The Crystal Egg [mission]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Crystal Egg [mission]
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2020 17:16:40 GMT
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"Places people come on, we don't have all day! Where are my cultists? You should all be in po-si-tion!"

The normally calm Granite Cave was abuzz with activity, crew members and actors rushing through the tunnels as they prepared to shoot a vital scene for an upcoming movie. This was no ordinary popcorn flick, it was to be the sequel to the wildly successful adventure hit: 'Kanto Paul, and the crown of Arceus'. Today they were shooting the climax; Kanto Paul has been captured by cultists, who are trying to get the recreate the legendary and mysterious Unova Dragon using some sort of cosmic egg or whatever. If he doesn't escape, he will be used as a sacrifice to hatch the egg! Oh nooooo!

The scene had a simple set up, a stone stage was built in the center of a large cavern within the cave. On the stage was a podium with the crystal egg, the tied up Kanto Paul, and the cult leader antagonist. Surrounding the stage were a collection of extras in black robes and masks, brought in to play the members of the cult. Among them was an actual villain with his eyes fixed on the crystal egg on the podium. 

Oscar had no interest in this schlock, damn thing wasn't even going to be released in theaters. He was here for one reason, that god damn egg. It was no prop, the idiot director actually got this on loan from the Devon Corporation for authenticity. That's right, that was a real crystal egg up there. Worth a small fortune. How could Oscar not steal it? 

As everyone took their places to shoot the scene, Oscar was patiently biding his time. When the scene began, he would wait for the actors to become invested in their roles before making his move. If he played this right, this little heist should be cake. I mean, who was gonna stop him?

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Kazimir Wynter
The Crystal Egg [mission]
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2020 20:29:27 GMT
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kaz was vibrating with excitement as he got into position as one of the cultists. to think he would end up on the set to the sequel of one of his favorite movies, this was a dream come true! he really wish the flyer for the job offer was more specific on the type of film it was, otherwise he would have offered himself to do a different scene, maybe a fight scene or an action scene, still it was pretty cool to be this up close and on set after all. he would be sure to try and get as many autographs as he could, that was the one souvenir he wanted at the very least!
as things were settled the scene started to play once the cameras were on. kaz was doing his best to play his part to the best of his ability even if it was just him chanting along some mumbo jumbo. he wasn't looking to shoot off this with some kind of acting career but he was going to be on the big screen after all, he might as well do what he can. "ooooooom arceus. creator of all. ooooooooooooohm." unknwon to him was an actual evil that kept their eyes on the prize of everything, the crystal egg. seriously who goes and borrows a real artifact for a movie? wouldn't a prop be way way cheaper? oh well as long as nothing bad happens to it who was he to judge?


[attr="class","notes"]notes: [break]


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The Crystal Egg [mission]
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2020 19:52:30 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
His fellow extras began to get into character, chanting and hollering while the main actors performed on the stone stage. Oscar took no part in this tomfoolery, instead suing the noise and activity as a chance to push through the ranks toward the stage. As he climbed up, he pulled out a pokeball and opened it. 

The director was not blind, he saw Oscar climbing up and began to shout into his megaphone, "Cut cut! Come on cultist what the hell are you-" He went silent as a hydreigon was released from Oscar's pokeball. Oscar snapped his fingers and the hydreigon would release a blast of Hyper Voice toward the director and crew. 

The horrid screech blew its victims off their feet, its baleful cadence echoing through the chamber. While everyone was in a panic, Oscar pushed away the actor playing the cultist leader and grabbed the crystal egg. He snapped his fingers again and Puffnstuff the hydreigon came to his side, allowing him to mount his back.

As Oscar began to fly toward the exit of the chamber, the director staggered to his feet. "Is someone gonna stop him!? Didn't anyone bring a pokemon!?"
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Kazimir Wynter
The Crystal Egg [mission]
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2020 1:17:40 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

as the scene played out the sudden disturbance of a random cast member suddenly charging onto the set caught kazimir's eye. when he threw out a pokemon and attacked the director he caught his attention. luckily kazimir never went anywhere without a few balls of his own but as he reached for them one of the extras bumped into him and made him call out the wrong intended partner for the job; itty bitty the joltik. as he watched the stranger jump onto his dragon he wasted no time in getting the small spider onto his wrist and pointing it at the fleeing thief. "electroweb!"
sticky web flew out from his wrist and formed a net that the hydregion would fly into and receive a shocking reminder that even if he's not in uniform that pokkenger would always be there to stop villainy from happening. even if in this case it was a simple thief trying to make off with a shiny egg. seriously who goes for that kind of stuff. "c'mon buddy ya ruining the movie! i know you want a shot at the big screen but i think on tonights news is a bit much ain't it?" he called out as he chased down the thief to make sure that even if his attack missed or the thief himself broke free he would be able to intercept him.


