go cuckoo [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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go cuckoo [m]
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2022 2:55:34 GMT
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When he got a call about relocation, Warren had to admit he was not expecting something so... tame. Though, perhaps, he was used to the old tasks he had in Rocket, where nearly everything he did was a matter of life and death.

Secrecy. Hiding. Making sure you didn't die on the job.

He understood the dangers of having these Mandibuzz taking claim of the powerlines. But, something in him yearned for something a bit more exciting than this.

Oh well.

"I don't think that we need any strength or attacks. Just stay back for now," Warren directed his team as he assessed the situation further.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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go cuckoo [m]
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2022 4:02:14 GMT
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A high pitched shriek.


One of the Mandibuzz flew over, a wriggling purple Wurmple clamped in it's foot. It landed on a nest that was almost comically on the top of the tree, proud in it's catch- which was held over a group of nipping Vullaby.

Tearing down the road as fast as one leg and a prosthetic could carry her, one Vicki Talbot. The young teen shrieked and threw herself at the tree, right in @warren 's way (probably), and began to scale it with wild abandon. She yelled the Whole. Time.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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go cuckoo [m]
POSTED ON Feb 14, 2022 2:13:16 GMT
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Just as he was about to take charge, Warren clamped his hands over his ears when a shriek rang through the air. It might as well be inhuman, it was so high-pitched and wailing.

He clenched his teeth, throwing a glare over his shoulder to find the source of the scream.

A girl?


And she was getting closer and closer, practically running at him. Except when he expected her to slow down, the girl continued past him and almost sent him flying onto his ass on the ground.

Warren caught himself, watching her chase after a Mandibuzz that had something writhing in its talons. And still, she screamed. Continuously.

"... fuck."

Sighing loudly, he took after her, beckoning his team to follow. He motioned his Aegislash to take out the Mandibuzz with an AERIAL SLASH, the thing it was holding dropping from its grasp to Warren's hands.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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go cuckoo [m]
POSTED ON Feb 15, 2022 23:28:01 GMT
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Normally the idea of a thirteen year old girl knocking over a grown man would be super funny. Sadly, Vicki was in a very distressed shape right now and did not notice her ASSAULT against @warren. She had half scaled the tree when Warren took action, Gummi, the Wurmple, dropping from the height to land perfectly in his hands.

Vicki stopped yelling instantly, just now seeming to notice the other.

"You- ah! You saved Gummi!" Her eyes sparkled, the tears that had been threatening to spill quickly drying up. A quick glance down told her she wouldn't be climbing down, but... "Um... catch me!" And she didn't give Warren much more warning than that. He looked sturdy, after all! And Vicki didn't weigh THAT much! So she pushed off the tree, arms open, a free-fall expecting him to save her.

Gummi, the poor Wurmple, had quickly collapsed in Warren's grasp.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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go cuckoo [m]
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2022 3:03:28 GMT
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"Gummi?" he asked in response, looking at the Wurmple wriggling in a panic in his hand.

He guessed that's what this thing was, then. Probably belonged to this girl as well. He looked up at her, narrowing his eyes against the sunlight.

"You should come down from there. It doesn't look sturdy," he called out gruffly, assuming that, for a moment, she had the ability to scale down the tree as quickly as she had scaled up.

Warren couldn't have been more wrong.

"What the-"

The poor Wurmple was dropped, landing on the ground as he extended his arms to catch the girl as she fell. A loud grunt left his mouth as he, somehow, managed to stay standing. Just barely.

"You shouldn't do shit like that, kid. You could've broken your leg or something."
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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go cuckoo [m]
POSTED ON Feb 23, 2022 22:22:47 GMT
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Vicki let's out an 'ooph!' when she's caught, grinning and giggling besides. Poor Gummi plops to the ground, her little buggy heart racing, but ultimately does end up wiggling her way back on her feet. Eventually.

"Guess so... Mom would be pretty mad if she had to buy a new one." Vicki gives a small sigh as she thinks of the last time that had happened. had been pretty steamed- more so at what Vicki had been doing to break it than the actual break itself, though...

Huffing, Vicki swings her legs and tries to hop down out of @warren's arms. She does stumble a little, on her weaker side, but manages to right herself. Hands on her hips she whirls around back on Warren.

"Hey! Are you a Ranger?" She narrows her eyes at him, assessing. "I've never seen you around before! Are you bullying those mean birds?"
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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go cuckoo [m]
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2022 19:46:46 GMT
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Warren wanted to set her down immediately, but the girl stayed in his arms for a moment longer than he was comfortable with. He grimaced, looking around awkwardly. Desperate that no one was around to see this.

Rocket would find this absolutely hilarious, the White Wolf holding a girl like a hero.

"A new one?"

He didn't realize that she had a prosthetic. Of course, his previous comment could have come off as rather offensive. But, she didn't seem to mind as she finally leapt out of his arms and got back on the ground. Warren dropped his arms before crossing them over his chest.

"What's with all the questions?" he asked warily.

"Yeah, I am. And, I'm not 'bullying' the mean birds. I'm trying to get them to move. They're causing an issue with the powerlines. If anything, I'm saving them."
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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go cuckoo [m]
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2022 18:37:13 GMT
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Why ask so many questions?

"I'm a kid, duh, it's, like, my job to ask you stuff!" Vicki pulls a serious face for all of a half a second before she just smiles wide, laughing softly at her own joke. Teasing new people was always fun. It really showed you which people were assholes and which ones were nice the fastest.

Mom and would probably scold her if they knew, though.

Kneeling down, Vicki scooped up her Wurmple and held her in her arms.

"Well, thanks for getting Gummi back. I think they would have eater her." The Wurmple shivered and moved to crawl up her trainer's sleeve. "Can I watch? I want to be a Ranger! Oh! I bet I could even help!" Poor @warren. She already had stars in her eyes.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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go cuckoo [m]
POSTED ON Mar 27, 2022 1:28:38 GMT
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While she had a point, Warren felt like she was asking more questions that a normal kid. Or maybe he was just not used to it.

Maybe both.

However, as she stooped down to pick up her WURMPLE, he was preparing to say goodbye. It was on his tongue, ready to come out and dismiss her off back to home.

Until she asked to stay.

"I... uh," he managed to gruff out, blinking at her almost dumbly.

"Well, I mean, it can be dangerous. Are you sure your parents are okay with that shit?" he asked warily.

He didn't want to be at the receiving end of an angry mother.
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