zzz [c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jul 31, 2019 10:34:59 GMT
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"huh? you wanna... fight?"

priam stared at her as he waited for his food from one of the stalls set up on the streets of the lower district. the vendor hands priam his order before she could answer, to which he responds with giving him his payment. it takes a few seconds, but he returns to her right afterwards.

"you want to fight? like a fist fight or a pokemon fight?"

he blows on the freshly cooked takoyaki, which apparently was a delicacy from johto if the advertised signage was right, before biting the whole thing. he reacts by taking deep breaths with the food in his mouth, cooling it off while he burns himself from the food.

he wonders where she got the idea of challenging him in a battle from. he guesses it was from beating @bryony up in a one-sided match or something.

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POSTED ON Jul 31, 2019 11:11:22 GMT
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Sunshine had seen one of the boy's Pokemon earlier and it had enthused her into hunting him down and demanding a battle. But now, presented with options, she finds herself at a loss. "Well, I've never been in a fist fight," she admits, "That could be fun."

Sunny watches him as he takes a bite. "You're suppose to let it cool, dummy." She shakes her head in disappointment at the stranger before going back to his previous question. Sunny strokes an imaginary beard.

"Both." Her final answer. She stares at him with an uncomfortable intensity. "Both is good."

Her gaze flickers down to the takoyaki. "But you can eat first. A lady never makes someone duel her in the middle of food. Can I have one? It's 'tacoyucki'?"

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POSTED ON Jul 31, 2019 16:41:07 GMT
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he cools down the food and chews before snickering at her answer. he turns to the vendor, who smiles awkwardly at him, and mouths the words 'she's gonna lose'.

"well, that doesn't matter," he tells her as he finishes his, swallowing it right as he finishes the last statement "i do what i want."

he takes another one, this time, he lets it cool off before biting onto it. he chews it thoroughly cause he doesn't want indigestion if he ever does go in a fist fight with a girl smaller than him by almost a whole foot.

she asks for one. he obliges.

"yeah, sure. here. hold your hand out."

he dangles the food on a toothpick, waiting for her to actually hold her hand out.

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POSTED ON Jul 31, 2019 17:44:24 GMT
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"I also do what I want!" Sunshine says without a hint of malice. She looks at the offered takoyaki, covered in some sort of syrup like substance, and then at her own bare hand. Well, she's touched worse. Still, Sunny takes care in grabbing it, pinching the sides in an effort to avoid a mess. She pops it into her mouth.

Two bites in, something rubbery squishing between teeth, Sunny decides this is going on a list of terrible things she has eaten. She swallows the majority of it whole and gags, knocking a fist into her chest in an attempt to help it go down.

"Thanks! I hate it."

Looking back up to the boy, Sunny offers her other hand out. "I'm Sunshine. Most people call me Sunny. Do you wanna go somewhere less crowded? I have a really big pokemon and I've found people usually prefer I not summon him in crowded places."

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POSTED ON Aug 2, 2019 17:10:21 GMT
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he looks at her reject the food. a smile forms on his lips. so this is how it felt to be an adult in front of a child. a smirk forms unknowingly in his expression.

"it's an acquired taste," he repeats the words of @kingsley when he tried to have a sip of alcohol. "you wouldn't get it cause you're a baby."

growing up, priam didn't have much of an option when it came to food that he puts in his mouth. as long as it was edible and it didn't make him sick, he can already label it as good food, which the one he's currently eating can be classified as.

he takes another one, cools it off, and starts to chew on it. he starts talking with his mouth full.

"wre, am-" he swallows, and then continues, "yeah, call me conrad."

he doesn't really have giant pokemon, besides maybe his golurk and his venusaur if he stretches it a bit. he had always wanted them, but size doesn't usually translate to usefulness according to his experience. his favorite pokemon is a testament to that.

then again, his espeon isn't actually used for battles most of the time.

"aight, just tell me where we fightin' and i'll follow."

he takes another bite, just finishing half of the serving he ordered. he chews slowly, waiting for sunny to lead him to where their battle would take place.

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POSTED ON Aug 2, 2019 19:19:53 GMT
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Sunny's mouth thins into little more than a line, giving her an expression not unlike that of a particularly polite cat. The boy does not look much older than her, so who is he to go around to call her baby? She'll just have to show him up. The best way to make a statement and prove your so called adultliness is by beating someone into submission.

He agrees and Sunny returns to her bright smile. "Cool! Alright, Connie, let's go."

She offers a hand out, then takes him by the wrist to pull him with, utilizing more force than someone of her stature should probably have. She drags him through until they reach a field outside of town and then she turns to Conrad and puts her hands on her hips.

"So! How does this work? Do we duke it out first or let our Pokemon battle or do we do both at the same time?"

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POSTED ON Aug 5, 2019 18:44:20 GMT
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connie... he liked the name since it sounded cute but he wonders if it fits him as a character. he's this edgy, mysterious guy with a handsome face after all.

he eventually feels the tug on his arm as he muses on the name, taking him by surprise and almost making him drop what remains (which is just a single piece) of the plate he ordered. he finishes it while he's getting dragged, with the food being chewed on their way to the field.

"battle first, of course!" he answers her question, in a as-a-matter-of-fact kinda way. "who's gonna order your pokemon when i accidentally knock you unconscious in one hit?"

would he really go all out against her? probably. priam doesn't take any challenges lightly, and he knows not to underestimate anyone.

