just deserts [m/o]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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litton wickham
september 25
lumiose city, kalos
webnovelist / council assistant
if desire is the heart’s intransigent verb.
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POSTED ON Mar 13, 2022 14:18:58 GMT
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the salesperson at the tourism agency, upon hearing that nagi was a "creative freelancer", had described the trip as an "island retreat". "a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to bask in hoenn's natural landscape, uninterrupted by the bustle of city life," she had said, "a change of pace sure to get any backed-up creative juices flowing. and, not to mention the prize money!"

"hm. okay," nagi had answered.

like an idiot.

which led him to his present predicament: the high noon sun searing the back of his neck; sweat fogging up his glasses; and, wood splinters on every finger as he struggles to construct a shelter using whatever dredges of survival knowledge he can recall from late-night research binges.

he plants the final stake into the sand, driving it into the ground with a grumpy, childish vengeance, before standing back to inspect his handiwork. his makeshift lean-to is, if anything, certainly leaning. a kindergartener’s avante-garde craft project, with just enough space for him to curl up under, given enough determined contorting.

at his shoulder, sherlock titters.

“it’s a work-in-progress,” he says, tone defensive, which only serves to fuel the litwick’s giggles. “stop being so smug — you’re going to be our sole defense against hypothermia tonight, you know.”

tonight, and the next six other nights. nagi squints at the horizon, and debates his chances of just… doggy-paddling back to civilisation.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Mar 14, 2022 18:11:59 GMT
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[attr="class","llppromisedtitle"]little yellow[break]brickroad

[attr="class","llppromisedtitle2"]ain't so pretty in the daylight[break](i want so much more than this)


They’d been looking for an individual to star in their tourism campaign and Sy had signed up off the gun without reading much of the fine print. He’d showed up at the location, posed for the photos, and then been totally surprised when they’d shoved a ferry ticket in his hand and spirited him away to the docks. A short boat trip and a brief goodbye later, Sy was unceremoniously deposited on a hot, sandy beach, in the same trunks used for the promotion images and staring blearily at the catches in his contract currently condemning him to such a divine hell. [break][break]

Scant belongings crammed in an old gym bag, Sy calls out Vermillion for company; he and his Comfey stare at the watery horizon till his eyes blur. Luckily for him, his frequent trips to the Lilycove Beach have left his skin burnished bronze, so the lurking threat of sunburn isn’t as offensive as maybe with someone less used to flexing on a beach all day. [break][break]

Still, it’s lonesome, and there’s got to be more to see than the waves endlessly undulating against the shore. Bag in hand, toes in the sand, Sy picks a direction and treks. [break][break]

It isn’t long until he finds something interesting. [break][break]

A patchwork, spartan lean-to, wobbling like a toddler with a full bladder during a preschool talent show, and a very tired, slightly reddening individual looking over it as though it were his life’s work. He has a candle on his shoulder instead of the proverbial chip. [break][break]

It’s the only other sign of life Sy’s seen in the few hours since the boat abandoned him here. [break][break]

“That’s nice,” he says, gesturing to the lean-to, tone suggesting he tried really hard to find something positive to say about the stranger’s work, half-joking and half-earnest. “Take you all day to do that?” [break][break]



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played by


litton wickham
september 25
lumiose city, kalos
webnovelist / council assistant
if desire is the heart’s intransigent verb.
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nagi miwa DOLLARS
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nagi miwa
just deserts [m/o]
POSTED ON Mar 20, 2022 4:13:46 GMT
nagi miwa Avatar
things nagi expected:
1. falling into the ocean
2. being mauled by a rogue bewear
3. starving and dying, probably

things nagi did not expect: turning around from his pile of matchsticks to get an eyeful of burnished adonis, cast in bronze and practically sparkling. he is made aware, at once, of the bedraggled state of his own appearance: fringe plastered stiff to his forehead, glasses askew, so thoroughly soaked in sweat he looks like he clawed his way up from the sea.

nagi begins bristling, on principle.

