Farm Hand Job (M)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
Farm Hand Job (M)
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2021 20:26:27 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

These ranch and farm assignments had a way of quieting down the outside world.

It was easy to see how his busied herself with her garden and stayed so grounded despite the madness around her, around the region.

Getting here early he managed to clean out the torchics coop but the milktank still needed milking and the actual garden bed needed to be watered and weeded.

A morning's handful for sure and they had to get it done before the noon shift change.

Luckily he had some back up moving forward, with intention he met the man's hand in a firm shake.

"Taro Heywood? Thanks for coming."

● tags: @taro
● notes: mission specs

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Farm Hand Job (M)
POSTED ON Nov 25, 2021 0:09:32 GMT
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Taro loved gardening, and farming is gardening just on a much larger scale. So when Taro heard of honest to goodness farm work with no protecting or fighting involved, Taro jumped on that like Torchics to a fire. Taro arrived a little later than he would've liked, but he knows when it gets to the gardening and Pokemon work, he will be fine making up for the lost time.

Taro met up with his co-worker for this job, a frankly intimidating man to be sure, but Taro being in the zone, wasn't as timid as he usually is. Taro shook the man's hand firmly and with conviction to get some gardening done.

"Yes! You must be , right?" Taro asked the man back politely, but firmer than he usually does. It is such an obscure time to gain confidence, but it's Taro's zone, after all.
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played by


Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
1,815 posts
Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
Farm Hand Job (M)
POSTED ON Nov 25, 2021 2:02:12 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

He had a strong hand grip, and worked hands like Cait's.

"Game I am." The ranger affirmed before walking back towards the barn. "-and its a good thing I am."

Rolling his shoulders to jump right into the days work he wasted to words. Haywood seemed like no stranger to sweating for day's pay and purpose so that was all the more reason to throw himself into this task head first. "'cause we got work to do."

They were partners but Sénon wasn't exactly in charge.

Haywood was free to go about the farm and contribute in his own ways. Sénon however, would see about a stool and the Miltanks in need to milking relief.

● tags: @taro
● notes: mission specs

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Farm Hand Job (M)
POSTED ON Nov 25, 2021 2:23:46 GMT
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"Glad to hear it!"

Taro said with a bright smile at the red-haired man as Taro followed the man inside the barn as he confirmes they had work to get done. Taro was relieved to be doing actual hard work instead of futzing around looking for pokemon or berries or other grand adventures around the region. So getting some farm work done is more than fine for him.

"Yep! Yep!" Taro chirped as he got ready to milk the Miltanks for their dairy produce. Taro gently soothed the Miltank before Taro would go work on the Pokemon udders with expert hand control and speed, that while fast, isn't uncomfortable for the Miltank. While milking the cow pokemon, Taro would make small talk with the man-"You a farm boy too? Or just here to help out a cow in need?" Taro chuckled. The man wondered if he could go horse riding while here he missed doing it.
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