pokkenger vs dark sun [H✩T]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Kazimir Wynter
pokkenger vs dark sun [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2021 1:33:40 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

a crowd gathered around on the beach surrounding the trio of pokemon as they practice various poses resembling martial arts with a familiar person leading them up in front. pokkenger had decided to take part in this start tournament and brought along some of his most trusted hitters with him today to show the competition some of that good old pokkenger spirit! well that and he had gotten a message form a familiar alolan to meet him at the beach today during some "professional work" he was doing. ever since he signed on with @dhalia's AQUA initiative he had been pushing himself to prove that he could really help people as a hero. today would be no different as lifting people's spirits up was also part of being a hero, evident by the gleam in a child's eyes as they approached the hero with a marker and a drawing of him.

"heh, an autograph? sure thing little buddy. hope ya been having a fun time today. you look like you got the makings of an ace trainer wailing to take on the world. am i right?" the young girl nodded her head as she was handed back the drawing from the hero who signed his name above the drawing in a style reminiscent of an old tv logo for old superhero shows he used to watch. the girl quickly hugged it close to her chest before running off giggling to show it off to some friends of her that she was with. as he saw this the hero couldn't help but rub his nose, despite it being under his helmet, as his face blushed a little bit.

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Balder Schwartz
pokkenger vs dark sun [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2021 19:02:01 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar




A dark, broken and mechanical voice rose up from behind the hero as a black armored hand emerged from the shadows to grab his shoulder. Following that hand, a massive figure, covered in black armor and gold highlight appeared, towering over the Hoennian Hero.[break][break]

"You've been left alone for too long, brought chaos to this region when it needed a hero. You even fell to darkness. It's time to put a stop to this. You are to come with me, or to be defeated once and for all here. Be judged by the Dark Sun."[break][break]

The armored man unleashed 3 pokeballs, revealing a Venusaur, Blastoise and Charizard. The 3 of them stared menacingly at the hero and his trio. They were ready and willing to fight if it came to it.


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Kazimir Wynter
pokkenger vs dark sun [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2021 19:16:03 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

as his shoulder was grabbed the hero was quick to spin around and be greeted by the visage of a large person clad in black metallic armor similar to himself. it was an imposing figure to be sure but his words confused him more than his get up. "...huh?" fell to the darkness? did they mean...back at the workshop? "zac is that-"

before he could even question what was going on the man released three pokemon, all kantonian starters, and eyed both him and his trio of pokemon who suddenly got between him and the new masked man with his pangoro holding him close into its burly yet fuzzy form. sounds of murmuring came from the crowd and pokkenger could look back and see them all curious about what was going on, he could even hear the whisper of one on looker asking if this was some kind of show or something they walked into.

the hero figured he might as well go along with it, if its a battle this new guy wanted then he was going to get one. "alright then! i'll show you just how wrong you are about me tall, dark, and handsome! you think you know the real pokkenger? then you obviously should know you won't have an easy chance against me, scare him off boys! TWIN SNIPER SCARE!"

his pangoro let go of the masked hero and let out a roar meant to hopefully quash the starters from thinking they could stand up to them while both the urshifu and lucario put their hands out to fire off twin aura spheres at both the blastoise and venasaur, both bulky pokemon that looked like the perfect punching bags for them to start with.

"pokkenger, baaaaaatlle go!"

urshifu used aura sphere on venasaur!
lucario used aura sphere on blastoise!
pangoro used quash on charizard!

