beach city blues [o]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
beach city blues [o]
POSTED ON Mar 17, 2019 18:30:31 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
The sound of waves crashing against the soft sandy shore was a soothing one. One that many people of the town not too far away were all too familiar with it. So much that it became white noise to the town. But for someone not really form here? It was a pretty soothing sound to just listen too while sitting on the beach, and Kazimir could attest to that. His feet dug into the warm sand and letting the grains get between his toes as the sea breeze swept into his hair as he leaned back with his arms propping him up on the sandy shore.

The tides had been receding right now so lots of kids and pokemon were out and about playing in the water, some were even chasing after and running from the incoming waves. The entire peacefullness that today had going was just the right amount to put anyone today at ease, and Kazimir could feel it so much that his arms gave out from under him and his upper body hit the sand with a soft thud as he focused on the clear blue sky. The motion was enough to jostle a pokeball free from his pocket and out of it popped his Cubone that sat on his chest.

Looking back at him the trainer gave the pokemon a simple smirk before laying his head on the ground and looking back up at the sky. The cubone decided to join him in the sky gazing.

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he / him / his
july 26
Sootopolis, Hoenn
don’t know, don’t care
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ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
beach city blues [o]
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2019 11:32:20 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar



what a sight to see. a Ranger having a hard time with a Gyarados?!

Ever since he’d gotten the Gyarados—thanks to Ro, his Metagross—he’d decided to take it upon himself to try and train Kali so that she could at least get used to having someone on her back. There was a little problem with this though:

Kali is a Gyarados.

And what are Gyarados generally known for?

Bad temperaments.

So to nobody’s surprise, Lars had decided to fly out to Dewford to practice there—at least if ever he ran into problems all he could do is hop over to shore on his Metagross and pick up Thor and zap the living daylights out of the dual-type, if worse came to worse.

Hopefully that didn’t happen, because if it did, well, he really didn’t want to have to resort to violence to get the Gyarados used to being around him and his team—and well, he wasn’t sure if Kali had a grudge against Ro or something…


So if anyone was looking towards the ocean, they would eventually see someone who’s trying to hang onto the high neck of a raging squid-wannabe sailing around the shallows near Dewford—trailed by a levitating Metagross, following the two and ready to catch the human just in case the Gyarados decided to toss him off.

“Whoa—whoa, Kali!” he shouted from somewhere near the base of the Gyarados’ neck. “Calm down, will you?!” he continued over the grumbling and hissing noises that the female dual-type was now emitting.

The Metagross followed them over the surface of the water, its four massive legs tucked in and barely touching the water, remembering to refresh its Magnet Rise every now and then and humming quietly, listening to the shouts coming from his human companion.

The Gyarados began wiggling around and thrashing again, almost dropping Lars had he not hung on as tightly as he could.

“Shit, what’s got you so upset?!” he half-hollered, not wanting to drop the twenty or so feet down to the water below and hoping that Ro was fast enough to catch him if that was going to be the case.

[newclass=".lars"] [/newclass]
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
beach city blues [o]
POSTED ON Mar 20, 2019 5:50:27 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
The once peaceful beach was met with the rampage of an angry water pokemon, another common sight on the beach front, one that didn't concern Kazimir. Or rather it didn't until he felt the tapping of a little paw against his chest, looking up he saw his Cubone look at him and then point towards the sea. It was there that he could see the sight that was a little abnormal for a normal day at the beach; a Garaydos flailing around with a human hanging onto it for dear life. Talk about metal.

"Hey hang in there! You're doing great!" He called out as he got to his feet, nearly dropping poor Slammer into the sand, and ran up to the edge of the receding tides. He should probably do something but if there was anything he was ever taught or knew from experience, was that a rampaging water dragon needed a delicate touch to handle. "Should we give him a few minutes before jumping in?" He asked the Cubone who waddled up to him and gave him a shrug of his little shoulders. What was a Ground type going to know about handling Water Types anyway?


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he / him / his
july 26
Sootopolis, Hoenn
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is gonna be the loneliest
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
beach city blues [o]
POSTED ON Mar 20, 2019 15:15:32 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar



rip Lars, took a bath way too soon

Meanwhile, Kali was throwing a righteous bitch fit, hissing and trying to snap and shove Lars off her back—even if Ro had taken to hovering around her just in case this did happen, never touching the water.

