forgotten recollections [leslie]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Alexei Ivanov
forgotten recollections [leslie]
POSTED ON Dec 11, 2018 21:40:58 GMT
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someone's in deep s h i t. Takes place 2 days after 'freakin' cold, the mission.

The last he remembered was the gigantic Abomasnow, the roaring of his ‘mence and the Braviary, and then it was darkness.

It was the antiseptic scent assaulting his sense of smell that forced him awake again. How long had he been passed out? Was that mess just a nightmare? Blinking a few moments so he could get the gummy feeling out of his eyes, he quickly closed them again as a flat white light registered in his field of vision.

Wait… this wasn’t his apartment in Fortree.

Groaning a bit, he tried to move his right arm; but realized a few seconds later that it had been placed in a cast—what the hell? Shaking his head slightly, he slowly opened his eyes again, letting them adjust to the bright glare overhead. Now that he was awake again, how did he end up in what he guessed was a hospital room? And for that matter—

“Les?” he croaked out, feeling like absolute shit. He couldn’t move his right hand for jack squat, for starters, and that was alarming. “Wh—where are you?”

Everything about him just hurt like one gigantic bruise at this point. It wasn’t until the lag from a few days ago finally caught up with him did he remember—oh, shit.

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POSTED ON Dec 11, 2018 21:58:18 GMT
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Leslie hadn't barely budged for two days.

At first, he had been completely shocked when he caught a wild Mega-Abomasnow and then he'd been taken by surprise when Alexei had basically keeled over on him after their victory. He'd had to return the Braviary and Salamence to their Pokéballs himself before rushing Alexei to the nearest hospital. It was there he shared that he was Alexei's personal Doctor, one that traveled as much as Alexei did. It was only after Alexei's examination and surgeries that Leslie was even told about Alexei being far more than just anemic.

Leslie supposed that's when it started, the worry, the anger, the disappointment in himself. He hadn't known and that was shit. He hadn't been told and that was evens shittier.

But that anger slowly moved aside when he heard his name choked out of the body that hadn't moved for two days. Quickly he got up, ringing the nurse in so that they'd know he woke. He knew the Doctor would want to see Alexei soon as possible. He moved over and placed a hand atop Alexei's gently.

"Hey dipshit." His voice was calm, and low. "Welcome back to reality." Leslie's way of saying he was right there, next to Alexei, keeping watch. Only thing he could do, really.

[newclass=".leslie b"]color:#F1A000; font-weight:lighter; [/newclass]
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forgotten recollections [leslie]
POSTED ON Dec 11, 2018 22:32:03 GMT
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oh boy. here it comes...

“So that all…wasn’t just a highly realistic dream, huh, he breathed out softly, feeling a little hint of color rise to his pale cheeks when that smaller hand rested briefly atop his. He didn’t know how much shit he’d gotten himself into—at least, not yet anyway.

He blinked a few times, before finally noticing the dark circles under the other’s eyes. “Did you sleep at all?” he asked him a few moments later, eyebrows crinkling together in concern. “You look dead on your feet…”

The faint color was still on his cheeks, but he was loathe to actually act on it. Despite his instincts telling him to take the other man’s hand and hold it, he knew he couldn’t—at least, not while the other also looked like an absolute wreck.

“Is something the matter,” he continued quietly. There was that nagging feeling bothering him about something—something he couldn’t place quite yet, but the way Leslie handled his emotions, he could take a rough guess on what the matter was.

Well, not completely accurately yet, but still, that was beside the point.

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POSTED ON Dec 12, 2018 1:17:35 GMT
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Something like a laugh and a groan escaped Leslie. "I look dead on my feet?" Alex practiclaly had been dead on his feet. The memory itself had Leslie opening his eyes fully and looking at Alex, right into his eyes. What ... a dipshit.

"Oh, what? No." Leslie's tone clearly held a very heavy layer of sarcasm all over it. "Why would something be the matter? You basically died on me, they managed to revive you here, stitch you back together, and you're breathing. So no. Whyinthehellwouldanythingbewrong?" His last sentence was mumbled and smushed together, he huffed and leaned back enough to let go of Alex' hand.

"I'm, sorry. I'm just, I'm tired." He laughed out finally. He had moved to let there be enough room between Alex and the doctor. He didn't want to seem like he was intruding. Though, the doctor did think they were brothers, so he felt a bit guilty he hadn't warned Alex before the doctor started talking. Hopefully, the doctor wouldn't, uh, mention it.