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Balder Schwartz
pokkenger vs dark sun [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2021 19:38:48 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar



A sinister chuckle rose from the armored man's figure.[break][break]

"How wrong I am? Please. Unlike you and your childish banters, I have observed the actions of many of this realm, analyzed all that I could. You, and so many others, are a chaotic element to this Region, bringing instability and incertitude. This won't go further."[break][break]

As the attacks from Pokkengers team were unleashed, both the Blastoise and Venusaur held strong, taking the hits and shaking the damage off. They wouldn't fall so easily. "Let us begin the preparations." Dark Sun proceeded to move behind his team. Hidden from Pokkenger by the figure of the trio, the man allowed a light to emit from his hand, striking the Charizard's back.[break][break]

The first move went to Venusaur, unleashing a massive lilac powder cloud from the flower upon its back and letting the wind carry it towards the enemy to try and put them to sleep. The Blastoise decided to retreat in its shell, if only keeping its legs out, ready to lunge forward when an opening is granted. His defenses most likely had gone up.[break][break]

Finally, the Charizard, slightly quashed by the will of the Pangoro but also attempting to harness the power of the light granted by Dark Sun, was now ready to battle. Opening its maw, an intense blinding light could be seen emerging from the depth of its throat before firing a solar beam back at the Pangoro.[break]


-Venusaur uses Sleep Powder, aiming for Lucario.[break]
-Blastoise prepares Skull Bash, defense increases.[break]
-Skill: Instant Solar activated. Charizard is now able to instantly use Solar Beam.[break]
-Charizard unleashes Solar Beam at Pangoro


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Kazimir Wynter
pokkenger vs dark sun [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2021 19:51:37 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

as the man disappeared behind his pokemon they retaliated quickly after being assaulted by pokkenger's team. his lucario eyed the strange powder that was released by the venasaur and was just a second to late for his sixth sense to tell him that something good wasn't going to come from coming into contact with it. as he took a single step to step out of the cloud he let out a sneeze before falling forward and landing face first into the sand in a loud snore, asleep from the spores sending him off to dreamland.

urshifu could only curse in his own native pokemon tongue before eyeing the large grass reptilian and racing forward, pushing past the spore clouds as it came up on the beast and delivered a powerful chop at it. he moved his hand through the air like a cleaver going through bone, an aerial ace that looked like a move that would strike true and powerful behind the hands of a master martial artist.

however the biggest upset had to be the sudden solar beam that erupted from the charizard. "wait how can-!?" his pangoro was also shaken up about it and had to deal with the brunt of the attack bringing its arms up to not only block the beam but also to prevent itself from going blind from its brightness. the bear roared in anger and slowly took steps forward to push back against the beam until it was running against it with lightning and thunder gathering around its fists as it broke away from the beam as soon as it was close to the fire dragon to deliver a swift uppercut to its jaw.

lucario fell asleep!
urshifu used aerial ace on venasaur!
pangoro used thunder punch on charizard!

[newclass=.pokkenger b]font-weight:bold;color:#44d4e4;[/newclass]
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Balder Schwartz
pokkenger vs dark sun [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2021 20:21:38 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar



One had fallen asleep, the rest had charged forward, to deliver moves that would be advantageous. Both the Venusaur and the Charizard grunted from the damage they received, being a blow that challenges their typing... But they held on strong. And since they had gotten close, they were now vulnerable.[break][break]

It was the Venusaur that retaliated first, unleashing a massive storm of petal to strike both the Pangoro and Urshifu, ensnaring them in the circle. Whilst the petals struck Charizard at the same time, he seemed barely unfazed by the attack. And now that the two had been locked together, the Blastoise would also begin its assault.[break][break]

The gigantic turtle leaped forward, merging from its shell upon colliding with the side of the Pangoro to try and send it tumbling against the Urshifu. And once the two had been assembled... The fun would begin. "Keep your focus now." A massive light surrounded the Charizard and a symbol floated before it before he started to expand in sizes. Flames bursted out of the light cocoon as the creature finished to Mega Evolve.[break][break]

The Charizard-G was now ready to unleash hell. As soon as the process was completed, he would let loose a Wildifire upon the Urshifu, and hopefully the Pangoro with it, to bring them down while the Lucario still slept.


-Venusaur uses Petal Blizzard, hitting Pangoro and Urshifu[break]
-Blastoise finishes Skull Bash, hitting Pangoro and sending it to Urshifu.[break]
-Charizard mega evolves to Giga Charizard[break]
-Charizard unleashes G-Max Wildfire at Urshifu and hopefully Pangoro too.


