field trip [c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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january 1
mistralton, unova
battle academy teacher
kris flynn-edwards
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Alethea Ivanova
field trip [c]
POSTED ON May 21, 2020 18:30:45 GMT
Alethea Ivanova Avatar


The sound of excited laughter draws her attention. She watches two boys run ahead of the group, stumbling on the uneven stones in the sidewalk. Thankfully, they don't fall so there are no tears to sponge away. Another adult, the parent of a young girl who's hand is firmly latching onto her mother's pinky, chastises the boys.[break][break]

"Be careful, you two! Remember to watch where you're going."[break][break]

Thea feels a small smile press to her lips at the humble apology in return. Their excitement doesn't slow, however, as they reach into their pockets to retrieve the painted rocks. It had been an art assignment Thea - Miss Rhodes - had given them, an incentive to practice their fine motor skills by painting. Their rendition of a Pokeball was rough, but the sentiment was there.[break][break]

Whoops and roars sound as the boys throw their painted rocks, cheering at their invisible Pokemon. She can hear them barking orders, making up strange and bizarre attacks and feigning disappointment or victory. It seems as though they're incredibly excited to be out on this field trip. In fact, they'd been looking forward to it for weeks.[break][break]

The prestigious trainers' school had caught wind of a battle taking place in the Lilycove battle arena, and due to their connections and generous donations, they had been invited to watch from the stands. While she personally frowned upon allowing such young eyes to watch a Pokemon battle live, unfiltered and real, the school had insisted it would be good for them. They were in school to become elite trainers and their parents had spent good money on their early education. They insisted this would be an incredible opportunity.[break][break]

So she had relented, not that she'd ever really put up a fuss. It was none of her business and she was more than happy to oblige if it meant getting paid. Besides, the children were over the moon about it - all except for Sophie. Every once in a while she can see the girl squeeze her mothers finger, her lip quivers as anxiety spills from her expression.[break][break]

Overhead, she can hear the speakers from inside the stadium announcing the challengers involved in today's battle. Thea sucks in a breath in surprise as a familiar face blinks on the screen outside the building. Another parent, a friend of hers, catches her surprised reaction and places a hand on her shoulder, pulling the woman from her thoughts.[break][break]

"Are you alright, Thea? Do you know him or something?"[break][break]

She blinks, glancing into the face of her friend. His concern is comforting but unnecessary. She smiles, shaking her head politely as another of her students rushes up to hug her waist. Her hand rests on the boys head as they head into the building.[break][break]

"No, no... I've never seen him before."[break][break]

Her friend chuckles as they're lead to the stadium to find their seats. He makes an offhand comment about how handsome he is and that must be why she had reacted so strongly. Thea's convincing smile grows a little smaller as she dismisses his comment with a forced chuckle.


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october 8th
lilycove captain
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lower than i thought we'd go, why'd the guilt spread so slow?
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TAG WITH @lance
field trip [c]
POSTED ON May 22, 2020 13:34:55 GMT
he remembers when he was younger the joyous feeling of attending an exhibition match. two talented trainers going head to head in a remarkable display of skill and strength and wit. there was one trainer he used to idolize above all others: a woman of blonde hair who commanded a ferocious garchomp. she would defeat all her enemies in such fashion and grace. he decided a long time ago that one day he would grow up to be like her. and he has.

lilycove houses one of, if not the biggest stadiums for sports events and battles. its grandness is fit for trainers of the highest caliber. crowds have long gathered to watch the event of the week; their cheers bellowing across the large open space that amplifies whenever a move is successfully executed.

the main event is what has the people on the edge of their seat. it is a defensive masterclass where a single ferrothorn faces off against two opponents of fighting-types. the type disadvantage is obvious and yet the two machamp seem to be struggling, their attacks not doing nearly enough damage to the iron-hide of ferrothorn.

commanding the steel-type is a trainer whose reputation precedes him. he waves at the crowd and basks in the attention. their cheers empower him, motivate him, and they easily influence his decisions. he chuckles at the sight of another CROSS CHOP bouncing off ferrothorn's IRON BARBS. the pain is alleviated by multiple sets of IRON DEFENSE along with INGRAIN, which keeps ferrothorn rooted in one place. but it matters not because he is an immovable object.