"so, how would you like the rules to go?" a chuckle left him as he said the words. a criminal trying to implement rules was ironic on its own. "i can go to up to six pokemon if you want."

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POSTED ON Aug 5, 2019 19:28:33 GMT
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"Oh, you're right! Wow! You're really smart. I didn't even think of what would happen when one of us loses!" she says, sounding uncannily sincere as she looks at Connie. Sunny doubts he'll knock her out (this is for fun, isn't it?) but if one of them's hurt, then the battle after probably wouldn't be too fair, right?

As for the question, Sunny taps her cheek in thought. "I like one on one and two on two battles best!" she answers, clapping her hands together. "That's how I grew up, anyways. I use to have a magikarp and he would lose whenever I did more than a one on one battle."

She grabs one of the pokeballs at her belt.

"Do you wanna do it so we both use six pokemon total? Or umm, just three, if we do a one on one?" Sunny asks, turning the ball about in her hands. She slings it high into the air and from it, a gyarados, far larger than any normal one, emerges. He casts a shadow over the pair and looks down at Priam.

"Ohhh! You know, you look like a Gyarados!" Sunny exclaims, rocking onto the balls of her toes. "You're both blue with red eyes!"

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POSTED ON Aug 7, 2019 4:25:51 GMT
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"one on one, with three pokemon each. sounds good!"

he picks up a pokeball and stops just before he throws it out from sunny's own statement. it makes him grin, puffing his chest out with the pride of being compared to a gyarados. "we're also both big and strong boys too. the semblance is there, i see it." he did not acknowledge that gyarados do look ugly.

"you're more like this one!"

he finally throws the pokeball out, revealing a venusaur. it appears a little bit up in the air, landing with a loud thump and releasing a shock wave on the ground as it dropped.

"cause you're both girls."

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POSTED ON Aug 7, 2019 11:34:13 GMT
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Sunny waits with barely contained excitement, hands folding together in front of her as she bounces on her heels. What sort of Pokemon is she? A pachirisu? Small, excitable? A pikachu? Maybe a druddigon!

Her expression falls flat as she stares at the venusaur, the force of it landing knocking Sunny to her rear. Her smile is empty, lifeless, devoid of any semblence of emotion. She resembles a - a venusaur?

"Wow! I'm really cool! And pretty! You must think I'm pretty!" she exclaims, springing back to her feet.

The gyarados stares down at the venusaur, weakening it with intimidate.

"Give her that mean ol' scary face, Nemo!" Sunshine calls. Nemo threatening stare turns into a leer.

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POSTED ON Aug 17, 2019 16:50:41 GMT
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it isn't known whether the venusaur is affected or not since it does not budge from its spot. cold eyes watched the gyarados stare it down, and priam could notice it trying to force itself not to back away.

"sludge bomb!"

it would be the first one to launch an attack that would get the advantage, and priam seizes that moment.

the venusaur launches a few blobs of toxic sludge up in the air, before gravity pulls them back. balls of sludge rains from the sky onto the gyarados, with some of them exploding as the initial sludge bombs hit the ground.

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POSTED ON Aug 18, 2019 13:22:31 GMT
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The sludge bombs splatter against Gyarados' scales and Sunny steps back to avoid being hit. Her Gyarados is at the type disadvantage. No good.

In a split second, Sunny rattles off each of her Pokemon in her head, trying to decide which one would be best. She has only has two choices left of her six pokemon.

"Nemo, come back! Chonkers - let's go!"

With a pokeball in each hand, Sunny recalls the gyarados and instead sends out Tepig. The pig pokemon lands with a squeal.

"Defense curl into flame charge!"

Chonkers rolls into a ball, defense increasing, and topples forward into flame charge. He squeals with the might of a thousand mightyenas.

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POSTED ON Aug 21, 2019 19:20:57 GMT
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the move connects, but the venusaur doesn't budge despite the supposed type disadvantage.

the illusion fades as soon as the flame charge hits the zoroark. he retaliates with a foul play, tripping the tepig with a sweep of his feet and using its momentum against itself by letting the fire-type hit the ground with the same force as his charge.

"night daze!"

darkness pulsated from the zoroark's hands, coming out as a wave as it aims to push away the tepig further.

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POSTED ON Aug 24, 2019 11:31:20 GMT
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The dramatic reveal of the zoroark makes Sunny gasp, hands clapping to each side of her face. "Woah! It was a zoroark all along! That's amazing!"

Before Chonkers can even stand, he's knocked back by a blast of darkness that sends him rolling. The tepig snorts as it pushes itself to its feet, somewhat unsteady and dazed. His accuracy is lowered.

"Use roar!"

Chonkers, small and rotund, rises onto his back legs as a roar rips from his tiny lungs, threatening to shake the very air.

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POSTED ON Aug 25, 2019 3:15:20 GMT
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the move fores his zoroark back to its ball. another pokemon forces itself out of theirs to switch into the battlefield. surprise colors priam's expression as his eyes see who takes his zoroark's place.

"i... i can work with this!"

the shroomish stands before the tepig. it was one of the pokemon that has been with priam for the longest time, though most of the use he gets from it aren't for battle purposes. still, a pokemon is a pokemon, and that means they can fight if needed.


a gigantic cloud of pollen spreads from the shroomish's location, spreading throughout the venue. priam quickly covers his nose with the hem of his shirt's collar.