eurobeat [p]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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eurobeat [p]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2019 18:33:43 GMT
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"where the hell do ya think you're going?"

priam finds himself berating a girl that bumped onto him. having a much larger stature meant it didn't affect him as much as the other, but despite of it, he seems to be making a much larger fuss about it.

"huh? huh?!"

he brings his face closer to hers as if to intimidate all while making sure that he still has the height advantage between the two of them. his shadow casts before her, the morning sun not reaching her face.

"what's yer problem? lookin' before turnin' 'round the corner too much work for ya?"

priam didn't make any sense at this point and was simply spouting nonsense to fill in the silence.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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eurobeat [p]
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2019 0:46:43 GMT
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Bryony's swablu clings to her shoulder, tucked into the crook of it. It chirps a quiet song while Bryony fumbles with her phone, swiping across the screen to check any number of things: to do lists, pictures, one of those gacha games someone convinced her to play.

She's in the middle of opening something else when Zuzu suddenly becomes alarmed by something or another and takes off. The small Pokemon breezes through the air and Bryony's pace quickens to try and grab it, less Zuzu get herself lost. She turns to the corner and is met, very abruptly, with a body.

Like some sort of wild animal, the boy turns on her. Bryony freezes in place. Whatever he's doing, it's working. Her cheeks burn red and she holds her phone between them in a pathetic attempt at a barrier.

"I - um - I was - I was - "

Her eyes turn glassy. She can count the number of times someone has yelled at her on one hand.

"My - Pokemon - "

When words fail her, Bryony makes a gesture with her eyes to the Swablu that has taken to sitting on the stranger's head. It seems to be asleep.

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
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Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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eurobeat [p]
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2019 12:46:43 GMT
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"huh?! can't hear ya! hello?"

the swablu rests on his head. he ignored it for the most part as its does not actually cause any harm to him just yet. it seems harmless anyways, and if it wasn't, he was certain he can try to punch it or something in retaliation.

"manners, girl. manners! your parents never thought you that it's rude to do me just like that?"

priam's parents didn't. the ones that claim to be his new ones at the organization didn't either, cause they'd have to act like an actual parental figure to do so, and doing it in rocket was tantamount to being called out for favoritism and being inefficient, or at least, the old one would. he doesn't have any idea how the new one would function.

"speak! you want me to, like, baby ya or something?"

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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eurobeat [p]
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2019 15:19:45 GMT
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Oh no - he keeps going. What does she do? What does she do? Her heart tells her to cry. It tells her to look at him, wobble her lip, and begin loudly sobbing until he either feels bad or runs away. But to cry to get out of this situation? That would be shameless! The others would certainly shake their heads at her in disapproval.

"Noooo," Bryony says in a small voice. She tilts her head forward and stares at the dark screen of her phone. "I'm sorry - I'm sorry for, um, bumping into you."

She peeks up. "I'm not really sure what else you um - you want from me," she adds.

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
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Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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eurobeat [p]
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2019 18:12:08 GMT
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there was some strange kind of sense of accomplishment when he got her to say sorry. it somehow filled him with pride for achieving a victory, no matter how pointless, or meaningless, it was.

"hah! that's what i thought!"

he straightens himself up, holds his arms and blows loudly through his nostrils. the triumph is short-lived however, when she gets to ask him a question he wasn't quite prepared to answer.

"huh? uh..."

it was the opportunity to ask something from her. money? her swablu? he blanks out for a moment as he ponders on the ideas that linger in his head. nothing gets in his mind for a while as he was thinking of anything of monetary value to extort from her.

he gives up and gives her some kind of line that sounds cool in his head.

"what do you think do I want?"

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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eurobeat [p]
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2019 22:33:58 GMT
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Bryony waits. She waits. She stands there in growing discomfort as she continues to wait until finally the boy turns the question back on her. She dares look at him for a long second then back down.


She wasn't prepared for this.


Oh god, what if she gave the wrong answer? Was there a wrong answer?


was right. She should have ran home. Oh Arceus - what does anyone ever want? Mateo wants dragons. Chancelor wants to fight. Noelle wants Mateo. Kyle wants dogs. Morgan wants - what does he want? To bully Chancelor?

Her shoulders slump. "I don't know. I don't know you," she finally says in a mumble. "Could you maybe - um - tell me?"

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
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errand boy
lost in thoughts
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Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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eurobeat [p]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2019 14:46:16 GMT
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she returns the question once more. this wasn't how it was supposed to happen.

"that's not how you answer that question! oh my god, you're so helpless!"

he was about to grab onto his head and pull his hair, but stopped as soon as his fingers the touch of a cloudy pokemon perched upon his head. the frustrated expression turned cheeky as he faces her once more.

