gilded kind [ m/ff ]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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persephone amavi
gilded kind [ m/ff ]
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2019 5:08:00 GMT
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flames lick at the night sky, smoke and screams equally fill the air.

horror paralyses persephone in place but adrenaline forces her to move forward a heartbeat later. even as the wood of the shrine creaks and groans against the fire, persephone makes her away against the flood of evacuees toward the blaze, joining a small group of impromptu firefighters.

they may have contained the flames enough so that it doesn't spread to the copse of trees running adjacent to the shrine, but the structure itself - let alone the things inside - are still in danger.

even though she realises it's reckless, hesitating isn't a real or tangible option with what is at stake.

casting a quick glance to see if anyone else follows, persephone inhales a sharp breath and ducks inside, releasing two water-type pokemon in hopes they can keep the flames at bay.

@delphi + mission link!
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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gilded kind [ m/ff ]
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2019 14:34:04 GMT
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"this is bad," she says, one hand against the beast. the blazing fury reflects against her ruby shades and she faces the mass which frantically aid. outsiders tending to the injured, firefighters endeavoring to ease the heat. 

it is the figure slipping into the shrilling build of the shrine, that has delphi moving. "wait!" with how gentle her voice is, it can barely be perceived.

regardless, the girl continues to follow.

immediately— blazing wood has her strangled against the sharp odor. druddigon follows with a concerned growl as pale fingers hover over her lips. 

"w-wait," delphi, lurching over her words, finally reaches the other, "you shouldn't go in alone! i'm also here to help!" the slight wrinkle in her expression meant she was smiling. not that it was truly seen in the blockage of her hand. "there are still people inside, so lets find them!" a bit more boisterous in the sinister crackle of the flames— she walks forth. 

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persephone amavi
gilded kind [ m/ff ]
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2019 18:17:35 GMT
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in her goal-oriented urgency, persephone is driven by action alone and the thought of how to achieve a goal in practice becomes secondary, lost in reckless abandon. the girl's practical suggestion anchors her, and she's relieved for it. while her own pokemon can extinguish and endure the flames, they lack the raw strength of her beast of a companion.

"good thinking," she murmurs, though her contemplative voice is likely lost in cacophony of noise.

twin blasts of water burst forth in concentrated torrents, dousing fires and leaving a heavy veil of steam and smoke in its wake.

the layout of the room becomes more clear when persephone allows herself a moment to trace the outer wall with her eyes, seeing solid wall split into a semi-hidden corridor towards the back, the cloth flap intended to hide it from view hanging limp and charred. if the pillar blocking off the trapped people is removed, then they can push forward into the inner sanctum where the relics and scrolls are typically held.

her pokemon remain at the ready to envelope any escapees in aqua rings to help with any injuries they may have sustained. at the least, the way back should be most clear because they would have fought back the fiercest of the flames.

persephone's true intention shines through in that moment; looking past the trapped people and to the path leading deeper into the shrine. "this place was one of the three first shrines of this nature built in hoenn," she says matter-of-factly, as if that could hide her bitter sadness.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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gilded kind [ m/ff ]
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2019 15:18:39 GMT
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the intense smolder subsides in the beauty of water. an opposite truly meant to end the ferocity which swarmed around them. delphi, fascinated, glimpses towards the milotic with a still—bound smile before following along.

stumbling in the frantic desire to keep pace with the other girl. eventually— the harm dissipates entirely. within the depth of the temple however, there is only more to await them. 

"ah," she starts, her drawl in tone sounding a slight defeated, "unfortunately not but, i imagine they would be further inside!" at least she had been convinced as the words slipped by her lips. 

sure enough, the pleas of help resound against the distant fire. "that way!" delphi shouts, allowing the other to lead the way. suddenly, the wooden surface above shifts from its place. charred and certainly heavy, it makes way for the group below. 


druddigon leaps forward, its large claws gleaming into a slash. the wooden object is torn into smaller and more measly fragments before it can do harm to the rest. hopefully the group will keep moving, lest anything more decide to fall upon them. 

"thank you." she adds, giving the dragon a quick pat.  

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persephone amavi
gilded kind [ m/ff ]
POSTED ON Jan 31, 2019 15:08:24 GMT
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so fixated on their goal and on forging a path ahead, persephone hadn't noticed the danger above them until it is almost too late. the girl's beast makes quick work of the charred wooden beam. she blinks from the chips that clatter to the ground, still smoldering, to the girl and her pokemon and flashes a quick, appreciative smile.

opening her mouth to offer her thanks, a cry from ahead steals persephone's attention and she's forced into movement once again.

calls for help can barely be made out through the crackling of fire, groaning of wood and commotion outside. even visually it is difficult to ascertain the positions of anyone trapped within through the thick smoke.

though not intimately familiar with the customs of the temples, a tapestry hanging overhead and curling against the heat tells her they're in the main body of the shrine. the inner sanctum with, presumably, the most precious artifacts and scrolls, should be ahead.

for the first time, the goal of entering the shrine becomes muddied. persephone finds herself torn between responding to help the trapped people and pressing ahead to save the historical pieces within. something tells her that if she were alone, the choice to pick the latter would be obvious. turning to the girl, she knows she can't show that side of her in front of others, so she covers her reluctance with bravado.

"we need to help them!" she says, almost as much to convince herself as to convince her partner. the pokemon at her side are quick to douse the fires, but the smoke and steam remain, obscuring their vision.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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gilded kind [ m/ff ]
POSTED ON Feb 2, 2019 20:48:41 GMT
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just as urgently as was the torn debris, shuddering in its ember glow, the group moved along. it was difficult to gather a clear image in their route to rescue. especially as the smoke became heavier as did the fire hotter.

druddigon stood forthright in shielding delphi from the intense fester. unfortunately it held a scarce influence in comparison to the other pokemon. the rugged surface of the dragon is its only resistance to such harm.

as they come ever—closer to the center of cornered innocents, the voice of the girl catches her attention. delphi doesn't make note of hesitation in their hazy surroundings, yet, certainly something of worth lay wandering at the back of her mind. 

