glossy black [m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Guillermo Marceliño
glossy black [m]
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2022 17:16:58 GMT
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Alex, as it turned out, got invited to all sorts of parties. Being one of the longest-standing gym leaders in the Hoenn region would do that to you, Memo supposed.

The problems arose because now he invited Memo along, too, which wouldn’t inherently be a problem except for the fact that the entire scope of relationship experiences was new to him, okay?! So his soul was screaming be cute in matching costumes but he didn’t want to be overwhelming.

Plus, it was a charity benefit to be set aside for… whatever the fuck was about to happen with the Fortree Primal Point. Just in case anything did happen.

Also, the stupid teddy bear ears were unbelievably cute and, unfortunately, really doing it for him, which was distracting, alarming, and frustrating in equal measure.

“Is it too late to back out?”
he asked, half a pout, staring down his eyeliner stick and contemplating another costume change.
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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
glossy black [m]
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2022 18:06:43 GMT
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“Aw, c’mon, it’d be weird if we switched out now,” he said as he stood in front of the mirror, handling the eyeliner like a pro.


“Do you know how long it takes for me to get ready?” he added as he put down the liquid eyeliner and turned to face his boyfriend.

“An eternity!” he exclaimed, but only quietly—because, it was really too cute for words when they came out in matching bear costumes (well, Alex had the white bear ears perched in his hair like it was nobody’s business) however here they were, him trying to stop the other from dissociating and going into a meltdown.

(Besides, this was supposed to be him being distracted from all the so-called supernatural shit that tended to spike in frequency around this time of the year!)

“Please?” he begged, whipping out the puppy-eyed look.

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Guillermo Marceliño
glossy black [m]
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2022 21:25:50 GMT
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It was. It was a lot, okay. Memo hadn’t been to a real party in… maybe ever? And by ‘real party’ he meant one where you could actually think over the bass in the music. And it wasn’t in a bar. And they weren’t snorting coke in the bathroom.

Well. At least, they shouldn’t be.

There was a lot of anxiety, okay. He had a terrible, lingering fear that they’d get there and Alex would split off and go be social with all his other friends and the people who came to shmooze with him. And while Memo was normally extremely social and never had a problem making friends, he still wasn’t feeling entirely himself after the whole cyberspace fiasco.

It was… incredibly disconcerting, to feel like a stranger in your own body.

But his boyfriend was so fucking cute. And in makeup?

Yeah, he didn’t have a chance in hell.

“ we have to stay long?”

He knew the answer, but still. He had other plans for the later half of their night.

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
glossy black [m]
POSTED ON Oct 13, 2022 11:34:30 GMT
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“Is something wrong?”

He couldn’t help but ask his boyfriend that. The way the other had mentioned if they were going to be staying long seemed to…

He then grabbed the eye shadow palette and looked over at him.

“…or are you planning something else?” he asked, impish grin on his face.

It was usually, either one or the other. But knowing his boyfriend… it would definitely be something else, him taking a guess as to what the other was possibly thinking.

“Tell me, Frog… what’s on your mind?” he continued as he turned his attention to the mirror, opening the palette and then squinting at the colors with a critical eye.

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Guillermo Marceliño
glossy black [m]
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2022 23:58:12 GMT
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Memo let his head loll to the side, cheek to shoulder.

“Mmm. Little of column A, little of column B,” he said, pensive. “I… don’t know how full my social tanks are, still.”

He watched Alex consider what colors to apply, slowly becoming disgustingly horny.

“Also you are very cute. And sexy,” he added, as though that would help sway things in his direction. “Very much both things.”

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
glossy black [m]
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2022 12:59:59 GMT
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After considering the fact that he was supposed to be the white bear between the two of them, he then picked up the small sponge and began applying the color on his eyelids.

“How much socializing can you stand before running from the room?” he asked the other, observing through the reflection in the mirror as he dabbed the color on gently. He was severely tempted to pattern a certain design, but alas they were going as a pair of bears, so…

That design would be saved for some time in the future. When exactly, he didn’t know, but he had plans.

In no time flat one eye was done, and then he switched to the other.

“Are you trying to make me stay here at home?” he spoke up some time later, after he’d finished applying make-up on his other eye.

Oh, what a tease his boyfriend was.

“I can tell there’s something you want. It’s all over your face. Remember what I said about a gay man’s intuition, love?”

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Guillermo Marceliño
glossy black [m]
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 22:59:36 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
“Depends on the company,” Memo said, capping the eyeliner stick. He figured he’d fuck with it later. He reached his palms back and leaned back on the bed. “And how fast you vamoose when we get there.”

It was a gentle plea, said in a joking tone. Please don’t leave me.

“Yes,” he said, shameless and eager, excited at the prospect of it actually working. If Alex hadn’t put so much effort into his costume and makeup, Memo would literally be throwing himself at his boyfriend right now. In a dramatic, fake-swoony way.

“You hardly need your intuition to know I want to fuck you six ways from Sunday,” he said, aiming to get that red in Alex’s face fired up, “and maybe we can keep the ears on?”

