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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Feb 26, 2024 18:15:06 GMT
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Oscar squinted at his phone as he tried to decipher the text that had sent him. Poor Mister Clayton was the substitute proctor for some Spectra training. Anything to increase his presence in Spectra, he thought. Plus Mint said he would have the whole thing planned out already, all Oscar had to do was instruct and observe. What Oscar forgot to account for was that any text from Mint was like trying to learn a second language.

This isn't evrytin but enuf to getcha started on simple recon. Practice blending n2 crowds: neutrals colors, walking under cover, norm g8, middle of crowds etc. hv a gd excuse 4 nefing (convincing n kwik ) introduce her to some of our lowkey observation equipment. cn she do her own make ^? Etc….I cnt thnk of much. I learned alot of my stff on the job n w/ trial n error. I'll hafta sit dwn one day n write it out but this is all ive off the cuff sorryyyy Oscarrrr <3

"I um...uh..." Oscar looked between his phone screen and today's trainee, . He had never met Ms. Fairbanks, and after today she would surely wish that she had never met Oscar. Oscar cleared his throat, deciding to put his phone away for now. I mean, how hard could it really be to do a little intel training?

Oscar clapped his hands together, "So--welcome to your second Spectra assessment. Um, what do you know about reconnaissance? You know, just to get a baseline."

Note: ty kimmy
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Violet Fairbanks
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POSTED ON Feb 26, 2024 21:50:05 GMT
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“I know that one of the key aspects of reconnaissance is to be observant of one’s surroundings and have a keen eye for details that may or may not be important before they do become important. Such as you evidently being irked about something involving whatever you just checked on your phone. And since some profiling is a necessity when doing reconnaissance, you do appear to be the kind of person that does not just check up random things on the internet right in front of an assessment, so it stands to reason that you were checking on something related to the task. I might even be able to make an educated guess as to what it is about, but that really is not the time and place, right?”
Naturally, she espoused all of that in a casual, friendly way, with a slight smile on her face. She was already deep into her role, casually sliding herself into a position that could ambiguously slot in somewhere between friend, girlfriend or sister depending on this man’s attitude. This was meant to be intel work so the moment they even got remotely close to the public, she had started to not behave too much like a rocket, or an underling.
Of course, though, she would still keep professional courtesy and be polite about it all. “Naturally, remaining inconspicuous is also important. I do have a bit of an handicap on that end due to being a pale beauty, but some things can’t be helped on short notice. And I should be able to get work done without lengthy hair-dying sessions anyway, I guess.” Plus, she was fortunate enough to be paired with another of the pale persuasion for this, so it wasn’t too bad.



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POSTED ON Mar 4, 2024 18:04:33 GMT
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Oscar raised his eyebrows. "You know your stuff. Alright then let's put it to the test." Oscar motioned for Violet to follow him, leading her to a nearby table with a heavy case sitting upon it. Oscar unlatched the case's lid and opened it up to reveal a neat array of gizmos and makeup supplies. Thank goodness Mint picked out some stuff Oscar actually recognized.

Oscar carefully unpacked the case, setting every gadget along the table. In total there was: A watch that hides a multitude of tiny tools, a pen with a hidden USB drive containing a code cracking algorithm, pearl earrings with microphones within the pearls, glasses with a hidden camera within the frame, five "bugs" that could be planted for covert eavesdropping, a hygiene mask with a voice changer on the inside, and a makeup kit with a large selection of brushes.

Oscar stood to the side of the table and leaned on it as he explained the scenario. "Here's a hypothetical. Imagine you're a League operative working undercover to infiltrate Rocket. You've been given this selection of tools to help with your mission. Your task is to make it into the office , download the files on his computer, plant three bugs in strategic locations, all while remaining undetected. How would you accomplish this? Oh, and pretend you don't have any pokemon."

