crow makes a plotter (dont look pls)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
crow makes a plotter (dont look pls)
POSTED ON May 15, 2022 16:18:06 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar






faction: league[break]
specialties: dragon[break]
battle prowess: ★★★★★[break][break]

age: twenty-five [break]
pronouns: she/her[break]
sexuality: bi / ace spectrum[break]
romantic status: complicated[break][break]

occupational focuses: battle prowess, avatar studies, liberation[break]
other strong skills: archery, dragon behavior, strategy in war[break]
hobbies: getting the shit beat out of her by [break][break]

family: theodore morningstar (adoptive father - NPC), sophia morningstar (adoptive mother - NPC) [break][break]

current goals:

investigate alt-rayquaza's scale - given to her by alt!freya following the events of father winter's gamble. she was forced to leave the dragon god from this hoenn's timeline behind in an alternate realm, but she believes she can bring it back. she just doesn't know who she can trust.[break][break]
slowly extract from 's influence - after being cleansed of the nature's madness he bequeathed her, she seeks time to recover after her fragmentation. he's a powerful ally and an even more powerful adversary, but right now she doesn't know what to do.[break][break]
revitalize her passion for the people of hoenn - politicking is out of the question, but in an effort to do something while she's figuring her shit out, she wants to complete missions and build her name out from the ruins.[break][break]
take back sootopolis - it's her home and she'll be damned if it doesn't get liberated. [break][break]



brought into this world under the light of the full moon in kalos, freya is actually not a born and raised hoenn native. you wouldn't think so, with her bleeding loyalty to sootopolis and the rest of the region's people. but the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. after sixteen years of waiting (and giving up), freya was finally adopted by the morningstar family. at the age of eighteen, she took their name. [break][break]

they groomed her so that she might wear their namesake with pride. on the field, she was praised for her combat abilities and her decisiveness in the face of danger. this coupled with her inherited name had her climbing ranks quickly. after years of grinding the corporate league ladder, a position for the council opened up and she grabbed it. [break][break]

what should have been an illustrious political career was instead mottled with harrowing decisions, red tape, and the return of a loved one that complicated things. see, freya and had gotten it in their heads at their shared foster home that they were going to change the world, ridding the world of the worst one kingpin at a time. their paths diverged, but their passions remained the same and, frustrated with politicking, freya sought out olivia abbiati for answers. [break][break]

thus began the early stages of the a.q.u.a initiative. but freya sought a black ops. a strike team. a salvation for emma and a legal way for them to assume necessary force in a dire situation. [break][break]

she came out of the mossdeep raid a changed woman. beaten, battered, and broken, alexander stone and emma helped her recover. the former patched her wings; the latter her heart. and then all too quickly were both ripped away from her again. alexander, lost to the war as the otherworldly pressed in around them. and emma, scorning her with a final goodbye because it got to be too much.[break][break]

so with no one, she fractured. desperation drove her to and she begged him for purpose. in exchange for her blind loyalty (because anything else was too hard, too much), she demanded the death owed to her - to fall in battle, a blazing spectacle. and so he gifted her nature's madness, warping her, making her his own. [break][break]

it wasn't until her foray with father winter, and a sacrifice made by her au!self that she was freed from tapu fini's hold.


wanted / plot suggestions:

mission partners — in an attempt of self-discovery, she wants to go back to her old ways and that means groundwork. open for pretty much all league-related missions that aren't fluff.[break][break]
connections — for a very long time now, she's thrown her lot in with , but now unsure of the ramifications of such an allegiance, she needs to turn to someone else to investigate this rayquaza scale. scientists, historians, dimensional studies, etc. even from rocket![break][break]

[/PTab={--accent: #D49F3A; --bannerimg: url(https://i.imgur.com/GKwmjpg.png)}]






recovering addict

faction: rocket[break]
specialties: water, electric[break]
battle prowess: ★★☆☆☆[break][break]

age: twenty-three [break]
pronouns: he/him[break]
sexuality: samsexual[break]
romantic status: in love[break][break]

occupational focuses: stay under the radar, make big $$, dr$gs[break]
other strong skills: charismatic af, really good in bed, life of the party[break]
hobbies: totally not doing drugs, swimming, kissin' on his boy[break][break]

family: (sister) [break]merrick prescott (father, NPC)


current goals:

stand up to his old man - ever since his stunt with his and summer's party, merrick's had it out for him. but after getting the shit beat out of him and more importantly, seeing him lay hands on his sister, has knox realizing enough is enough. only thing he doesn't know is merrick's done playing the long game; he wants to clean this up. no loose ends.[break][break]
recover, but for real this time - he's doing really well! living like a hermit with the love of his life certainly helps, but he feels a little bit like a caged animal right now. he wants to be able to say no out there. y'know, where it matters.[break][break]
build a house - with sam. they've talked about it. sam already built him a fuckin' pond. the least he can do is help with a house. or something. maybe hypatia knows how to do that...?



