i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2023 3:27:39 GMT
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Oscar's eyes shot open, the harsh air of the Ultra Deep Sea burning his throat as he began hyperventilating. He pushed himself into a sitting position, panic setting in as he struggled to remember how he got here. It was only when he stopped looking for answers that he would be able to slowly calm himself. Oscar breathed deeply, ignoring his sore throat in favor of slowing his heart rate. Now that he was stabilizing, perhaps he could actually think on what had happened.

The last thing he remembered was aiding in gathering Interdream data. Something went wrong; he recalled a blinding light--and then he woke up. Where was Lulu? She was nowhere to be found, causing Oscar to become nervous once more. That feeling of weariness turned into dread once he realized that his mask was off. How long had his face been exposed?

Luckily he would locate it nearby, just out of reach from where he sat. It was a good excuse to get him to his feet so he could retrieve it. His steps were wobbly and standing gave him a head rush, but he did not seem otherwise impaired. He picked up the mask and held it in his hand, deciding not to worry if anyone had seen him or not. For now he needed to focus on finding Lulu.

He staggered forward, following a small incline to a clearing surrounded by Tera Crystals. Someone stood in its center, and after his eyes adjusted Oscar would smile as he recognized the highlighted hair of an ally. "Rowan!" He called out, speed walking toward his comrade. "Thank fuck, I can't find Lulu anywhere. Have you seen her?"

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