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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @draco
Draco Prowler
Prowler, Draco
POSTED ON Feb 7, 2024 14:50:02 GMT
Draco Prowler Avatar

[attr="class","freiwanttop1"]- □ x




nameDraco Prowler
played byZaber

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]CHARACTER FACTION team rocket

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]CHARACTER RANK grunt

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]FACE CLAIM Acnologia from Fairy Tail

[attr="class","freiwanttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER




REAL NAME: COLE WYVRN[break][break][break][break]

HISTORY: A young boy who grew up in the mountainous regions between GALAR and KANTO. His mother died when he was five, and left alone with a father who resorted to drinking. His father became a poacher, selling rare pokemon to the black market. During the worst of times, he ended up beating Cole, lashing him, and kicking him. One day, his father had caught a rare natural Charmander whom was injured and its flame barely gone. After taking too much abuse, Cole grew angry. He was about to leave-- but realized he couldn't leave the injured Charmander alone. In a final act of rebellion, Cole stole the Charmander in his arms and ran away from home with little more than the clothing on his back. [break][break]
Cole took the Pokemon up to the mountains, but due to the treatment the Charmander had received-- his flame was slowly starting to die. Cole was frantic and did whatever he could to keep him out of the rain and rekindle the fire. The Charmander spent days, prone and unwilling to move. It was scared and cold. Cole did whatever he could to keep him warm, sleeping close and starting his own fires to try and save him. After much effort, the Pokemon recovered slowly, gaining new energy and its fire lit. [break][break]
Alone and no place to call home, not even a Pokeball to keep Charmander cozy, Cole and the little guy traveled along the mountain to find safety. As they did, they found other Pokemon among the mountains, home to many rock, dragon and flying Pokemon. Some even shared injuries-- caused by poachers or careless trainers. The more he saw the pain from them, the angrier he got. That anger kept him alive, but wouldn't be for long as they needed food (other than berries) and shelter... In about a week, Cole found a cave as a storm was about to kick up. As he and the Charmander took shelter. The two were cold and hungry, running on the last energy they could go... till they found out the cave was home to another. [break][break] A massive beast flew into the cave-- and was surprised to find the lonely pair. However, instead of threatening, it gave a pleasant call and soon curled around them. The creature was a massive Drampa! Sensing the desperation and misery of the boy, Drampa didn't hesitate to wrap them in its warm wings and fuzzy body to keep them warm. [break][break] Turned out, Drampa was a caretaker of many of the injured Pokemon. Without any hesitation, it took Cole in, sensing his pain and misery. It was the fatherly love that Cole never knew. [break][break]
The Drampa showed Cole the mountain area where the other dragon types lived, where he both cared for the young and injured. He gave Cole a new home, and other Pokemon who welcomed him as if he was no different from them. [break][break] In the years that followed, Cole became Draco Prowler, discarding his old name to embrace his new family. He was taught to hunt, to fight like a Pokemon and live among the Pokemon. While some humans would come around, he would either steal from them or chase them away with his other Pokemon nearby. He acted protectively, keeping the valley's nook of his family safe. He would help take care of the injured Pokemon, especially a baby Dratini who was the runt of a litter and kept it with him, as the two formed a tight bond. [break][break] Eventually, unable to stay cooped up in the mountains he knew like the back of his hand, he decided to venture out of the valley. Luckily, a good number of the Pokemon, including the Charmander-- now a Charizard-- choose to join him. The world was cruel, but Draco had no interest in being a victim in the world and would make things better for the Pokemon who were far better than cruel humans. [break][break][break][break]

APPEARANCE: Draco is a tall and muscular young man, with spiky, overly-grown wild hair. He has rugged features, including cuts and scrapes from living in the wilds-- and a large welt on his back, from lashings he received as a child (self-explanatory). His marks are usually hidden by warpaint or tattoos he has, often depicting dragon claws, markings even some on his face. He has narrow and sharp blue eyes, and dark skin. He is often seen wearing a tattered cloak with markings on it too, and nothing underneath, shirtless for the most part and showing off his chiseled physique. He often wears a pair of baggy pants, and sash around them-- with the same draconic blue symbols. He often is shoe-less, showing his wildness and ruggedness as a 'wild-child' trainer. He has two arm bands around his upper arms, decorated. He also has a necklace, hung low with dragon rune charms (Future slot for megastone accessory). Lastly, and most notably, he wears a strange 'blue scarf' that is actually his Dratini he always keeps with him. [break][break] WHile a wild child, if need be, he can dawn modern clothing-- usually a similar style of pants, common jacket and boots as he needs-- depending on the situation. Regardless, he always keeps that 'scarf' with him no matter what. [break][break][break][break]

PERSONALITY: Draco is a very stern, seemingly cold, grumpy individual. He shows little trust for others, jaded by other humans as being two-faced, selfish and uncaring. As that is all he knew, he is inclined to get along with humans far less than Pokemon, finding them truer friends. While a serious person, with a scowl on his face-- he is emotionally sound and often is peaceful among wild Pokemon, as he can easily be social with most of them. [break][break] What humans he does 'get along with', he is often reluctant, speaking few words, or just outright arguing with them. At times like this, he can be capricious, acting on his impulses. But in truth, he is also cunning. Just as some humans see Pokemon as tools, he is not afraid to treat humans the same way or be just as cruel for the abuse he witnessed others do. Any 'friends' he does feel he can get along with, he can at least be more open with-- to enjoy company, tasks, or even meals with. However, his trust among humans is limited. [break][break] His mentality is that 'survival of the fittest', and 'the law of the jungle'. He finds the concept of human laws and the League's control pathetic and pointless. While he can appreciate some modern tools of convenience and technology to an extent, it doesn't change his view that humans are little more than animals and less willing to show real 'humane' kindness. It's eat or be eaten. [break][break] However, while he would never admit it or show it too openly, he has a compassion for those who do not fight back, injured or weak. [break][break] He does, however, as many Pokemon do-- share a desire to fight as a form of expressing himself. Either with his Pokemon or even fighting himself, not afraid to throw a punch and do worse if need be. Should he really get provoked, he will show no mercy and put the fear of god into any who would cross him or his interests. [break][break][break][break]

Favored Pokemon Types (but not limited to): Dragon, Fighting, Dark, Water, Rock, Ground, Grass, Fire, Flying[break][break][break][break]


  • Draco often marks his Pokeballs with tribal dragon head designs, his personal insignia.
  • Cares little for common decency, being uninhibited and utterly chaotic socially.
  • Despite being Rocket and a bastard, he will still grow 'soft' to help say a lost child or injured person in the wilds.
  • He lusts for a challenge, always looking for a good fight that will test him.
  • "DRACO" while not attended, fits to constellation for further Rocket flavor.
  • "Raised by Dragon Pokemon".


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