[newclass=".leslie b"]color:#F1A000; font-weight:lighter; [/newclass]
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forgotten recollections [leslie]
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2018 15:26:16 GMT
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oh boi.

“Yeah, you do,” was all he was able to get out before he was beset upon by the doctor who came in, shining white coat and all that. Closing his eyes again to blink a few times, he let the other voice hum over him, making affirmative noises and all that as the questions registered in his head.

One other question was shot his way, though; something he couldn’t answer right away. He found himself saying, “I didn’t feel the need to disclose it unless asked directly… wait. Wait, wait, wait. Don’t… please don’t let any mention of this go on my official League records. Just… I don’t want to be seen as a liability,” before looking over at the blonde-haired man who look rather rumpled. “I know, I know you’d insist on placing it down on my records, but I feel that this is something that I can handle… I don’t want other people to look down on me just because of this.

More concerned babbling, and then the topic shifted briefly to his right shoulder. While he could still feel some pain in it, he then tilted his head to one side, before snarking, “Well, lucky I’m not right-handed otherwise this would’ve been really difficult. At least… at least I had someone capable on the scene when it happened. Look, I don’t know why the hell I was kidnapped by an Abomasnow, maybe it found me tasty… but I know they’re normally not carnivorous. I’m not sure if it was my hair or something,” he said before letting out a sigh.

Ugh. He hated answering these annoying questions.

“Look, I know,” he said with a sigh at the doctor’s next statement, “…but whatever you do, please, don’t let anyone else outside this room know of this,” he ended firmly, and after another check-up, the doctor left them alone.

And now, he knew that he was in extremely deep shit.

Turning over to where Leslie sat, he had no words. Try as he might to form them, his mind couldn’t, and instead he ended up licking his lips instead before coughing very slightly.

“Well… I guess… now you know my secret,” he managed to blurt out before the awkward silence got too uncomfortable for either of them.

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POSTED ON Dec 12, 2018 15:50:28 GMT
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With all of the routine questions Alexei got more and more uncomfortable and Leslie found a bit of comfort in that. Seeing how strongly Alexei reacted to not having his condition put down on his records... well, it made total sense, but legally the doctor would have had to put that on medical records. If anybody in the League had a friend that was good with computers, they'd be able to look up Alexei's medical records and find his condition easy.

"You know, legally they've already added the illness to your record, right? They didn't send a personal message to the League, and legally they don't have to tell anybody, anything, who don't have access to your personal health records." With that being said, it was clear that his secret would stay safe so long as he kept his mouth shut and didn't put anybody in the League down as an emergency contact.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Leslie lifted an eyebrow, trying not to be hurt. For whatever reason, the fact that this was kept secret, it sort of hurt. "It's not like I'd go around waving a flag to announce your condition to the world... but seriously, even as your personal doctor, I definitely should have been told."

Leslie let that seriousness linger in the air for a moment. "I've quit for less on most clients. Information like this, withholding it from your doctor, serious shit could happen Alexei."

[newclass=".leslie b"]color:#F1A000; font-weight:lighter; [/newclass]
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Alexei Ivanov
forgotten recollections [leslie]
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2018 16:07:52 GMT
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should I cue the ominous music now?

How awkward was it going to get?


“How sure are you they aren’t going to say anything? There was a reason why I kept it to myself,” he began with a sigh. “How much of my story do you know?” he asked him a few moments later, giving him enough time to answer. “Here’s the thing. The moment they… my family found out I had it, they shut me away. Trapped me inside my home, back in Mistralton. Do you… do you know how suffocating it was, he continued, his voice getting lower until he’d reached the end of the sentence.

“They let my sisters run out in the world, go on their journeys, do whatever the hell they wanted. But me? They trapped me inside. Back home. Although I wanted to go and join them, they wouldn’t let me. I found it irrational, the way they were overreacting. They isolated me. Left me to wither in the dark,” he went on, shaking a little. “It even got to the point they ignored me and wrote me out of their lives. What rational kind of family would do that, I ask you?

Letting that sink in for a few moments, he sighed again. Much as he wanted to rub his hands over his eyes, he could only do it with his left, which he quickly did—rubbing away the wetness that was coming up. “The same happened to my sisters… I’d been effectively ‘killed off’, despite being alive. And I couldn’t stand it. I wasn’t going to let that hold me back, you know. I know it’s life-threatening if I’m not careful, but… well, shit happened and that was out of my control. I did manage to get as far as here without getting into serious danger, though… that’s a start, I guess.”

