cold winter [c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
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Orion Lykos DOLLARS
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Orion Lykos
cold winter [c]
POSTED ON Mar 24, 2020 12:01:22 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar


Orion's always admired the aesthetic of winter. Ice and snows that sparkled in the midday sun, skies white for miles. The trees in Nixtorm are adorned with icicles in place of leaves and, air absent of the bitter chill of winter, it's the best the ranger can ask for.[break][break]

His avatar shivers in the cold he can't feel and his idle animation has him exhaling frost and warming his hands over the campfire.[break][break]

The animation cancels out as Orion picks up his controllers and stands up, prompting Lykos to rise in-game as well. The tracks he'd left in the snow have faded, offering the illusion that he'd spawned in the middle of the icy wastes and not moved since. Stretching after his much-needed respite, the ranger turns and halts in surprise when he spots another player.[break][break]

Was that...?[break][break]

They'd never met in person, but it was hard to mistake Hoenn's youngest gym leader for anyone else... not even when he'd taken on a rather demonic appear. Orion himself is unrecognizable in appearance, but his unoriginal username is telling. "That you, Foster?"[break][break]

The use of his surname is new habit he'd picked up from spending way too much time in political circles where most expected formality.

[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cold winter [c]
POSTED ON Mar 24, 2020 13:11:00 GMT
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Alec had began walking in the sheer cold of the Nixtorm Kingdom of the Game. The snow blowing violently as the Demon Mage had walked. If it were real, Alec would normally verbally say aloud how he had hated the cold in real life, however since he was in-game, he personified his character in a way that made him to not care about the cold. Alec had then seen a campfire up ahead, reaching further into the snowy kingdom. He had stopped and raised an eyebrow at the familiar voice/figure. "I would ask how you know me in real life, but then again, it probably wouldn't really surprise me. But yes, that would be me," Alec had said. He had no need to have his wand out at the ready since the kingdom was a non-pk zone. [break][break]

It was then that Alec had gotten a better look as he walked closer, his clawed-like feet making crunching sounds from the blanket of snow as he had walked closer. "You're the guy I met when we fought that boss together, right? Back in Dragnor." The Demon Mage had asked. "Are you here to train as well?" Alec had asked nonchalantly while also in a seemingly calm tone of voice. "I haven't been to a non-pk zone for some time to be truthful. I've been traveling from kingdom to kingdom in this game to make my character stronger. I haven't done some training in this area yet, so I figured, why not?" Alec had said. Would you like to team up with me? We can help each other out and get stronger at the same time," letting his demonic features show more with a flash of a grin had stretched across his face. It may have seemed like he was devious, however he had no intention of going against the games regulations on attacking other people and potentially killing them in a non-pk zone. That would probably more than likely result in an immediate ban from the game, and Alec would very much like to keep playing. [break][break]





[attr="class","heroesgymnick"]Demon Mage




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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
1,144 posts
Orion Lykos DOLLARS
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Orion Lykos
cold winter [c]
POSTED ON Mar 24, 2020 13:31:51 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar


The crunch of snow beneath clawed feet is realistic; Orion wonders how much budget had gone into making the reality part of the game feel as authentic as it did.[break][break]

"Oh, we've not met I don't think." Blinking with a sudden realization, he's quick to correct, "Sorry, that sounds fucking creepy. We haven't met in person, but I know of all the gym leaders." Alec recognizes him as well, but not as councilman. Apparently they'd run a dungeon together, and after a moment of consideration Orion realises that the username rings a bell. "Oh, yeah, that was me. I was so focused on the boss that I didn't really take in who I was fighting with."[break][break]

He can't exactly shake hands the way he normally would upon introducing himself, and so he scrolls through the emote wheel until he finds a bowing emote. Eh, good enough.[break][break]

"Orion Lykos, with the Council." It feels weird to state it even after having held the position a few months now. It makes him feel like he's grandstanding, and so he adds, "Also a ranger, which is how I prefer to be known. You tell people you're a politician and they all start side-eying you, but say you're a ranger and suddenly you're a hero."[break][break]

He laughs to diffuse his own self-created tension. "I avoid the PK zones where I can, honestly. I'm actually waiting on a pizza delivery so I can't get too involved in the game, but if you wanna hang out for a few until it gets here I can join you then."