"what if, let's say," he grabs the swablu on his head. hands delicate enough to pickpocket and lockpick ensured that his grip on the bird was uncharacteristically gentle. "i want this swabby."

he holds it in front of him, petting it as if it was his own pokemon.

"can i have it?"

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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eurobeat [p]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2019 14:51:54 GMT
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Oh no. Oh no, no no no. The very second the boy touches Zuzu, Bryony realizes what he's about to ask. She's watching a car crash, only she's in the passenger seat when it happens. She reaches out to try and take her Swablu back.

"Um - no?" she says weakly, because it shouldn't be something that has to be said at all. "That's um - that's mine. I've had her since I was ten."

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
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Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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eurobeat [p]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2019 15:00:53 GMT
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she takes him. priam wasn't all that surprised. if the new rocket wasn't trying to be discrete about its identity, he would have tried to snatch it for the sake of terrorizing her. he had to be a good boy for now, unfortunately.

there's also the fact that it doesn't actually interest him compared to a lot of other pokemon, so he leaves her with the swablu for now. besides, he feels her on that whole childhood pokemon thing.

"ooh! i get you! i had a pokemon since i was ten too! loved him to bits!"

the gible evolved within priam's first year of acquiring him, and remained a loyal guardian to him for the remaining years of his life span. his espeon was more like a decoration compared to his gabite for the longest time. he was so excited to have it evolve to a garchomp too!

"he died earlier this year though."

rest in peace gabite. may your soul find eternal repose.

"you sure i can't have that bird as replacement?"


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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eurobeat [p]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2019 15:05:03 GMT
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Bryony lets out a small sigh of relief as he hands the bird pokemon back to her. She hugs it close to her chest in fear he might change his mind. Zuzu, useless as ever, stays asleep.

The boy's story earns three separate reactions from Bryony: interest, shock, and a grimace.

"I would really rather you not," she mumbles, hugging Zuzu even closer. "We could um - maybe we could find you another Pokemon?"

She peeks up at him with a weak, contorted smile., as if her face was being forced to try and look happy.

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
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Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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eurobeat [p]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2019 18:41:38 GMT
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his eyes meets hers. he beams up an almost infectious smile as she shows him hers, trying to get her to copy his. this girl was doing things wrong, and he can't believe smiling was one of them.

"you're offering other pokemon? such a nice girl!"

he knew that her words did not mean it. he wasn't sure if she knows he's playing though.

priam doesn't actually need any more pokemon in his roster cause everyone in his current team was the best. he loves them and wouldn't replace them with anything in the world, unless they die or something.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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eurobeat [p]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2019 20:05:28 GMT
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For a brief second, Bryony's eyes glaze over in a look usually given to the other members of the clan. "Uhhh - no - uh - not like that."

She blows a strand of hair from her face, too concerned that if she lets go of Zuzu, the boy's going to try and take her again. "We could go um, find one on a route. And capture it - like a trainer?"

Bryony shifts in place. "I can even give you a pokeball?"

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
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Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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eurobeat [p]
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2019 17:23:21 GMT
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"no thanks. i'm good."

what was he going to do with a pokemon comparable to swablu anyways? get them to be his pet? he already has his espeon for that, and his espeon blows shit up as well. it's like a two-in-one kind of deal.

"how about you get something stronger than a swablu then? so i can take that instead."

if she was offering, he might as well take the free stuff. it wasn't the exact offer, but maybe he can get a better deal out of the freebie he'll be getting from her.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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eurobeat [p]
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2019 18:28:17 GMT
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None of this is going how Bryony intends although she's not sure how she intended this to go in the first place. Not like this. Not with her agreeing to go catch a random Pokemon for a stranger for the mere offense of bumping into him.

For a second, Bryony thinks she might actually say no. She's going to look this man in the eye and tell him no. And she does that. She stares this blue haired stranger right in his red eyes and she says:


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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
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Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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eurobeat [p]
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2019 4:37:37 GMT
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he swings his arms around her shoulders, not really respecting her own personal space. his disposition towards her turns to a one-eighty, hostility being thrown away as he approaches her with this demand on the table.

"hey, you're free today right? we can go do that now?"

he removes his arm, appearing shocked the next moment with a hand covering a gasp.

"oh my god, this is like a date. is this a date?"
he turns to her, eyes almost literally twinkling, before he retracts himself. he was told that being too pushy might have negative impact on him at times. he assume this was one of those times. "nah, this isn't a date..."

he turns to her right afterwards, as if he did not disappoint himself at that moment.

"but we're doing this, right?"
