oh dear god I'm a mother. [Leslie]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Alexei Ivanov
oh dear god I'm a mother. [Leslie]
POSTED ON Dec 26, 2018 15:49:20 GMT
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oh dear.

He’d been unable to sleep since the egg he’d taken home from Shoal Cave had hatched earlier. While he was slightly aware that the morning was cold, he tried to warm up the little… well, he guessed it was a Water-type, considering the fact that he had to wet it just to make sure it didn’t dry out or shrivel up and possibly die. He found it strange that despite the fragility of the shell it held its form.

Now the little crying noises coming from the baby Pokémon he’d seen hatching out of the egg filled the small living room—he was trying to coax the Water-type to calm down, but heck it wasn’t working at all. Sighing, he then decided to let the young one ‘sit’ in his left hand. It felt… squishy, fidgety. Like jelly? That’s as close as I can describe it, he thought, misting the little one with what water he could spray on it.

But he knew it was only a matter of time before a certain companion of his in the spacious apartment would overhear it… he knew he had to do something to keep the baby Pokémon quiet!

Sighing, he then hunted for something—a dish, a bowl, hell anything that was deep enough to hold this Water-type so he could let it swim around… eventually finding a deep-enough looking bowl and filling it up just enough and managed to get the little one into it.

Well… it was quiet.

For now.

But it was only a matter of time before Leslie came down and saw that…surprise.

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oh dear god I'm a mother. [Leslie]
POSTED ON Dec 26, 2018 16:11:56 GMT
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A day previous he'd went to see a client and ended up in more Pokémon battles than he'd cared to have been in. One of those instances where you tell the trainer no but they sick their Pokémon on you anyway... it was rough, and Leslie hadn't gotten back until about four in the morning and he'd been exhausted, so he was trying to sleep in.

What woke him was ... crying noises. For a moment he wondered if it was Alex, but as he felt the bed around him there was no Alex and that had him frowning. He furrowed his brows and groaned into his pillow, not even bothering to look up or around as he took in a deep breath that was purely Alex.

"Al?!" His muffled pillow 'yell' probably couldn't have been heard even if Alex was in the room. That had Leslie huffing and making his way into the bathroom to piss. Once finished there, having washed his hands, he made his way to the side table and pulled on his glasses. He slipped on a pair of pants, never knowing who the Gym Leader had over these days and then he was on his way down the stairs.

"Hey, you up?" He called down during his descent. Once down the stairs, he glanced around with a giant yawn, which had him stopping his yawn when he eyed something... he wasn't used to having seen. "...what's that?"

[newclass=".leslie b"]color:#F1A000; font-weight:lighter; [/newclass]
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Alexei Ivanov
oh dear god I'm a mother. [Leslie]
POSTED ON Dec 26, 2018 16:35:53 GMT
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oh no

In the time he’d settled the baby Water-type down into the bowl filled with water, he’d taken to shuffling around the kitchen, trying to maneuver around while preparing breakfast with just one functioning arm. He really hated that his right arm was still in the cast—just when the hell was rehab going to start? He could wiggle his fingers around, yes, but that was just about the extent of—

…oh, shit.

He heard Leslie’s voice coming from the living room as he went to the dining room, and he’d very nearly dropped the carton of milk he’d managed to one-arm out of the fridge. He’d somehow gotten the box of cereal from a high shelf with just his left arm down, along with the serving bowls and spoons… shit, how was he going to explain this?

“Uh! G-good morning, Les,” he began, a splash of color dusting his cheeks as he placed the milk on the table near the cereal box and headed over to him, pecking the other affectionately on the forehead. “I… well, before I got myself lost in Shoal Cave I was previously there with someone from Interpol… had to check something out. Something about League-affiliated scientists finding this unexplored cavern so I booked it with the agent and we went down there. Since the other guy’s too busy—I mean, he does work for Interpol, has the badge and all that—I told him I’d be the one to take care of the egg. Although…” he explained, not realizing that he was rambling at this point.

And then the little one started trying to catch their attention—by trying to tip the bowl over. It didn’t like being separated from its ‘mother’, who knew that the baby Water-type was an incredibly touch-starved Pokémon?!

“…although I’m kind of worried… Les. Do you know what Pokémon it is? It… it doesn’t look like anything I’ve seen here, much less Unova…” he added a few moments later, turning around—just in time to see that the young one had almost tipped the bowl over!

