemed unaware of their presence. "I'm a big ol' fan of water races myself. Never really liked the traditional pokemon battle... Jus' kinda standing around barking out orders? Pfff, you need to spice it up." 

The ship captain eventually made it back to the couch, unabashedly shoving the bucket onto Alexei's lap after taking some for herself. "How's your Salamence, by the way? I remember seeing it in the Lilycove warfront. Hardy beast. Mine got out with a few scars, but otherwise I think she did okay." There was a strange kind of pride in her voice. Atalanta had taken the brunt of the damage, though none of her pokemon had come out of the war completely unscathed. 

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POSTED ON Mar 16, 2021 5:13:48 GMT
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“You don’t sound fine,” he said quietly as he kept an eye on her. Apparently the almighty was also susceptible to the spirits in a bottle.

He let the quiet settle for a few moments before the bush of wild hair announced her return and a bucket of popcorn found itself in his hands.

“Heh, this is why I try to have as many people take the non-traditional challenges in my gym as possible. I’m not that great of a shake with barking orders around. I merely guide my Pokémon companions to do what they do best. Kinda like how you let a Tsareena do their own thing otherwise they’re going to kick you in the face—or worse.”

He’d seen it happen before, and he did not want to personally experience that.

As talk turned to other things, he reached into the popcorn bucket and pulled a handful out, before starting to toss pieces individually up in the air and trying to catch them. For the most part, he could catch the falling kernels, but a few poked him on the nose or the forehead.

Hah, his aim sucked sometimes.

“Oh, Gabe? He got a hell of a pampering after the War was over. Like, it wasn’t just me up there. My Gardevoir and Lucario were also there for the ride,” he answered with a wave as he tried to catch more popcorn kernels.

“He’s fine physically, but seeing all that insanity roll out? Damn, is all I’ll say. If he could speak I would totally relate to what he would say. I know he has a lot on his mind.”

After catching a few more popcorn kernels, he continued.

“How’s your Wailord? I saw three out there… one of them was yours, right?”

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POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 18:28:21 GMT
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"Tsareena?" If Captain Dross had selective hearing at the best of times, the alcoholic daze that was starting to blur the edges of her vision certainly didn't help matters. Silver eyes blinked slowly, the thought processes in her head plain for all to see - or, for   to see in this case.

So when her eyes brightened with something akin to giddy enthusiasm, it was a safe bet that whatever plan she was cooking up would inevitably spell out trouble for someone. "Sounds like I should get one of those. You don't happen to know anyone who'd be willin' to part with one, do ya?"

The amount of popcorn Skyler managed to grab in a single handful was nothing short of awe-inspiring. Then again, her fingers had always been greedy.  And while about half of them were immediately shoved into her mouth, the remaining joined Alexei and his small game of 'catch the popcorn'.

"Watch this." Despite the utterly confident tone in which the words had been spoken, when the captain threw the popcorn it bounced harmlessly off of her forehead instead and went to join its brethren in the mess of blonde curls.

"Yeah, I'd bet Sirena would have a few choice words for me..." To be fair, the Lapras didn't need words. She'd had to deal with Skyler's shenanigans for years - by now they knew how to annoy each other perfectly

A popcorn hit Skyler in the eye and she cursed with gusto, though it didn't deter her from continuing her attempt to catch popcorn kernels with her mouth.

This was a competition now.

"Nautilus? Yeah, you might have some trauma when you land on top of a building-sized Ultra Beast and nearly die. He's okay though." A pause. "I did give him the option of being released back into the ocean. He Hydro Pumped me overboard. It was great."

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POSTED ON Mar 20, 2021 0:55:44 GMT
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“Wait, seeing as you got some good sturdy—sea legs there—is it safe to hazard a guess you get lost the father inland you go?” he guessed.

His eyebrows went up slightly at the sight of Skyler attempting some popcorn-catching as well. Sure, some of them she’d managed to catch but the other kernels…

“You have popcorn in your hair, didn’t you know?” he pointed out before catching a few more in his mouth. Once his own handful of popcorn was gone, he reached for the long-forgotten shot glass on the table.

“Pft,” he chuckled at the mention of the Wailord literally drenching her in water. “They do get attached like that,” he added before knocking back the shot he’d poured for himself and setting the empty glass back down.

“Those Wailords coming down on that kaiju-sized… block thing—nothing short of sheer terror and fantastic—” he added a few moments later as he picked some of the popcorn kernels he could easily see out of her hair and flicking it off onto the table.

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POSTED ON Mar 20, 2021 10:40:39 GMT
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"Yeah, that- How do you tell one tree from another? They all look the same to me." Captain Dross was an expert when it came to getting lost whenever she wandered inland. Maybe it was due to the fact that she spent almost all of her days on or by the sea. Either way, her compass just went haywire anytime she ventured away from the ocean.

Frustration leaked into her voice as she continued. "And then there's hills and crevices and- it's annoying." Another popcorn kernel failed its target, nestling comfortably in her cleavage instead. Skyler didn't seem to notice it.

