into the blue [ research ]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jan 17, 2019 9:49:17 GMT
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it is dull and cool.

the shift in weather is not likely of hoenn and jayde hugs his body. ocean waters are stilling against the silent stretch. aboard a measly rowboat, an elderly man guides them through. his striking eyes lazily glimpse into the mist that hovers close above them.

"is it usually like this?" curiosity inclines him to speak.

wrinkly features catch the faint light. when the crown tilts downward, all that is apparent in the mood is obscured by the cap. pushing into the gentle tide, the man lastly decides to usher a reply.

"tis' always been stormy round these parts," lips quiver as the words slip into the air, "gotten colder though, articuno might play a part n' that." jayde considers the answer greatly. frantic weather is a good sign, especially if it is consistent. the legendary bird however— its presence has him anticipating something more.

"here." what keeps them afloat shudders in his movement. the coat is shoved into the water—proof bag while he begins to fumble with straps of his goggles. jayde had already taken the initiative in a diving suit, still, it hadn't proved pleasurable against the chill.

"how long will you be?" the firm grasp straggles itself to the back of his head and the object of importance settles upon his shoulder. through the slightly foggy material, he peers into the gloomy waters.

"don't bother." not bothering appreciation to the local fisherman, jayde falls into the depths of the blue. he grinds his teeth together as the harsh temperature torments his body. there is great transparency to hoenn's ocean. the light leeks into the opening like a dying fire.

further downward and into the absence of vision he forces himself hurriedly with all that lingers around. the rise and its opening are close and he continues in spite of all that screams no. entering the shadowy cavern has him half—wondering if the air of another room will be there.

jayde reaches into the surface with a loud gasp, his hands lingering outward for any form of land. "shit," he curses, flesh tingling uncomfortably with the low temperature. thankfully, he finds the ease into the cavern and crawls onto the rugged earth. although it is impossible to see anything, he is familiar with where he'd placed his company. the sudden glare of the pokeball's light gives approach to the charizard's flame.

"close, keep it close," he gestures, calmed by the warmth. all that had been swallowed whole by the darkness was now easing into the glow. jayde stands up carefully. he'd heard many things about this cavern.

a beast of great power that slept at the very bottom. a pokemon so ancient that it could've been present in the creation of the world itself. maybe, just maybe, it could have been what he was looking for.

well— even if it had proven false.
he'd find something worthy of a clue.

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POSTED ON Feb 19, 2019 6:34:06 GMT
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[attr="class","ipad"]YOUR HEART STARTS TO POUND[break][break]
even with charizard's light, the cavern is dark. something here's off. something's wrong. largely unexplored, the seafloor cavern possesses an oppressive feeling. jayde would discover that his heart is quickening in pace as his lungs take the thin air with each heavy breath. damp pools of water fill dips in elevation. should the rocket step into them, the water's cold... and it ripples out oddly.[break][break]

a terrible smell overwhelms his nostrils. his eyes burns. he stumbles upon the source and it's something large. the drying corpse of a tentacruel rests, shriveled like a deflated balloon.[break][break]

a weird chirping echoes from deep within the seafloor cavern. it almost sounds like a bird.. but jayde may not be sure. suddenly, the corpse hisses. something has popped during the body's decay. a black, putrid liquid spouts out and splashes toward the rocket.[break][break]


what will do?


you must beat the roll to evade the incoming poison. you do not need to roll for anything else. you may investigate the corpse or venture further— but it's up to you! repost in the research thread after you have posted!

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POSTED ON Feb 19, 2019 7:09:20 GMT
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the area produces a feeling of hopelessness. 

fira is but a scarce aid in this darkness but, he learns to appreciate what it offers. he settles in the silence for awhile, the golden beast carefully keeping her flame covered tail close to the shivering figure. 

he isn't in any need for a frantic rush. at least not yet. the water—proof bag proves a truly capable use. tanned hands, concealed by the entirety of the wear, manage to pull out a flashlight. unfortunately the brilliance of fira is not enough to creep into the shadowy fold. 

"lets go," jay moves vigilantly, noticing how greatly the floor has been affected by the rise and fall of the water. although he is already chilled by the thrilling dive, the sense of being trapped in an untouched world has a chill traveling up his spine. even the charizard seems distressed by their current surroundings. 

ugh...what the hell? the putrid odor grows upon every fall of their feet. it had been fused with the rise of salty waters but, now was quite akin to a stranded and rotting fish. a hand covers the lower half of his face, frowning against the essence as if to force it elsewhere. 

suddenly fira leaps forward. in her caution for this placing, the beast had already perceived the dangers of the corpse, taking the clouded substance directly to the face. possibly even within her always—glaring eyes. 

"hey!" adjusting the flashlight, he thinks twice about touching whatever foul texture has been bombarded against the features of the beast. she shakes her head, earning a startling step backwards as the rest is throttled towards the damp floors. 

