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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by

Excellent Round Follow

Walt; Captain
July 9
Ship Captain
5 ft 11 in height
5 ft 11 in height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
34 posts
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TAG WITH @walter
walter delmar
Surfs Up!
POSTED ON May 7, 2024 4:33:32 GMT
walter delmar Avatar

Walter's gaze was fixed upon the sea. His eyes were transfixed on the crystal clear waters off the sunny Mauville shore. Tauros nudged Walter's arm with an excited moo. The gentle giant had become a giddy calf again, as expected from a Paldean aqua breed. Together, they stuck out like, well, Paldeans in Hoenn.

After almost a year at sea, the two had finally made it to Hoenn. This would mark one of their first times on the beaches of a foreign region. Nothing could have prepared them for the excitement that swelled within them like tidal waves.

Walter still can not believe his luck. During his first night in Mauville, he met the legendary racer and gym leader, Josh Delvin. The two drank at the Checkered Flag bar for hours, regaling each other with tales of oceanic adventures. Walter made sure to tell him about that one school of sharpedo he saw jetting past the ship. It was the fastest thing he'd ever seen. The two made a plan to meet on the beach in the morning for a one on one surfing lesson.

Walter turned to his second mate, "Can you believe it, Tauros? We made it. We're real adventurers now!"

The duo roared with excitement, sand furiously rose into the air as they danced around. They took one more look at the sea before turning to the gym leader.

"Josh, matey, we're ready to set sail when you are! Show us that famous speed of yours!"

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played by

Excellent Round Follow

Walt; Captain
July 9
Ship Captain
5 ft 11 in height
5 ft 11 in height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
34 posts
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TAG WITH @walter
walter delmar
Set Sail [M]
POSTED ON May 7, 2024 2:54:57 GMT
walter delmar Avatar

"Nothing to worry about, matey. Ever since we disembarked from Dewford we've been having engine troubles." The Captain reassured Howard. "Don't worry, I have my top mechanic on it...and Aipom."

Aipom frantically leapt around the deck with a chaotic assortment of tools and mechanical bits. A loud clang roared out from the engine room. The deck fell silent for a brief moment.

Then mechanic meekly yelped "Captain! Can you tell Murkrow to stop taking my wrench?" A flash of dark feathers squawked out of the engine room. Oil and bolts splashed onto the main deck.

The Captain bellowed a fierce order "Murkrow! Stop taking Marco's tools! Do it again and you're going in the ball!" Murkrow titled his head and stared blankly at Walter. Captain Walt knelt down in front of his loyal look out. "Look, the faster we fix the engine the more shiny things I can get you. Ok?"

The Captain cracked a smile at his befuddled companion. Murkrow looked up towards the Captain and let out a squawk "Trouble!" The dark type Pokemon flew into the air with a nut and swiftly dropped it onto the deck.

The crew looked at where the nut landed.

Something was troubling.

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played by

Excellent Round Follow

Walt; Captain
July 9
Ship Captain
5 ft 11 in height
5 ft 11 in height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
34 posts
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TAG WITH @walter
walter delmar
Set Sail [M]
POSTED ON May 6, 2024 3:15:30 GMT
walter delmar Avatar
"Ahoy! Someone is excited to see me! Here I am, clear as day!" Captain Walt bellowed as he walked onto the bow, wingspan fully spread. Wattrel squawked loudly from the captain's shoulder, the first mate always had to make his presence known.

With a thud, the large man jumped down onto the dock. "This isn't my first time on a ship, matey. When you've sailed as far and wide as I have, a simple delivery is barely a drop in the ocean blue!" He chuckled loudly and placed a firm grip on his friend's shoulder.

"I have everything under-. Before he could finish, a loud bang followed by a plume of smoke stole the stage

"Captain. It's leaking again." The young mechanic said loudly.

"I thought we fixed it! Argh! Give me a minute, Howard, just a minor inconvenience." The captain climbed back onto his salt riddled ship with a loud creak.

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played by

Excellent Round Follow

Walt; Captain
July 9
Ship Captain
5 ft 11 in height
5 ft 11 in height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
34 posts
part of
TAG WITH @walter
walter delmar
Delmar, Walter
POSTED ON May 5, 2024 20:47:26 GMT
walter delmar Avatar




[attr="class","freiwanttop1"]- □ x




nameWalter Delmar
played byExcellent Round Fellow

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]CHARACTER FACTION team rocket

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]CHARACTER RANK grunt

[attr="class","freiwantmid"]FACE CLAIM Edward Teach from Fate Series

[attr="class","freiwanttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER




A proud Paldean sailor, Captain Walter has come to the sunny Hoenn shores for money, adventure, and Pokemon!



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