And then, more awkward silence. He braced himself for however Leslie would react. He knew he was going to get an earful, but how much was he going to react over it?

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forgotten recollections [leslie]
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2018 18:04:32 GMT
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"Story time?" That was Leslie's answer to how much about Alexei he knew. He only knew medical history, and that Alexei didn't much like talking about his family. Even to the point where he could feel that Alexei might have been envious that Leslie didn't have a family to begin with.

But the more Leslie heard, the more he understood only one thing; regardless of how far away Alexei had gotten, how free of his family he'd gotten, his family still had a hold on him. It was crippling Alexei, so much so that he feared being put in a room and told not to leave it due to his medical condition.

"N..." Leslie moved a hand over his face and groaned. "First of all, nobody is going to lock you in a room and tell you not to leave. They couldn't if they tried. They could suggest that maybe you should spend your time inside more than outside, but they can't arrest you and take you away."

"Secondly, don't- don't do that." Knowing he'd have to explain, he didn't bother pausing too long. "Don't give your family that power over you. Don't let that scare you into keep secrets. So what you have a condition that is better kept indoors- if you want to travel, you can now. You're going to make it to Gym Leader and you're going to show those assholes of a family just how strong you've become."

"So don't for a second even think that they have power over you anymore, that anyone does. And start trusting people, because that's the only way anybody survives these days." ...and there, he was done, and he really hoped he hadn't overstepped any boundaries.

At least he hadn't yelled. He'd kept himself calm the entire time.

[newclass=".leslie b"]color:#F1A000; font-weight:lighter; [/newclass]
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Alexei Ivanov
forgotten recollections [leslie]
POSTED ON Dec 13, 2018 15:55:12 GMT
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and then he gets flustered. oh boi, you unleashed the waterworks...

Alexei then remembered, that over the span of time they’d known each other, he’d only ever told the other about his condition—well, technically the misdiagnosed one at first. He wasn’t surprised at the other’s initial reaction, he did keep this from him…at least until now.

“I don’t know why they never liked me around. It was always my sisters, never me. Hell, the only one who talked to me until a certain point was my older sister, but after some time had passed we just…fell apart, too. I really hated that feeling. That alienation from the people who’re supposed to take care of you growing up… now you know why I was more than a little jealous when you told me about how you grew up around other kids,” he continued quietly, raising his left hand to rub away at the sides of his eyes again—that damned wetness was starting to pool up.

“I didn’t tell them anything. That night I ran away, almost eleven years ago now,” he said a few moments later, taking a deep breath to calm himself. “I can take a guess they haven’t noticed I’m gone. Nobody’s come after me…which is just as well, you know? But at the same time, I had nobody to look up to, only the world. Only the people I met along the way out of Unova and on the way here. When I got here a few years ago I was literally on my own, much like you are. While I do like the solitude, sometimes… sometimes it gets too lonely. You get me?”

He couldn’t stop the wetness from sliding down his cheeks at this point.

“You know h-how you want t-to be acknowledged, th-that you exist? That there’s a-at least someone w-who… who’s there to w-watch your back, n-no matter what happens?” he added quietly, looking away for a few moments because he could feel some color rising to his cheeks as he said this. Eventually turned back to face the other, shaking quietly.

He didn’t know why, but… the way Leslie worried and fussed over him, he’d… he’d never felt so light before, like he could leave everything behind and just… be at ease with the other. The light blush on his cheeks slowly deepened, before he realized just who was listening to him, and he made a little coughing noise; forcing himself to calm down.

“I-I’m sorry if I didn’t tell you about this before… when we first met.”

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POSTED ON Dec 16, 2018 17:58:58 GMT
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With a small frown, Leslie listened. With open ears and a lack of judgment. For the first time in what felt like forever, a lack of judgment. He judged everything, everyone, all the time. Usually, he'd be judging the family, telling Alexei that he did the right thing by running away and that the family was a sad sack of shit to begin with if they didn't notice that Alexei was gone.

How could somebody not notice Alexei being gone? That baffled him. Mostly, he'd nearly felt it, just a few days ago, and it's scared the life into him. Sort of woke him up. Made him realize something his dense self wasn't sure how to completely handle.