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The Crystal Egg [mission]
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2020 19:37:59 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar thought he was home free, his little hoodwink being too quick to stop. He should have known better. A weird light appeared around him and Puff, and before they could react they would find themselves being shocked viciously and brought to the ground. Puff was quick to react, writhing in this web before using his teeth to rip it away. Oscar rolled off of Puff's back, still clutching the egg. What the fuck was that?

As he got up, one of the cultists started monologue as they approached him. Oscar leered from behind his mask, so it was gonna be one of those jobs huh? Oscar chuckled, "You really should have just ducked and cowered with the others. Would have saved you a trip to the hospital." Oscar snapped his fingers and Puff rose, roaring toward his master's foe.

The angered dragon charged at full speed, aiming to Body Slam the man and his Joltik. Oscar meanwhile examined the crystal egg for damages. Luckily it seemed unharmed, if it gets even a single scratch its value would diminish substantially. Oscar removed his cultist robe, revealing his civilian clothes but keeping the mask on to hide his face. He wrapped the egg in the robe and looked to see how Puff fared. 

Notes: Hydreigon used Body Slam ooie

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Kazimir Wynter
The Crystal Egg [mission]
POSTED ON Aug 14, 2020 15:33:55 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

the thief probably had a point about minding his own business or getting hurt evident by the charging hydreigon come right for him. tossing his arm up the little joltik went screeching into the air before spitting some webbing to swing its way over the large dragon while kaz showed off why he was pretty good at limbo by bending backwards to the point that he fell straight on his back and watched as the large dragon was mere inches away from his face. "wow...that was close." he would have been a pancake if he wasn't quick on his feet, or back on this case.
as itty bitty swung from the ceiling he flung himself towards the thief and electricity started to fuzz around his body before he shot off a thunder wave in order to paralyze him even further. he wasn't strong enough to handle a huge dragon but he could at least stop the man from getting away. even if the attack wasn't enough to make him stop in his tracks kazimir himself was quick to roll to his feet and charge at the man before jumping at him with a tackle that should bring him down and make him drop the egg what with the blonde's size and muscle. even if he forgot that dropping that shiny orb was probably the last thing he wanted to do, justice was much more important than shiny things wasn't it?


[attr="class","notes"]notes: joltik uses thunder wave! on [break]


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The Crystal Egg [mission]
POSTED ON Aug 21, 2020 0:03:36 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
When Oscar looked up and saw the Joltik launching at him, he scoffed. "What the fuck is that supposed to--ZZRRTT!" The thunder wave hit him like a taser, causing him to tighten his grip on the egg by impulse. The effect wouldn't have lasted long, but because of it the stranger's tackle hit true.

Oscar was knocked over, sending the egg flying. The director audibly gasped, "Oh no not the egg! Is anyone rolling? Why aren't you rolling? Point the camera there!" The entire cavern watched as the egg fell to the ground. It bounced a bit, but seemed otherwise unharmed. If not for the robe around it, the egg would have smashed.

Oscar let out a sigh of relief before addressing his assailant, "Dude that thing costs like, two fortunes. At least be a little careful while trying to assault me." Oscar had a casual tone about all this, he was kinda used to having to deal with vigilantes and hero types. There was no reason to panic, his body was sore from the thunder wave but he could still find a way out of this. He just need to get out from under this guy--damn he was built. Holy shit this guy was a train, what did he bench boulders? Oscar blushed from under his mask, this was very awkward for him to admit but he was kinda enjoying this.

Puff looked around for his target after he missed, and found that they had completely bypassed him. When he saw his master get tackled, his eyes widened. The silence from watching the egg fall was broken by Puff's roar of fury. It recklessly let loose a blast of Dragon Pulse at the man, unaware of the danger that put Oscar in.

