i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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April 8
Ecruteak City
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5'11" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @tsuru
Mitsuru Kagami
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2024 5:10:40 GMT
Mitsuru Kagami Avatar
Mitsuru was many things, but as she was quickly finding out, a good businesswoman was not one of them.

Arceus knows she tried to be. She really did! But after many frantic days and sleepless nights of increasingly stressful mathematics, she had reached her soulcrushing conclusion: Lady Crane's Mystic Services simply was not profitable. Between the astronomical price of renting retail space in Slateport, and the brutal interest rates on her debts, there was no way for her revenue to outpace her costs. No matter how hard she fudged the numbers, no matter how much she racked her brains, no matter how badly she wished it were otherwise, her finances refused to change.

Alas, it seemed that the twin evils of loans and leases couldn't be defeated so easily.

After about an hour of very weepy afternoon mathematics, she calculated she had about a month before she went bankrupt... A month! Four whole weeks! And she didn't even have a clue about how to turn things around! This was bad. She had to buy herself more time. She had to stem the bleeding before things got even worse. She needed money, and she needed it now.

After a mental breakdown/brainstorming session, she reached her second soulcrushing conclusion of the day: She needed a second job. An extra paycheque might not be enough to rescue her, but it'd at least keep her head above water! Sure, she had no qualifications and no employable skills, and yeah, it'd have to be flexible enough that she juggle both it and Lady Crane's Mystic Services, and alright, she'd didn't have the time to wait through a lengthy recruitment process, but that was no problem! Slateport was a big city. Surely, she could find something that fit the bill.






And that's more or less the gist of how she ended up in this terrible, awful, no good, very bad situation:

"H... H... H-Hiiii~! Welcome to Hoothooters... My name is Mits--uki! Mitsuki! That's my name, ha, haha... Um, may I take your order?"


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May 15th
Fortree City
5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @wendy
Wendy Peterson
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2024 7:28:32 GMT
Wendy Peterson Avatar

From the outside Slateport is an incredible city with impressive structures and scenic landscapes. The same can't be said about it's locals.. A majority of them were aggressive and hostile towards her, overall unwilling to help her out. Wendy felt it wasn't all that surprising; given the troubling history of the city, she couldn't blame the residents for being on edge.

After wandering the city for quite a bit, she randomly came across HootHooters. Figuring it was a local restaurant as she's never seen it before her interest was piqued; it also helped that the mascot of the restaurant was quite adorable. She enters the restaurant knowing nothing about it, which is why she was surprised to see that most of the waitstaff were wearing rather Revealing and uncomfortable looking uniforms. She decided to hold her tongue following the hostess as she led her towards a empty table.

It didn't take long for a waitress to come and introduce herself. Except it was obvious.. that this waitress was new and clearly very very nervous. Wendy gives Mitsuki a warm smile which she hoped provided some reassurance, "Nice to meet you Mitsuki, that's a very pretty name." She smiles again giving a gentle nod when questioned on what she wanted to order taking another minute to flip through the menu. "For now can I get some Iced water please?" a generic request but she needed some more time looking over the appetizers and entrees.


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April 8
Ecruteak City
5'11" height
5'11" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
64 posts
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TAG WITH @tsuru
Mitsuru Kagami
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2024 22:27:54 GMT
Mitsuru Kagami Avatar
Oh thank Arceus, a normal person.

"Mitsuki" breathed a tiny sigh of relief when Wendy walked through the doors. After hours of serving a crowd that could generously be described as "Complete Hootfreaks", the sight of average twenty-something woman was nearly enough to make her cry. Sure, she wasn't exactly the target audience for the brand, but... Well, she wasn't going to worry about that right now.

"Okay... Okay! One iced water, coming up, ma'am!"

Not only did she look normal, but she talked normal, too! She wasn't grunting and howling like some kind of deranged man-beast! As the mystic-turned-waitress made her way back to the kitchen, she breathed a much larger sigh of relief. It seemed like everything was finally looking up. Maybe only by a little bit, sure, but even that was still better than the previous nosedive-downwards.

So, after a bit, she returned to the table, a glass of fridge-cold water in hand, and gently placed it down in front of the unlikely patron. She probably wasn't going to get a big tip off of water, though, was she? No, assuming she got a ten percent tip, and knowing the cost of that glass of water, she was currently set to make... Zero Pokedollars. H-hm. Okay, no, that wasn't great. But, hey, there was no reason to get worried right now! After all, Wendy hadn't even ordered starters yet, let alone a main, sides, or dessert! She could still be in the money here!

"There you go! So, um, have you thought about what you'd like to order...?"



it's a long life full of long nights