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
glossy black [m]
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2022 16:38:59 GMT
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“You know how it is with parties… show up late and they won’t care, but not showing up at all and everyone snubs you at the next social public gathering,” he said with a sigh, unable to resist the urge to roll his eyes.

Why did society have to thrive on large gatherings of more than ten people at certain times of the year?!

At the mention of certain naughty activities, right on cue the horrible blush that betrayed his real emotions bloomed on his face.

“Oh, c’mon,” he managed to choke out, trying to resist the urge to break into a fit of laughter.

Already? But it’s still so early in the evening!”

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August 26
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Guillermo Marceliño
glossy black [m]
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2022 2:40:08 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
Memo cocked his head as he listened to his boyfriend, grin growing across his face.

“I didn’t realize I was dating such a socialite,” he teased, leaning into his accent and really clipping his consonants, driving it up into the high-society mockery that Alex would be familiar with from movies and TV. “Did you learn you skills from your first season, my lady?”

Ah, there it was. No matter what else happened that night, the red flushing over Alex’s cheeks and down his throat would be a victory.

’Already’,” he parrots, “as though I don’t always want you.”

Still. The clock was ticking. “I guess the sooner we get there, the sooner we can leave.”

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
glossy black [m]
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2022 20:17:42 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“Oh no, you did not just—” he broke off, collapsing into a fit of laughter the other decided to adopt the highly-affected, obviously-exaggerated Galarian accents he’d seen so much on the TV.

He’d devolved into the giggles so much he very nearly missed the rest of what he mentioned. Whoops!

“Okay, look,” he continued once he’d managed to calm himself down enough into seriousness once more.

“We go there, we stay for a while, snipe at the free food if the people are shit, and then we leave. At least we can say we showed up, right?”

He was negotiating, however this would all depend on how his boyfriend would take the suggestion and either go with it or get shot down.

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August 26
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Guillermo Marceliño
glossy black [m]
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2022 20:03:22 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
Making Alex laugh was going to be one of the best joys of the rest of his life. Sometimes, he felt that as long as he could manage to drive his partner to giggles, he would be satisfied.

Most of the time, though, he also wanted to drive his partner to other things.

“Okaaaaaay,” he said, in a beleaguered sigh as he pressed himself up from his seat, “sounds like a plan. Just… don’t abandon me for all your friends, okay?”

He pushed the door to the bedroom open.

“Thy chariot awaits, your grace.”

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
glossy black [m]
POSTED ON Nov 13, 2022 20:35:20 GMT
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“Why would I abandon you, though?” he countered as he stood up from where he’d finished his make-up.

Honestly, the entire look was more than enough to get his boyfriend riled up and really raring to go in the bed because of the ears perched in his hair.

“Oh, my fucking god you did not just say that,” he continued with this smirk on his lips.

“And besides,” he went on as an afterthought, “…why the hell would I leave you alone at the party? I’m gonna introduce you to everyone there! I mean, if that’s alright with you.”

He hoped that by staying together while they were at the party, his boyfriend’s social tanks wouldn’t run out before they got back and…

Things happened.

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August 26
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Guillermo Marceliño
glossy black [m]
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2022 23:56:44 GMT
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“Dunno,” Memo said with a shrug, as they headed out the door, “I imagine you have many acquaintances. You are the longest standing gym leader in the region, right?”

Alex had showed up to his shitty apartments in disguise once, for god’s sake. The man was practically a celebrity.

“Oh, by all means. Show me off. You may not have realized but I happen to be very cute.” There, there was a tiny flicker of the old Memo charm; he winked, looping their arms together. “Like a dog in a purse in a place it should not be.”

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Alex / Lexy
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Alexei Ivanov
glossy black [m]
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2022 20:28:56 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Well that was… an interesting trip out into the world.

Gone a couple of hours, they were now back from ‘socializing’ at the parties they hit up, to say the least.

(For it to be said that they bitched about the people? That was a given.)

“How was that, then?” he asked once they’d made it back to the flat. He could tell the other was in a hurry to get to something as he unlocked the door and quickly beat tracks across the living space toward his room.

“I know you want to bitch about some of the people… so crabby, wouldn’t you say?”

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August 26
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Guillermo Marceliño
glossy black [m]
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2022 23:09:02 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
It was… an event, that was for sure. Stuck somewhere between end-of-the-world chaos and people trying to pretend like the apocalypse wasn’t happening imminently. People were nice, but they were either too crazy, or too sad.

There had been more crying than he’d imagined for a Halloween shindig.

More importantly, though, he’d made it through, and he hadn’t smudged his eyeliner, by some miracle of god.

“I think they were mostly just scared,”
he said, rubbing at a sore spot where his stupid ear headband was biting into his skull. “It makes people say and do stupid things.” Like be a jerk at an armageddon Halloween party, apparently.

He caught his boyfriend by the hand just before the bedroom and laced their fingers together, tugging him close as he shut and locked the door behind them.

“I had some ideas on how to better spend the night, anyway.”