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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON May 5, 2020 18:51:01 GMT
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the grass-types that comprised his team back when he was struggling to maintain a whole team gets some love for the first time in a while. coming back from his trip from an visit after remembering that he exists, he recalls that nova exists as well.

priam gave her a sudden, unprompted call after remembering that she's likely to hang around the area he currently was. a conversation ensues over the line, starting with him pointing out the invitation to hang out earlier up until the part where he wanders around the town aimlessly, trying to navigate towards their meetup spot.

with a phone up his ear, priam swishes his head from side to side, trying to look for the redhead he was trying to get familiar with. his espeon follows his steps closely, steps in sync with priam's pace.

"yeah, yeah, i'm nearby. wait, i think that's you!"

a little while later, he eventually finds her. he lowers his phone and raises his free hand, waving them up in the air to get her attention. "hey!" he calls her.

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POSTED ON May 6, 2020 1:53:43 GMT
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Nova had been going about a few errands around her hometown. With the money she'd earned on her recent Rocket missions, the girl had gotten an apartment not far from her family's home so that she could keep an eye on her brother when need be. Today, in particular, Nova had spent some time around town looking for things to spruce up the place. She'd just left the local flower shop, a small basket of assorted flowers in hand when she got a call. [break][break]

It turned out to be Priam calling, a boy she'd befriended not long ago. Soon, she found that her plans for today had been changed. Before long Nova too is searching around town, seeking out the blue-haired Rocket member. [break][break]

"Ah!" [break][break]

She spots him. With a giddy smile, she skips over. [break][break]

"Hi Priam! O-Oh--" Nova looks down at her basket, offering him a flower as if she were suitor professing his love. "Have one, I've got extra! A couple of petals can put a smile on anyone's face, after all," She giggled, A Verdanturfian saying. "It's really great to see you again. I wouldn't have expected to see you around here! Most people think this town's got nothing to it except the nature 'n all." [break][break]

It was just their luck that they'd encountered each other just a few feet away from one of the town's local coffee shops. "Hey, we can talk in there if you want!" She offered.



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POSTED ON May 6, 2020 19:20:21 GMT
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he takes the flower, pressing it close to his nose as he gives it a whiff. eyes close while he dramatically dips really low against the flower as he enacts some kind of fairy tale scene. "lovely," he says, recovering afterwards.

he blinks at her once, and then whips his head to the direction of her suggestion. he sees a building that blends in with the quaintness of the modest verdanturf town. hanging out in a cafe does fit the agenda of his visit though.

"ooh, sure!" he turns back to her, winking an eye. "gotta make this surprise meetup feel like a date, yeah?"

priam takes the lead, snickering with every step that shows that he was simply teasing. he sends a message on his phone as he walks, notifying certain people of his whereabouts, before shoving it in his pocket and continuing.

reaching the place, he opens the door for her, tilting his head to the side as he gestures for her to go in first. there was a proud look on his expression.

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POSTED ON May 7, 2020 17:40:24 GMT
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Nova rolled her eyes but found humor in his dramatic display. She smiled when Priam opened to door for her. "Why, thank you, sir," Nova giggled out her reply, feigning a curtsy as she stepped into the cafe. The scent of coffee and herbal tea would waft the two teens as they stepped into the quaint little shop. It wasn't huge but it was well-decorated, cozy enough to give anyone a homey feel. [break][break]

The girl waved briefly at the shop's owner, having been familiar with them for years now. She sat down at a table for two. Nova placed her basket of flowers underneath her seat. [break][break]

"It's great to see you again! It sounds bad but sometimes I worry I won't see my work partners again when we get assigned for missions," Nova chuckled a little cynically, her voice soft-spoken. Working for Rocket was almost always a dangerous job, after all. [break][break]

"I always come here when I'm bored, or stressed. It's almost like a second home to me," Nova explained, smiling as her crimson eyes set its eyes around the shop. Her eyes stopped at a window-screen door towards the back of the shop, though. "This place actually used to be a battle cafe. It's a shame the arena outside hardly gets used. I guess people here really are kind of mellow," She laughed, making fun of herself. [break][break]



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POSTED ON May 10, 2020 18:25:30 GMT
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he blows air out of his nostrils when she expresses her worry, the smirk on his face not failing to show the smugness he exudes. "huh? me? of all people? i'll always be around!" his words support his demeanor.

he takes his seat opposite of hers, crossing his legs almost immediately as a display of his brash nature. he leans on his chair backwards, teetering his balance on his seat's two back legs, while his head tilts upwards.