"arceus, you scared me." he said, annoyed though grateful. the object is directed towards the body of the tentacruel, stranded and decaying. death is familiar to him. the same smells, the bloody residue and the same empty feeling. in just dull observation, there is a sound that catches his attention. 

"this way." wishing to move further from the horrid smell and discover the source of the noise. fira follows, still bothered by whatever had splattered into her face. as if something had wedged itself into her eyes, she learns to push through it in heavy blinks.

at least for now.

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POSTED ON Apr 17, 2019 0:53:00 GMT
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[attr="class","ipad"]FIRA'S SELFLESSNESS[break][break]
fira intercepts the black spray. like a sickness, the putrid liquid begins to spread over the whites of the charizard's eyes. the skin around its gaze blackens too, splotches of charcoal fanning out like ginko leaves. after they trek on for awhile, the draconid falls inert. just ahead is a perilous descent slopes deep into a vast darkness. the sound of rushing water roars from below.[break][break]

the darkening charizard comes alive once more. she glares at jayde. the look is frenzied but vacant: a contrast made possible by a curious otherworldly toxin. fira suddenly snarls out loud, baring her fangs before lunging for jayde's throat.[break][break]


before her fangs can claim jayde's flesh, a moment of resistance slows her ravenous plunge. her eyes revert back before the black oozes from her pores. she falls in a faint before jayde, tail coiling around her body instinctively to keep the flame protected.[break][break]

the slope is a slippery hill of smooth rock. briny water leaks from the walls and coats the cavern flooring with an unforgiving film. there is no light here...[break][break]

what will do?


roll to see how safe your descent is! will you slip? stay steady? good luck!

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POSTED ON Apr 17, 2019 2:12:45 GMT
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the silence of dreary solitude is accompanied by the fall of their steps. echoing into the abyss of a never—ending darkness is carved by the water. from every notion taken further into their placing, rouses a thought. 

we don't have much time, jayde guesses with a frustrated furrow. how long they had was the real risk in presently being cornered. the element that would truly leave them suffocated was not the darkness. 

suddenly the hostility of his companion catches him in startle. the warmth of her breath and the flash of jagged canines settle before his widened eyes. jayde does not falter however. his struggle with the oddity of her nature ceases as she slips towards the ground. 

"fira!" he reaches instinctively to his friend, hesitating at the clouded essence that oozed from her features. the lunge that acted as a shield quickly cycled through his mind and his curse rung loudly around them. 

one careful hand caresses the broad stretch of fira's neck, distant water whistling through them like a winter breeze. it forces him, through all reason to glimpse backwards, adjusting the flashlight.

brighter than the unsteady flame kept safely tucked between daunting claws, caught the edge of a steep slope. another route into discovery conflicted by the current state of the charizard. it wasn't as if this was just his own heavy burden. within their own story.

she was just the same

"thank you." jayde mentions before recalling the dwindling reality of the other back into the safety of her capsule. at least in some place she wouldn't hurt anyone— especially herself

for the few moments left absolutely stranded of company, the hollowness scatters into the fear of the void. he stands, shining the light into the pit, yet the drop traverses so far that it does not reach his eyes. 

one click! brings forth another.

the beast is contrast from the golden flare. always a bit tempered in the pursuit of battle, the garchomp eyes her gloomy surroundings with a twinge of hesitation. with jayde quickly enraptured by the view, she is overlapped with anticipation in the adventure. 

"take me down there." he requests, climbing onto aza and shining the object towards the slope, "carefully." the reminder sounds a bit irritable. laced by the slightest of jest in their previous matters. regardless, the dragon moves, hovering into the depth. 

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POSTED ON May 18, 2019 9:03:11 GMT
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[attr="class","ipad"]YOU'RE TOXIC, I'M SLIPPING UNDER[break][break]
jayde trudges forth despite fira's alarming turn. using his garchomp, jayde is able coast above the treacherous stones. the ominous dripping is occasionally accented by a disjointed staccato of clacking, like some feral bird or wind-up toy. the watery slopedrops off dangerously into a large plummet into a seafloor chamber. his garchomp will be able to carefully drift down to the flooring. upon their descent, they would discover the odd source of light: the strangest of phenomena. suspended in the air, a large rift, perhaps, a wormhole as @leonardo would label, emits a pulsing light. upon alighting, jayde would be able to find a large pool of seawater nearby, presumably one that leads back into the nearby ocean depths.[break][break][break]


however, he spots something else by the other-worldly illumination. on the floor of this damp chamber, something snores. its breath is haggard. ill. what he's come here for: the guardian of the seas. but something is wrong. its body is darkened, hued a sickly purple much like the deceased tentacruel from before. from its mouth, a sickly black tar stains the ground. nearby, suspended in the air, is a wormhole,[break][break]

that same odd staccato sound echoes in the chamber once more. it's louder this time. much louder. and it doesn't end, layering upon itself over and over from all directions. should jayde look upward, he would find the source. or the sources.[break][break][break]


around him, three nihilego chirp fiendishly and extend their tentacles toward the beasty and his garchomp.[break][break]

what will do?


describe how you will fend off the nihilego and roll (the roll result will not necessarily determine the success of your action).