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Kazimir Wynter
pokkenger vs dark sun [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2021 20:39:08 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"hey! wake up! c'moooon" pokkenger hissed at his lucario who he slowly approached and nudged the sleeping pokemon with the toe of his shoe. the lucario only turned onto its side and placed its paws under its head like a makeshift pillow and seemed to even be more comfortable than before earning a groan from the pokkenger.

while his pokemon may look intimidating with their bodies and their skill in close combat it was also a weakness of theirs and one that this dark sun knew how to use to his advantage as both the pangoro and urshifu found themselves stuck in the middle of a storm of pink petals that cut into their skin. as they backed into one another from the tight space the form of the blastoise suddenly bursting from the blizzard caught the pangoro off guard as it slammed into him and knocked the urshifu to the ground as both of them were toppled over. the panda let out a growl as it grabbed the turtle by its shell, looking to take the same tactic they used against it when it came to close quarters combat, and with a throw as powerful as a storm used all of its muscles to throw it out of the blizzard (and hopefully into the venasaur waiting for them on the other side).

whatever victory they might have gotten out of such a move was short lived as the urshifu looked up just in time to see the charizard become enveloped in a bright light and change form as it mega evolved. it could barely react to the sudden transformation as the lizard let loose a powerful flame that looked to envelope the pair of both fighting bears whole. with a kick the urshifu kicked the pangoro out of the petal blizzard and took the brunt of the flames as they surrounded the legendary and even burned up the rest of the petals around it as it let out a pained roar. "domon! c'mon i know you can take it! that lizard ain't the only one with mega power right?!" pokkenger shouted from the sidelines, still kicking his lucario, as his fist started to glow the same sheen as the one that enveloped the charizard.

then a blast erupted from the flames dissipating them in one blow and shot forward towards the mega evolved charizard, revealing the now evolved urshifu from underneath the cover of them with rage in its eyes.

lucario is still asleep!
pangoro uses storm throw on blastoise! (also aims to toss it into venasaur!)
urshifu shoves pangoro to take the brunt of g-max wildfire!
urshifu mega evolved!
urshifu used g-max one blow on charizard!

[newclass=.pokkenger b]font-weight:bold;color:#44d4e4;[/newclass]
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Balder Schwartz
pokkenger vs dark sun [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2021 21:12:30 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar



The Lucario was still down. Good. It seemed like Pokkenger was also growing impatient, almost trying to kick the Lucario awake. Dark Sun almost wanted to emit a comment at this, but there was no worth for it. The battle needed to be focused on.[break][break]

Whilst the Pangoro and the Urshifu got locked in the storm, it didn't prevent them from learning to replicate the Dark Sun's tactics, as the Urshifu Storm Throwed the Blastoise towards the Venusaur. "Cushion." was the simple order the armored man gave to his Venusaur. The quadrupedal lizard moved to place its flower as the landing pad for the Blastoise, softening the crash and allowing for a quicker recovery.[break][break]

But what came later on was a bit more surprising. Retaliating Mega Evolution with a Mega evolution. And using the signature blow of the Urshifu at its finest, no less. The Charizard's breath was cut short by the "One Blow" and made it stagger. Another move of this caliber would surely make it faint.[break][break]

"I guess it's time. Eliminate it." The 3 pokemons roared in unison at the order. As all 3 aimed for the Urshify, it could be seen that they were charging their signature moves. From Venusaur came "Frenzy Plant", "Hydro Cannon" from Blastoise and "Blast Burn" from Charizard. The 3 attacks melded together into a single devastating ray, rushing for Urshifu.[break]


-Venusaur cushions the Blastoise to allow it to recover faster.[break]
-Charizard is heavily wounded.[break]
-Mega Charizard, Venusaur and Blastoise combine Blast Burn, Frenzy Plant and Hydro Cannon respectively into a single beam to destroy the Urshifu.