“Whoa!” he yelped, suddenly dashing forward and barely catching the baby Pokémon with his left hand as the bowl tipped over and water sloshed all over the table. “Oh, great…”

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oh dear god I'm a mother. [Leslie]
POSTED ON Dec 26, 2018 18:57:10 GMT
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Hearing Alexei a little more startled than normal had Leslie slightly concerned. His concern only grew as he heard Alexei get really longwinded with the explination. His eyes were on his boyfriend until he heard something move. Next thing he knew Alex was lunging and catching the little blue blob before it fell onto the ground and ended up a cut blue blob among shattered glass.

"Wow." Leslie lifted his brows up before moving over and helping Alex to stand up straight. "That's a lot of information." For not having had coffee, anyway. He didn't voice that bit, though. "I, uh, that sounds like a lot. But, you got a cool, strange little thing out of it." That was something, right?

Leslie couldn't help how he shifted to help Alex a bit, to get the thing upright. "If it's a baby Pokémon, they like physical touch more than anything else. Probably want to find a safe seat, sit, and stick your hand in there for it."

Leslie helped Alex do just that before moving into the kitchen to make them bowls of cereal. "As far as what type of Pokémon it is, I've got no clue... we could call in the professor, wouldn't the professor know?"

[newclass=".leslie b"]color:#F1A000; font-weight:lighter; [/newclass]
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Alexei Ivanov
oh dear god I'm a mother. [Leslie]
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2018 14:26:30 GMT
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he's having a freak-out, he's not quite ready to be a momma... H A L P

Now that the little baby was back with its ‘mother’, it let out a happy cooing noise that made Alexei stare at it in confusion.

“What, so that’s what you wanted all this time?” he asked the obviously-a-Water-type, to which another happy noise came from its direction. “You don’t like being far away from me…?” he continued, and this time the happy noises became subdued, before it outright shook its head in his direction.

“Uhh, Les…” he began in his boyfriend’s direction from where he was now seated on the couch as he watched the other prepare breakfast—he was supposed to be doing that; instead he was now holding onto the little blue blobby mass of… wait a second!

“Oof!” he yelped as the little Water-type sprung from his hold and immediately began to smother him with affection. Maybe a little too much affection! He thought, panicking as he tried to pry off the little one that had latched onto his face like that fictional being in one of those horror movies he’d watched just because it was set in outer space.

“Ack,” he choked out, flailing as he gently tried to move the little one off him. “St—stop, you’re… smothering me!” he continued, signaling to Leslie for some fucking help!

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oh dear god I'm a mother. [Leslie]
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2018 17:57:11 GMT
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Leslie hadn't realized there was any panic happening at all, which left him to simply continue making food. Alexei talked to his Pokémon alot, so him talking to the baby Pokémon seemed relatively normal to Leslie. It wasn't until he heard his name that he turned to look at his boyfriend, only to see him being smoothered.

On one hand, cute. On the other hand, "Shit- Alex!"

Without another moment of hesitation, Leslie moved over and gripped the water type to pull it off of his boyfriend. He groaned, glaring at the thing. "You wanna kill 'im?" While it was rhetorical in nature, there was a truth to it.

Leslie frowned before looking over at Alex. "Seriously, Al. We need to get a professor of some sort over here as quick as possible, or a more experienced trainer. Somebody who knows what the hell we're dealing with."

[newclass=".leslie b"]color:#F1A000; font-weight:lighter; [/newclass]
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Alexei Ivanov
oh dear god I'm a mother. [Leslie]
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2018 18:15:02 GMT
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uhoh, overprotective momma Alexei alert

Oh, boy.

The more the baby Pokémon tried to hang onto his face, the more Leslie was trying to pull it off its ‘mother’. The little crying noises were soft, at first… at least until it became an outright wail the moment it felt its slippery limbs slide away from Alexei’s ears. Turning around with a squishing, squelchy noise to face the blond, it continued to cry in his face, before shaking its head.

The sight of a left hand grabbing the little one back, and a thoroughly shocked Alexei a few moments later proved otherwise as he held the little one close to him—but this time making sure to not raise it up to his face.

“Les… who knows what they’re going to do to it, he began, calming the baby Water-type down by massaging the top of its head slowly. “What if they take it away from me? I’m… I’m pretty sure it’d be upset, he added a few moments later, continuing the slow, soothing motions into the little nub where its… tail-like appendage trailed out.

