just another monday

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON May 21, 2024 2:23:30 GMT
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pollux follows at her heels. she has two cups of coffee in her hand. she's no idea how the scientist takes his coffee, or if he even drinks it at all, but it doesn't hurt to show some friendliness to a new face. and if he doesn't drink coffee? well, more for her. 

"dr clayton?" she call as she knocks on the slightly ajar door. a faint odor hits her nose - one she's all too familiar with. she doesn't make a face, but it does pique her interest. pollux's tail twitches and he sits, waiting patiently.
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POSTED ON May 21, 2024 15:53:08 GMT
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Trigger warning: gore

The door responded to Sylvie's knock, slowly creaking open to reveal the foul interior of the lab. The normally bright fluorescent lights were caked in dried blood, casting a crimson shadow across the room. Despite this gloomy effect, the horrors of the lab itself would be quite clear.

Several tables were cluttered piles of limbs. At first it would be hard to tell what they were, but further examination would reveal that they were arms from who knows how many Gallades. There was blood all over the floor, overflowing from buckets that had been scattered across the room. Behind the tables sat a large mound of something covered in a stained white sheet. Bloody equipment took up every other surface, most of them damaged in some way as if they were slammed with great force.

Then there were the walls, which had been completely enveloped with mathematical equations written with a pen. The further back you looked, the more manic the penmanship became before devolving into harshly written repeated phrases 'Wrong, where is the future, my mind is broken' yada yada ect. The corner stone of this cavalcade of horrors would be a translucent curtain at the back of the lab hastily hung with staples from the ceiling. Behind it one might recognized what seemed to be an armless humanoid strapped to a surgical bed, bizarre shapes attached to its shoulders.

Then Oscar would pop into view from out of nowhere, wearing a yellow hazmat suit. His eyes could be seen from behind the visor of his mask, at first giving Sylvie an accusatory glare before lightening up. "Oh! You must be Sylvie Faust. I'm Oscar, nice to meet ya. Thanks for coming on such short notice, made a bit of a clutter during my last project." From a nearby spotless cart Oscar would pull out a bagged up hazmat suit and hand it toward Sylvie. "I picked up one for you just in case. Is that coffee? Aw you shouldn't have."

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POSTED ON May 23, 2024 0:35:14 GMT
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it takes her a moment - just a moment - to adjust to the sight. she's seen far, far worse in her line of work. she's, at the very least, happy with the attempts at containing most of the blood. still, it must have been horrific trying to work around all the gore. especially if he'd been performing some sort of surgery.

she eyes the body on the bed, takes the scene and its story into her brain, and it all hisses into static by the time she blinks and offers the coffee out to him. 

"two cream and one sugar. thought that might be a safe bet," she says as a pleasant you're welcome to his thanks. she steps neatly over a stray limb and looks around for a place to set her coffee down. finding no clean space, she steps a bit clumsily into the suit with one hand.

"is it all gallade or are there other types of pokemon in the midst?" she asks as she starts to zip. "easier to clean if i know what kind of blood i'm working with."

right, the introductions. "and hi. nice to meet you too, oscar."
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POSTED ON May 30, 2024 23:04:04 GMT
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Oscar took in a deep breath and unzipped his hazmat suit just enough for him to poke his head out. He chugged the coffee, the beverage having cooled off just enough to be quickly ingested. He placed his empty cup on the one clean cart he brought and zipped himself back in. Once secure he would let out his breath, gagging a little from the smell that had sneaked its way in.

"Fuck what was I thinking?" He grumbled as he reeled from the scent. How could he allow such a mess to occur? What madness had possessed him? Oscar realized that Sylvie had asked him a question, and after piecing together the words he heard he managed an answer. "Ah, nah just Gallade. Their bodies are over there." Oscar pointed toward the mound covered in a white sheet. He had piled up the Gallade bodies he used after amputating their arms, having no need for the rest of the creature.

Oscar clapped his hands together as he remembered something important. "Oh, and this guy." He strode toward the plastic curtain, unceremoniously pulling it down with a forceful yank. The male body on the bed was no longer obscured. Its arms had been cut off and suspended by wires hanging from the ceiling. Oscar had opened the arms and combined the muscle tendons with that of a gallade, creating a morbid 3d medical model. Oscar crossed his arms, feeling the need to clear himself of blame concerning this man's death. "He was dead when I got him by the way. Pulled a favor from . He just--has them around." Oscar tried not to think about it too much.

With that out of the way, Oscar rubbed his hands together. "Where did you wanna start?"

