counting wooloos [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Alexei Ivanov
counting wooloos [m]
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2021 3:54:28 GMT
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Fuck the wheelchair.

No, seriously, if they were going to get this done, he was determined to be there, portable jail aside.

One of the nearby farms had called in a favor, and seeing as how the local bird boy was stuck around Fortree, it was time to get the actual gym leader on the case.

Never mind if the favor felt like an entire case of déjà vu to him.

“Hey, Mattie?” he called the other’s attention, leaning back quietly while he messed with his phone.

Up in the air, there were two extra pairs of eyes on the lookout for any invading Pokémon should they get too near.

time for another harebrained misadventure

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POSTED ON Nov 15, 2021 4:11:35 GMT
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Matt vehemently rejected the idea of him not being in his wheelchair. Did the little fucker listen?


Would Matt end up punishing Alexei for that later?

We'll see, now, won't we?

For now, he was scanning the area, noticing a leaf pile nearby. He was tempted to jump in the pile and just be a kid again. Arkose had the same idea, since he was already running in and jumped, rolling around in the leaves.

"Hmm? What is it?"

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
counting wooloos [m]
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2021 4:16:52 GMT
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To be fair, he was sitting down on a stool one of the farmers had provided.

At least he wasn’t standing up and walking around now, was he.

“Did you lose track of how long sixty days were?”

Because unless his calculations were wrong—wasn’t he supposed to be free now?

Then again, the damned portable jail was parked in a nearby barn, just in case they needed to start… running.

The two avians up in the sky hadn’t spotted anything yet, and so peace and quiet reigned—for now. The moment the two would cause a racket was if and when they spotted anything.

They were the wolves, only with wings, waiting to hunt.

time for another harebrained misadventure


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POSTED ON Nov 15, 2021 4:58:29 GMT
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He was distracted, only for a moment, until the question really hit him.

"... has it been sixty days? Really?"

Matt genuinely lost track. But, if it was, he wondered how Alexei would do without his aids now. He looked back at him with a curious look.

"Do you think you can walk better now? Or that your wounds have healed better?"

Arkose noticed a leaf falling in front of him, prowling like he was on the hunt for pray.

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
counting wooloos [m]
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2021 5:10:37 GMT
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“I thought you were keeping track!”

He looked up from his phone, blinking in disbelief at the bluenette.

“I remember we talked about it at the party. That was, what… middle of September?” he mused quietly. Unless the mental math was wrong, then he might be confined for more than sixty days in the thing after all.

“My right hand’s not that aggravated anymore, although they said—well, when I went by for the latest appointment they said they needed to put some metal shit in it. Because of the bones there being really thin or something…”

But was he bothered by that? Maybe not. It made him… a little cool at least!

“…you and my PT would definitely get along with me in wheelchair jail, you know.”

Up above, the Braviary let out a singular shriek—he’d spotted something and raised the alarm.

time for another harebrained misadventure


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counting wooloos [m]
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2021 5:14:50 GMT
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"Alexei. Honey. Sweetheart. Darling. My love," Matt said, walking closer so he could take his face in his hands and push his cheeks together.

"You know better than this. You know by now that you should not rely on me to keep track of stuff like that. I will absolutely forget. I will do anything for you to the best of my ability. But I completely forgot."

Matt was not afraid to admit that, because it was true. And Alexei knew that was true. They'd known each other for ten years. He should know by now.

Matt was forgetful. It wasn't something that he tried to do.

Hearing the shriek, he dropped his hands from Alex's face, looking at the sky. Then he looked down, examining the area for the threat that Alex's Pokemon had noticed.

Arkose came to attention as well, sniffing the air, the rocks on his neck sticking up.

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
counting wooloos [m]
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2021 5:21:54 GMT
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The Braviary had flown on ahead, whipping up a Tailwind that caught the Salamence in it.

And then the draconid began to shriek too, before a blast of flames erupted from his maw.

“Mattie, I—” he began, before the sounds of battle had drawn his attention.

He knew that the Salamence and the Braviary were capable, they could handle the threat—the howling of several Mightyena then followed, not too far after the flames began raining down on where the pack was congregating.

Lapushka, get Arkose to go where they are, now!” he blurted out, his mind backpedaling and going into high gear. “He’s faster than we are! Did you hear that Mightyena—”

The pack of rogue canines Howled, before a sudden—stampede—of rolling white came headed their way.

Crap, maybe he’d have to take Mattie aside and explain that again, the sounds of fighting had thrown him off!

time for another harebrained misadventure


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counting wooloos [m]
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2021 15:10:18 GMT
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Whatever soft, cute moment the two were having was over now.

It was time to get to business.

"I got it," he called back to Alex, beckoning Arkose to his side. The Lycanroc obeyed, prowling over and standing ready to attack.

"You see where they are already engaging? I need you to go there. You have full permission to use whatever means it takes to take the Mightyenas down, okay? We'll be over shortly. Go!"

With a woof, Arkose took off, a streak of gray-brown as he met the Mightyena group.

Then he saw white.

"The hell is going on!"

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
counting wooloos [m]
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2021 15:23:19 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

The Braviary and Salamence were way ahead of the incoming Lycanroc, both avian and draconid dropping an avalanche of Rock Slide boulders as the stampede of white rolling—rushed past the approaching canine on the ground.

“Matt, that white wall headed our way—those’re the Wooloo! Will behaves the exact same way! Wooloo roll the hell away from danger or from anything they don’t like!” he explained.

The Tailwind from earlier eventually reached the Lycanroc down on the ground as the two fliers up ahead continued to bring down rocky hell; attempting to raise a rocky barricade to allow the herd of Wooloo enough time to get the hell away from where the incoming ‘wolves’ were attacking the sheep.