[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cold winter [c]
POSTED ON Mar 25, 2020 13:12:57 GMT
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"Sure sounds good to me. In fact, I should take a breather for a minute as well. killing spawns over and over for hours on end can be a little boring after a while, and yet so rewarding." Alec had said, after he had used the bow emote. When Alec had heard him mention that they haven't actually 'met' yet, Alec took that as not meeting in actual person. It was then that he stated that he all of the Gym Leaders in Hoenn, which made Alec curious as to who he was. It was then that he stated who he was. Orion Lykos, one of the Council members. "Oh! I had no idea you were a meber of the council. Forgive my rudeness. I'm not usually like this. I try my best to portray my character as much as possible." Alec had, using the emote wheel, and giving a bow in respect as well. Alec was actually quite nice in real life - and also quite young. In fact, he was the youngest gym leader in Hoenn currently. [break][break]

"You're also a Ranger too? Well, it makes sense, I guess. Honestly, I think it's cool that you are a politician. You get to do a lot of helpful things for Hoenn and as one of the Region's new civilians, I gotta say, I really like the place." Alec had said, being truthful. "The PK Zone's are a lot of fun though! and they give quite a lot to do. Honestly, I jumped straight first into the game. I've never played a virtual reality mmo before, but regular mmo's are my specialty. Expecially when it comes to Mages. That's why I chose to be one. Believe it or not, I'm a Solo player, and usually grind excessively to get to the level where I am now." Alec had admitted with a devilish grin. "I don't mind teaming up in groups though. But, for the most part, you'll see me traveling on my own in the game," [break][break]





[attr="class","heroesgymnick"]Demon Mage




[googlefont=Roboto Condensed:700]
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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
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Orion Lykos
cold winter [c]
POSTED ON Mar 25, 2020 15:32:41 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar


"Rudeness?" Orion sounds surprised, and a little confused. "You haven't come across as rude. Trust me, I deal with... a lot of rude people."
He found that there were some people who felt unnerved by his council position enough to keep their harsh opinions to themselves, and others that wouldn't care if he was emperor of the universe. As a ranger, however, most irate people were willing to give him a piece of their mind.
"No worries, though, I don't tend to broadcast it."[break][break]

Alec apparently admires his position in politics, which is a new one for Orion. His cheeks heat up, and he's glad that his avatar doesn't mimic that particular intricacy. Flustered but also oddly flattered, he finds himself smiling.[break][break]

"I grew up in Hoenn, so I do my best to take care of her."[break][break]

Apparently the young gym leader is quite experience with MMOs, albeit lacking in the VR department. That went for everyone, Orion supposed. "I've never been much of a gamer, honestly, so I tend to get my ass kicked if I try to go to those zones." He laughs, not sounding bitter about it. "Don't really have the time to grind, either, unfortunately, so I just kind of team up with my friends when they're online."[break][break]

He shoots a friend request to Alec, because why not?

[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...


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cold winter [c]
POSTED ON Mar 25, 2020 18:20:19 GMT
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Alec chuckled a little, realizing that maybe he was getting waaaaay to into this vr game. He was so used to being his in-game self to even realize his actual personality. "That's a shame. I feel like people should give you where your credit is due. You probably do so much for Hoenn. In my book, I think you're a pretty chill dude." Alec had said. It was then that Alec had began to think more about the Council. "So, I wouldn't know anything about all this Council stuff, but would the Gym Leaders have to participate in your like, meetings and whatnot? I've only recently become one, so I wouldn't know the slightest bit about that to be honest," Alec had said, letting his actual self show. He was a teenage boy, who just started fresh as a Gym Leader, and what he said was true. He knew nothing about the Council as well as whether or not he needed to participate in meetings and such. [break][break]

He had asked this also be in the loop just in case he needed to be there as an acting Gym Leader. "Oh, if you ever needed pointers, I wouldn't mind helping you out! Same goes if you need protection while in the PK Zones. Just give me a shout-out and I'll be there," Alec had said, immediately accepting Orion's friend request. "There are lot of people who kill players for no apparent reason. Like there was one dude whose name was . He ambushed me while fighting another player along with some warrior. They were pretty strong too," Alec had said, quickly adding, "And who names themselves that in a game anyways??? did they accidentally type that and can't change their name out, or did they do that intentionally to avoid other players from knowing who they are. It makes ya wonder though," Alec had said.