“just the better part of the morning,” he answers, tone curt. from their perch at nagi’s shoulder, sherlock makes a deliberate show of looking between nagi and the pile of matchsticks he’s lined up on the shore, and lets out a lilting hum that sounds at once both questioning and mocking. nagi huffs once, a quick exhale: traitor.

arms folded in front of him, nagi peers down the length of the shore that @symon had walked up, tipping his head in consideration. there are still divots in the sand from where nagi had been walking up and down the beach for the better part of the morning looking for sticks, convinced that he would have to eke out a week-long, meagre existence on the island in solitude. the burnished bronze statue of a man in front of him is… not a welcome sight, per se. but he is the first and only sign of human life nagi has seen since making landfall.

nagi sighs — more sympathetic than he had been before. “did you know what you were getting into when you signed up, or did they drop you off and then ditch, too?”

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Mar 20, 2022 22:35:05 GMT
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[attr="class","llppromisedtitle"]little yellow[break]brickroad

[attr="class","llppromisedtitle2"]ain't so pretty in the daylight[break](i want so much more than this)


Sy thought the stranger looked kinda cute, all reddened and roughed up-- like a tomato that rolled too far away from the garden, his grandma used to say; usually she said it about him looking too uncouth for church, but it hey, it stuck. [break][break]

“It doesn’t look half bad,” Sy said, completely oblivious to the hidden spines in ’s voice; and he was earnest, too. “I probably couldn’t do half that in twice the time. Actually it never even occurred to me to make a shelter.” But it was a good idea that dawned on him now as he turned and looked out at the open sea, empty and unyielding of her secrets. [break][break]

Sy ran a hand through his hair and laughed. “Seems like it,” he confirmed with a shrug, “but, knowing me, it was probably in the fine print and I just didn’t read it.” He didn’t think much past the surface of a lot of things, so it never occurred to him for a company or organization to have sinister plans. Especially not one that would pay him. [break][break]

“I’m Symon,” he said, holding out a hand for the bedraggled stranger to shake. “Oh, this is Vermillion. Sorry, Verm,” he added after the Comfey hassled him with an indignant squeak. [break][break]



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[newclass=.sybeach .llppromised]--promisedAccent:#a4414a;[/newclass]
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played by


litton wickham
september 25
lumiose city, kalos
webnovelist / council assistant
if desire is the heart’s intransigent verb.
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nagi miwa DOLLARS
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nagi miwa
just deserts [m/o]
POSTED ON Mar 24, 2022 8:58:12 GMT
nagi miwa Avatar

is he serious? it looks like shit.

"... hm." like pokémon, like trainer: nagi's low hum manages to pack in both withering disbelief and bewildered amusement in a single note. a twig slides off from where it had been precariously balanced against his shelter, hitting the sand with a thud, an ironic rejoinder to the conversation.

"they duped me too, so," he says with a wry shrug. "i'm nagi.”

he reaches out for symon’s hand. hesitates, before withdrawing it. hastily attempts to wipe sand and grit off onto the fabric of his jeans, except his pants are in no better shape than his palms, and for all his desperate wiping, he only succeeds in smearing the dirt around on both. with a wince down at his mud-stained fingers, he holds his hand back out and gingerly grasps symon’s hand between his thumb and fingertips.

“this is sherlock.” he tips his head towards the litwick on his shoulder, who has abandoned their favourite pastime of heckling nagi, in favour of their second-favourite pastime of staring, unmoving and unblinking, at strangers. even as nagi shakes his shoulder to jostle the litwick, their luminous eyes remain locked onto the floating comfey.

leaving sherlock to intimidate the new arrivals into submission, nagi turns his gaze up to the sky, squinting against the glare of the sun. picturesque, perfect, postcard blue, framed by an encroaching wall of fluffy cumulus clouds, haloed by the afternoon light.

pretty. worrying. his own expression starts to cloud.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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just deserts [m/o]
POSTED ON Mar 26, 2022 14:25:11 GMT
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[attr="class","llppromisedtitle"]little yellow[break]brickroad

[attr="class","llppromisedtitle2"]ain't so pretty in the daylight[break](i want so much more than this)


Symon watches the piece of shelter fall to the sand, and to his credit, he does not wince. “A for effort, though,” he said, flashing Nagi a thumbs up. “Nice to meet you, Sherlock.” [break][break]

As Sherlock stared into the void-- er, flower… lei… ring-- so, too, did the flower lei ring stare back into him. Verm thought it was a staring contest! What fun! [break][break]