lance takes the crowd in and he hears their requests, their desires for one of them to end the battle. and so he'll give it to them. click, click. from out underneath ferrthorn comes a small but agile ghost-bug; its wings fluttering as SHADOW SNEAK drives it right into the body of the machamp. it rakes its SHADOW CLAW over machamp's chest before vanishing into thin air.

tension lingers in the air. the crowd collectively hold their breaths in anticipation; their eyes looking around the battlefield for the mysterious ghost-bug. one of the machamp succumbs to the pain and faints. another second passes before the ghost-bug reappears, materializing out of its PHANTOM FORCE and striking the machamp despite its WIDE GUARD. the final machamp falls and the crowd roars in applause. the ghost-bug flies back and lands on its trainer who gives the crowd a graceful bow.

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january 1
mistralton, unova
battle academy teacher
kris flynn-edwards
60 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thea
Alethea Ivanova
field trip [c]
POSTED ON May 22, 2020 14:30:36 GMT
Alethea Ivanova Avatar


A timid boy has chosen a seat next to her and every once in a while he would latch onto the cuff of her short to comfort himself. She allows it, almost waiting for him to give up the seat to settle in her lap instead. But he's too proud for that, too willing to put a handle on his fears in front of a crowd. It's admirable, even for such a small boy.[break][break]

Thea's attention skirts the battlefield as the two Machamp waste their efforts on an impossible opponent. The Ferrothorn's immovable body acts as a barrier, a distraction. While she knows nothing about battling, she knows that the white haired trainer knows what he's doing. The screens scrolled through facts, that Lance Vollans was a Sinnoh trainer that had challenged the circuit and been victorious. He was here to challenge the Hoenn circuit. [break][break]

Ultimately, the battle ends with an expected but unexpected turn. An unseen Shedinja captures the spotlight and takes down the Machamp with swift accuracy. It catches her attention solely due to the Pokemon's typing and abilities. Of course, her friend a row below turns around to jostle her knee, waggle his eyebrows, and point at Lance. He mouths something inappropriate and inaccurate - but she hadn't been looking at the trainer behind the Pokemon.[break][break]

Eventually, however, the field trip group is moved to a private meet and greet area. Upon arrival they had been given VIP passes of some sort to identify them from the rest of the crowd. There's hushed excitement from the class as they wait patiently for Lance to arrive and speak with them regarding battle techniques and his backstory. [break][break]

The adults chat amongst themselves excitedly and Thea begins to wonder if it had been a field trip for them rather than for the interest of the children. At some point, her friend approaches her in the hopes to strike up conversation with the reserved woman. [break][break]

"What'd you think, Thea? What an intense battle, amirite? Not a bad lookin' dude either, eh, eh?"[break][break]

He elbows her playfully but she remains indifferent, a polite smile on her face. [break][break]

"It was certainly entertaining, yes."


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october 8th
lilycove captain
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lower than i thought we'd go, why'd the guilt spread so slow?
1,438 posts
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TAG WITH @lance
field trip [c]
POSTED ON May 22, 2020 16:58:56 GMT
no one likes to lose. it hurts their pride and damages their reputation. people have different ways of dealing with it as he's come to learn. some feel enervated, some feel motivated, but the person he defeated has decided on resentment.

"what the hell was that, man? that shitty bug ain't fair and you know it."

tensions rise as the situation threatens to escalate. the staff do their best to intervene but the two men naturally tower over them. "i'd gladly offer a rematch but i'm afraid it'll end up the same way, only much quicker." the man pushes forward but is stopped by the force of everyone around him. the staff has successfully intervened and proceeds to escort the man away. only then does lance breathe a sigh of relief.

the organizers of the event had arranged an educational meet and greet for just two schools to attend. he remembers having the same experience with the blonde ace trainer and how she was insightful and kind. he's since done his best to be the same way, and today's no different. when he enters the room he immediately waves at the small crowd, beaming with a smile.

"hey, everyone! thanks for taking the time to come down to watch the battle. i hope you all enjoyed  it." his eyes scan over the small crowd. it warms him to see their parents so supportive. "that was actually only my third battle here in hoenn! i arrived not too long ago from sinnoh." he addresses mostly the children as this meet and greet is more so meant for them. he takes a seat on the floor and assumes everyone else will do the same. "i guess we can get started! what would you like to know?"