A look of surprise briefly flickered over silver eyes, seemingly flabbergasted at the fact that there were popcorn kernels caught in her chaotic mess of blonde hair. Her calloused fingers dug into the light curls, bringing back a couple of popcorn kernels - which the captain promptly shoved into her mouth. "Awesome."

"I have two Wailord now." Competition burned hot in her veins, so when Alexei went to reach for a shot glass, Captain Dross did the same. Common sense had never been one of her strong suits, and it certainly wouldn't start to be one now. "One for each side of the ship. Just need two more." The idea had been on her mind since a conversation with a certain uncle Jonathan (). She'd have to show him her Wailord collection once it was complete.

The alcohol tasted harsh mixed with the popcorn when she downed the shot glass, but Skyler didn't show any distaste in her expression.

Keep a straight face, keep a straight face.

"Oh-hey, that's a waste!" A hand reached out to snatch a popcorn from Alexei's hand, quickly popping it into her mouth before it could be flicked onto the table. "Wait, I think-" A sudden frown of concentration crossed her features. "I think I have some caramel topping for the popcorns. You're getting up this time though." No, it wasn't because her infamous sea legs were betraying her. Not at all.

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POSTED ON Mar 27, 2021 8:48:06 GMT
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His eyes idly followed the next piece of popcorn before his eyebrows slowly but surely raised themselves high enough for him to notice that there was something definitely wrong.

“There’s a popcorn kernel in your cleavage,” he pointed out subtly, before blinking and just staring at it as it bobbed up and down in the—holy shit.

Having one Wailord was enough, but two? And then, four? Okay, how the hell did she even have enough room for all of them?!

“And for the record, I’m gay as the day is long, so that’s just me pointing out the floating kernel there. And in your hair, for the record,” he added as he stood up and went to the kitchen itself.

“Where’d you say the caramel was again? Fridge?”

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POSTED ON Mar 27, 2021 13:34:04 GMT
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"Is there?!" Skyler sounded entirely too excited by the prospect of popcorn in her cleavage, hazy silver eyes immediately falling down to the aforementioned area. Searching. It didn't take long for a victorious 'hah!' to escape her lips as she plucked the popcorn kernel from between her breasts to pop it into her mouth with the look of utmost satisfaction. "Thanks, that woulda been a waste." And uncomfortable, once the alcohol left her system.

"First shelf!" The sailor called out, stretching her long legs and resting them on the coffee table - promptly knocking a bottle to the ground in the process. "Ah, fuck, shit!" The ship captain scrambled to catch the bottle, wrapping alcohol numbed fingers around the glass before it could spill most of its contents onto her nice wooden floor. 

"Everythin's okay!"

When Alexei eventually made his way back to the living room, he'd find Skyler lounging on the couch and licking the remnants of vodka off of the back of her hand. "Why flying pokemon?" The question came out nowhere, yet it had been spoken with genuine curiosity reflected in a silvery gaze. 

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POSTED ON Apr 6, 2021 10:05:03 GMT
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Thankfully, Alexei’s back was turned so he didn’t quite see what Skyler had done with the aforementioned popcorn kernel in the cleavage remark, however he did hear the sound of something falling off the—oh, shit!

Turning around in time just as he reached the fridge, he caught her in the middle of catching the bottle of alcoholic beverage before it crashed on the floor.

Boy that would’ve been a nightmare.

Thankfully, it didn’t end in disaster!

“Thank hell you caught the bottle. Quick reflexes there,” he said with a grin as he opened the fridge and quickly scanned the contents. Finding the jar of caramel within, he retrieved it before asking again, “Where do you keep your spoons?!”

While waiting for her reply, he then chuckled at her last pronouncement.

“Why not Flying-type Pokémon, you mean,” he continued as he shook the jar of caramel. He knew that this shit was tough as concrete when freshly evicted from a cold area, but would eventually warm up when left alone long enough.

“It came with the territory. I’m not from around here, you know,” he went on as he let his Unovan accent bleed through for a few moments.

“I’m from Unova, three guesses which city. No, it’s not Castelia,” he added with another chuckle.

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POSTED ON Apr 6, 2021 23:26:00 GMT
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A hilariously smug expression immediately overtook Skyler's face at Alex's comment about her reflexes. She peered at him from over the couch, brandishing the bottle in her hand triumphantly. "Ya gotta have good reflexes when you havta dodge harpoons bein' shot at ya." Ah, and her speech was going now too... Great. Still, she didn't seem overly bothered about it, especially not when she downed another shot with no hesitation whatsoever.

"They're in the drawer!" Honestly, where did Alexei keep his own spoons? The only possible, logical place was a drawer. The fact that there were multiple of them didn't even occur to her as being an issue. How difficult was it to find a spoon, anyway? The guy was a gym leader for Arceus' sake! She was sure he'd find one. Eventually.