[break][break]PEACOCK BOY[break][break]

wanted / plot suggestions:

friends - he gets along with just about anyone. he's loud-mouthed and has a smile as bright as the sun. (gotta fake it til' it ain't fake, right?) catch him laughing and snarking and boosting you up because he's got so much to give and so few to give to.[break][break]
exes / past flings - he has an illustrious history. like, a lot. homeboy's a slut and he's proud of it. most of his romps in the hay were drug-addled blips in an endless stream of party haze.[break][break]
drug circle - this again, dude? really? c'mon. one bump won't hurt.[break][break]

[/PTab={ --accent: #A5A6B9; --bannerimg: url(https://i.imgur.com/2Sbr2Uu.png)}]






civilian / horticulturist


faction: league[break]
specialties: grass, bug[break]
battle prowess: ★☆☆☆☆[break][break]

age: twenty-seven[break]
pronouns: she/her[break]
sexuality: heterosexual[break]
romantic status: single[break][break]

occupational focuses: plant pokemon rehabilitation, flower shop, beekeeping[break][break]
other strong skills: construction/crafting, time management, optimism[break]
hobbies: guitar, journaling, flower pressing[break][break]

current goals:

broaden her horizons - she's a homebody. loves her garden. loves her workshop. loves her routine. but there's more out there than fallarbor. maybe it's a mid-life crisis, but she wants to do more, see more, be more.[break][break]
family ties - roman hasn't had a whole family in quite a few years, but more than that, willow hasn't either. boruta's family. so are his brothers. and it's about time she got to know them.[break][break]
learn to battle - she's good at nursing them back to health, curing their ailments, knowing weird little facts most others don't. but handling a battlefield? completely out of her field. with the rising threats around the region and the fact that she struggles to rely on anyone else, well, she's gotta step up.



she was always a smart kid. well-liked. fit in with most social circles because she was just a nice person. some girls envied her, but petty squabbles and drama weren't really her thing. so most of her free time in high school was spent collecting flowers or painting or practicing guitar or doing whatever the else managed to catch her interest at the time.[break][break]
when she and got together, she fell head over heels. he'd stand up for those without a voice. he'd bring her flowers even though he didn't know what they meant. he'd promise to do some good in this world. she knew the truth - that he loved her and she loved him and their future was set in stone, clear as day. it's not often many find their soulmate, nevermind so early.[break][break]
they did the thing dumb teenagers do and just shy of seventeen, she was in bo's arms, cheeks red, stomach churning, fingers spread over her belly. and all he did was kiss her cheeks and her nose and grin so wide (even though he was terrified) and he promised her it was gonna be okay.[break][break]
a few weeks later, inexplicably, it was over. heartbroken, terrified, and ashamed - the talk of the school - her parents did what they thought best. packed their bags and took her to the family ranch in fallarbor - a real fixer-upper, something her father had wanted to work on when nearing retirement. and though they struggled to make ends meet, though she blamed herself for their hardship for years, things were...better.[break][break]
she gave all the parts of her she could to roman. but even to this day, she won't deny that it wasn't enough. her mother watched him when she needed a break - some time to herself to compose, to walk in the fields and smell the flowers and remind herself that she's her own person, too. not just mother. mother. mother.[break][break]
she always thought he'd come back. exhausted the scenario in her head over the years. and over those years, she likes to think she hardened. she made art with her father, baked with her mother. she learned the language of flowers backwards and forwards and lived a simple life. and she was happy.[break][break]
eight years later and his name was a small thing in the back of her head, a remnant under dusty memories. sometimes she dreamt of him, but as he was - a clumsy teenager with eyes like sunshine. she wasn't ready for the hunch of his shoulders, the long face, the man he'd become as he stood before her and apologized for everything.