“You… you know what they say about imprinting…” he added a few moments later, sighing as the sniffling noise slowly calmed down before it began making that same cooing noises again. “I… Les, are you scared… of it?” he asked tentatively a few moments later, the little one flailing its clumsy, thumbless limbs around as he continued to calm it down before the little tail-like head ‘appendage’ slowly wound itself around his left arm and letting out a content little sigh.

“I think you scared it…” he said a few moments later, raising his left arm up and then outright staring at the Water-type, settling down in his hand and slowly drifting off to sleep.

“…you think they’d come all the way out here, though? It would be a hassle to go all the way to Evergrande… do you have a Pokémon that can fly you that far?” he inquired a few moments later, brows furrowed.

Phione is finally asleep! Les is s c a r y

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oh dear god I'm a mother. [Leslie]
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2018 22:46:50 GMT
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Seeing Alex get defensive had Leslie tensing up a bit. Defensive of Leslie over a Pokémon, like somehow because he was worrid about Alex' well being he was the bad guy?? Rather than let himself get frustrated, he tried to see it from Alex' side. For a second. But the crying, it kept on crying and Leslie found himself losing patience.

So he turned, heading into the kitchen while he listened to Alex ask him question after question. He'd have to answer them or Alex would start to doubt himself. He continued making breakfast, hoping that doing that would distract him. Lucky for him, the thing fell asleep.

"Let's get one thing straight, that thing is not more important than you are." Harsh truth, needed to be said. Could he have had more tact? Absolutely, but his patience was thin. He hadn't had coffee yet.

"Secondly, we're not going to call a Rocket scientist to do experiments, I'm talking about getting a local aid here to check it out and identify the thing. Not ship it off." Did he really sound so heartless? Right noe he probably sounded a little pissed Alex would think Leslie so careless. "And not to mention, you've got two birds that can carry the both of us that far, it'll be worth the trip to know whether or not we need to get this thing the right care and protection it needs. If it is something rare, Rocket'll be after it. They've got radars for that sort of thing."

Didn't they? Either way. He finally moved his worried eyes up to Alex and frowned. "You being safe is the important thing here, mommy issues for blue-flubber aside."

[newclass=".leslie b"]color:#F1A000; font-weight:lighter; [/newclass]
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Alexei Ivanov
oh dear god I'm a mother. [Leslie]
POSTED ON Dec 28, 2018 15:24:33 GMT
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oh n o

Now that the little thing had finally curled up around his left arm and was sleeping quietly, Alexei tried to make a shushing gesture with his right hand but failed. Instead, he tilted his head towards the little Water-type that had quieted down and was probably dreaming… briny dreams? Young dreams? He didn’t know.

“You think they can use this for their plans? It’s practically a newborn baby…” he said at last, biting his lip and squinting at Leslie the moment he’d mentioned that he had ‘mommy issues’. “Wait… I have an idea…” he hummed, getting up from his current position on the sofa and heading back to his—well, their bedroom and snatching up his PokéGear with his right hand and returning to where the other waited.

“This can easily solve both our problems,” he muttered, quickly punching in the needed menus as fast as he could manage with his weighed-down left hand before switching the gear to his right hand and running it over the sleeping figure wound around his other arm. He knew that the newer models could scan unknown Pokémon, and he had one of those newer models.

He then left the strap-on PokéGear on the coffee table and headed over to the fridge, swinging it open with his right hand and hunting through the cool shelves and finally pulling out something he’d kept stashed in case of grumpy, cranky mornings featuring the blonde who hadn’t eaten yet.

Returning to Leslie, he then dropped the chocolate bar in his boyfriend’s hand.

“Eat. You’re not yourself when you’re hungry,” he hummed as he sat down on the couch again to stare at the other. Ooh, he knew the fastest way to calm Leslie down was with food, but would it work this time?

You startled the witch mother hen…

Pokédex is now scanning the little blue blob for data…

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oh dear god I'm a mother. [Leslie]
POSTED ON Dec 29, 2018 3:13:49 GMT
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The moment the food was set down Leslie made a face. He couldn't help but stare at the chocolate with a brow raised. "I just... made breakfast..." he huffed, setting the chocolate bar aside and moving into the room with Alexei with the two bowls of cereal. He set the cereal down for Alexei, deciding his boyfriend could figure out how to eat it while starting to consume his own cereal and fruit.

He let the silence fall while he ate, being sure to keep to himself while he ate. He was angry when hungry? So he'd keep his mouth shut. Perhaps this was one of those moments he shouldn't use his words because he sucked with them. Maybe he should just keep his trap shut and let Alexei do what he wanted and make the 'I told you so' face when things happened?