The captain let out a loud, boisterous peal of laughter at Alex's answer to her question. "Ye're right, why not flying types! I have a couple of them... But I like water types best. Lapras bestest." To absolutely no one's surprise.

Sighing, Skyler let her head fall back against the couch, silver eyes peering up at nothing in particular. She did perk up at the mention of Unova though. "Unova? I've been there once. Castelia I think? But I was kicked out, kind of."

Now that was a story. And also illegal, so she should probably keep her mouth shut.

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POSTED ON Apr 7, 2021 16:05:33 GMT
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“I had to make sure!” he said from his vantage point, still eyeing the jar of solid caramel suspiciously. Having dealt with so many baking products he just knew that throwing this one in the microwave (if there was any) would potentially lead to disaster. Especially since it was in a glass jar and all!

“Who knows if you hide your spoons in another drawer?” he added as he shook the jar a bit. He wasn’t going to risk the microwave, no. So they were back to waiting out for the jar to warm up enough.

Returning to his spot on the couch, he then placed a couple of spoons on the table, before looking over at her. Boy she was definitely getting plastered.

“What—what happened?” he inquired ever so casually. It may have happened while he was still there, or it may have happened after he left. Who knows?

“What got you kicked out of Castelia?”

Another shot poured, another shot offered.

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POSTED ON Apr 10, 2021 18:46:47 GMT
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"Thanks!" Greedy fingers wrapped themselves around the offered shot, a lopsided grin peeking up at Alexei, even as one of Skyler's cheeks was squished against the sofa. By now the Captain sported a faint blush on her sun-kissed cheeks that she would vehemently deny having. Fortunately, it seemed no more popcorn kernels had found their way into her cleavage. She was taking only a couple from the container - likely waiting for the caramel.

"S'a long story," mumbled Captain Dross, moving the shot one way and another, seemingly studying its contents or stumbling upon some sort of life-changing epiphany. Of course, the truth was neither of the two - Skyler was trying to wrack her brains for a story that wouldn't incriminate her, especially given Alexei's status as a Gym Leader.

In the end she gave up and threw caution to the wind - along with the alcohol that soon burned its way down her throat.

"I was drunk." Obviously. "Started drinking in Lilycove, ended up in Unova. Don' ask, no idea how it happened." To this day, most of that night's details remained fuzzy around the edges. Sometimes she had a flash of something, but without the proper context it was difficult to piece things together.

"'nyway," She gesticulated with her arms, almost hitting Alexei in the face, "wound up ina public garden. Called Wailord. Destroyed the whole shebang. Boom. Now I'm banned." 

Skyler grinned at Alexei like she'd just told him she'd won a nobel prize, except for the hint of mischief at the edges. "Caramel?"

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POSTED ON Apr 11, 2021 15:33:37 GMT
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Alexei was busy shaking the caramel jar, trying to warm it up enough without them having to suffer overbent spoons because it was so damned-ass hard. In the end he eventually ended up rolling the jar between his fingers, the friction seeping through the glass as he listened intently.

At the end of it all—as he placed the now-opened jar of caramel on the table, he blinked a few times.

“You do know—“ he stammered, offering her a spoon should her hand-eye coordination be good. “You…do…know how…cramped the spaces around Castelia are, right?” he blinked, getting a spoonful of caramel for himself. He wasn’t going to eat it with the popcorn, however.

He was going to eat the caramel directly.

The last time he’d been there… was almost a decade ago. So there may be a time gap between when he’d left and when she’d gotten banned from the city.

“How long ago was this?” he asked curiously, nibbling on the caramel from his spoon. Ahh, it was perfectly sweet. Enough to balance out the saltiness of the popcorn that remained in the bucket.

He then topped up her empty glass, before refilling his own again and knocking back the shot in one.

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POSTED ON Apr 11, 2021 15:53:24 GMT
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"T' be honest I don' remember much." There were tall buildings and lots of people wearing frowns, though that could've been the fact that she'd totaled a whole damn public park with her Wailord. Regardless, if she lived in a place that cramped she'd be pretty grumpy most of the time too. "Good thing ya left t' place. People there hav' no sense o' humor."

The question about how long it'd been made a frown of concentration crease Skyler's eyebrows as she wracked her drunken brain. "Err.. Musta been... I don' know, months? Twas last year." The spoonful of caramel didn't go unnoticed, a hand grabbing onto her own spoon after the third try. Slathering a good amount on the spoon (kind of haphazardly, accuracy wasn't even going to be attempted), Skyler then brought the whole spoon to her mouth.

"I like ya Alex, yer a good sort." The sailor would attempt to mock punch Alexei, missing by miles as her fist instead flopped over the back of the couch. A goofy smile curled her lips.

Silence reigned over the living room then. The last shot remained on the table entirely forgotten as the captain took her sweet time consuming the caramel.

She would've reached for that shot, except that when Alex would next look he'd see a clean spoon abandoned on top of the couch and Skyler passed out, a thin line of drool hilariously escaping her mouth. Soft snores would follow the Gym Leader as he left the apartment.