"are you interested in battling?" priam asks, tilting an eyebrow as he maintains his precarious position. "you're bound to be since you brought that up, right?"

priam was never big on battling, although he can carry his own weight if the situation calls for it. if anything, past experiences has forced him to hone the skill.

"you a good trainer?" he asks more directly this time.

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POSTED ON May 13, 2020 20:29:13 GMT
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"O-Of course- I'm a great trainer!" [break][break]

Nova quickly replied and sort of defensively at that, her lips forming a pout. "I can't say battling is my most favorite thing in the world, but I'm good at it when it's needed," She explained. [break][break]

Her crimson gaze eyed the arena outside. It really hadn't been used in a bit and she was sure the shop owner would be happy to see a couple of trainers utilizing the space. [break][break]

She gave Priam a small grin. "Alright. If you're good with it, I don't mind a quick battle." She stood up and motioned the boy to follow with a quick bob of her head. Nova pushed the back door open and stepped outside, sun shining against their faces. [break][break]

It was a basic arena. There was grass all around, harboring a floral theme like the rest of the town. Her fingers grazed against the belt where she kept her Pokeballs. [break][break]

"Guys first!" She called out somewhat jokingly, offering Priam the first move.



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POSTED ON May 14, 2020 3:19:18 GMT
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his hand had already plucked a pokeball by the time they exit the cafe. priam gets giddy with excitement, if only because it meant getting to use pokemon he's not willing to sacrifice on dangerous missions.

"too excited for a fight?" he teases as he follows her out. "you're so lucky i didn't bring brav-brav this time."

priam takes his side of the field, opposite of nova's. he doesn't know much about her team besides her dragonite, but even if he does know about them, he'd still release the pokemon he has at hand.

throwing it up in the air, he reveals a jumpluff from his pokeball.

"got an ice-type for it? fire-type? flying?"

a jumpluff has as much weaknesses as what priam has patience to list that he gives up listing everything like what he had originally planned when he started spewing off words.

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POSTED ON May 14, 2020 22:26:47 GMT
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"Hah, I'd probably forfeit from the start if you brought that Braviary out," [break][break]

Chuckled Nova a little ruefully as she removed a certain Pokeball from her belt. She was still a little iffy about the idea of Shadow Pokemon, but that had not been her main focus at the moment. She smiled when Priam pondered about what mon she'd throw out herself. [break][break]

"Yeah, I've got those types. But that might make things far too easy for me," The redhead stated while she tossed a Pokeball out onto the field. The figure of a small Pokemon appeared. And as the shower of light cleared, a Mimikyu was revealed. The strange doll tilted its head curiously, looking at its grass opponent. [break][break]

"Let's get this started! Anto, Shadow Sneak!" Nova commanded. Her Mimikyu's ears stood at attention. A veil of darkness spread across the turf before it. A shadow emerged and attempted to claw at Priam's Jumpluff.



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POSTED ON May 17, 2020 8:23:57 GMT
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"trust me, it's never going to be easy if you're against me."

his words carried a playful smugness, banter that's common among two sides of a friendly match. it is not uncharacteristic of priam to be full of himself, regardless of whether he has something to back up his claims or not.

the mimikyu takes the field and immediately goes for the jumpluff. the attack blows the lightweight off of its feet and throws the grass-type further away, but not before it gives its retaliation.

"stun spore!"

paralyzing pollen were scattered from the jumpluff's fluff on its wake, spreading it all over its attacker.

