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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Feb 2, 2020 2:29:37 GMT
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[attr="class","augpost"]he's at his ma's 'cause he had no idea where else to go. because he couldn't focus on his work, because he'd almost punched someone's face in and nearly turned a one-strike job into a homicide. 

remus is the one that pulled him, teeth clenched, off the man who owed rocket a measly couple grand. 

he'd shown up, blood across his face, smeared over his knuckles, and she gave him a lecture before softening, washed his hands tenderly. soothed what anxieties she could.

she made tea for him, but it sits cold in front of him. his phone is next to the teacup. the tv is on; she tries to keep him entertained, but he just stared down at the phone and feels the minutes tick by. every muscle is taut, tense, and he aches all over. 

he couldn't have expected how much the not knowing could hurt. 

remus stands off to the side, a bit away because of the dizzying emotions washing over him from his trainer. 

when the phone buzzes on the table, august snatches it, sucks in a breath and almost chokes. relief is strangled by a million different kinds of worry. he thinks of calling her. what if she's in a position where she can't talk? where she can't be heard? what if it isn't her? what if she's---?

he types back. 

x x x
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POSTED ON Feb 2, 2020 2:43:51 GMT
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Eden can tell by August's texts that he's anxious - and she doesn't blame him. But she wasn't able to charge her phone, and by the time she actually got a hold of him... It was much later.
She's seen the news broadcasts - that her father had been attacked in his hospital room, and would likely be in a coma for a while. His burns would never heal, and for that... Eden has Anya to thank.
When she leaves Anya's house and makes her way to Littleroot, she makes sure to do her makeup well enough that it covers most of the bruises. But there's still a hollowness to her eyes that can't be evened out by concealer, so she just leaves it. It's not like August would care, anyway. He'd just call her princess or gorgeous and make her feel beautiful anyway.
As she steps up to the door to the home, she raises her hand to knock, before stopping herself. Instead, she pulls out her phone and texts him - because she doesn't even know if she's welcome here.


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POSTED ON Feb 2, 2020 2:59:59 GMT
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[attr="class","augpost"]he's worried and confused and she's not doing anything to lessen his suspicions that something's gone wrong and he's frustrated she won't talk to him. but he doesn't push. he sits and he waits and he hates every minute of it.

in the background, his grandmother does something. he smells something cooking on the stove after a good half hour. 

remus turns with a start and that's all august needs to stand. he doesn't even see her text; he's already at the door, yanking it open so he can just see her

all his breath leaves his body at once and he scoops her up off her feet in a bear hug, buries his face in her neck, holds her by the small of her waist. then, just as quickly, he steps back and looks her over, checking for bruises he knows he'll find. 

he swallows hard. 

from behind him, his grandmother swats him with her wooden spoon.

she frowns down at her and shakes her head. "come in, child. you're going to catch a cold out here. i've got a bowl of chicken soup for you. best remedy there is. now come sit down and give my grandson some piece of mind." 

she turns and totters off to go fetch the aforementioned bowl of homemade chicken noodle.

august takes her hand and closes the door behind her, giving her some distance. 

x x x
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POSTED ON Feb 2, 2020 3:06:43 GMT
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When she sees him, she feels tears well up, and she holds on tightly as he hugs her. She's forgotten how much she loves it when he holds her - and she's breathing in his cologne and burying her face into his shoulder, before he lets her go to inspect her.
She looks away shyly as he looks over her face, seeing right through the makeup and nice outfit she had put on. When his grandmother comes into the foyer and smacks him, she breathes a laugh - dry, but genuine - and lets him pull her inside, beginning to shrug off her coat with one arm while she holds onto his hand. "Sec..." She lets go - just long enough to pull her coat off - before wrapping her arms around him again, tightly.
"I'm sorry, I had to run and I didn't grab my charger - I went to the closest person, and my phone died -" She tries to explain, burying her face into his chest. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."


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POSTED ON Feb 2, 2020 3:12:29 GMT
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[attr="class","augpost"]remus gives them some space, but he can see that the lucario is nearly as worried about her as august is. to distract himself, he follows august's grandmother into the kitchen and opts to help her set up the bowls for dinner. 

august drums his fingers against his hips and then grimaces, anger flashing behind his eyes. "don't apologize." he breathes in, breathes out. nostrils flare. 

he calms. 

"i'm glad you had somewhere safe to go." he reaches for her hands, kisses every knuckle. "i was just...you know."

he leads her to the couch and swaddles her in blankets. "all the matters is you're safe now. you're safe here."

x x x
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POSTED ON Feb 2, 2020 3:19:29 GMT
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"Yeah..." Eden licks her lips and allows herself to be swaddled up in blankets, and laughs at him, squeezing his hand gently. "August..." She looks up at him, blinking slowly.
"I know that you don't want me to apologize, but, I should have handled this better. I just... I wasn't thinking clearly. He..." She lets go of his hand to settle her hands into her lap, staring down at them, now.
Swallowing hard, she takes a deep breath. "He killed my Gligar... Because I named it." Her mouth twists, and she clenches her fists. "And I just got... So... Angry." Eden breathes in shakily and closes her eyes. "I don't even remember most of it. I wish I had of called you. And then I went to stay with this woman I've been to work with before, and she left, and I think she..."
She glances at the TV, blinking slowly as the news story plays. Oh.
Oh, gods.