And all it took was a shout.

Somewhere not too far away, he heard someone cheering him on…? Or what sounded like it, but because of the way he was trying not to panic (and simultaneously hang onto the Gyarados at the same time) he’d absolutely missed it, instead trying to calm the annoyed dual-type down and attempting to climb back on his uneasy perch…

…only for Kali, completely unamused, to suddenly buck rather violently and cause him to let go.

“Oh, shit!” was all he had time to yell—and unfortunately, Ro was on the opposite side of the Gyarados, having moved over there to help keep Kali in line.

Maybe it was luck he’d decided to leave his pipe and pouch behind in the nearby Pokémon Center.

In less than a few seconds, a loud, resounding splashing noise ripped through the air, caused by him suddenly hitting the surface of the water way too fast, way too quickly. Lars felt the currents pull him underwater for a few moments, before be blinked and blanched at the sudden sensation of salt attacking his eyeballs as he forced them open. Knowing that he’d swallow salt water if he dared open his mouth, he then shut his eyes and quickly swam upwards as fast as his long legs would allow.

Accidentally bumping into the Gyarados a few moments later, his head then broke through the surface of the water soon enough, before his survival instincts kicked in and he began to paddle himself through the water.

“Kali… you are an ingrate, he growled, to which the Metagross, finally having completed another circle around the Gyarados, heard and let out a chuckle. Using Telekinesis, he then lifted Lars out of the water and set him down on his back, before Lars let out a surprised yelp.

“Shit, Ro, your head’s cold! What the fuck, he gasped as his soaking-wet ass hit the Metagross’ head before hearing another grating noise, which he knew was Ro’s laughter.

“Oh, shut up, the both of you,” he grumbled, folding his arms for a few moments before attempting to shove his bangs out of his hair; while the Gyarados let out an approving roar and began to…fucking flex.

Right in front of Ro and Lars.

What. The. Actual. Fuck?

[newclass=".lars"] [/newclass]
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
beach city blues [o]
POSTED ON Mar 25, 2019 15:08:39 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
Kazimir kind of wish he had a bit of popcorn right now, what he was watching was starting to get more and more entertaining by the second. Sure hanging onto dear life on top of a rampaging Gyarados was scary as all hell it had the opposite effect since he was merely a spectator. Then the guy on top was suddenly thrown off, Kazi grimaced, and fell into the water with a big splash.

That's when the other blonde decided "Ok maybe I should go help out or something" and started to wade through the water. The man was rescued by his Metagross and was being made fun of by both it and the Gyarados, who was flexing their tail or something to show off. Weird flex but go off I guess. "Oi! That was some splash you made! I'd give ya a 7 outta 10 for that!" He shouted as he got as close as he could to the guy before the water nearly reached his waist, on top of his head Slammer was doing his best to hold on and not make Kazimir fall face first into the sea, "I take it that one's yours then? Got quite the temper don't she?" He asked, pointing a finger at the seemingly proud Gyarados.

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he / him / his
july 26
Sootopolis, Hoenn
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
1210 height
1210 height
nessuno vince.
3,835 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
beach city blues [o]
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2019 12:17:47 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar



his Gyarados is conceited-af

It didn’t take too long for him to notice that he was joined by another—he guessed it was the owner of the voice that had caught his Gyarados off-guard…who was still in the middle of fucking flexing and about nearly caused a mini tidal wave to sweep them back towards shore!

“Yeah, she’s mine,” he remarked, shoving the rest of his sopping-wet hair out of his face. Now that he officially reeked of salt water, he knew it was time to get dried off.

Letting the giant ‘sea monster’ flex around some more, he then directed Ro to float closer to shore—at least until he was close enough to the other who was talking to him.

“Should’ve gotten more class points for that, to be honest,” he said, riding on the joke. “She’s not that quite used to hanging around me yet… ‘s why I’m helping her get used to being around Ro,” he added, indicating the Metagross he was currently perched on.

“Hey there, careful for your partner,” he said, his hand reaching out just in case the Cubone began to fidget around and accidentally fell down into the water—he knew that most Ground-types were extremely adverse to it—speaking from experience, since his own Flygon had taken an unceremonious dip quite a few times.

“You live around here? Or is it your day off work?” he asked a few moments later.

[newclass=".lars"] [/newclass]