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the restless is the mind, hollow human.
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POSTED ON May 18, 2019 11:21:01 GMT
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their descent further into the gully of a seemingly endless cavern, is gifted the presence of light. the outlandish hue resonates an encroaching omen and although jayde had feigned ease, his mind was tormented by the unlikely eruption of fira. 

her flash of daunting fangs flickered more clearly in the wavering expression than his previous zeal for discovery. it was the first it had ever been done and as such, seemed reasonable of concern. however, his weight against the grimy floor pulled forth the same feeling. overlapping what notion would've taken him elsewhere.

the light catches the heed firstly. jayde doesn't recognize it immediately but finds himself vigilant given their current surroundings. when he searches for some form of meaning in the opening, aza releases a heavy growl. the thrumming within his throat unusually soft as those questioning pools follow the focus of the dragon. 

sure enough, the shadow of the beast lays before them. close by the body of water, the frills upon its back resemble undeniable familiarity. the broad wings and the sharp crown of its massive head. 

"lugia—" his body moves with instinct. surprisingly it is his often brash friend that stops him. the daunting talon of its large arm blocking jayde from moving forth. when he nearly lets a boisterous curse slip from his lips, he hears the gurgle of the breath. 

something is wrong.

"what is it? can you tell?" not ignorant enough to know the dangers of the world beneath the ocean, the distant noises grow louder. aza is already looking above with a more hostile rumble resounding from parted canines. when he follows the gaze he sees the lingering creatures that drift towards them idly. 

their chiming noises eerily pierce him like loud whispers. tearing into his senses as an unbearable expression of hostility. he seems momentarily fazed by the unfamiliarity but, is quickly diverted by the idea that they were at fault for the guardian's state. 

anger overlaps all fragments of fear. 

"did you do this?" jayde doesn't expect an answer. he'd already drawn some sort of scenario within his clutter of a mind. one hand slips towards the formation of dangling capsules. their ghostly approach severing the distance of all that was pleasant. 

"aza, kill them," the object at side lets out a momentary flare of light. one also large companion taking form, "gal! don't let them latch on! when we push through, we go for lugia!" the pair nod their heads in sync. 

the feral nature of the garchomp charges forward. it seems hysteric for battle as its appendages begin to glow a faded shade of blue. eventually the brilliance has covered the majority of its large frame. dragon rush heads directly for one of the hovering nihilego.

swampert may not be able to soar freely, but it offers support. the sickly resemblance of gurgling from its broad mouth spews out a powerful burst of muddy water. attempting to leave their enemies frazzled as aza mercilessly released his wrath upon their dainty forms.

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POSTED ON Jun 16, 2019 22:19:19 GMT
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[attr="class","ipad"]THE BATTLE CONTINUES[break][break]
they are potent attacks. a fierce DRAGON RUSH slams into one of the nihilego, its tentacles flailing backwards like a blown off wig. the flood of MUDDY WATER erupting from swampert's mouth temporarily keeps the other nihilego at bay- and after a frenzied tussle devoid of any tentackled support, the garchomp's initial target is downed.[break][break]


meanwhile, the blackened sea bird wallows in its sickly wet pain. a terrible sludge lines lugia's body on the cavern floor. it dribbles and pools. above, the remaining two nihilego screech and cast STEALTH ROCKS in the air for a potent blockade. their tentacles are dripping and tangled: no doubt a consequence of swampert's forceful intervention.[break][break]

they scream again.[break][break]


however, after his triumphant roar, jayde's garchomp finds tentacles wrapping around its hard body. one nihilego binds its gelatinous limbs around the dragon's torso- and with surprising strength, begins to squeeze, attempting to subdue it so that its partner can land on the garchomp's head.[break][break]


what will do?


to determine garchomp's escape, roleplay how jayde/garchomp/swampert will act in this situation and roll three times.

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POSTED ON Jun 17, 2019 0:18:54 GMT
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silent cries become louder as jayde makes his approach in the distraction. however— these strange creatures are not willing to allow passage. jagged stones force him to skid to halt and a distinct tch! slips by his lips. 

he turns back, and to much of his dismay, regards aza in the struggle. "gal!" the voice shouts, although his friend would've made haste either way. the barrier becoming visible only when the nihilego was close enough to the dragon's head.

protect serving as a brief chance. 

i really don't want to use this. but we need to get a move on. hesitation is apparent upon his serious expression but, it doesn't last for very long. another companion is released into the fray. sol takes his entrance with a bellowing howl of enthusiasm. 