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POSTED ON Jun 3, 2024 15:45:26 GMT
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blood has a certain tang to it. he must have been here for a while, working amidst it, for the smell to get this intense. the mint chapstick she puts under her nose helps with the worst of the smell (an old trick she's grateful to have discovered early on in her career). 

just gallade. that's good. she follows his pointing to the pile of bodies, frowning slightly. elysium may not be enough on his own to take care of them, lest she wants to make oscar wait a couple of hours. the grimer is tapped out of its ball and onto the floor. 

unlike the two humans in the room, elysium thrives off the stench and when sylvie gestures, he slinks over to the pile of discarded bodies. acid sizzles and slowly, his sludge starts working through the consumption process. 

"hmm, were you just testing theories, then?" she abandons her own coffee and starts consolidating the buckets of blood. "hard to tell if they'll take though, no? if they're already dead."
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POSTED ON Jun 8, 2024 21:35:08 GMT
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As Sylvie and her Grimer began their work, Oscar began looking for ways to be useful. He decided upon grabbing the buckets that Sylvie had emptied and taking them to the lab's sink, washing them out with soap and water. The effort had the additional effect of cleaning out the blood-caked sink as well.

He was focused on the task at hand, but he attempted to the best of his ability to provide a simple answer to Sylvie's question. "Well, kinda. More-so I was trying to force a breakthrough. I'm not a biologist, but I had to figure out how to combine a cybernetic arm created for humans with tech taken from an Iron Valiant's arm. It was successful, at the cost of my time and sanity."

Oscar began placing the buckets aside, filled with water so that they might be used for further cleaning. "Do you have additional utensils nearby? Y'know, mops and the like. If not I can probably procure some."

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POSTED ON Jun 10, 2024 5:04:47 GMT
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"neat," she comments. she doesn't understand any of it either, but she's learned it's better not to ask questions. and besides, as fascinating as suturing cybernetic arms onto flesh people sounds, she has a job to do, and it actually does take a lot more mental effort than one would think.

"oh, i brought some. outside. elysium will dissolve most if though, so i like to let him do a wide sweep. then i come in with the finer details."

she grunts as she hoists another bucket of blood for him. with his help, the blood is disposed of. she'll take bleach to it in a bit, but for now there are still pieces that can be ordered nicely for elysium. 

"so you think it will take? on a live subject?" she asks. 
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POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 1:03:00 GMT
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With the buckets handled, Oscar was not quite sure what to do next. That was why he sought out help after all, these sorts of messes were not exactly his forte. seemed far more experienced--obviously, since this was her profession. If she wanted to wait until her grimer absorbed everything it could, then he was content to wait with her.

He needed to pick up one of these bad boys, it would make his life so much easier. It was like a living roomba, but for body parts.

Oscar folded his arms as he watched the little guy work, answering a-matter-of-factly to Sylvie's inquiry. "I actually already know it will. You can find the arm currently attached to . No complaints from him yet, though I think I owe him a follow up examination soon. If you ever run into him you can take a look for yourself."

Oscar looked up at Sylvie, his expression bizarrely serious. "That arm is bad ass though. Like for real, I almost fuckin' chopped off my arm so I could have it. Fuck I'll never make something that metal again--no pun intended."

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POSTED ON Jul 6, 2024 18:13:42 GMT
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"shit, really?" she looks from the macabre science experiment and tries to think of how many hoops must've been jumped through to just say fuck it and put it on a live subject. then again, rocket's full of nutters, and if you're armless who wouldn't say no to being a top mad scientist's plaything?

well, sylvie wouldn't, but that's neither here nor there. 

"i'll have to ask him about it if i see him. that's really cool, man." elysium starts to slow down. he turns towards her, a slightly lighter hue than normal, and sylvie frowns down at him when he burps. "gods, i really need more of 'em to make these jobs go quicker. keep on, bud. you'll be fine."

he gurgles and goes about slowly consuming another arm.
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POSTED ON Jul 6, 2024 20:20:04 GMT
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Oscar watches as the grimer begins to gorge itself on even more limbs. He felt bad for the little guy, it was clearly getting full but the job was only a little more than half way done. If only Oscar had some grimer of his own, then maybe this task would not be such a burden on this lone cleaner.

Oscar tilted his head as a different solution came to mind, "Have you thought about evolving it?" Oscar pressed into his hazmat helmet until he was more or less straddling his chin. "A muk would be able to consume greater quantities of waste with a greater surface area. Perhaps it may be--smellier but it would make your jobs go a lot more efficiently."