He had... the feels for Alexei. That like like you get toward people- but what about Alexei? Would he feel the same way? Would that matter? It wouldn't stop Leslie from feeling that way, not now.

Oh and then he had to go and blush like that while explaining he needed somebody to watch his back... well, an opportunity was knocking on Leslie's door and Leslie wasn't sure what the fuck to do. Maybe...

"Scoot over dipshit." Yep, he didn't even wait for Alexei to comply before getting in the bed beside Alexei and under the covers. Just enough so that their body heat could be shared. "And stop apologizing. Your family's shit if they don't come looking for you, so what. If they're shit, you don't need them in your life anyway and you certainly don't need the weight of thinking about them either. You're about to be a Gym Leader of Christ's sake, try and get some perspective."

Leslie turned and made sure there was some eye contact before he gave a warm smile for the first time in nearly two days. "You're a badass, Alexei. For doing this, despite your condition. To hell with everyone else. Spread your wings and reach the moon if you want. Just don't let others drag you back down to Earth, alright?"

[newclass=".leslie b"]color:#F1A000; font-weight:lighter; [/newclass]
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Alexei Ivanov
forgotten recollections [leslie]
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2018 15:12:32 GMT
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MAXIMUM BLUSHU ALERT, avert thy eyes if you wish to avoid the ultra-gay

Alexei barely had time to move over when Les had practically scooted over into the bed—despite his own size there was still enough room for the other to wedge in.

And that’s when his heart did a backflip. To be in such close proximity with the other, it was driving him mad. The blush on his face deepened even more now that they were practically nose-to-nose; within the same space—barring their location, if they were in his apartment at Fortree this would’ve been perfect. The embarrassed noises continued to come from his direction, and the already deep-red blush grew even hotter—he could feel his ears heating up due to the physical nearness of the other.

Oh, if he didn’t have a needle stuck in his left arm he’d have grabbed him and kissed him right then and there! But he did. Instead, the blush intensified even more, he couldn’t find the proper words once Les was done saying his piece. The impulse was there, and it was very strong—would he do it? His heart was going really fast, so fast the blush on his face was at its reddest and shit, he couldn’t even say a single word once Leslie had finished his piece. He figured, if he couldn’t say it, why not express what he wanted to say?

Their foreheads were touching, hell the tip of his nose was already tickling Leslie’s as he continued to lose himself in the other’s sapphire gaze. It was like drowning, but not underwater. He could lose himself in the moment—and that’s exactly what happened. He was literally on instinctive autopilot at this point.

Words had utterly failed him right then and there; he tilted his face slightly, brushing his dry, chapped lips against Leslie’s for the briefest of moments before pulling away slightly to stare at him, watch his reaction; gauge his response. Circumstances notwithstanding, he’d have wanted to save this for another moment, but he felt that it was… like, it was a long time coming now.

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forgotten recollections [leslie]
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2018 18:33:57 GMT
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Alexei's heart wasn't the only one going ninety miles an hour. Leslie could hardly feel his toes because of it all. It took a lot more to make him blush, but the second their foreheads were touching he was blushing.

It was only then he figured it out, and just, and just knew without a shadow of a doubt that Alexei was definitely into him. To boost and confirm that thought, Alexei went and brushed their lips together. Oh, but not enough to be called a kiss, just enough to be considered a tease. No... it was asking permission, checking to see if this sort of thing was okay.

That's when the penny dropped. For Leslie, it clicked. Alexei had never mentioned he was gay, though neither had Leslie. It just never came up between the two of them. Yet they both sort of had known. Leslie had, but he'd ignored it as per usual with his emotions. Allowed himself to become dense to the subject in fear of rejection-- or worse, acceptance and then denial. But with the way Alexei was asking now?

Leslie's response was only action. A smile, at first, because he liked the way Alexei's lips tingled against his skin. Next his hand moved over Alexei's. Alexei's hand was bigger than his, since Alexei was a good bit taller than Leslie it made sense. However, that didn't detour his small hand from wrapping around Alexei's and gripping tightly. His way of saying it was alright and to prove that it was, in fact, alright and that Leslie did, in fact, want this, the doctor moved his lips up and against Alexei's in a real kiss.

Though he was sure to keep himself polite. His lips stayed closed while against Alexei's, though puckerd enough that it was a decent kiss and would make a nice 'pop' when their lips separated. He did so love the sound of that pop...

