i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 25, 2020 0:14:23 GMT
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A cool breeze rolled in from the vibrant, forest green hills canvassing the distant horizon. A few large oak trees crowned some of the earthen mounds, forming beautiful silhouettes against the warm, ever-so changing sky. From tempered cream-yellows to fiery, passionate oranges and reds, the setting sun lit up the sky tonight unlike any other. When the wind picked up, it danced through the massive bushels of leaves atop the trees, creating a symphony of nature too sweet to be true. It truly was a beautiful evening gracing the small, rural Verdanturf Town, the town of “self-healing”.

The name alone procured a scoff from the investigator’s lips. His dark eyes scanned the skyline, squinting at times as he slowly turned his head.

“They sure do a lot of self-healing alright.” A smirk drew at the corner of his mouth, though it wasn’t one of arrogance. Rather, a nervous tick. He turned his hues to survey the rolling fields which were dominated by Wooloo, Miltank and Mareep farms. However, if it weren’t for the fences running along the treeline for as far as the eyes could see, you’da never known they were there. “They’re falling into the sky left and right. When Miltanks and Mareep fly, huh?”

He seemed perplexed more than anything as his right arm flipped upwards, his metallic knuckles bouncing off of the burly chest of the Pokemon beside him.

“CHAMP!” Atlas roared, folding his two forward-most arms across his chest while the two around his back hung loosely at his sides. The Superpower Pokemon’s muscles had to of been twice the size of his trainer’s, making the human look puny in comparison. Nevertheless, he too looked on with similar concern.

“Ahuh, can you believe it? Beheeyem abducting Pokemon.” Benjamin spoke, lifting the touch-screen phone in his left hand towards his face. His finger pressed a button on the side, causing the screen to fill with luminous life. A small article popped up, with several paragraphs detailing his mission, a small picture of the rancher included at the very bottom. Probably for sympathy. “It isn’t completely unheard of, I suppose… I don’t think it’s gonna top our Mismagius coven fiasco outside of Mossdeep!”

While Benji proudly planted his fist on his hip, throwing his head back in reminiscence of their past achievement, Atlas sauntered over to his trainer, hunching over his shoulder. His eyes locked onto another small tidbit of information located in their mission briefing. He pointed his beefy digit at the screen, almost propelling it from his trainer’s grasp.

“Relax, man! What’re you trying to say?”
Benjamin gazed at his phone for a second before his eyes dragged across the words “new recruit”.

“Oh! That’s right! We’re getting a new recruit for this mission! This is great! We can show ‘em the ropes! We’ll have one big UFO party, ah?”

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