do the right thing

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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do the right thing
POSTED ON Jul 13, 2019 18:38:02 GMT
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Francie had gotten a tip. Sort of. It was more like she overheard some snooty guys discussing some cargo that they were transporting. From what she heard, it sounded like they were either transporting people or pokémon; definitely something living, though. While usually she wouldn't stick her nose into that sort of business, when she'd asked the person running the place she'd overheard such things about what she had in fact overheard, they informed her that the ones she'd heard it from were good for nothings who were probably losers leftover from Rocket after disbanding.

That officially made it Francie's business. Why? Because she damn well could not and would not just sit around and do nothing while Rocket illegally transported Pokémon for gods only knew what.

They'd said something about ship cargo, it being the best way to transport the 'gem,' and so she snuck her way into the harbor, tagging behind the thugs. It wasn't until they got up and boarded the boat that Francie decided to sneak onto the boat herself. She quietly made her way around the corners of the boat, trying her hardest to get to the cargo without being spotted.

Once she found the cargo-bay, she breathed a sigh of relief. She made it there without being seen thus far. Now it was time to get whatever 'rare' thing they were transporting and get the hell out before she was seen.

[newclass=.francie] margin-top:10px; [/newclass][newclass=.francie b]color:#DEA20C;font-weight:lighter;[/newclass][newclass=.francie i]color:#DEA20C;[/newclass][newclass=.francie a]font:bold 11px roboto!important;color:#aaa;text-transform:uppercase!important;[/newclass]
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