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january 1
mistralton, unova
battle academy teacher
kris flynn-edwards
60 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
264 posts
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TAG WITH @thea
Alethea Ivanova
field trip [c]
POSTED ON May 22, 2020 17:36:57 GMT
Alethea Ivanova Avatar


The class is ushered to the meet and greet meeting room long before the argument could escalate out on the field. Thea watches with quiet fondness as the rowdy boys mimic Lance, ushering orders and racing about the room as if they were the Shedinja that had single-handedly taken down two Machamp. [break][break]

However, as soon as their new hero arrives they quiet down and sit in front of him as he introduces himself. Front row, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. The rest of the children soon fall into place on the floor behind them, the shyer of the bunch hanging back or hovering with their parents. A little boy tugs at Thea's pant leg and she extends her hand for him to hold onto.[break][break]

Several children begin to pepper the man with questions, asking things like how strong his Shedinja is, why it looks the way it does, what it was like beating the Sinnoh league. They also ask him his favourite colour and morning routine among other irrelevant things. Eventually, Thea clears her throat quietly to effectively shush the crowd of excited, pestering children. They glance over their shoulders to gaze up at her expectantly, their voices quieting down to a hushed whisper.[break][break]

"Why don't you tell them what it's like being an ace trainer? How hard you worked, what you learned on your journey to where you are now."


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october 8th
lilycove captain
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lower than i thought we'd go, why'd the guilt spread so slow?
1,438 posts
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TAG WITH @lance
field trip [c]
POSTED ON May 22, 2020 18:25:26 GMT
the onslaught of questions begins and he finds himself navigating through them with relative ease. "aave is quite strong! it looks the way it does because it's part ghost-type. i like to think the halo above its head means its an angel." and another. "it was a hard experience but it was worth it in the end. beating the league was a dream come true." and then another. "probably red! i usually wake up and get a bit of exercise in before the day begins. that way i'm feeling fresh and ready for anything." it may definitely be irrelevant to some but he enjoys answering their questions. to see their faces light up with joy and wonder is what makes it worth it.

he's about ready to answer a couple more irrelevant questions before the crowd comes to a sudden hush. he peers up and over the children to their teacher, and it's only then does he he feel a sudden sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. his eyes widen in surprise, dread, guilt? he's not sure, but he puts a name to a face and he's left having to uphold his composure. it's certainly difficult.

"well, being an ace trainer is definitely exciting! it allows me to travel around and put on showcases like this one today. and it also allows me to meet you guys and share my knowledge and experience." again he addresses mostly the children, but this time he cannot help the occasional glance up at their teacher. "but! it's quite the journey to get here. you have to work hard and you have to dedicate yourself to it. i'm sure all of you here are capable of doing it! you just have to believe in yourself and never give up." a silence befalls them for moments as the children process his words. he soon breaks it when he looks up again at their teacher; a smile that teeters on being a smirk curls on his lips.

"thank you for the question, thea."

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january 1
mistralton, unova
battle academy teacher
kris flynn-edwards
60 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
264 posts
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TAG WITH @thea
Alethea Ivanova
field trip [c]
POSTED ON May 23, 2020 1:45:08 GMT
Alethea Ivanova Avatar


By the time Lance gets to her question, Thea has since knelt down next to the little boy who's tugging at her pant leg has become incessant. She whispers softly to him, words of encouragement and reassurance more than anything before eventually ushering him to join the crowd and overcome his timidness. As soon as he leaves she moves to stand up only to feel her back stiffen in surprise when she hears her name fall from his lips.[break][break]

Her friend shoots her a flabbergasted look that screams 'I thought you said you didn't know this guy' but Thea doesn't tear her eyes away from Lance's face. Her own expression reflects her surprise but still retains its calm indifference. She breathes out a small sigh, releasing the breath she'd been holding.[break][break]

Thea folds her hands in front of her, fingers interlocking and stroking her thumb as she gazes evenly at the man. The children seemed only temporarily unphazed by his blatant use of her first name. One speaks up quite boldly to correct him.[break][break]