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Violet Fairbanks
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POSTED ON Mar 5, 2024 21:55:49 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Ah, praise. That was always very welcome. Her smile deepened a little, but she still controlled herself. After all, this was official enough business, not just some kind of fun little exercise. Vio took it very seriously. Hence, she quietly and attentively followed and observed.[break]
Some of the tools presented she actually knew already. But others were new. Fortunately though, she spent enough time in R&D to be able to figure out what the new ones did well enough.
The purpose of it all became clear soon enough as that hypothetical test was given. Naturally, she gave it some thought before saying anything at all in that regard. “Well, the first part of the operation would be gathering intelligence on the mark and the office in question. From what I gleamed from a distance so far, Delaney is the slippery sort, the kind of person that would not be fooled by sleight of hand. Any attempt to do these things while they are in said office would be bound to fail, at least from what I have seen.” After all, the tools presented would allow her to fake her identity to an extent, certainly. But if that person was worth their position, they would not be that careless. Even Mint, for all their lackadaisical attitude, had not left her unsupervised in their room for a second during their meeting.
As such, the modulation trinkets would only be useful in a rather narrow kind of way. “The first order of business after that would be to find a genuine excuse to scout out the interior. It is not too difficult to do so for a grunt without too much of a name to themselves, there are always deliveries to make you can volunteer for. An opportunity would naturally present itself, most likely. If not, trying to deliver to the quote unquote wrong office is always and option.[break]
After that, a schedule would need to be acquired. That kind of task would need at least half an hour, with enough buffer time, but would also have to be accomplished while the computer is at least in stand-by mode, since as far as I know, booting it up when no one should be around is something that can be found with relative ease.[break]
And finally, the actual infiltration is where the gadgets come in of course. A combination of earrings and mask to deal with voice recognition, a watch to pick a physical lock and a pen to deal with the actual computer. And the bugs would be placed but without first scouting it out and testing out the acoustics on the leftover bugs I could do little but guess where to put them.”
Vio gave a light shrug at the end. She certainly had picked up a lot of useful tricks with the techies, but ultimately, something like that would take a lot of field work. “Of course, seduction would be the easiest method, but at least last time I saw them, I got a decidedly ‘taken’ kind of vibe from him. My intuition isn’t wrong a lot in these cases.” Well, aside from certain woman that should not be spoken of here.



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POSTED ON Mar 24, 2024 18:18:35 GMT
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Oscar nodded along, his face expressionless as he took in Violet's explanation. She really knew herself, something told Oscar that this training was more of a formality than anything else. As he concluded her hypothetical scheme, Oscar chuckled lightly.

"You sound like you have a lot of experience already. Good, we need quality spies within our network." It did make Oscar just a tad uneasy. He was never really trustful of Rocket's spies, anyone who made it their business to deceive others for their own gain were likely not reliable as confidants. He much preferred being upfront with others, which is why if someone was his enemy he would just take their shit instead of luring them into a false sense of security first. Eh, different strokes different folks.

Regardless, Violet was ready to be tested--and with complete creative freedom Oscar had set up the perfect exam. "What I'm curious about though, is how well you perform without time for setup." Oscar leaned forward, placing his hands against the table as he shot Violet a wily grin. "So your examination is as follows--You have two hours to break into the office of and steal this." He reached into his pocket and brought out a picture of what appeared to be a glass psyduck statuette. He held the photo aloft so that Violet could get a good view.

Oscar had approached Fern before the training to see if he could use his office for this very exam. Fern generously agreed, after taking all of his most sensitive files elsewhere of course. Violet, of course, did not need to know this detail.

"You may use any of the tools I've provided to accomplish this. No pokemon will be permitted, and to make sure you don't cheat..." Oscar put down the photo and pulled out a pure red pokeball. Released from it was a black Genesect with flame decals, the very first of its kind: Genesect Prime. "Prime here will be following you. It won't do anything but observe your actions." Prime gave Violet a wave of its claw, only semi-aware of what was currently happening based on what it had just heard.