—and then it fades elsewhere.

the mutt is bewildered by his surroundings and his struggling comrades. jayde quickly snaps him out of it. "send them flying!" the swampert and lycanroc both nod their heads. what had once been a beautiful shade of green started to turn eerily red. 

sol chose his target quickly. the nihilego that had yet to latch onward fell beneath the frightening gaze of the beast. rock climb was clear against the silvery shade of its paws, however, it was not the pursuit being used. the rapid motion shifted into a violent spin as he bounded along the cavern walls. drill run throttling forth.

meanwhile it had become a tug of war between the firmly latched on nihilego and gal. the slippery substance of the creature didn't make things any easier. the pair of pokemon communicating to each—other in frustrated grunts and roars. the larger water—type finds there is no other way. dreading the time to come. 

it was the same silvery shade that engulfed one of its large large hands. swung backwards into the eventually motion of hammer arm. something that would both hurt the enemy and the unfortunate garchomp. 

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POSTED ON Jul 10, 2019 0:08:04 GMT
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[attr="class","ipad"]NIHILE-GO HOME![break][break]
jayde's masterful command of his pokemon triumphs over their otherworldly visitors. however, their desperate defense comes at a cost. a powerful HAMMER ARM from gal, the swampert, is enough to fend off the nihilego- and enough to faint an exhausted aza (garchomp).[break][break]

despite their defeat, the nihilego inflate themselves back to life like balloon animals fed by a pump. they float away. they watch from a distance.[break][break][break]


they're unphased. the STEALTH ROCKS drop and crumble upon impact with the cavern floor. giggling alien arpeggios, they seemingly wave at jayde while they disappear into the pulsing wormhole above.[break][break]

before jayde and his two remaining pokemon, the blackened behemoth is still. unmoving. perhaps, it's dead. however, should jayde approach closer, he would be able to see the dramatic burst of its eyelid opening to reveal sheer red sight.[break][break][break]


it's still weak. clumsy. however, an aggression begins to overtake the lugia slowly... and its mouth froths with purple-black clouds.[break][break]

what will do?


you may do whatever you'd like![break] just include a roll (won't determine success or failure necessarily).

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POSTED ON Aug 17, 2019 3:54:02 GMT
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he rushes towards the descent of the dragon. the beast unable to make the endeavor as its reptilian eyes stilled into a close within jayde's arms. concern flashing into hostility as the creatures above lingered only to offer farewell. their eerie chimes that near resembled the laughter of children drifting into the beyond. thankful they were gone. [break][break]

gal grumbled a heavy sound of trouble. the guilt an apparent presence as he turned to catch a glimpse of his friend. "don't look at me that way." jayde says, hand fumbling with the dangling pokeball, "if you'd done nothing we would've lost him." it taps against the unconscious garchomp, disappearing in a momentary swarm of red light.


"we've got other things to worry about." jayde felt a twinge within his chest as he turned towards the legendary. was this lugia even the one he'd been searching for? there were many questions— so many painful wonders that ate away at him like the poison within the other.


sure enough, jayde moves. much to the dismay of his watching pokemon. sol lets out a soft growl, pressing for his dear trainer not to go any closer. unsurprisingly he doesn't listen. the determined motion only settles into a halt as the creature before them jerks to life.


the unsettling shade resembles a heavy smog. a poisonous substance that froths from its large mouth like smoke. it ripples and distorts. certainly it isn't anything he'd seen before. "lugia..." he starts, strangely— afraid. the hostility in those unlikely red eyes send a foot back and he quickly gathers his resolve. "its me... jayde and gal. everyone is here— sort've..." the fallen fira and aza would've been glad.


"i've got so many questions for you... but let us help you first," a hand outstretches. the one that opposes a limb bound by markings. "please?" only few have seen the notion that traces his features. concern, respect and love. perhaps it is that dedication that leaves him so stupidly courageous and willing to take this risk.













pls don't eat me lugia senpai

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POSTED ON Nov 10, 2019 23:25:36 GMT
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[attr="class","ipad"]GOING, GOING, GONE[break][break]
the questions stir lugia from its drunken stupor. the corruption has settled into its body, and should one look close, they would be able to trace the blackened striations of its veins coursing under the surface of its flesh and feathers.[break][break]

its eye widens. veins stretch toward its crimson pupil like black hellworms. screeching, the lugia ignores the man's inquiry. perhaps, it can't hear him at all. a screech announces an AEROBLAST that fires into the cave ceiling. stone and rubble fall violently as the underground cavern shakes. with a dramatic flap of its wings, the corrupted bird lifts itself up and shoots out of the cavern. it disappears, leaving solemn stones in its wake.[break][break]



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