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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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sky, finn charbonneau
february 18
virbank city, unova
disguised smoke and mirrors tuning the inner eye, the link the infinite lies within the dreamscape
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TAG WITH @schuyler
schuyler tate
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POSTED ON Jan 2, 2024 2:20:19 GMT
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How utterly tragic it was to ring in the New Year with his editor. Did he have any friends outside of her? Was she even a friend? She was just some idiot bimbo that seemed to be doing him a favor. Though he found himself sprawled out on a recliner in quite a comfortable position, his head ached for some sort of relief. Maybe the sixth shot had been a mistake, but here he was, forced to stomach the verbal abuse from this unbearable woman that 'a real man would take it like a champ,' or some other ridiculous comment.

The seemingly dead storyteller groaned a bit to reassure his company he was still alive. Though it wasn't long before his body sprung to life and legs hurriedly carried him to the bathroom. As he remained hunched over the toilet, clinging to the rim for dear life, he felt his body convulse as he retched. The suffering of it all was that nothing seemed to come out -- likely because he had drank on an empty stomach, a piss poor mistake on his part. Another groan and he pushed himself away from the toilet and used the sink to pull himself up. The sight in the mirror's reflection was one he didn't like.

The party life was not his ideal one. With a quick rinse of mouthwash courtesy of his host, Schuyler stumbled back into the living room and looked at the mess they'd left in their drunken stupor. The snow from the night before left them stuck in place until the plows came through. At the very least, the two could clean up. After all, Alma still hadn't torn down her Christmas decorations. (It was amazing she even had the time to decorate. But he couldn't complain too much, at least she managed to get some sleep last night.)

It didn't stop the gentle nudge he gave her with the tip of his shoe.

"Wake up," Schuyler grunted. "I'm not going to clean this shit up by myself."

⚰︎ divider made by milky!


mission : festive flirts
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 2, 2024 11:12:11 GMT
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borderline whine-like grumbles and silver locks intertwined to form the creature that was alma, sprawled over the large white bear rug that was a centerpiece of the large cabin's living room area. there was so much booze left over from the christmas festivities that it felt like a waste to just let it all sit around and collect dust. [break]
it was likely a mistake to invite schuyler of all people to help her polish off the expensive bottles, but he seemed to take it all well -- until she could hear him dry heaving down the hallway. a wry chuckle followed the editor's rise from her 'dead' state of being, holding her head up with one hand while the other worked to grab onto the toe of the shoe that tried to rouse her into an alert position. "and why not? it's the least you could do for lil' ol' me, don't you think? i've done so much for you this year!" with a roaring laugh, she looped an arm around the blonde man's shoulders to pull him down to her height -- a playful and friendly manner of jostling him about even though they were both rather fucked up.[break]
"but you're right. shoulda gotten someone to clean this all up when i had to go in for a meeting the day after the first party." the holidays were some of her very few days off of work and she cherished them greatly - throwing gatsby-level fiestas that had the large shed covered from head to toe in decorations befitting the christmas season. now that it was beyond new year's, she had no reason to keep up the various lights and wreaths. she needed to take them down, but she had little to no interest in cleaning -- [break]
hence where schuyler came in.[break]
aside from being a coworker, he was also a good friend of hers - one she would actually call a 'friend' and not just another partygoer she picked up to go wild with or some face in the crowd she let in on some good graces. he was dependable. it made him easy to rely on for mundane things such as these. "and here." popping open the top of a cigarette box, it was revealed that alma kept some nondescript blue tablets in foil casing. [break]
"does wonders for nausea. it's a new mix i've been making by cultivating oddish leaves. take some and we can start on tearing everything down. not much else to do since we're snowed in, sweetheart."[break]
⚰︎ divider made by milky!
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sky, finn charbonneau
february 18
virbank city, unova
disguised smoke and mirrors tuning the inner eye, the link the infinite lies within the dreamscape
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TAG WITH @schuyler
schuyler tate
< viscum album > [m]
POSTED ON Jan 2, 2024 14:04:45 GMT
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The blonde was forced to stumble for proper footing the moment Alma threw an arm over his shoulder. Even in a post-drunken stupor, she still managed to hold her rather abhorrent, chipper attitude. Here he was, a knock away from death's door, and she was treating it like a normal Monday morning. But the moment she pulled out a cigarette pack, he felt a sense of relief come upon him. Maybe a cigarette would help him settle his hangover if even for a minute. But the moment that she popped it open and revealed a pack of pills inside, he felt hesitant.

Really? The two had drank the night away and now she wanted to keep it going like some frat party bender? Before he could refuse, she reassured him what they were for, and for a moment, he felt he couldn't refuse. It's like his eyes were about to pop out of his skull from the immense pressure he felt. With a quiet 'thanks,' Schuyler took one of the pills out of the packaging and swallowed it dry. For now, he was forced to sit down until the effects helped ease the tension.

An exhale left his lips as he stared at the mess left behind. A broken coffee table, an empty bottle of tequila that had almost rolled completely under the couch, chip crumbs and pizza boxes littered about from the breaking of the aforementioned coffee table... As he struggled to remember the events of the night before, he remembered briefly that Alma wanted to show him some 'sick ass wrestling move' she'd seen. The poor table didn't even stand a chance. But at least the impact was enough to knock her out for the night.

After about ten minutes of just sitting there with his eyes closed, his headache began to ease. That much meant they should at least start picking things up. Schuyler meandered over to her kitchen to grab a trash bag so he could gather what he could before they swept up the crumbs that littered the carpet.

Soon enough, he took to the strands of garland that hung on the walls. With each thumb tack plucked out, the long strand began to come down. Though he did have to halt once he got to a display weaved into the garland itself. As he shot a glance over at the editor, his tone came out wry and unamused. Whomever she had decorate her cabin was an idiot -- pure, plain, and simple.

"You know this stuff weaved into the garland isn't holly, right? Holly has red berries. This is mistletoe."

⚰︎ divider made by milky!


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 4, 2024 0:27:07 GMT
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alma had the liberty of hiring others to do small tasks such as putting up decorations while she was working her ass off at her office. this liberty didn't particularly mean that it would be carried out properly, though, and the biologist would certainly not make such a careless mistake when she had to drag her feet through botany classes to earn her doctorate. [break]
"aw shit!" a cheery smile on her face, the silver-haired woman stumble-walked to schuyler to lean against him. her constant invasion of his private space showed how comfortable she was with him - seeming him one of her less annoying 'charges' when it came to her less known occupation. "is it?" looking at the bauble that the writer pointed out, her eyes gleamed and accentuated the heterochromia-bound contrast of her cooler blue eye and the sharper silver one. this made her seem both amused and analytical all at once - perhaps closely observing schuyler's reactions while she snaked around him, her body coiled around his own as she circled tightly and held a hand upon his hip with her other palm cupping one of his cheeks to help tilt him down and have his chin tilt down towards her face.[break]
"were you caught under it?" [break]
⚰︎ divider made by milky!
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