Both trainer and Pokemon had more air in their heads than was recommended for normal human operation. [break][break]

“Well, since it seems like we’re in this for the long haul, we should probably find actual shelter,” Sy said, his tone slightly apologetic at the insinuation that what Nagi had worked so hard on was a piece of crap. He toned down the insult by adding: “You’re starting to look a little red.” There, perfect. God, he is so good at socializing. [break][break]

He watched Nagi’s face fall and started to think of things to say to make it better. “We coooooould explore the jungle,” Sy suggested, turning to the wild, green interior of their wide-open jail cell, and spreading his arms wide. “Probably lots of stuff to see and find.” His own face was a grin; his inner child was having a heyday.



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[newclass=.llppromisedtag span]flex-grow:1;[/newclass]

[newclass=.sybeach .llppromised]--promisedAccent:#a4414a;[/newclass]
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litton wickham
september 25
lumiose city, kalos
webnovelist / council assistant
if desire is the heart’s intransigent verb.
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nagi miwa DOLLARS
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nagi miwa
just deserts [m/o]
POSTED ON Mar 27, 2022 15:23:28 GMT
nagi miwa Avatar

it’s not my fault i lobster in the sun — not all of us have the genes needed to turn into bronze statues, nagi thinks viciously. he cups a hand over the back of his neck, where the skin has started to prickle. it stings where his fingers brush over it. he winces.

“probably.” he’s unable to keep the petulance out of his admission.

with the heartless disregard of an author used to killing his darlings, nagi kicks aside a support. like a tower of cards, his shelter collapses in on itself, into a pile of sticks only slightly more disorganised than they had been before. by his ear, sherlock is chortling.

when he turns to face the jungle, it’s with far less enthusiasm than symon; arms crossed rather than spread wide, brows furrowed and expression grave. the wide, green death-trap is no less forbidding than it had been when he first saw it — and decided that he was happier never stepping foot into it, ever. he glances over at symon, and the unbelievably beatific and childlike grin on his chiselled face, and sighs. death by bewear, here we come.

“you’re right,” he agrees at last, resigned to his grisly, grizzly fate. leaning over, he picks up as many sticks as he can fit into the crook of his elbow — they seemed dry enough for firewood, and he had already put in the labour of gathering them. “we should find shelter first, before it rains. and then… maybe sightsee later.”

a hard maybe, for nagi.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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just deserts [m/o]
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2022 23:12:08 GMT
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Sy can tell he isn’t winning any fans here, but he still worries for Nagi’s health and safety because he’s a good person. “I have some aloe in my gym bag, I think,” he says, scratching his head. “For your burn. We use it during photoshoots to make… things… shiny.” His muscles. He was talking about his muscles, but he’d already accidentally flexed (pun definitely intended) on Nagi enough without reminding him of how devilishly handsome he is.
He watches Nagi destroy all his hard work with hands on his hips and frowns. “Aw, c’mon, it could be worse,” he says, tone the tiniest bit wheedling. “You could be all alone out here!” He watches Nagi look towards the jungle, face a cloud of despair, and wonders if, maybe, he would actually rather be all alone on the island. Sy frowned. He wasn’t used to having that effect on people. Or, at least, being aware of it.
“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you,” he said, flashing Nagi a thumbs up as he slings his gym bag over his shoulder, and picks up a bundle of driftwood under the other arm. Vermillion gives an indignant squeak and Symon sighs. “Yes, we’ll protect you. Sorry, Verm.” Leading the way with utmost confidence, he all but marches into the great unknown of the jungle, just as a distant rumble of thunder threatens in the distance.
“So, what did you do to land yourself out here?” Sy asks in good nature, hoping to make conversation. He’s doing his best to lead and break through the undergrowth, crushing plants underfoot and breaking branches so Nagi has an easier time of making his way behind him.






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litton wickham
september 25
lumiose city, kalos
webnovelist / council assistant
if desire is the heart’s intransigent verb.
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nagi miwa DOLLARS
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nagi miwa
just deserts [m/o]
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2022 15:39:06 GMT
nagi miwa Avatar
"things," nagi repeats, deadpan. he’s no model, but he can bet that they definitely weren't liberally lubing up furniture with aloe during photoshoots. (and if they were... maybe he’s better off not knowing why.)

muscles. he's definitely talking about his muscles.

symon is right again, though. he could have been alone, stabbing sticks into the ground until a storm blew him into the sea. for all his burnished, unburnable skin and aloe’d-up muscles, symon hadn't done anything to insult nagi on purpose. as far as nagi could tell from their short few minutes of acquaintance, he isn't sure if the other man is even capable of such calculated malice.

he takes a breath, and wills his spines down.