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Kazimir Wynter
pokkenger vs dark sun [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2021 21:30:50 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

underneath the mask pokkengers eyes went wide when he saw the three pokemon pool their attacks together to form one large attack. "c'mon team let's not hold back anymore! skywalker get in there will ya?!" the hero's shouting finally pulled the lucario back from the realm of sleep as it slowly opened its eyes only to prop them wide open as it jumped to its feet in surprise at the on coming blast. "domon-"

the urshifu was quicker than the hero's words as it stood between him and the blast and with a mighty roar unleashed another g max one blow at the beam as it unleashed its fighting spirit into a blast that shot forward to meet the beam. the two of them struggled but it was clear that the urshifu wasn't going to have enough strength to cancel out the combined attack. it was a desperate move between the group but pokkenger knew that sometimes sacrifices were the one thing one with fighting spirit could do. "give it all ya got domon! skywalker, bancho! hit 'em heavy and hit them quick!"

with pokkenger's words behind them the two pokemon rushed forward with their limbs coated in elements strong against their targets, the lucario's blazing kick pushed it to the side of the beam and came in at the venasaur's flank to give it a burn it wouldn't forget while the pangoro's thunderous punch came in from the opposite side to smash itself against the blastoise's face. meanwhile the beam struggle was decided quick as the combined efforts of dark sun's pokemon won in the end and ate the urshifu's attack leaving the martial arts bear raising his fists up to protect himself as the light ate him up and ended in an explosion.

as the smoke cleared there stood the urshifu with his arms slowly falling from their crossed position to lay slack against his side as he dropped to his knees and went face first into the dirt, unconscious and out of the fight.

lucario wakes up!
lucario used blaze kick on venasaur!
g-urshifu used gmax one blow!
g-urshifu fainted!
pangoro used thunder punch on blastoise!

[newclass=.pokkenger b]font-weight:bold;color:#44d4e4;[/newclass]
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Balder Schwartz
pokkenger vs dark sun [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2021 2:49:57 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar



The hits that came from Kazimir's team was, sadly, too late. The deed was done, the legendary was down. Yet now, the whole team had to recharge. And to make things worse, the attacks from Pangoro were enough to make the Blastoise succumb to the hits he had received. The sparks were still hovering his unconscious body as Dark Sun recalled it.[break][break]

"2 vs 2 huh... Yet, I feel like you're on the brink of falling. Of Despair. Now that your flagship pokemon is gone. What will you do, agent of chaos Pokkenger?" As he said these words, the Charizard and Venusaur displayed smug face. They had been struck hard, multiple times, yet they still stood ready to fight. How would the hero react?


-Recharge phase.[break]
-Charizard is heavily wounded.[break]
-Blastoise fainted


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Kazimir Wynter
pokkenger vs dark sun [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2021 3:16:51 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"oi oi oi oi." the hero muttered under his breath as he jabbed a finger at Dark Sun while recalling his fainted pokemon, "despair? you really never met a hero before have ya. just cause domon's team leader and out doesn't mean we give up, ever. don't underestimate the rest of us here! YOU TWO! LET'S TIME TO HEAL UP AND BREAK SKULLS!"

with a snap of his fingers the lucario put together its paws to form a glowing orb that it pressed into its palms and fired upward to let it explode into a shower of rain drops. each dew drop gave new life to both of pokkenger's pokemon and revitalized the pangoro enough that it let out a roar and charged ahead at hte charizard. as it approached it jumped ever so slightly and brought its head down, the fur on its head shining like iron as the bear aimed his headbutt right at the dragon's skull.

lucario uses life dew! replenishes lucario and pangoro's health!
pangoro uses iron head on charizard!

