what's in the bag?

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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what's in the bag?
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2023 3:19:47 GMT
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hey, want to play what's in the bag?

"uh, fuck yeah, i do." parker has heard things around the rocket sub. things about the snail. mostly bad things. and scary things. elisabeth fiorelli, underboss, is someone you don't fuck with. as such, parker has made a point not to cross paths with her. 

you would also think she'd be smart enough to know that maybe going through her things would be a no-no, but she's bored. and easily persuaded. 

she stoops over the bag.

"well, go on then? what's the ooze lady hiding?"
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what's in the bag?
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2023 13:47:25 GMT
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"ooze lady? is that her nickname 'round these parts?"

he doesn't really know much about fiorelli outside of the fact that she's trying to steal his boy elijah's niche in the organization. thankfully, she got cured to never touch that field again.

good riddance.

"anyways, here we go!"

he dips his hand into the bag and he takes out what was usually the biggest thing inside every purse: her phone. the model was probably older than most rich people, and the casing was of an old lady's who's too scared of losing their grip on the phone and accidentally dropping it, cracking the screen.

"this isn't surprising one bit." priam deflates for a moment before he realizes there's no lock. "she doesn't have a password for her phone?"

he hands it to parker for her to investigate herself.

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what's in the bag?
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2023 19:49:44 GMT
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"i dunno. snails ooze, right? sounded smart in my head."

priam pulls out the clunkiest fucking phone parker's ever seen in her life. it's like the heaviest duty of heavy duty oshawottbox cases. parker shouldn't really be judging. her phone screen's cracked every which way, but that's besides the point. 

he hands it over and she flips it around, snorting. "god, it's even got a pop socket thing." a black rose on a red circle. "she find this at hot topic or something?"

the phone screen lights up and parker's nose scrunches. "i'll go through her purse, but snoopin' through her phone might get us killed. what else - holy fuck, are those flavored condoms?"

she shoves her hand into the bag and pulls out tinfoil squares with COTTON-CANDY FLAVOUR stamped on the front. the expiration date is well off in the future so there's no chance these are old. parker cackles and then realizes she's pinching not just the condom, but a piece of paper as well. she peels the red paper off and realizes she's looking at a carnival ticket stub. 

"think she was she gettin' down 'n dirty with a clown?"
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what's in the bag?
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2023 7:03:07 GMT
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"ooh, or maybe they did it in a ride?!"

it's the optimism that tries to salvage elisabeth's reputation, but it's the best that priam can do in that situation.

"in a ferris wheel maybe? or the bumper cars, i guess. it can't be a roller coaster, right?"

he shrugs as he gives up on trying to guess.

"do you think her phone has a clue on who she's with?" he asks, going back to it. "she's pretty old-school too! do you think she has a draft of a love letter in her bag instead?"

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what's in the bag?
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 2:31:48 GMT
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"what the hell kinda bumper cars you in where you can give a man head, the fuck?" she says, dumbfounded. the logistics aren't working in her head. but hey - straight people? they'll find a way. 

"ferris wheel's my bet. homegirl probably had to pop up every time the wheel passed the bottom." it's a hilarious vision, especially given the vicious aura the woman had been emanating before. 

priam's inquiries are enough to make her abandon the notion that her life is worth more than whatever possible pics she might find in underboss fiorelli's phone. she swipes into the screen and checks the first message at the top. 

oh, lots of unopened messages in this thread.

< lewd picture >
u up?
< lewd picture >

now, they have a beautiful little seen by elisabeth at (whenever disseminate is happening idfk)

at the pics, parker makes a gagging noise and shows it to priam. "found our man. yo, wait. fuck. dude, hold out your elbow." parker raises her own to compare. "yeah, no definitely yours. you got bitch arms. let's send him a fake tittie pic."
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what's in the bag?
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2023 14:49:53 GMT
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"i'unno, okay! i'm just throwin' out some ideas!"

priam conrad, who didn't have any childhood memories, has not ridden any carnival rides at all in his life. he simply was listing names of rides he knows that exist and making a mental image based on their description.

he was prepared to defend himself until parker kills the monotony of the guesswork with a swipe of the phone. staring at the development made by their discovery, priam finds himself the subject of shenanigans.

"oh. like this?" he follows the instructions, smiling wide as the fake titties start forming. "hey! i'd make a hot woman!"

this is his first experience with the trick, and clearly, he's as amused as the children who learned it the first time.

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what's in the bag?
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2023 16:43:18 GMT
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"don't sweat it," she says with a chuckle. "look, this is fuckin' gold." she angles the pic juuuuuuust right and the phone screen looks like it's staring down a big ol' coin slot. it's good enough even parker might've been tricked if she didn't know what it was. 