Oscar pulled out his phone to check the time and whistled. "Fuck, listen to me blab. Fern will be back on the sub in one hour and fifty six minutes, better get going."

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Violet Fairbanks
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POSTED ON Mar 26, 2024 21:46:22 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Ah, so this was not going to be much of a lesson, but more of another assessment. Okay. That did make sense. She probably had brought it upon herself, being this forward in flaunting what she already knew. But that wasn’t something she would lament either way. Violet was done just floating by, after all. She did want to prove herself, in a way, so an opportunity to do so was welcome all the same.
Hence, she reciprocated that grin with one of her own, after showing some brief surprise. She had not expected this, but she figured that it just made sense. And extrapolated that this little excursion was approved by someone higher up. It simply would not make any sense to use this to get her into hot water. That man had no motive to do so. And there would be easier ways to do so, either way.
No, she decided with the simplest answer – that this was a properly adjusted assessment. Hence, the first thing she did was pick up the watch and set it so that it would hit noon in ninety more minutes. Not that she spent twenty five minutes doing nothing, of course.
She just assumed that the time table would be moved to add more pressure. Vio just decided to anticipate that and plan accordingly. “Well then, that sounds reasonably unreasonable, then. Just the kind of work that should be expected, I reckon,” she noted wistfully while setting herself up with the other items available. “Well, off I am. Here’s to hoping that prime can be stealthier than it looks,” she teased before heading out.
[break][break]Though she did hope that the Genesect would be able to hide inconspicuously. Because otherwise she would most definitely have to creatively use it, too. Handicaps had to be turned into advantages, after all.

+ - will leave it to you to set the scene, then, don't wanna assume things



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POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 15:51:13 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar had to admit that he got something of a petty satisfaction in seeing Violet be taken aback, even if only slightly. Yet the confidence she had displayed thus far did not waver, and that pleased Oscar even more. To falter when given the chance to prove one's skill would have been a dire mark upon her grade.

She was off in no time flat, and Prime would be hot on her heels. Oscar meanwhile sat himself upon the table, pulling out his phone to watch the operation through Prime's HUD. He pulled a lollipop out of his coat pocket, tossing it into his mouth as he prepared to enjoy the show.

Prime followed Violet all the way to the high offices. Its prominent flame decals were easy to identify, so as long as Violet remained confident no other grunts would accost them. The challenge would only begin once Violet reached the foyer of Fern's office, where his secretary sat. The secretary would look up as the duo approached.

"Oh! I'm sorry but Mister Delaney isn't in right now. I can leave him a message if you'd like."

Prime looked to Violet, waiting to see what she would do.

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Violet Fairbanks
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POSTED ON Apr 4, 2024 21:17:04 GMT
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Know your enemy. That was the primary rule of warfare and espionage. Of course, that was easier said than done on such short notice. She only had the time of her walk to sort this out. And she had nothing but conjecture to go on. After all, that door would not be completely unguarded or anything like that. There being a secretary was something she had glimpsed before. The biggest question was a different one: was the secretary in on the test or not?

Conventional wisdom implied not. Secretaries were not trained actors, after all. And from what she had gathered from the person that had given her the task and the one it targeted? They seemed like the kind that would prefer to keep everyone in the dark as much as possible.
Hence, she banked on that. And given the short timeframe, and how most of the tools given would not be very useful to fool someone face to face, the most useful tactic seemed to be a simple fire drill.
Fortunately, she had been given some flame decals to work with. And she decided to go all in on that tactic. That poor secretary probably did not deserve it at all. But that was not Vio’s issue. Instead, she would shoot that woman the coldest gaze she could muster. “I know. That’s why I am here on orders,” she answered, coldly, nodding towards her most useful prop – the Genesect. She actually did not know whether or not that thing’s visor transmitted anything, though she figured it was possible. Something like that had come up with science.
Then, she briefly reached into her bag and flicked something towards the poor secretary. “Know what that is? It’s bad news, that’s what it is. If there are some in one office, they could be in others, too, so we are to check this foyer at least for more. Preferably before your boss gets back and finds one on their own. Or worse, fails to find.” She offered a shrug, giving this woman a few moments to accept that and to sort out her initial response.[break][break]
There was no way to get this person to leave without authority, but the implication that an executive was watching and the implication that it might spell trouble for the other if another was found there would at least make for a distraction to work with.
Plus, she did not immediately go for entry to the office itself. That had to be woven in organically. Nothing bad about bug-proofing the entry area, after all.



