Aqua's PC

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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may 17
Humilau City
5'5" height
5'5" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Aqua Kennedy
Aqua's PC
POSTED ON Aug 4, 2024 3:33:23 GMT
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[attr="class","pkmnpc-boxtitle"]BOX 01


[img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/msikma/pokesprite/master/pokemon-gen7x/regular/lapras.png" title="♂ Lapras :: Icey :: Shell Armor :: Hydro Pump | Ice Shard | Brine | Ice Beam | Body Slam | Mist"]

[img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/msikma/pokesprite/master/pokemon-gen8/regular/squirtle.png" title="♂ Squirtle :: Crush :: Torrent :: Wave Crash | Hydro Pump | Protect | Rapid Spin | Water Gun | Aqua Tail"]

[img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/msikma/pokesprite/master/pokemon-gen8/regular/sneasel-hisui.png" title="♀ H. Sneasel :: Rogue :: Inner Focus :: Poison Jab | Brick Break | Metal Claw | Close Combat | Hone Claws | Agility"]

[img src="https://images.squidge.org/images/2023/10/25/Wooper-Paldea.png" title="♂ P. Wooper :: Clump :: Poison Point :: Sludge Wave | Poison Jab | Toxic | Earthquake | Yawn | Slam"]

[img src="https://images.squidge.org/images/2023/10/25/Tadbulb.png" title="♂ Tadbulb :: Vibes :: Own Tempo :: Thunder Shock | Discharge | Zap Cannon | Mud Shot | Sucker Punch | Water Gun"]

[img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/msikma/pokesprite/master/pokemon-gen8/regular/marill.png" title="Maril :: Name :: Sap Sipper :: Tackle | Aqua Tail | Splash | Defense Curl | Perish Song | X"]

[img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/msikma/pokesprite/master/pokemon-gen7x/regular/starmie.png" title="⚬ Starmie :: Ruby :: Analytic :: Rapid Spin | Minimize | Spotlight | Water Gun | X | X"]

[img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/msikma/pokesprite/master/pokemon-gen7x/regular/clawitzer.png" title="♂ Clawitzer :: Howl :: Mega Launcher :: Flail | Water Gun | Bubble Beam | Bounce | X | X"]


[attr="class","pkmnpc-boxtitle"]BOX 02




[attr="class","pkmnpc-boxtitle"]BOX 03




[attr="class","pkmnpc-boxtitle"]BOX 04




[attr="class","pkmnpc-boxtitle"]BOX 05



[attr="class","pkmnpc-boxtitle"]BOX 06







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