wanted / plot suggestions:

gal pals - she really does need more of them. she's a busy bee so someone who's okay to show up unannounced and make themselves at home would be lovely. she's a quiet soul and needs some fire in her life.[break][break]
rocket target - this is something i'd want to plot in the future after getting a little bit of battle training under her belt. she still doesn't know the extent to bo's time with rocket, but especially after roman's stunts recently, i'd like to think she might be made a target to those with a grudge against the maher family. (this plot is entirely dependent and requires the inclusion of plotting with bo/mad)[BREAK][break]
flower enthusiasts - perks if you know the language of flowers
[/PTab={ --accent: #B2BC93; --bannerimg: url(https://i.imgur.com/GxmmTVe.png)}]






debt collector

faction: rocket[break]
specialties: fighting[break]
battle prowess: ★★★☆☆[break][break]

age: twenty-five[break]
pronouns: she/her[break]
sexuality: gay[break]
romantic status: single[break][break]

occupational focuses: keeping her head low and getting her fuckin' job done[break]
other strong skills: hand-to-hand combat, persuasion, looking really hot[break]
hobbies: working out, underground fighting, pleasing women[break][break]

current goals:

get comfortable - she's a penny pincher. lives in a piece of shit box and eats shit food and wears secondhand clothes so she can squirrel away everything she has and eventually buy a bigass house and relax.[break][break]
find joy - she'll never admit it. there's a hell of a lot of things she won't admit. but turns out the endless grind doesn't really bring joy. she's had the whole world on her shoulders since she was eight and the sky'll come crashing down if she shrugs.[break][break]



her mom held a cigarette pinched between her fingers, smoke curling at her side, said, "if ya so hungry, do somethin' 'bout it." but it's hard when the pockets she pinches and the baulbes she knicks off of passersby are snatched from her bedroom, pawned to pay the sharks swimming around them. hard when she was a burden the moment she was conceived. when it was be useful or get out.[break][break]
put out of the house like a dog and told not to come back 'til she had something to show for it. and when she could take care of herself, her sister came along. a thing that never stopped crying. mom crushed up valium and put it in her bottle.[break][break]
"don't look at ya motha' like that." scored cheeks and a father too shot up to stop the poison choking them tight. she and avery got real good at picking pockets, pulling odd jobs, spitting back at the world when it spat on them.[break][break]
when she got her head on right, she tried to fix avery, too. tried to tell her that everything didn't have to be all fucked up. so they spent the cash on themselves and they crowed into the night and for once, they were happy.[break][break]
the house was a smoldering pile of wreckage. their parents were made to pay with their lives since they couldn't manage to cough up anything else. avery still blames herself.[break][break]

wanted / plot suggestions:

fight club - and are already part of this, but i'm always down to have parker smack around/get smacked around by others.[break][break]
AVERY JONES - jinx faceclaim. someone play her sister :)[break][break]
THE LOVER - caitlyn kiramman faceclaim. please give me disaster lesbians.

[/PTab={ --accent: #A0647E; --bannerimg: url(https://i.imgur.com/hDrGOkw.png)}]






hitwoman / rocket dog

faction: rocket[break]
specialties: menagerie[break]
battle prowess: ★★★★☆[break][break]

age: twenty-seven [break]
pronouns: she/her[break]
sexuality: gay[break]
romantic status: single[break][break]

occupational focuses: transferring her skills from kanto into the wild shit that is hoenn.[break]
other strong skills: ???[break]
hobbies: ????[break][break]

current goals:

• peep




wanted / plot suggestions:

wanted here – yeepr.[break][break]


[/PTab={ --accent: #924d44; --bannerimg: url(https://i.imgur.com/XEA51qk.png)}]






private scientist for silph[break]

faction: ???[break]
specialties: fire, dark[break]
battle prowess: ★★☆☆☆[break][break]

age: twenty-nine [break]
pronouns: she/her[break]
sexuality: pansexual[break]
romantic status: obsessed[break][break]

occupational focuses: science & discovery[break]
other strong skills: lacking a moral compass, sultry persuasion, disguise[break]
hobbies: oil & acrylic painting, art gallery maintenance[break][break]

family: UNKNOWN[break][break]

current goals:

• help with all of his endeavors[break]
• dive deeper into the past that's slowly been unraveling for her




wanted / plot suggestions:

let me think on it[break][break]



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it's a long life full of long nights