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POSTED ON Apr 10, 2024 14:08:43 GMT
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Oscar watched intently to see how the secretary would react. Prime would simply stand still in a neutral position, which luckily for Violet was still incredibly intimidating. The secretary nervously nodded, getting up to unlock the door for Violet. As she sat back down, she even began frantically checking under her desk in search of hidden listening devices that did not exist.

Oscar grinned and chuckled to himself. Watching Violet putting her knowledge into practice provided a unexpected level of satisfaction. She would be able to easily find the statuette sitting upon Fern's desk, but would she notice the two active cameras in the room? If so, how would she handle them? Oscar used his free hand to lean back against the desk, semi-lounging as he continued observing.

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Violet Fairbanks
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POSTED ON Apr 10, 2024 21:36:44 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Now, that was surprisingly forthcoming of that secretary. Letting her in and returning to her spot? That was almost criminally careless, in her opinion. Of course, she would not let that go to waste at all and simply sauntered in under the watchful eye of the Genesect, which was still her best asset in all of this.
And naturally, she quickly spotted her target. Only she did not go for that immediately, but instead started with the closest surfaces and corners, giving them an actual investigation. If she found some hostile bugs, that would only aid in her evaluation, she figured. Plus, it gave her an excuse to get a better understanding of the room itself. There were cameras there, to her surprise, though she figured those would be turned off when the boss was actually inside. Privacy and stuff.
Now though? They were active. “So far, so good,” she sounded to both the secretary and the cameras, indicating that she was still on the task, before finally turning towards the desk proper. Again, she decidedly did not seem to notice the statuette at first, though she also did not go into any drawers or the like. This was a cursory investigation, after all.
And since there were cameras, it would be impossible to keep it all secret anymore at all. But that could not be helped. None of the tools given to her could seamlessly take care of a camera feed and any interruption would just be her giving someone confirmation of something shady being afoot. [break][break]
Those were just facts. And she was here to show skill, not superhuman ability. Hence, this would have to make do. After all, if she played this right, she would at least be able to reasonably get it out.
After all, the task had been to steal, not to steal with her cover intact. Those were important distinctions. For an agent, sometimes orders meant blowing their cover. That was just the nature of things. And it was impossible, at least without Pokemon assistance or specialized tools, to steal something in a surveilled room without anyone noticing it was gone.
It would have to suffice. She sighed, both feigned and genuinely, as she got up and pretended to finally notice the statuette. Approaching it, she made sure to use her body to block view of the statuette itself – and of her left hand, which she had rubbed against some of the makeup supplies while pretending to check under the desk.[break][break]
Now, she just had to carefully apply the blemish while picking the statuette up and taking a closer look. “Ms. Secretary?” She called that out while making her way towards the door, statuette in hand but mindful enough of the cameras to stay in their vision, but keep the statuette mostly out of this. Certainly, she would not actually take it outside of the room before the secretary had a look at it. “This statuette looks important. Like the kind that your boss would take good care of. Has this blemish always been there? If someone got their hands on it and hid a listening device inside, that would be bad news in all kinds of ways.” She pretended to shake it a bit, as if trying to see if something was inside. “Maybe I could ask someone in science to just x-ray it quickly. Else we’ll just have to bother the man himself….”[break][break]
Naturally, she mused to herself like that in order to make the secretary hear that. It would be the best possible outcome if the woman made that call herself. Hence, Vio had indicated the tampering. Obviously, that person would be in deep trouble if not just a listening device had been planted, but inside of an important trinket to boot.
Plus, just in case this all had not been sanctioned, she was giving Oscar an out to just have it returned in time with no harm done.