Notes: Puff made an oppsie and dragon pulsed oscar and kaz.
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Kazimir Wynter
The Crystal Egg [mission]
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2020 14:32:05 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"well maybe you shouldn't be going around stealing precious artifacts if your so worried about damaging them. those two don't usually go together y'know." kaz had him pinned down by the shoulders and wasn't letting go. not that he couldn't restrain him without very much trouble as he was able to hold down even tougher foes. what he couldn't hold down was a large three headed dragon however as the roar of the hydregion caught his attention as he looked back to see it charging up some kind of blast. "oh shi-!"
kazimir took oscar with him and rolled the two out of the way of the dragon pulse as it burned the spot where they once stood leaving nothing but a scorch mark. "does your pokemon always try to make you collateral damage? itty bitty!" the small joltik was hanging up on the ceiling and at its trainer's call it swung itself onto the back of the dragon and let loose a discharge of an electrical current on the dragon as payback for trying to harm his trainer.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: joltik uses discharge on hydregion![break]


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The Crystal Egg [mission]
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2020 2:58:50 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar wasn't expecting the hero to save him, but as he saw the scorch mark left where they lay he was thankful he did. Still, really wished he wasn't being pinned--no matter how much he secretly enjoyed it. Oscar sighed as he replied to the hero, "Only when he cares. Er uh Puff sweetie, let's dial it back?

Puffnstuff was worried for his master, but he indeed decided to calm himself. That is until he felt an immense shock on his back. As the mighty dragon recoiled in pain, Oscar shook his head. "No no no what the fuck did you do!?" Puff looked around frantically, panic began to turn into rage as he let out a guttural screech. The screech was unnatural, and from what Oscar could tell Puff was about to perform Hyper Voice point blank. 

"Get off me this isn't worth dying over! Puff please!" Puff's screech grew louder and louder, and was a hair off of starting to be harmful before he abruptly went silent. He stared forward, electricity still sparking off his feathery hide as he stared at something beyond Oscar. As Oscar realized something was wrong, he turned his head in the direction of where Puff was staring. "Wait---wait wait no look!"

Some other robed fuck was running away with the egg! Oscar squirmed form under the hero, "Get off! You just gonna sit on me while that thief gets away!? Somebody has to stop him!" The director, who had up until this point been using the camera man as a human shield, leaned over to see what held up the action. What he saw caused him to gasp dramatically, "For crying out--how many of you assholes only showed up to steal the egg!?

Half the extras raised their hands, proving that this production wildly underestimated its security needs. Oscar continued to squirm, "Come on, he hasn't gotten far! We can can catch him!" This of course ignoring the fact that Oscar was the first to try and steal the egg, but how could he stand by and let some nobody take it!? 

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Kazimir Wynter
The Crystal Egg [mission]
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2020 19:24:03 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

as the hyper voice rang out kazimir and his joltik's ears were ringing and the two of them simultaneasly put a hand to their ears to stop all the popping that was going on. "what?!" kazimir cried out as he could got off the crook and could see him screaming about something but couldn't hear. it wasn't until he saw someone pick up the egg that his hearing was coming back and the biggest shocked face he ever had made its way onto his face. was someone else really try to steal the egg?! seriously they should have just used a prop!
"yeah well-hey! wait up!" he didn't even question why the guy first trying to steal the egg was running after it, kazimir just knew he had to at least get it back some way or another. "itty bitty! skywalker!" as kaz unhooked another ball from his belt and released a lucario who was confused at what was going on as his trainer and another person suddenly rushed past him, meanwhile his joltik despite the agony of its small ears swung its way back onto kazimir's head and gave the man a hug on his scalp. "guys let's stop that thief ok! he's got something real important and fancy, so skywalker catch up to him! and itty let's slow him down with a thunder wave cannon!"
the lucario nodded as he dashed ahead of both them and the thief with extreme speed and snatched the egg out of his hands while delivering a hard jab to the guy's chin to stop him in his tracks. kaz outstretched his hand to towards the thief and his joltik scuttled around to sit on his wrist and shot out a thunder wave to paralyze him as the man shook violently from the surge of electricity running through his body before falling to the floor. as kaz caught up he looked the guy over before placing a foot on the guy's body and looking triumphantly as his lucario held the egg in his elbows as he gave a round of applause, "and another bad guy down! all in a days work for po-uh i mean, for kaz wynter!"


[attr="class","notes"]notes: joltik uses discharge on hydregion![break]


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The Crystal Egg [mission]
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2020 21:45:14 GMT
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!