"over there!" she shouts, noticing a figure trapped by a fallen wooden pillar. the element glares blindly against the large structure. "if you put the fire out, druddigon can break through it!" delphi says to the other, urgency clear in her red eyes. "hang tight! we're gonna get you out!" the attempt is in being heard and in reassurance.

though it is a wonder if either are perceived.

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she / her
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my own blood pains me, the salt as much as the vein
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persephone amavi
gilded kind [ m/ff ]
POSTED ON Feb 15, 2019 18:19:14 GMT
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in her goal-oriented urgency, persephone is driven by action alone and the thought of how to achieve a goal in practice becomes secondary, lost in reckless abandon. the girl's practical suggestion anchors her, and she's relieved for it. while her own pokemon can extinguish and endure the flames, they lack the raw strength of her beast of a companion.

"good thinking," she murmurs, though her contemplative voice is likely lost in cacophony of noise.

twin blasts of water burst forth in concentrated torrents, dousing fires and leaving a heavy veil of steam and smoke in its wake.

the layout of the room becomes more clear when persephone allows herself a moment to trace the outer wall with her eyes, seeing solid wall split into a semi-hidden corridor towards the back, the cloth flap intended to hide it from view hanging limp and charred. if the pillar blocking off the trapped people is removed, then they can push forward into the inner sanctum where the relics and scrolls are typically held.

her pokemon remain at the ready to envelope any escapees in aqua rings to help with any injuries they may have sustained. at the least, the way back should be most clear because they would have fought back the fiercest of the flames.

persephone's true intention shines through in that moment; looking past the trapped people and to the path leading deeper into the shrine. "this place was one of the three first shrines of this nature built in hoenn," she says matter-of-factly, as if that could hide her bitter sadness.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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gilded kind [ m/ff ]
POSTED ON Feb 16, 2019 3:02:04 GMT
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those ambushed by the torrent of flames are lastly bought freedom. druddigon tears through the charred pillar once it has been duly sodden and rid of its fiery nuisance. however — the distinct sorrow in the other girl reaches her, forcing delphi inwardly, in her own curiosity to look back. 

"don't worry," she says, speaking loudly for the frantic maidens, as if disregarding the remorse of the other, "if you follow the path we've made, you'll be able to get out safely!" placing a pale hand against the beast, she continues, "will you escort them out for me, zeph?" the boisterous calling is more prominent than the rest. just as quickly, the group follows the moving dragon. 

there is a silence that overlooks the remaining girls. as delphi watches the rest disappear, her shuffling hand releases a new aid to the cause. "it would be sad," she starts, as if carefully thinking over her words, "it would be sad...if they lost everything." the prominent smile is as good—willed as before.

she understands the feelings of the other — at least to some degree. "there are other things worth saving, right?" the flicker of her own time, swept up in a mystery that not even the league could fathom, was all that kept her bound to such words. delphi moves forward, assuming that the girl will follow.   

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she / her
november 23
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my own blood pains me, the salt as much as the vein
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persephone amavi
gilded kind [ m/ff ]
POSTED ON Feb 18, 2019 18:22:16 GMT
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she recalls the relicanth; untouched by the flames through his tough rock hide, the bulk of the flames have been extinguished and his assistance is no longer required. what remains the milotic can handle alone.

persephone is hesitating, paralysed in place for several long moments even as the shrine maidens rush past them to safety. the girl's words are valid and she can't argue with them, not aloud. something larger than all of them is going be reduced to charred to ash, something that should have outlasted them all by design.

like pulling on puppet strings, she forces her lips into a smile that mirrors the other girl's, though it doesn't even come close to reaching her eyes.

"yes," she says slowly, eventually willing herself to follow. the shrine is a hollow husk, wood beams seared black, creaking precariously even after the fires are extinguished.

"the next hall should be the last." but it's also where the scrolls are kept, were kept - she expects the parchment to have functioned like kindling. persephone doesn't say it because she knows she wouldn't be able to keep her voice steady.

in truth she's surprised they don't find bodies.

the damage isn't as bad as expected either, but the acrid smoke hung in the air thickly.

regardless persephone's relief is plain as she steps forward, tracing her fingers against the engraved wooden crates. maybe it's divine providence that protected the area, maybe some of the shrine maidens had expended their energy to fight the flames back from the spot.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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gilded kind [ m/ff ]
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2019 1:42:33 GMT
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the certainty of their condition is a scarce hope.

even delphi — thought dreadfully in a sorrowful riddance to all that remained of history. scrolls, vulnerable to the flames were easily subject to fade into ash. however, as they made way to their destination, the innermost had surprisingly been untouched. 

she smiles, noting the relief of the other girl in her careful gesture. "we should be able to move these safely outside," the surface, although a little dusty, is not as searing as the rest, "thank goodness they've been unharmed!" she says, expressing her content quite clearly in the merry tone of her voice.

the eventual release from the smog flooded shrine is done with a heavy sigh. it was but a few paces back and forth, but now, they've finally brought the last of the crates into the safety of the outside. 

druddigon approaches, relieved and both content that it had done its job with providing sufficient aid. her pale hand touches the crimson of its head, stroking it affectionately. "lets go home, yeah?" she said, no longer willing to stand around. 

before anyone could notice, delphi was already gone.

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POSTED ON Feb 19, 2019 7:43:27 GMT
you receive the following: 75 poké and 5 infamy and 5 heart scales