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POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 17:41:07 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
As Violet emerged from the office with the statuette, the secretary would blindly fall victim for the wily spy's gambit. After all, it was better to be safe and check for tampering than to be sorry by blocking an official investigation. She nodded feverishly, "Yes that's absolutely fine. I think that was a gift too so it would make a lot of sense. Please let me know what you find." She gave Violet a deep bow, trying to appear as respectful as possible to what she believed was a Rocket Official.

Once again Oscar found himself giggling childishly at the secretary's expense. She would not be fired, but she will for sure need some more training after this blunder. As Violet and Genesect made their way back to the training facility, Oscar would put his cellphone back into his pocket. He adjusted his posture, as if trying to appear as though he had been standing straight this entire time.

As the duo arrived, Oscar would raise his arms in welcome. "That, my dear, was fantastic work. Flawlessly executed, like a true master." When the statuette was presented to him, Oscar would gently grab it and display it reverently to the light of the gymnasium. He would then tilt his hand, causing it to fall and smash into pieces across the floor. Oscar chuckled, "It was my statue. I planted it. Completely hideous, wasn't it?"

Oscar dusted off his hands before placing them onto his hips, "So of course you passed, I mean you could probably teach your own class on espionage if you wanted. How about a celebratory coffee on me?"

Genesect raised its claws in celebration, for it loved watching humans drink coffee. Why was that? I'm not sure. Kinda freaks Oscar out now that he thought about it...

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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
Spy School [M]
POSTED ON Apr 12, 2024 20:34:34 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

A gift, huh? That changed things. What she was doing there would then not be an accusation against some unknown that might have snuck in, but instead fall onto whoever gave this out. Well, if it led to anything, that was. She was not too fussed about it. Still, she kept that in mind as she nodded. “Of course, I will send word as soon as possible,” she replied, kind of enjoying having someone bow so deeply to her. Faking and borrowing authority was something she always enjoyed. Then again, she was trying to earn the real thing here, so it was best to not get carried away.
Instead, she gave a much shorter but still courteous bow, then left.
Once she arrived, she noticed that the man was still in a similar position that he had left in. Which was kind of strange, especially when he immediately commended her in a way that implied he had been watching. Had he just…watched, then pretended to not have moved much at all for now reason? She arched a brow but did not ask. It had always been her assumption that she would have been watched, so it was all the same to her.
Then, she tilted her head at his display, but did not show quite as much surprise as she might have had when the man just dropped the thing. The gift part had tipped her off a bit, but it did not actually matter all that much. What happened to the thing after she handed it off was not her responsibility. It was that simple.[break][break]
“Hmm, it was not exactly to my tastes, but I tend not to judge unless something is too repulsive. Gets in the way of the act,” she replied with a shrug. After all, changing one’s tastes to a role one played was important. Though admittedly, she tended to choose roles that would look down on statuettes like that, but that was neither here nor there.
What was more important was praise and knowing she passed. For that, she certainly allowed a proper smile to cross her lips. “Flattery is always appreciated, though I have to admit that the circumstances of this test helped me a lot. Things are much more uncertain out there. Though I reckon having to go in with this amount of constraints is also not quite realistic, either.” She added a shrug. Honestly, being given that little time and information while also being barred from using her primary tools was probably not going to come up too often. Hence, she was not too bothered about it. [break][break]
“That being said, a coffee does sound lovely indeed, so I will take you up on that kind offer~.”



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Spy School [M]
POSTED ON Apr 19, 2024 1:58:20 GMT
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