Oscar placed his hands onto his hips as he began looking around for--something. "I might have a chemical in here somewhere that would create a chemical reaction that would expedite the process. Or y'know, might just fuckin' get it wet." Oscar looked at Sylvie as he remembered what manners were, chuckling bashfully. "If you want that outcome, that is."

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POSTED ON Jul 8, 2024 5:19:03 GMT
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"don't mind the smell too much," she says. elysium doesn't come out of his ball unless it's to eat or deal with nasty pests. he's not even technically registered under her trainer license. there are pokemon her siblings know about, pokemon the league knows about, and then there's elysium. 

"i used to have more of them, but a botch job took them out. grunts told me it was run of the mill poison on the scene, not arsenic. poor fucks melted."

she eyes whatever's in his hands and then shrugs her shoulders. "honestly, yeah? s'long as it doesn't kill him."
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POSTED ON Jul 31, 2024 18:40:23 GMT
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Oscar smiled, elated at the chance to perform an experiment. "It shouldn't." He said confidently, even though he was not entirely sure what the outcome would be. He was no chemist, but he understood pollution thanks to his work and the right mixture of pollutants should accelerate the grimer's growth.

He grabbed some liquid dinitrogen tetroxide from a cabinet, and ran over to pour it onto the grimer. Once the liquid was absorbed, Oscar grabbed some matches from a drawer and lit one. He looked over to Sylvie, making a hesitant grin as he nodded at the lit match. "Hopefully this doesn't make it explode."

Before she could ask for elaboration, Oscar would toss the match onto the grimer. It would briefly burst into flames, which were subsequently quickly snuffed out by its rapidly increasing mass. Oscar backed up as smoke bellowed across the lab, watching intently for it to clear to see tha results.

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POSTED ON Aug 1, 2024 4:50:05 GMT
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if elysium melts or implodes, it wouldn't be the worst thing. though she'd rather not have to wade through sewage to search for another one to replace him on the crew. he really does make her clean-up a lot easier. 

but her fascination wins out and besides, brownie points with one of rocket's best are worth the paltry life of a grimer. 

she snorts and watches the fire spread over him like an oil slick. the sound he makes isn't pleasant and his face melts in on itself, eyes folding into mouth as he grasps uselessly at the space around him. and then he bubbles, stench rolling off of him in waves as he grows, and grows, and grows. 

one super-sized hand congeals and slams into the ground. a fissure yawns open, exposing a great big maw, and two white eyes roll to the surface. 

'muuuuuukkkkk,' he groans and then turns to shove more body parts into his mouth. 

"mm. nicely done, scientist," she says with a grin in oscar's direction. 
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POSTED ON Aug 12, 2024 23:38:05 GMT
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Oscar smiled as the Muk slowly emerged from the billowing smoke. His experiment had been a success, and as he received praise from Sylvie he could not help but feel a little smug. "Oh you know, all in a day's work and whatnot." He seemed so confident that you would hardly be able to tell that he had no idea if it could work or not.

With a Muk at their disposal, their work load drastically diminished. The Muk could work three times as fast as before, cleaning up the rest of the body parts in record time. Their entire effort would only take another hour or so, and before long you would hardly be able to tell that anything unusual had happened within this lab. Oscar sat on the spotless ground, having just finished scrubbing his own mad ravings off of the walls. It was hard work cleaning up after himself.

He looked over at Sylvie, smiling as he tossed aside a well worn sponge. "Hey uh, thanks for this. I was worried that no one would be able to help me, but you came and saved my ass. I know this is your job but, I owe you one." After a moment, Oscar would risk taking off his mask to see if the smell had improved. Unfortunately he had forgotten how badly Muks tend to smell, and he quickly recoiled back into his hazmat.

"I dunno if anything is strong enough to save the smell though. If only we could open a window--damn submarine."

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POSTED ON Aug 18, 2024 3:26:04 GMT
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sylvie doesn't mind the companionship and they manage to finish the rest of the clean-up in a timely manner and without much fuss, thanks to elysium's larger form. he gorges himself and sputters a disappointed buhhhh, buhhhh at her when she explains there's nothing left for him to clean. 

she tucks him back into his ball and turns when oscar starts to praise her. never one to turn down an IOU, especially from someone of his stature within the organization, she gives him a smile. 

"sure, i'll let ya know if i need anything. and if you ever wanna test anything else out, i'm sure i've got a couple pokemon to spare."
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