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POSTED ON May 17, 2020 19:12:29 GMT
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The attack connects but not without its own repercussions. Nova's Mimikyu shuddered, the uncomfortable feeling of pollen all over its rag's fabric. But instead of giving the dual-type allergies, Jumpluff's spores send low electric currents throughout Mimkyu's body. It would now be much more of a task to move for the little Pokemon. Nova exhales a little frustratedly but smiles at Priam's show of wits. [break][break]

Mimikyu tried to move in for a Shadow Claw, but found itself stuck in place. [break][break]

Nova smiled. [break][break]

"Smart move! But we won't give up just yet." [break][break]



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POSTED ON May 18, 2020 19:05:24 GMT
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with the battle going to his favor, priam cannot help but get a smile on his face. showing off was the bread and butter of his persona, although he often had to rely on things going on his favor more often than not.

usually, he just brute forces it, but not this time if he wants to keep up appearances of being a good battler.

"but what do you think of this power move? u-turn!"

the jumpluff takes advantage of the mimikyu giving it a chance to breath and tackles it before going for a u-turn back to its ball. priam catches it in the air before he releases another pokemon from a ball on his other hand.

a venusaur comes out this time, taking the field from another grass-type.

an excited, slouched posture is quickly corrected by straightening his back as priam notices something. the hype dies from his expression for a moment as he clarifies one thing.

"oh yeah, we never established it, but how many mons do you want us to use each?"

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POSTED ON May 18, 2020 21:12:33 GMT
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Her Mimikyu's resists the attack and its Disguise breaks, the head of the Mimikyu hanging lamely at its side. The attack does nothing but it is annoying nonetheless. The little draped doll let out a growl of annoyance, its ears flattening. Nova mirrors that displeasure but decides to hide her feelings with a smile. "Battle's not over yet! We've still got a good fighting chance!" She declared. [break][break]

When Priam brought up a good question, Nova thought for a moment, and then said, "How about we use three Pokemon? We can keep it singles." She offered. [break][break]

Mimikyu eyed its opponent and moved in for an attack. This time, it feels its body liberated from the paralysis for the time being. Arms from underneath its covering reach out to the Venasaur and move in a slashing motion. It attempted to rake a fierce Shadow Claw across the other dual-type's side.



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POSTED ON May 20, 2020 19:04:04 GMT
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her spirit in the fight affects priam's disposition positively. "yeah, yeah. keep it up!" he responds in a patronizing, if not teasing, tone.

while the venusaur wasn't as agile as his jumpluff, it has the better constitution to withstand the shadow claw. a grunt escapes the grass-type as it endures the hit, wincing from the pain but not giving in from the fight just yet.

"sludge bomb!"

the venusaur tilts itself, aided with the force behind the shadow claw, and points its flower at the mimikyu. a blob of sludge is immediately released from the tip of the flower to the paralyzed disguise pokemon, ready to explode upon contact.

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POSTED ON May 23, 2020 15:57:10 GMT
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Nova's Mimikyu quickly found itself stuck between a rock and a hard place. It saw the ball of violet sludge barreling towards it but couldn't move thanks to its paralysis. Mimikyu took the hit with a hiss, tumbling backward like the ragdoll the Pokemon was. Nova frowned, concerned for her small partner's safety. "Are you alright, Anto?" She asked aloud. [break][break]

It was surely more battered than it had been before, but the Pikachu-impersonator still had fight in it. Slowly, it adjusted itself back on its feet -- or whatever unearthly appendages kept it propped up underneath its garb -- and nodded at Nova. [break][break]

"Alright, we'll give'em a taste of their own medicine, then!" The redhead declared, smiling. "Let's try to push through that paralysis as best as we can! Copycat!" [break][break]

Mimikyu dashed forward again, this time leaping up above the grassy dino. A ball of sludge charged before the disguise Pokemon's face. Replicating its opponent's attack, Anto blast a Sludge Bomb toward its foe.



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Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad
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POSTED ON May 26, 2020 19:19:44 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
priam sucks a breath in when his venusaur eats a sludge bomb in the face. after the earlier shadow claw, he can't imagine his pokemon being in a good position.


the venusaur relaxes, staying still as the petals of the flower on its back begin to glow. the grass-type starts to absorb energy from the morning sun, recovering from the damage as much as it can.

despite being still, the venusaur trains its eyes at the mimikyu. although in the process of resting, it was clear that the pokemon was still very much alert.

"hah! copycat that!" he challenges.