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POSTED ON Feb 2, 2020 3:32:28 GMT
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[attr="class","augpost"]there's been a lot of cover-up. as much as they've managed to cover, given the circumstances, but august's hands hadn't just been bloodied from a reckless strike. he'd known the depths of what had happened, had heard about the gruesome burns and melted flesh.

he'd thought, could eden do that? 

"work as in your medical residence work or our work?" he raises a brow, but then answers his own question when he sees what's caught eden's eye. 

it's a small town press release and no doubt it'll be taken off the air in a matter of minutes. his grandmother is startled by the grainy video on the screen and nearly drops the bowl she'd been on the way carrying to the coffee table. 

august helps her by taking it from her and sets it in his own lap. he reaches for the remote and turns the tv off. 

he's wary. he has questions about this person she knows. who could do that, who would do that for her. part of him's thankful. because he knows he would have done the same. it might have not been as gruesome, as disabling, but he'd have been a bloody mess of broken bones if he'd had a chance.

"we'll lay low for a while. i'll take care of it. like i said, you're safe now." he tries to coax her back down. "you have to eat something."

x x x
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POSTED ON Feb 2, 2020 3:52:56 GMT
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"Oh -" Eden had already forgotten about the soup by the time his grandmother returns with it. She smiles gratefully, and holds her hands out to August, taking the bowl from his lap. "This looks amazing. Thank you so much, Mrs. Faulkner." She pauses, her cheeks flushing red.
She has no idea if that's even his grandmother's last name, but she hopes it's okay if she's made a mistake.
Curling her knees up to her chest, she balances the bowl on them and holds it steady, taking a deep breath. She blows on the spoon to cool it down, before placing the spoon into her mouth, making a soft humming noise.
"This is... So delicious." Her cheeks warm, and she looks over to August, before scooting a little bit closer. She just wants to be held by him.
"I've already collected my journal and the staff agreed to make statements, so... I'm not in any trouble. I just need to make a statement at some point..."


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POSTED ON Feb 17, 2020 1:38:56 GMT
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[attr="class","augpost"]his grandmother gives him a sly wink when she starts eating and august resists the urge to roll his eyes. no doubt later she'll brag about the magic that soup did for the girl, and by extension him, and call up for some sort of repayment (in jest, of course). 

he's just happy that she has an appetite. and if the soup's as it normally is, it should have her asleep in a matter of hours, dozing so she can heal

and he'll watch over her in those lonely hours, the ones that aren't so lonely--'cause she'll be there, beside him, safe and (mostly) in one piece. 

he tucks his arm under the small of her back, rubs small circles there. 

"you make the statements and then we get the hell outta here so you don't have to deal with any a' the fallout, alright? i got the camping gear ready to go."

x x x
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POSTED ON Feb 17, 2020 2:15:15 GMT
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Eden smiles softly at the comforting touches, her head slowly lulling to the side as she rests her temple to his shoulder, still gently scooping the soup up into her mouth as she stares ahead, thinking. When he mentions camping, she lets out a short, choked laugh, because her mouth had been full of soup, before raising her head to look at him.
”Camping?” She blinks slowly, before smiling. Her hands cup the bowl of soup carefully, before setting it down on the coffee table, and reaching for his cheeks. Her thumbs smooth gently over the skin over his cheekbones as she stares at him, before leaning forwards and pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
When she pulls away, her heart hammers in her chest as she thinks about her next words, before clearing her throat. ”Why don’t you just stay with me at my apartment?”


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POSTED ON Feb 27, 2020 0:28:37 GMT
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[attr="class","augpost"]he doesn't quite know why she's giving him this knowing smile, or why she's coddling his cheeks in favor of enjoying her meal. surely she's hungrier than the few measly bites she'd taken. 

he blinks at her, not understanding, and then, softly, "oh. right." 

sheepishly, he swipes her cheek back and then disengages to grab her soup. he needs to do something with his hands. something that isn't inappropriate in front of his grandmother.

"i thought, y'know, ya might've wanted to get outta here. but 'course i'll stay with ya, princess. remus and i'll be your guard dogs." he holds out another spoonful.

'if that's the case, let me put some of this soup together for you to go!'

x x x
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POSTED ON Feb 27, 2020 21:22:05 GMT
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"Mm." Eden smiles softly at him and wipes her face - when had she started to leak a few tears? - and nods, before glancing up to his grandmother as she hurries off to pack up some more soup for her to bring with her.
She squeezes his leg gently as he feeds her some more soup and rolls her eyes. "Alright, alright." She murmurs. "I can feed myself, I just... Really wanted to kiss you." She sighs softly and takes the bowl up again, busying herself with the soup. For now.
Every few spoonfuls, she casts him a glance, her cheeks flushed excitedly with the prospect of him staying with her. "I feel safer already."


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