"It's Miss. Rhodes, mister. She doesn't let anyone call her..." he hesitates, tossing a cautious look over his shoulder to see if his teacher is watching. She is, so he cups his mouth as if doing so will hide what he's about to say. "Thea. She says it's informal or something. Not that I even know what that means."[break][break]

The woman blinks, feigning indifference so as to not cause a scene. She is conscious of his attention lingering on her from time to time, but she makes a point to avert her gaze and avoid his attention whenever she catches him studying her. Despite the flat expression on her face and the sweet smile she offers her students, she can feel the discomfort creeping up the collar of her shirt. It feels warm in the room all of a sudden but she's aware that no one else looks flushed or uncomfortable.[break][break]

She really wishes her friend would stop making a blatant effort to look between her and Lance.


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october 8th
lilycove captain
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lower than i thought we'd go, why'd the guilt spread so slow?
1,438 posts
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TAG WITH @lance
field trip [c]
POSTED ON May 23, 2020 3:26:35 GMT
the silence that envelops the room is almost amusing and it shows in his expression. the flabbergasted look one of the adults give the teacher is noted but it does little to bother him. he's used to the subtleties and whispers people share with each other. a child in the front row pipes up and he has to hold back a chuckle. he leans in close and brings a hand to cup his mouth the same way the child does. "it's okay. she lets me call her that." he shares a wink before returning his attention to the rest of the room.

"right! any other questions?" 

a few more ask their questions and some of the adults even chime in with their own, but eventually the session comes to an end. he stays to sign whatever he may be asked to and to also take pictures. the event staff help coordinate to not have everything descend into anarchy, and for that he's grateful.

the room starts to quiet as people take their leaves until eventually it's just him and one other person. it seems one of the staff has a couple of questions of their own. it'd be rude to interject but a part of him is hoping someone does. in fact, he sees her out of the corner of his eye.

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january 1
mistralton, unova
battle academy teacher
kris flynn-edwards
60 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
264 posts
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TAG WITH @thea
Alethea Ivanova
field trip [c]
POSTED ON May 23, 2020 4:07:18 GMT
Alethea Ivanova Avatar


The silence lasts a near eternity before the children perk back up with questions. It's as if the entire room then takes a deep breath to resume normality, though she can still feel the scrutinizing and questioning stares from her peers. It doesn't make her uncomfortable, however, and she remains poised and polite, her expression never faltering from her quiet smile. He won't rattle her.[break][break]

Not even when he stoops down to whisper back to the child, warranting a giggle and a quick glance over to Thea to see if she had noticed. She had.[break][break]

Ultimately, however, the room is filled with more questions and Thea remains reserved and quiet. Her fingers betray her mild discomfort or agitation with the situation, clenching as they're tightly balled against her legs.[break][break]

As the meet and greet comes to an end, Thea helps usher the students into partnered single file. She is, of course, held up by her friend who not-so-subtly insists she stay behind to talk to Lance like she clearly wishes to. Despite the woman's hushed complaints and the faint tint of her cheeks at his betrayal, the woman relents with a soft sigh. The friend leaves, insisting he can take care of the class while she steps aside.[break][break]

The room is left empty save for herself, Lance, and an event staff immersed in conversation with the man. At first she waits patiently and awkwardly to the side, waiting for the person to finish their thought and move on. But she catches Lance's gaze, however brief, and she swallows her pride, or whatever emotion keeps her tethered to her escape route.[break][break]

"Excuse me, I have a few questions of my own. If you don't mind."[break][break]

She steps up to interject and there's a firmness to her tone that suggests she'd like to speak with him privately.


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october 8th
lilycove captain
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lower than i thought we'd go, why'd the guilt spread so slow?
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TAG WITH @lance
field trip [c]
POSTED ON May 23, 2020 4:24:44 GMT
"so, like, would it be possible to maybe have a friendly battle? just to see how well i do against you. i mean! only if you're okay with that, of course. i wouldn't want to take up too much of your time, i know you're a very busy person and all. how about tomorr--" a voice interjects and what's left unsaid will never be said it seems. what a shame. lance gives the man a solid pat on the back. "i'll catch up with you later, yeah? cool." the hint is given and picked up on and the man soon leaves.

the door slowly slides to a shut and leaves the two of them to their privacy. he leans against the table as he turns back to look at her. his eyes take her in. "it's nice to see you, miss rhodes." he plays the part of a fool well and feigns ignorance. his tone is convincing but his expression is what gives him away. he brings a hand to scratch the side of his mouth in an attempt to cover it but he knows it's to no avail. his hand drops back down and he brings his arms over his chest.