[newclass=.pokkenger b]font-weight:bold;color:#44d4e4;[/newclass]
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Balder Schwartz
pokkenger vs dark sun [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2021 3:29:51 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar



"... And once again, your rashness will be your demise." Suddenly, seeds came flying from the Venusaur, landing on both the Lucario and the Pangoro. However, this was only the beginning of the man's plans. As the seeds budded, vines would emerge to sap the energy of the enemy. The fact that Life Dew had just been cast only helped quicken the process and augment the energy restored.[break][break]

Thanks to this, however, the attack of the Pangoro might come out weakened, slowed even, from the emerging leech seeds. Giving enough time for Charizard to concentrate the remaining Mega energy in his body to fire a point-blank G-Max Wildfire at the Pangoro, the flames becoming blue due to the intensity and concentration of them upon the beast.


-Venusaur uses Leech Seed upon both of them and recovers some HP[break]
-Charizard is heavily wounded.[break]
-Charizard unleashes his final G-Max Wildfire at point blank.[break]
-Will most certainly collapse on the next turn due to exhaustion and receiving some damage from Pangoro


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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
pokkenger vs dark sun [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2021 3:42:46 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

the seeds land at both pokemon's feet and stick to their fur as they sprout vines that wrap around their bodies and could feel their energy sapping away from them. despite trying to rip them off of his body the lucario didn't seem to have much luck until he crossed eyes with the venasuare and his gaze turned into a might glare as he suddenly switched his struggling with a runner's position and took off at an extreme speed to aim a kick right at the venasaur. if he could take out the source then these seeds might go away. might being the operative word here.

as for pangoro however as the vines sucked him dry the panda nearly fell to his knees as he staggered backward to put some distance between him and the charizard. however the weight of the vines was enough to slow him down long enough to watch the charizard gather flames in its maw before unleashing a wild fire on the poor bear pokemon. yet even as its fur burned it pushed on through the flames to deliver a thundering punch right at the fire dragon's stomach to knock all of hte air out of his lungs. fires can't grow without it after all! yet even as it swung with all its might that swing took all its remaining energy and the brute quickly fell over at the end of his swing, tired and dazed.

lucario uses extreme speed on venasuar!
pangoro uses thunder punch on charizard!
pangoro faints!

[newclass=.pokkenger b]font-weight:bold;color:#44d4e4;[/newclass]
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Balder Schwartz
pokkenger vs dark sun [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2021 4:06:04 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar



It would seem the bear still had some energy into him, proceeding to deliver a counterblow with a Thunder Punch as it fell. Sadly, the Charizard, having left his guard down, took the hit and collapsed as well. They were now both down to one pokemon. And it seemed like he didn't want to let go of this possible chance.[break][break]

Dark Sun whistled twice upon seeing the actions of the Lucario. Raising his speed to the extreme. Such a simplistic way to describe it, yet it was still accurate. However... This could also be limiting its movements. And that is what the dark armored man wanted to capitalize on. As the Venusaur roared, a storm of petal emerged around it, forming a veil/shield around it.[break][break]

Were the Lucario to continue his assault, he would have to cross the leaves for it while his energy gets sapped by Venusaur once more. Nonetheless, the final showdown was coming soon.


-Venusaur recovers some HP[break]
-Charizard is defeated.[break]
-Venusaur uses Petal Blizzard to help defend itself from ExtremeSpeed


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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
pokkenger vs dark sun [H✩T]
POSTED ON Jul 15, 2021 4:55:47 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

the petals did manage to find their way around the lucario, slicing up whatever bits of his body they could reach as he put himself within reach of hte venasaur. he had exxpected to hit the large lizard with his kick and get out of there but it seemed the grass type was just thinking a little bit more ahead than the lucario did. as he was swallowed whole by the petals suddenly his body fell backwards out of the twister and landed on the floor with a thud, twitching as he pass out into unconsciousness.

on the ohter side pokkenger couldn't believe what had happened. "we lost..." he spoke under his breath as he returned his pokemon to its ball while behind him people seemed to cheer for the other masked man. "were we just not good enough?"

lucario faints!
balder wins

[newclass=.pokkenger b]font-weight:bold;color:#44d4e4;[/newclass]
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