"we should open with something though. you know what she's like?" 

well, given the cotton candy condoms and the terrifying meanness she leaves in her wake, parker assumes she's into some crazy shit. probably a whore. 

which, like, go off, queen. 

to :
hey big boy
< sent tit pic (elbow) >

"you really would make a hot chick. not gonna lie," parker says. she turns the phone back around with a snicker and gives it to priam to hold. 

"think we should delete the messages? no paper trail?"
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what's in the bag?
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2023 16:52:15 GMT
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"one time during the rks simulation, she'd rather destroy the phone instead of checking what's inside," he snitches on the underboss. "i think she's the type of person not to bother what's on her phone."

he pauses first, and then lets the silence of the cave echo the thoughts in his head back.

"actually, yeah, just to be safe."

there's another pause.

"but if we're deleting the evidence anyways, why shouldn't we send more?"

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march 21
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what's in the bag?
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2023 1:10:30 GMT
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"what a weirdo," she replies. 'cause that's super weird. what, does she have like a bunch of p0rn somewhere? not that parker can see, at least. 

"holy fuck, woman. organize your apps." two screens of weird apps with red dots scattered here and there, a notification bar that's so full it's on threat of choking. underboss is a fucking monster. 

"oh, he read it. no reply though." she hmmms. they've already made their bed. may as well have fun with it. 

"what about this?"

she flies fingers across the screen and then turns it to face priam, text cursor still blinking.

😘 thinking about what you want to do to them?

"slutty victoria woman vibes is what i get from her. proper grammar and shit, right?"

crow knows it's 'victorian' not victoria.
parker has 1 braincell.
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what's in the bag?
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2023 17:05:37 GMT
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priam nods vigorously at parker's deduction.

"wait, i got something better if we're going that route."

he grabs the phone and edits the message accordingly.

😘 contemplating about what thou desire to do to thee?

priam hands it back to parker after fixing what makes a victorian era woman would type in their age.

"i learned those words from smart people," he would brag.

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march 21
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what's in the bag?
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2023 19:54:59 GMT
parker jones Avatar

"oh, priam. oh, man, that's fuckin' good." she's giddy as a grade schooler at the scholastic book fair (she never went to one of those) and sends the text immediately. there can't be terrible ramifications there, right?

though the difference between the previous text and the latter is kind of startling. 

not that it seems to matter. 

"dude, he fucking sent the godsdamned eggplant back. holy fuck, it actually worked. wait, more emojis. a flower?? what the..."

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what's in the bag?
POSTED ON Dec 11, 2023 2:49:55 GMT
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"we can match the energy," he enthusiastically replies at the sight of the response.

although she doesn't seem to be the type to use emojis, priam thinks she's definitely the type not to fight back in a war of attrition. the proper response to emojis would be emojis as well.

"the underboss likes plants and stuff, right? let's use some of those!"

priam borrows the phone once more and types in the response he has in mind. he lets parker take one look at the message and leaves the approval to her.


the life cycle of a butterfree was one of the last few lessons in a proper school setting that he learned. he might as well use it in a real life situation.

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what's in the bag?
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2023 1:47:45 GMT
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priam takes the phone and parker's so into it, she can't wait for him to turn it around. so she sidles around him and shoves her face right near his, cheeks almost touching, as she looks animatedly down at the phone. 

"is the sad tulip a limp dick?" she asks.

"is the mushroom the clit?"

sweat drops. everyone knows what that is. 

"virgin caterpillar goes on a wild ride and emerges a butterfly, but only if he touches her plant bud."

she hmmmmmmms. and thinks about it. and says, "yeah, fuck it. i dig it."

"we're totally dead if she ever figures out we did this."
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what's in the bag?
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2023 17:09:30 GMT
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priam giggles at his own work.

"haha, i don't even know," he confesses to parker. "i just used all the garden-related ones."

that was a beauty of being a person who was widely known as the flower shop person. using plant-related metaphors would always seem like in character, and they would all be sexual in nature at some point or another.

priam isn't sure how, but he knows that was the case.

"we can probably just tell her that her phone got hacked," he assures parker. "that's kinda realistic, right? we're in a criminal organization anyways, so there's a good number of master hackers around to clear our name!"

he'd imply that they're dumb enough to not be suspects for hacking, but priam isn't going to talk himself down.

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march 21
debt collector
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what's in the bag?
POSTED ON Dec 29, 2023 3:54:33 GMT
parker jones Avatar

whatever it is, she hopes it gets this matias guy's rocks off. 'cause that'd be fucking hilarious. looking at the gibberish, she'd have to be absolutely mad to think this is in any way sexy (or maybe desperate? or both?) but honestly, maybe that's just on account of the presence of the eggplant. 

no eggplants near parker jones please and thank you. 

if nomi sent her a plant bud, that'd be kind of hot.

should she send nomi a plant bud emoji?

no, that's crazy.

"how d'you sext?" she asks without thinking. and then, after registering what he said: "yeah, i ain't actually worried. i'd prob'ly be too embarrassed to even mention this to anyone if i was her."
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