"So, what're you gonna do?" What was Alex going to do, because he knew good and well when it boiled down to it, Alexei would do whatever he wanted. But before Alexei could get a word in, the Pokédex beeped and started to ramble things off.

"Phione, the Sea Drifter Pokémon. Phione lives in warm oceans. It inflates the flotation sac on its head, allowing it to float on the waves and look for food."

Once the Pokédex beeped off, Leslie picked it up and looked over the information. "Says here that researches often dispute whether it's legendary or not, since there are multiple of it unlike most legendary Pokémon, but it's within the... uh, sea guardian family."

Leslie's tone clearly said, 'whatever that means.'

[newclass=".leslie b"]color:#F1A000; font-weight:lighter; [/newclass]
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Alexei Ivanov
oh dear god I'm a mother. [Leslie]
POSTED ON Dec 29, 2018 18:21:06 GMT
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rip Alexei

Pouting a little, seeing as the sweet treat didn’t exactly produce the effect he wanted, he then attempted to lift up the bowl—he succeeded, somewhat, but clumsily had to place a pillow on his lap so it was slightly higher—and then he realized that he had a living ‘watch’ on his left arm. Thank the hell it wasn’t too heavy, otherwise…


“I’m not going to subject her to the terror of the confines of a small Pokéball, that’s what… but maybe register one for formality’s sake…” he mumbled, before his PokéGear chirped and read off the dex entry.

Thankfully he hadn’t started eating yet, otherwise he’d have dropped the spoon in his cereal bowl onto the table. What.

What, wait a second… what? He thought, looking from Leslie, to his PokéGear, to the small blue blob sleeping on his left arm like a little briny baby. “Are… come on, that’s not what it says,” he began, disbelief on his face as he reached for the gear with his right hand and flipped it over gingerly, reading the displayed information. “This thing must be broken…” he muttered, replacing it on the couch between them both and slowly moving the pillow-tray onto the coffee table and then making a mad dash back towards their bedroom.

He then searched through the mess that was Leslie’s side table, finally spotting the other’s PokéGear and grabbing it before sprinting back to the living room and flipping it around, punching in a similar chain of commands and then pointing it at the little blue blob that was slumbering like a newborn child on his left arm. Waiting, waiting, waiting…

…and then it went off, before seeing the exact same information that was displayed on his own PokéGear. Down to the very last detail.

“You… Les, are you sure this isn’t broken?” he asked the blonde, who was busy eating before sitting down again and grabbing his own Gear and comparing the information side-by-side.

It took a few more moments for him to realize that his boyfriend had said something about ‘legendary’ but he’d brushed it off… until now.

“…fuck,” was the first thing he said, looking at the thing clinging to his arm in peaceful sleep.

Mood in the room: currently NANIDAFUQ?

Alexei doesn’t believe the Pokédex entry, grabs his boyfriend’s to double-check…

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oh dear god I'm a mother. [Leslie]
POSTED ON Dec 29, 2018 19:58:06 GMT
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Well this was a great morning.

The night previous he'd worked with too many patients. Too many and gotten home really late. Alexei had already been asleep, so the fact that the taller of the two was up and sprinting around made sense. Leslie still should have gotten some more hours of sleep, but worry had come over him and caused him to come out of bed. To be met with a baby Pokémon clinging to his boyfriend. Honestly, a bit of jealousy was within Leslie. He wanted the attention this baby Pokémon was getting... huh, seemed Leslie was the jealous type. Look at that.

As his boyfriend came out and cursed, Leslie let out a sigh and stood up, having eaten, he had a bit more patience in him now.

"Let's not panic, okay. First of all, I understand your overprotective needs, but you are seriously overreacting and need to take a chill pill." He smiled as he spoke, moving to kiss Alexei's cheek before sitting him down.

"How about, let's get it settled in a Pokéball at least while you eat, and take care of yourself, and then you can have all the cuddle time you want. Hm?" Alexei was completely blinded by the baby Pokémon on his arm and Leslie wasn't sure how to tell him that... nicely, anyway.

[newclass=".leslie b"]color:#F1A000; font-weight:lighter; [/newclass]
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Alexei Ivanov
oh dear god I'm a mother. [Leslie]
POSTED ON Jan 1, 2019 18:27:14 GMT
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rip Alexei

How can I be calm, I mean this is a fucking Phione clinging on my left hand, and… he mused to himself in the back of his mind. While he visibly didn’t show it, Alexei was actually starting to lose his freaking mind because of the little baby that was now sleeping quietly while wound around his left hand. Although it had tried to squish the living daylights out of him, and Leslie had to rescue him from the jaws of ‘certain doom’

And then his thought processes got scrambled at the contact from his boyfriend’s kiss on the cheek. Whoa, okay, maybe he did need to calm down a little.