"what questions do you have for me?"

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played by


january 1
mistralton, unova
battle academy teacher
kris flynn-edwards
60 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
264 posts
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TAG WITH @thea
Alethea Ivanova
field trip [c]
POSTED ON May 23, 2020 4:33:44 GMT
Alethea Ivanova Avatar


She cringes inwardly, quietly, without breaking composure as she interrupts the man. It was evident she hadn't been listening to their conversation at all, however one-sided it had been. Her heart was hammering because she had absolutely never expected to see him again. It was clear by the ghosted texts and the expression on his face that he hadn't really expected to see her again either.[break][break]

Thea lets out a quiet breath at her forwardness, steeling herself for what was to come next. But it doesn't occur to her that he would play the fool. He leans back against the table to observe her and she almost feels violated despite the careful clothing she wears. Even still, she can't mask the flush to her cheeks at his greeting. One might almost find disgust flash behind her pretty green eyes.[break][break]

He attempts to hide his feigned smile or barely concealed expression - it betrays the indifference he's trying so hard to give her. Thea swallows again, straightening her back as she speaks evenly.[break][break]

"You know damn well what questions I have, Lance."


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october 8th
lilycove captain
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lower than i thought we'd go, why'd the guilt spread so slow?
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TAG WITH @lance
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POSTED ON May 23, 2020 4:54:43 GMT
does he know? yes. he's not that oblivious. but they are questions he's not prepared to answer. "i didn't expect to see you here." his surprise is as tangible as his desire to direct the conversation elsewhere. but should he have been that surprised? lilycove is a big city but their paths have long intertwined. it was only a matter of time until they met again. he was simply hoping for it to be much later.

"ask away."

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played by


january 1
mistralton, unova
battle academy teacher
kris flynn-edwards
60 height
60 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
264 posts
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TAG WITH @thea
Alethea Ivanova
field trip [c]
POSTED ON May 23, 2020 5:05:07 GMT
Alethea Ivanova Avatar


"I work here, in the city. We discussed that."[break][break]

Thea blinks, eyes narrowing ever so slightly, unsure what to make of the surprise written in the crease of his features. She's surprised to see that he's surprised. His reaction isn't what she expected, but she isn't sure anymore what she had expected.[break][break]

She opens her mouth to ask something but it occurs to her that she isn't sure what she wants to ask. Anger dies in her throat because she's decided that she isn't angry. She's disappointed.[break][break]

"What was the point? Is this a game to you?"


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october 8th
lilycove captain
334 height
334 height
lower than i thought we'd go, why'd the guilt spread so slow?
1,438 posts
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TAG WITH @lance
field trip [c]
POSTED ON May 23, 2020 5:19:29 GMT
his own confidence blinds him to the possibilities that things might not go his way. no, he should not have been surprised to have run into her again in the city she works and lives in, but a part of him believed that they wouldn't for as long as he willed it. 

"if it is then i am clearly not winning." her lack of anger is mildly startling but his composure holds. "look, thea, yes, i should have called you back and i was wrong not to. can we just move past this?"

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january 1
mistralton, unova
battle academy teacher
kris flynn-edwards
60 height
60 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
264 posts
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TAG WITH @thea
Alethea Ivanova
field trip [c]
POSTED ON May 23, 2020 5:26:13 GMT
Alethea Ivanova Avatar


His answer is unsatisfying and she stews on it. [break][break]

But she eventually finds her hands working to smooth invisible wrinkles in her shirt. It helps her think, to keep her hands active. Helps her to reason through situations she can't figure out immediately.[break][break]

"Don't belittle me," she says, her voice firm. Even still, however, she remains patient, calm. "That's a poor apology. My students grovel better than you."[break][break]

She sighs, clearly hurt by his insistence to move on. It finalizes what she had assumed - she meant nothing to him. She never had.[break][break]

"Is that what you really want? Did I really mean nothing to you? I don't believe you."


[attr="class","notes"]notes: ...


template by kay

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