FOR @training/solo


[attr="class","heroesgymnick"]Demon Mage




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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
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Orion Lykos DOLLARS
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Orion Lykos
cold winter [c]
POSTED ON Mar 26, 2020 14:00:24 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar


Orion blushes, flustered, glad for the mask of his avatar that he can hide behind. It makes it much easier to handle the intricacies of socializing when the redness of his cheeks didn't immediately broadcast his anxiety to the world. He's able to take a moment to compose himself before togging his mic and responding.[break][break]

"Not everyone is negative," he corrects, not wanting to come across as a downer. "I've met some really nice people, too. Just the rude ones tend to stand out, y'know? ... but, thank you. I do appreciate that."[break][break]

He did his best, really.[break][break]

On the subject of Council meetings, Orion restrains himself from responding with his knee-jerk trust me, you don't want to be involved. The Council had to appear united and cohesive to the public, so he does his best to keep the mess of their meetings in reality on the down-low.
"Oh, not unless we ask," he assures Alec. "Sometimes we'll bring in others if we need input but it's usually just the Council and the commissioner."[break][break]

It occurs to him then how truly young Alec is to be taking on the responsibility of a gym leader. It must be a lot of pressure, trying to make sure that he did everything right. Orion had been an utter mess at Alec's age, and he's certain he couldn't have handled it.
His laughter comes sharp over the mic at mention of .[break][break]

"Oh, him. Yeah, he's one of the reasons I don't frequent the PK zones." They'd only bumped into one another the one time thus far, but it had been enough to drill into the ranger that he was not prepared. "He ganked my healer friend and I when we were doing the egg quest in Avia. As for the name... I don't know, I'm starting to think it's intentional. His friend had a really weird name, too. Just a bunch of A's. I'd appreciate the teaming up if I do have to go back into those zones, though. Thanks! If you ever need a ranger for your missions or whatever, feel free to give me a holler. I'm usually online after work if I don't get any pings from the Rangers."

[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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cold winter [c]
POSTED ON Mar 26, 2020 15:01:59 GMT
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Alec's real smile may have been off-screen, but his light devilish smirk had shown to Orion's character in the game. "You're right about that. I've met some amazing people while on my journey as a Pokemon Trainer. Of course, there were some bad ones from time to time, but I tend to steer clear people who are toxic like that." The demon mage had replied. "And you're welcome! I may look evil, but this is just for show really. Besides, I do like videogames." Alec had said. [break][break]

When Orion had spoke about the Council meetings, the Demon let out a sigh of relief. "That's good to hear. No one had ever explained that to me, and since I'm a Gym Leader, wouldn't I have know this sort of thing if the time ever comes?" Alec had said. Hopefully it wouldn't but ya never know. A lot of things could happen that would require him to make an appearance. Even if it is only brief, Alec understood how important it still was. [break][break]

It was then that the demon mage had used the emote wheel once more, confused about Orion's laughter at the subject of the man they were talking about. When Orion had spoke, Alec had began to wonder if the Councilman knew him and the warrior in real life. Maybe Alec did too, but there was also the possibility he didn't. When he mentioned the guy with a bunch of A's in his name, the demon had laughed. "Yeah I met him too in Tererra - the desert in fact. Said he was a beginner player, but he had very high-level gear that he switched out of, so I he was definitely lying to my face. He also came up with an excuse as to why he changed his gear out in front of me. He said, 'you, uh, get penalties if you don't reach the level requirement of the equipment.' I called him out, but at the same time I wasn't gonna push him for an answer." The demon had finished, giving a small shrug.





[attr="class","heroesgymnick"]Demon Mage




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POSTED ON Mar 26, 2020 16:39:48 GMT
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"Arceus, I wish I could do that."[break][break]

Even as a ranger, he'd never been able to avoid toxicity altogether if he wanted to keep his job. Most people in Hoenn treated them like heroes and respected the time and effort they put into keeping the routes and region safe, but there were bad eggs in every bunch. Now, as a councilman, he not only had to endure those bad seeds but smile and stay polite.[break][break]

He chuckles when Alec mentions his appearance.[break][break]

"Well, I don't really have an eyepatch, either. It's cosmetic in the game anyway, I can see fine if I take it off... which is good, because I end up doing that a lot. It ties together the aesthetic but it's real annoying when you're trying to scout."[break][break]

Alec, Orion recalls, had taken up the mantle of gym leader during the chaos of the new year. Having been elected to office shortly before the disaster in the Night Market, he can relate to what it felt like to be thrust into a new job with minimal guidance. Silph had been kind to Orion in that regard, offering good advice. The councilman wonders if Alec ever got that.[break][break]

"We'd tell you if you were needed, no worries," he tries to reassure him. "Anything else you've got questions about, though? I'm still pretty green myself but I've been doing my best to figure out how it all works."
It seems they've both run across infamous players during their time, and he shakes his head, huffing out a laugh.

[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...