“Oh! Uhm… ah, m—maybe you’re right,” he mumbled, a tinge of embarrassment crossing his face the moment his brain processed Leslie’s affectionate peck on his cheek. “Uhh… wait, give me a moment,” he said, sighing as he looked at the little blue Water-type attached to him, before letting out a defeated sigh. Reaching over to one of the side tables, he slid the drawer open and found some of his empty Pokéballs before tapping one gently on the sleeping Phione.

“Sorry,” he mumbled as he watched the small Water-type disappear in the beam of red light, watching as it shook in his unsteady right hand once, twice, before falling still. Don’t hate me, little one, he thought quietly in the back of his hand as he shrunk the Pokéball down and eventually placing it next to where the rest of his occupied Pokéballs were.

Now that his left hand was much lighter, he returned his attention to the ‘pillow-tray’ and gingerly lifted it before settling it down on his lap again. “Now I’m hungry,” he muttered softly, poking around at the cereal in his bowl. It was soggy to all hell now, but he didn’t care. Fumbling around with the spoon with his left hand, he managed to scoop up some cereal and attempted to eat…

…right as his stomach gave a loud rumble.

“…oops,” he said embarrassed, apologizing for that unearthly noise. “I just realized I’m really hungry… can you help?” he asked Leslie quietly. Hoping he’d be able to make up for the extreme oversight caused by the little Phione.

Mood in the room: He regrets it a little bit. Only a little.

Alexei’s registered the Phione into a Pokéball of its own and turns his attention to the abandoned breakfast…and his boyfriend! Eep

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oh dear god I'm a mother. [Leslie]
POSTED ON Jan 2, 2019 17:04:57 GMT
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There was no stopping the way Leslie fondly smiled and watched his boyfriend's actions. Alexei was finally start to see things from Leslie's side, and Leslie was thankful of that. Mostly, Leslie was thankful the little Phione had gone inside the Pokéball.

It wasn't like Leslie needed to be fully alone with his boyfriend in order to be happy... but some alone time would be nice. He already had to wait for Alexei to heal up to have some real alone time, so it was bad enough that the Phione was getting cuddles when Leslie couldn't. Admittedly, it was selfish. More admittedly, Leslie didn't care. He wanted Alexei to understand that he was important to Leslie and the only way to do that was to sometimes push harsh truths. Like, the basic, take care of yourself you tall goof.

"He'll be fine, stop worrying."

Leslie smiled, then it faltered and he made a face, sure to lean up and finally stand up, taking the cereal bowl and then making his way toward the kitchen.

"Any specifics you have in mind? I mean, do you want anything special for breakfast?"

He hadn't meant it as an innuendo until it fell out of his mouth. Then he was smirking and looking over at Alexei with a wink, and possibly a blush.

[newclass=".leslie b"]color:#F1A000; font-weight:lighter; [/newclass]
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Alexei Ivanov
oh dear god I'm a mother. [Leslie]
POSTED ON Jan 3, 2019 14:52:06 GMT
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rip Alexei

“She, actually,” he said quietly, looking over at the occupied Pokéball that was now among the rest of his team. The Moon Balls that held his Salamence and Riolu were touching the newly-occupied Dive Ball that had the most probably panicking Phione, but who knew what it was actually doing at this very moment.

Maybe still asleep… he thought quietly, still trying to eat the now-soggy cereal swimming in milk—maybe if he drank the milk down it would taste better? Several clumsy movements later, he’d managed to grab the bowl with both hands (while holding the spoon in his left hand) and was now drinking the slightly fruity-flavored milk, watching as the rest of the drenched cereal flakes were swirling around before being sucked into the void that was his hungry mouth.

It wasn’t until he placed the bowl down on the coffee table did he hear Leslie’s question, and without thinking he replied, “I want you,” while looking at the now-empty cereal bowl. Not until he’d realized what he said did a sudden burst of color flood his cheeks.

Shit, wait, was that an innuendo? The way he said it… he thought absently before he belatedly processed the wink that had been casually tossed—very casually, mind—in his direction!

“Is it that bad if I want you for breakfast, too?”

Unintentional innuendo much? OOPS

[newclass=".alex"] [/newclass]
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