"i can handle myself, but... thanks." his ten-second-long attempt at meditation can't bleed all the spikes from his voice, but it's softened now, tinged with a hint of sheepishness.

as symon forges a path through the jungle, a picture-perfect model of chivalry, nagi picks his way carefully through the trail symon has opened for him. in the absence of anything meaningful to do, he overthinks with every step. we need to find freshwater — something to catch the rain? — and food? — what if he slips on a rock, do i catch him i’ll die but i can’t just let him break his neck —

“they told me it was a retreat,” he says, tone distracted as he tries to peer through the undergrowth past symon to catch a pre-emptive glimpse of any fatal slip hazards in his path. “i was too short-sighted to read the small print.”

his wandering eyes slide over, and then catch with a start on a faint imprint, barely visible in the gnarl of roots and dead leaves. his hand shoots out to wrap partway around symon's (oh, hm, wow, big) bicep.

"look — there. are those tracks?"


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POSTED ON Apr 6, 2022 21:25:06 GMT
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Nagi would, in fact, be right; Symon didn’t have a mean bone in his body. If ever it sounded like he was being a dick, it wasn’t on purpose. And if he occasionally bordered into douche-like territory, what with his rockin’ bod and candid nature, well, that was hardly within his control, was it?
“Yeah, I figure you can,” Sy says over his shoulder, rubbing at a scratch that’s opened on the outside of his deltoid, smearing a thin film of blood over his skin, “but it never hurts to have some help!” His confidence was natural, and, he hoped, infectious-- he wasn’t even that outdoorsy of a person, in all honesty; he just had a lot of faith in himself.
“God, what a rag,” Sy said when Nagi explained how they tricked him. “I wonder if we can take them up with the business bureau. It’s not cool of them to put you in danger like that.” He’s about to continue when he feels Nagi’s hand around his arm (not the cut one, thankfully) and he pauses mid-stop, foot in the air.
He can’t help but flex a little against the grip. “Oh, yeah, maybe,” he says, gently putting his foot down and leaning over to get a better look. “Do you know what from?” Nagi may not seem like an outdoorsman, but he definitely wasn’t an idiot; maybe he could identify the track!




young dumb and full of [redacted]


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litton wickham
september 25
lumiose city, kalos
webnovelist / council assistant
if desire is the heart’s intransigent verb.
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just deserts [m/o]
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2022 13:56:01 GMT
nagi miwa Avatar
“they shouldn't be doing it to anyone.” even people built like brick shithouses don’t deserve to be swindled into a week-long trip to tropical hell — or so he thinks, until he feels the ripple of symon’s biceps flexing into his hand.

nagi takes a shallow breath. holds it. exhales. waving away his second, third and fourth thoughts of just turning around and casting himself into mercy of the ocean waves, nagi ducks under a low-hanging branch, squatting beside symon to get a closer look at the imprint in the mud.

unfortunately for symon, nagi is both not an outdoorsman, and also an idiot.

what he does have, at least, is the faintest, vaguest memory of reading about this somewhere, too much fragile pride to say i don’t know, and enough spite and stubbornness to power a small village. “it’s…” not a bewear track. i can’t say that. that’s stupid. he squints down at the track, willing his synapses to connect. “it leads further into the jungle. if we follow it, it could lead towards a water source. or shelter.”

he turns to look up at symon, in case the other man has a different opinion — and stops short, when he sees the dark-coloured smear against symon's skin. it’s obviously not sweat; nagi stares at the contours of symon’s deltoid, until he can make out the colour of the stain.

“...you’re hurt?”