[newclass=".leslie b"]color:#F1A000; font-weight:lighter; [/newclass]
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forgotten recollections [leslie]
POSTED ON Dec 19, 2018 15:33:45 GMT
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*screaming in the distance, sirens*

To be fair, he’d had so many fantasies and daydreams about swooping in from out of nowhere and just outright kissing the blonde on the lips but shit, this compared to nothing now. Although his right hand was still stuck in the cast, he felt Les’ fingers close around his, and boy that blush on his face intensified as his fingers instinctively squeezed back in response.

If he were to look at a mirror now, he’d definitely be redder than the inside of a watermelon at this point. Never mind if they were sharing the same space now, it felt warmer than earlier. Much warmer.

Arceus, he could lose himself in the way that the other was looking at him now. Had he gone too far, was it too much? Thankfully he didn’t freak out; which he silently thanked himself for, before letting out another embarrassed noise as the last thing he saw before Leslie closed the distance a second time was the blonde’s impossibly-blue eyes. Another warm sensation spread from the point of contact, and then it suddenly occurred to him: his own damned lips were dry!

Flustered, he didn’t realize that he’d accidentally licked his own lips to wet them a little despite the contact from the other—and didn’t know what the hell he was doing, left hand moving up to brush some of Les’ wayward bangs out of his face as he returned the little show of affection back, accidentally giving the other another lick because his lips had dried out and shit, shit, shit…

Finally making to move away for a few moments, he willed the blush to go away but it still remained on his face. Oh, great.

“O-oh, sorry,” he mumbled, looking at him for a few moments before averting his gaze. “Dry lips. I-I couldn’t help myself,” he added a few seconds later, his face still red as it was earlier. “I-I guess… does this mean, uhm, are we… you know… dating? he asked a few moments later, unable to look anywhere but at Leslie’s eyes.

The blush on his face said it all.

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POSTED ON Dec 26, 2018 15:40:58 GMT
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oh man the level of cuteness...

One kiss and they were dating, huh? Leslie couldn't help how he smiled, because how cute was Alex right now? Sure, he was blushing himself, but it was only because they'd gone from the doctor and patient to boyfriend and boyfriend in like... what, six months? God it took them six months?? How did he have such self-control before?! Because all he wanted right now was more kissy time. Was that okay? Was he allowed to want more kissy time?

Did he really just internally call it... kissy time?

"No reason to apologize." Leslie laughed lightly, sure that his laughter showed that Alex was being cute, not stupid. "It's fine. I uh, I didn't mind." He confessed with a small laugh. If he was blushing it was because Alex was blushing, which made him wonder if he should be embarrassed or not.

He kept his hand on Alex' fingers tangled in his, enjoying the hold. "Ah..." now he was definitely blushing because of the question asked. "I mean, I wouldn't mind it. Do, would you mind it if we were dating?"

Really, he'd love it. He'd always wanted to date somebody, seriously. Have somebody to spoil... and who better than Alex?

[newclass=".leslie b"]color:#F1A000; font-weight:lighter; [/newclass]
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forgotten recollections [leslie]
POSTED ON Dec 26, 2018 16:12:03 GMT
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*screaming in the distance, sirens*

Oh, man.

If he was blushing like hell earlier, now he was blushing like a complete and utter lovestruck idiot. Who knew that Leslie had such an effect on him?! Clearing his throat slightly, he felt his ears flush red again (and to think he’d just gotten that part of his body to calm the hell down) he turned to face the other.

His… wow, this was unprecedented. Normally he’d call him by his formal title, but things had changed… rather significantly.

“I wouldn’t mind… I—I mean, if you’re okay with it, then I would be, too… although how awkward is this going to be when I have my check-up with you… would you get anything done? he said with a chuckle, giving Leslie a kiss on the nose (it was the closest body part he could reach at the moment).

“I promise I’ll behave,” he added a few moments later, although there was a mysterious twinkle in his eyes… a rather mischievous one if the blonde looked much closer. Unable to hold it back, he then erupted into a fit of the giggles.

“Has it really been six months? It feels like we’ve known each other longer… much longer, to be honest, he said quietly, left hand running across Leslie’s cheek. Okay, now he was the one spitting out the cheesy, sappy remarks.

“I’d invite you over to my apartment, but… well, I don’t know if the thing I applied for in Fortree would call me back. Got me some serious competition for the position, he mused, humming slightly.

[newclass=".alex"] [/newclass]