The literal ‘wave’ of white wool came closer, and closer, and—

Holy shit just how many Wooloo did this farm own? That was a lot!

“Matt! Remember that barn?” he continued, pointing at one of the open structures. “I left the jail over there, I don’t think I can run and herd these Wooloo! But I am not going to leave you alone to handle all that fluff! I never thought I would actually say this, but grab the wheelchair!”

Kind of like that famous Grumpig—who herded sheep (and other things) while living on a farm and thought they were a sheepdog? That show? Yeah!

They were going to have to ‘Babe’ this shit now.

time for another harebrained misadventure


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counting wooloos [m]
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2021 8:50:01 GMT
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The closer the Wooloo got, the more detail Matt could make out on them. He felt a twinge of nervousness in his stomach. Would they be stampeded? Rolled to death by a rolling herd of Wooloo?

Looking over as Alex spoke, he nodded. Taking off, he went to the barn to get the chair.

Matt soon returned with it.

"Hop in."

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
counting wooloos [m]
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2021 19:15:33 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

It was a literal tidal wave of white fluff headed their way—

He had no idea how long Mattie would take, but eventually the other would return and he (dreadfully) pulled himself out of the stool and moved into the ‘portable jail’. Ow, ouch.

He’d placed pressure on the wrong foot, again, and man the recoil stung. But he grit his teeth and reached into his jacket, throwing a scuffed, battered Moon Ball forward and watching as a Lucario somersaulted out of the red beam of light.

“Vince, go over there and help get the herd to safety!” he said, pointing towards the other side of the incoming white wave of sentient wool.

The only look the dual-type could give him was a ‘the fuck is this?!’, blinking at the sheer wall before nodding and running.

“Mattie, let’s go!” he continued, watching as the Lucario ran towards the right side of the wave—they would have to take the left.

“I doubt they’re going to squish us, but still!”

Over where the Salamence and Braviary were, the blue-plumed avian dive-bombed one of the Mightyena, while the rain of hell fire from the Salamence continued, nipping at the black pack of canines; an attempt to keep them away from the Wooloo that were now congregating where the two idiot blockheads were.

time for another harebrained misadventure


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counting wooloos [m]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2021 4:54:24 GMT
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Matt would show more concern for Alexei if they weren't trying to save a literal shit load of Wooloo from a pack of Mightyena coming to eat them. So as soon as his butt was in the chair, they were off to try to push back the trouble.

Arkose was attacking with STONE EDGE to his best ability, but as they got closer, Matt knew that he had taken a few hits.

Taking out more of his main party, his Onix and Rhydon joined the fray. Best thing about rock-types? Blunt force.

"What the fuck? I've never seen anything like this."

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
counting wooloos [m]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2021 22:34:02 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Now it was his turn to exclaim the same thing, but for completely different reasons.

“What the fuck? You didn’t tell me Tephrite evolved!” he exclaimed at the sight of the now-Rhydon, out to join the Onix as even the other two Pokémon rushed to help the Lycanroc and the aerial support still raining down flames and sharpened air blades to drive them away.

Slight advantage of having avians: no matter how high the Mightyena jumped, they would just fly further out of reach!

One of the Mightyena had dared to get too close to the Braviary, and in retaliation the blue-plumed avian picked up this mangy mutt and lashed out with a Sky Drop.

Alexei knew what was going on the moment Kyouya had dive-bombed before rapidly rising up into the air.

“And that’s why you never get my Braviary angry,” he chuckled as the avian then proceeded to drop the Mightyena from a considerable height, like a fucking luchador.

All the while they were being passed by the rolling white wave—and one of them just happened to bump into the wheelchair.

“Whoa, whoa, hey,” he continued as he picked up this one—smaller than most of the Wooloo that had already rolled towards where the Lucario was now herding them to safety.

“Aww, Mattie, look, it’s a teeny Wooloo!”

time for another harebrained misadventure


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POSTED ON Nov 26, 2021 20:30:13 GMT
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Matt couldn't help but give a snort in amusement.


It was true, that Tephrite wasn't often out of his Pokeball in the apartment. He was just... really large. Same with Scoria. They stayed in the sanctuary most of the time, where they could actually stretch and not make a mess.

Matt's chest swelled with pride as his Pokemon went on the defensive, building some sort of rocky barrier to make sure the Wooloos had time to escape. They were taking hits like champions and dishing out damage just as easily.

The dual ground-type Onix dug under the ground and popped back up, startling back a few of the Mightyena.

"Atta girl!"

His attention was drawn away from the fight when Alexei called him to look at a Wooloo that appeared. He jogged over, looking at the Pokemon in his hands.

"Woah. It's tiny."

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
counting wooloos [m]
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2021 3:32:28 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“Bumped into the wheelchair while you were out there with your big rocks,” he explained. “I think it’s lost.”

The little Wooloo looked up at the two, completely and entirely confused at what was going on, making this little ‘blep’ noise.

“I know we already have Will and the other troublemaker at home, but I can’t leave this little one alone. I mean, little—quite literally.”

Back where the Salamence and the Braviary were, they had finished cleaning up the remnants of the Mightyena pack that had come to attack, and therefore settled for flying back and around where the two were now.

“Hey, thanks,” he called to the two avians that were now circling around above, very proud of themselves before turning his attention back to Mattie.

“Well, then. That’s that—”

Right then and there the Lucario came up to meet them, pointing towards the barn.

“All’a the Wooloo are safe, look,” he pointed down to where the barns were now almost bursting at the seams with the fluffers.

time for another harebrained misadventure
