Exhibits of Crimsen

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Thirty One
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Cinnabar Island
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Ex-Head Ranger
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Sénon Game
Exhibits of Crimsen
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2022 8:26:40 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar


In the quake of the METEOR BEAM the law-bender came to with an abrupt sit-up.

Like a corpse come to life.

An apt comparison as he largely felt like a dead man.

His body was heavy, and yet, numb. Breathing wasn't much of a problem before but it sure as shit was a bit of trouble of now. Long sustained breaths and calm thinking would keep his lungs fixed with oxygen.

-and some burned carbons as well.

His suit was singed and smoking, and the skybound pokébomber was gone, although not long gone.

Some kind of shiny variant of whatever bombed him came out of the meteor it seemed.

"Hanzo!" The rift-Typlosion laid on his side, responding with his pokecry. The burns on his back fur was a clear indication Hanzo tackled his trainer and used his own body to shield the vigilante as best he could.

It burned him worse than the explosion that his Emotional Support Pokemon was so wounded in one instant. He was supposed to be getting the redhead through the turbulent times but it was Sénon getting Hanzo hurt, critically hurt.

He really wasn't doing too well up here.

If there was no sample to collect (aside from whatever the new radio-chatter was about the what came out of the fractured meteor), then it was time to evacuate.

But maybe he could get even on his way out.

() ---> ()

"Plan D." With a nod in response, a psychic flash of her eyes and an uplift of her arms, Alakazam pushed their plans forward as the redhead staggered to his feet.

Displacing with an ALLY SWITCH Alakazam and Crimsen closed in on their prior attacker ( )

In turn the psychic-type was replaced in the field just as quickly as she had been called.

In her wake, her least LIMBER teammate, impersonated the opposition.


● tags: @meteno

● notes:

H!typlosion shielded Crimsen from explosion!

Crimsen swapped H!Typlosion for alakazam!

Alakazam used Ally SWITCH on Kim!

Crimsen swapped alakazam for ditto!

Ditto emerges as DEOXYS!


() () () () () ()

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