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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just deserts [m/o]
POSTED ON Apr 9, 2022 19:49:26 GMT
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Sy steps well out of the way of the track, holding back the boughs of a drooping palm tree to give Nagi space and light and time to examine the strange print. He watches the smaller man crouch down like an expert hunter, feeling totally at a loss as to what may have made the impression.
“Yeah, good idea,” Sy says with a nod, offering a hand to lift Nagi back up to standing. “Maybe we’ll get lucky and find a resort. Wouldn’t that be something.” He grins, completely unconcerned with his own injury and embarrassingly dismissive of Nagi’s concern. “Aw, it’s just a scratch. Don’t worry your pretty little head.”
To further cement the point, he flashes a thumbs up and continues pressing on into the jungle in the direction indicated by the track.




young dumb and full of [redacted]


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litton wickham
september 25
lumiose city, kalos
webnovelist / council assistant
if desire is the heart’s intransigent verb.
353 posts
nagi miwa DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nagi
nagi miwa
just deserts [m/o]
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2022 13:54:25 GMT
nagi miwa Avatar
“right, a resort. and maybe they’ll have those drinks with the little umbrellas in them.”

nagi considers, for a split-second, refusing symon's offered helping hand, and then feels immediately guilty about his reflexive scorn. he's being nice. nicer than you deserve, butthead, a voice on his shoulder seems to say; sherlock's eyes, from their perch, are alight with knowing.

with a muttered thanks, nagi lets symon pull him up to his feet. standing up, the cut across symon's arm is close to eye-level. he gives it another prolonged, doubtful look, even as symon turns and forges ahead into the great, green beyond. it is a small cut, sure. just a nick on symon’s larger frame, but —

did he get it while pushing away the branches? another spike of guilt prickles at the back of his head.


he reaches out again to tug at symon's elbow — quickly, this time, to avert any flexing — and starts rooting about his bag, loose paper and scattered pens rattling about as he searches. his hands emerge with one half-filled plastic bottle of clear water, and a boxful of happiny-print discount-sale plasters.

"you should still clean it, or it'll get infected." he holds both items out towards symon.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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just deserts [m/o]
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2022 21:07:08 GMT
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“Ooh, that sounds nice,” Sy agreed, head tilting to the side as he thought about what other features his and Nagi’s all inclusive resort should have. “And an infinity pool! And a spa. And a sauna.” Yeah, that all sounded great-- even though, under the thick canopy, the air was hot and wet enough. It stank of salt and moss and dirt.
When Nagi tells him to wait, he freezes mid-step, looking back over his shoulder with an expression halfway between curious and concern, worried that Nagi had hurt himself or discovered something terrible. His skin prickles as Nagi drags his fingertips along his elbow, just the briefest of touches.
He sees the bandaids and his face breaks into a grin. “Nice!” he says in approval of the print and also the ingenuity of Nagi to come well prepared. He turns, brandishing his arm and the reddened cut for first-aid care. “Not a bad idea. Nurse Nagi on the case.”
He winks. Vermillion hums a dreamy note.




young dumb and full of [redacted]


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litton wickham
september 25
lumiose city, kalos
webnovelist / council assistant
if desire is the heart’s intransigent verb.
353 posts
nagi miwa DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @nagi
nagi miwa
just deserts [m/o]
POSTED ON Apr 15, 2022 16:28:11 GMT
nagi miwa Avatar
nagi's nose wrinkles at the mention of nurse nagi. "it's just a plaster," he mutters, sunburnt cheeks colouring further — a splotch of deepening red visible even under the shade of the trees.

clipping the box of plasters under his armpit, he unscrews the lid of the bottle and, rising to his toes to get a better view of symon's wound, starts to tip the bottle gingerly out over symon's cut. the water spills in rivulets over symon's skin, washing away the thin, clinging film of blood and dirt.

it’s when the first drop of liquid hits symon’s skin that it hits him — oh god, why didn't i just let him do it himself?

because you're trying to be nice.

being nice was a mistake. it's not awkward if i don't make it awkward it's not awkward if i don't make it awkward it's not awkward if—

nagi cuts his quiet mantra short with a quick, stiff nod; physically shaking himself out of his own head. dropping the empty bottle into his pack, he reaches inside again to exchange it with a knotted plastic bag — unknots it to peek at its contents: paper napkins embossed with the logos of assorted fast food joints.

he thrusts the entire bag in symon's general direction.

"you should…" he gestures lamely at symon's arm, shimmering with a dewy glaze of water. “dry it off a bit.”


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