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POSTED ON Mar 28, 2020 6:56:53 GMT
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Alec's real grin was hidden behind the demon mage's own grin and said, "I can understand how it would be annoying to scout with the thing on. If ya keep it on, then ya hardly won't be able to see as much, and if you're attacked, well, that can also mess up you're reaction time as well in order to dodge incoming attacks. Especially if you're not normally used to wearing it." Alec had commented. He meant to sound sincere and empathetic but with how his actual character is portrayed, it had seemed like the demon mage had sounded like a know-it-all in a sense. However, that was definitely not the case. Hopefully Orion would see through that.[break][break]

"That's good to hear. It's kind of funny, but feel find it odd that I had chosen to become a Gym Leader at a time like this. However, it's actually, in my opinion a great time to be one. With the craziness of what had happened in Slateport, as well as Mateo gone missing at the same time ... It makes the people of Hoenn wonder if they are safe. I sometimes begin to ask myself that question, and I'm supposed to be a figurehead for Pacifidlog Town. I shouldn't be filled with doubt along with those who are supposed to look up to me for guidance. I should have my head up ya know? But ... It can be hard to do that when you also have doubts as well. At least I try my hardest," Alec had stated, looking at Orion as he had spoke. When had mentioned the previous Elite Four member, he had sounded like he had known him quite well, and honestly, he did. After all, Alec had come from the same clan, despite not actually being blood related to him. [break][break]

Thats why he had a specialty towards training Dragon Pokemon so well, and for him to be at such a young age and do it was rather rare to see most of the time, or at least, so he was told. He had also faced the Dragon Master back before he had even become one of the Elite Four - when he was a Gym Leader of their hometown back in Johto. Alec had lost of course, but he had taken what he had learned and had used it ever since. Maybe that was why he was such a talented trainer today.[break][break]





[attr="class","heroesgymnick"]Demon Mage




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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
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POSTED ON Mar 28, 2020 20:44:48 GMT
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"Hit the nail right on the head," Orion confirms, nodding. If he's put off by Alec's tone or words, it's not apparent. "I'm getting more accustomed to it, though."[break][break]

A reminder of Mateo's disappearance makes the councilman wince, though thankfully his avatar remains neutral. He'd been mere feet away from the portal when it had happened, and the fallout that had resulted had cost him many sleepless nights.[break][break]

Alec's words resonate with Orion, and he reminds himself that this kid is... well, still a kid, legally. He shouldn't have to shoulder this kind of responsibility. Orion thinks of and ; they didn't deserve the stress and trauma thrust onto them, either. He's quiet for a moment, struggling to find words.[break][break]

"You're allowed to have doubts," he says at last, his tone turned somber. "We've gotta put on a brave face for the public, but we're only human. It's natural to doubt." Especially when you were only seventeen and suddenly heralded as an icon, an authority figure. "From what I hear, though, you're doing just fine. And if you ever need advice, feel free to reach out. You don't have to shoulder everything on your own, y'know?"[break][break]

Arceus, how Orion wished someone had told him that at seventeen.

[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...


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POSTED ON Mar 28, 2020 23:24:01 GMT
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"Say, if you ever need help, just send me a shout-out! I may not look like your typical helper, but I will help. Plus, it also nails me some hefty Experience points as well," The demon mage had said with a slight grin. Even though he was a Solo Player, from time to time, Alec wouldn't mind helping out those who needed it. Sure, he too was a fellow pker, but he tended to choose his battles rather than go willy nilly like a few noteable ones he had met while playing this game. He was a 'Demon with standards' one could say, which was different than what one would expect, but hey - it's a game. [break][break]

"Thanks but I think so far I have everything under control for the most part, or at least on my end anyways. I've been making sure Pacifidlog is kept safe. I normally patrol the city daily. In fact, I had done that earlier for a good few hours before hopping on here." Alec had said. "Also, this is a random question, but have you hunted rare-game in the game yet? Even though you're not considered a fighter, I think you have the skills to defeat one still. If you ever come across a Mega-Evolved Pokemon in the game, make sure to defeat it. You'll get pretty sweet reward if you do," The demon had said with playful grin, pulling out his Intelligent Wand that he had won. "Got this thing from defeating a Mega Swampert in the Faintaine Kingdom. I think they drop special weapons that allows the user to utilize another move that's not even a part of their class," Alec had said. "For example," Alec had said, flicking the wand at a patch of snow in front of them, shooting out a Snipe Shot from the tip of the Intelligent Wand. "This would come in handy if I'm fighting spawns in the Ignis or Terrara Kingdom," He had said, keeping his grin.[break][break]





[attr="class","heroesgymnick"]Demon Mage




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august 9th
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POSTED ON Mar 30, 2020 15:53:11 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar


Orion smiles at the offer, quickly scrolling through the emote wheel to make his avatar smile, too.[break][break]

"Appreciated; I just might take you up on that. This game's better with people you know." They'd only just met, but that was better than playing with randoms. He'd heard tell of players dropping from random parties and killing their teammates at the end for extra loot. Hopefully Alec wasn't the type to do something like that. "I'm always cool with a fifty-fifty split on the loot."[break][break]

Some players, especially the skilled ones, might be more greedy than that in exchange for the company, but Orion was just happy to be socializing. This game was working wonders for his anxiety. Something about the other players not being able to read every subtle change in his expression, or the fact that this body was not his body, made it easier to interact.[break][break]

"That's good," he says of the patrol. "I do that a lot for Fortree; I'm one of the senior rangers there. Plus, the city's really nice to look at."[break][break]

It wasn't your typical city with smoggy air and noise pollution, either. It was one with nature, and he adored that.[break][break]

"Nah, I didn't even know mega-evolved mobs were a thing in this game. That's really cool, though. Maybe I should try and get something that gives access to ground-type moves... do you know if that's a thing?" He's thinking in particular about those PKing rangers and their electric attacks. Hell, they might not even be electric-type, but a precaution would be nice all the same. "Honestly, I probably don't grind enough."

[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...


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POSTED ON Apr 6, 2020 6:24:34 GMT
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"Oh, dude! Grinding is fun! sure, it can be extremely redundant and time consuming, but in the end, it's definitely worth it! The best way to grin is start fighting and defeating Spawns you know you can defeat easily, and then, work your way up gradually to spawns that will present you more of a challenge." It probably was hilarious knowing that Alec's Demonic avatar just said the word 'dude' as well as showing emotion about something for once. Alec had gotten a chuckle from hearing off mic. Actually, it was more than a chuckle. He actually had to have a moment off mic to himself off mic after hearing it. [break][break]

"And oh yeah, Mega-Evolved Pokemon are definitely a thing in this game. They're just extremely hard to find. Sometimes you can encounter them out of nowhere, or you can run into them yourself while out in the field. They're pretty strong too. It makes me wish that all the spawns presented more of a challenge though. Honestly, the normal spawns are lame. If you have a Super Effective against one your fighting and it hits, well, it's pretty much done for. Since I have have an Ice type move that is super effective against water types as well as what it's normally super effective against, it gives me more of an edge in battle. Plus ya never know if you run into a team of people who has a healer that is able to constantly heal the team while fighting. Take down the healer first, then well pking that team can be a piece of cake, unless of course they're a lot stronger than you. If that's the case, I suggest running and not looking back. But then again, where's the fun in that?" The demon mage had mused.[break][break]

"See, people have the mindset that Mages in this game only do long-ranged and not physical attacks, but they are in fact wrong. A mage can learn quite a decent amount of physical attacks, like my Zen Headbutt for example. I on the other hand, try and keep that balanced as best as I can. It keeps my enemies on their toes and can give the edge in battle," Alec had stated. [break][break]

"Oh, and going back to Fortree. I've only been there once. That was waaaaay before I became a Gym Leader. In fact, I had just recently made it to Hoenn. It's crazy how so much time flies since I left Blackthorn City in Johto. I kinda miss being back at home, but then again, it's also a good thing to go out and experience the world for yourself. Plus, it's not like my family doesn't know where I am," He said, stating the truth.





[attr="class","heroesgymnick"]Demon Mage




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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
1,144 posts
Orion Lykos DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @orion
Orion Lykos
cold winter [c]
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2020 13:53:13 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar


Orion laughs, and his avatar's breath mists in the cold Nixtorm air.[break][break]

"Grinding? Fun?" He sounds baffled over the mic. "I don't know, repetition gets boring real quick for me."[break][break]

He'd heard tale of the nightmare some players had gone through trying to get all the large leeks for the infamous Farfetch'd quest and couldn't imagine sticking to a task for so long without reward.[break][break]

Unlike Orion, Alec seems incredibly knowledgeable on the game and its mechanics. The ranger's content to listen for the most part, the gym leader's ramble interspersed with the atmospheric sounds and the low crackle of the bonfire.[break][break]

"Unfortunate thing about healers is that some of them aren't built very defensively." He grimaces as he remembers the run-in he and Avery had with a couple of player-killers. "If you focus on them, they go down pretty quick."[break][break]

As he's far more knowledgeable about real-life locations, he says of Fortree, "You ought to pay a visit when you get the chance. It's a really unique city with its aim to maintain balance between nature and industry. I'm biased, I know, but it's a great place."

[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...


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